[Cloud Computing]Mechanisms: Resource Cluster

Resource Cluster

Cloud-based IT resources that are geographically diverse can be logically combined into groups to improve their allocation and use. The resource cluster mechanism is used to group multiple IT resource instances so that they can be operated as a single IT resource. This increases the combined computing capacity, load balancing, and availability of the clustered IT resources.

Resource cluster architectures rely on high-speed dedicated network connections, or cluster nodes, between IT resource instances to communicate about workload distribution, task scheduling, data sharing, and system synchronization. A cluster management platform that is running as distributed middleware in all of the cluster nodes is usually responsible for these activities. This platform implements a coordination function that allows distributed IT resources to appear as one IT resource, and also executes IT resources inside the cluster.

Common resource cluster types include:

  • Server Cluster – Physical or virtual servers are clustered to increase performance and availability. Hypervisors running on different physical servers can be configured to share virtual server execution state (such as memory pages and processor register state) in order to establish clustered virtual servers. In such configurations, which usually require physical servers to have access to shared storage, virtual servers are able to live-migrate from one to another. In this process, the virtualization platform suspends the execution of a given virtual server at one physical server and resumes it on another physical server. The process is transparent to the virtual server operating system and can be used to increase scalability by live-migrating a virtual server that is running at an overloaded physical server to another physical server that has suitable capacity.
  • Database Cluster – Designed to improve data availability, this high-availability resource cluster has a synchronization feature that maintains the consistency of data being stored at different storage devices used in the cluster. The redundant capacity is usually based on an active-active or active-passive failover system committed to maintaining the synchronization conditions.
  • Large Dataset Cluster – Data partitioning and distribution is implemented so that the target datasets can be efficiently partitioned without compromising data integrity or computing accuracy. Each cluster node processes workloads without communicating with other nodes as much as in other cluster types.

Many resource clusters require cluster nodes to have almost identical computing capacity and characteristics in order to simplify the design of and maintain consistency within the resource cluster architecture. The cluster nodes in high-availability cluster architectures need to access and share common storage IT resources. This can require two layers of communication between the nodes—one for accessing the storage device and another to execute IT resource orchestration (Figure 1). Some resource clusters are designed with more loosely coupled IT resources that only require the network layer (Figure 2).

Figure 1 - Load balancing and resource replication are implemented through a cluster enabled hypervisor. A dedicated storage area network is used to connect the clustered storage and the clustered servers, which are able to share common cloud storage devices. This simplifies the storage replication process, which is independently carried out at the storage cluster.

Figure 2 - A loosely coupled server cluster that incorporates a load balancer. There is no shared storage. Resource replication is used to replicate cloud storage devices through the network by the cluster software.

There are two basic types of resource clusters:

  • Load Balanced Cluster – This resource cluster specializes in distributing workloads among cluster nodes to increase IT resource capacity while preserving the centralization of IT resource management. It usually implements a load balancer mechanism that is either embedded within the cluster management platform or set up as a separate IT resource.
  • High-Availability (HA) Cluster – A high-availability cluster maintains system availability in the event of multiple node failures, and has redundant implementations of most of all of the clustered IT resources. It implements a failover system mechanism that monitors failure conditions and automatically redirects the workload away from any failed nodes.

The provisioning of clustered IT resources can be considerably more expensive than the provisioning of individual IT resources that have an equivalent computing capacity.

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和优势。 云计算是一种基于互联网的计算模式。它提供了一种共享资源的方式,包括计算能力、存储空间和应用程序。云计算将这些资源分配给用户,使他们能够根据需要进行扩展和调整。云计算的主要概念是通过网络提供计算服务并以租用的方式供用户使用。用户无需购买独立的硬件和软件,只需根据需求进行选择。 云计算的核心技术主要有以下几个方面。首先是虚拟化技术,将物理资源抽象为虚拟资源,使其能够被多个用户共享。其次是弹性计算技术,能够根据用户的需求进行自动扩展和缩小。再次是分布式计算技术,将任务分发到多个计算节点上进行并行处理。此外,云计算还涉及数据中心、网络和安全等方面的技术。 云计算的优势主要体现在以下几个方面。首先是灵活和可扩展,用户可以根据实际需求动态调整使用的资源。其次是经济和高效,用户无需购买昂贵的硬件设备,能够将成本降到最低。再次是高可用性和可靠性,云计算提供了冗余和容错机制,确保用户的应用能够24/7稳定运行。此外,云计算还提供了方便的数据备份和恢复功能,确保数据的安全性。 总的来说,云计算是一种革新性的计算模式,通过提供灵活、经济、高效和可靠的计算资源,为用户带来了许多便利和优势。随着云计算技术的不断发展和创新,它将在各个领域中得到更广泛的应用和推广。


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