

1.World Wind

2.Google Earth

3.Skyline Software/ EarthSLOT





World Wind



This is the only truly opensource 3D engine, where the entire code is accessible.


Software names

World Wind 1.3


- Totally open source,allowing unlimited customization


- No slick user interfaces toput the power of the customizations into the hands of non-programmers

Matt's Recommendations

The 125 MB initial downloadis kind of a bear, but it does allow you work with it offline. I rarely use itsimply because I get everything I need from EarthSLOT and GoogleEarth, whichare much easier to customize as they have consumer-level software that makescustomizations so easy.

Peter's Recommendations

TheWorld Wind interface is minimalistic, yet well implemented. World Wind doesn'tallow for much user interaction, and thus has no need for a complex userinterface. Since World Wind is an open source project, interested parties areable to customize their viewer as they please if they have the skills needed todo so. Clickhere tolearn more about accessing their source code. The one feature that makes WorldWind stand out is the ability to instantly apply vertical exaggeration to theterrain.

World Wind's forum
EarthSLOT'sforum about World Wind


World Wind
URL http://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/

软件名称 World Wind 1.3

Matt的建议 :
的初始下载数据量成为了一种负担,但是允许脱机工作。我本身很少用它,因为我需要的数据都从 EarthSLOT and GoogleEarth获得, EarthSLOTGoogleEarth进行用户化定制更加容易,因为它们有易于进行用户化定制的用户级软件。

World Wind
的界面很精简,但是工具很全。WorldWind不支持多用户交互访问,因此它不需要复杂的用户界面。自从World Wind开放资源以后,感兴趣的部门如果拥有技术能力并且需要的话,就能够定制他们自己想要的浏览器。要了解更多的关于如何获取他们的资源代码请点击这里。World Wind崛起的一个特性是由于它允许快速的进行地表高程的夸张。
论坛链接 WorldWind's forum
EarthSLOT's forum about World Wind

相关链接 http://www.worldwindcentral.com/hotspots/

Google Earth


Google Earth primarily sellsa service using a 3D engine (based on Keyhole's technology). Though you can buythe engine itself, you must purchase seats for end-users, meaning that there isno free viewer open to unlimited users.



Software names

Google Earth, Google EarthPlus, Google Earth Pro


- Backed by Google's hugeserver infrastructure, ensuring fast connections and 100% up time, probably foreternity.
- Backed by Google's huge staff of talented techs and aggressivebusiness-to-business marketers
- Huge user-base contributing new content and tools daily
- Huge sets of GIS layers come standard, such as restaurants, drivingdirections, and the like, great for tourism and retail
- The KML language makes it easy to write your own scripts to automaticallyupdate your applications to include new data (like recent earthquakes orsatellite imagery)
- Has a very extensive database of high resolution imagery, particularly overcities


- Being a for profit service,their functionality is going to be limited to those features they think areprofitable to them, so their flexibility is not as great as other packages.
- Their GIS support is marginal, with large shapefiles having difficultydisplaying and some misregistration to their spherical (non-elliptical) earthmodel

Matt's Recommendations

It is an awesome tool, greatfor sharing locational information and simple educational content because itcan handle unlimited user loads. I'm still not sure of its accuracy in terms ofbeing a scientific GIS as they use a spheroid instead of an ellipsoid and someof layers didnt line up correctly; we also had trouble with large shapefiles.But they are not aiming to be a science tool, but a consumer tool, whereaccuracies to better than several meters are not necessary.

Peter's Recommendations

From a performanceperspective Google Earth (GE) clearly leads the pack. The speed at which thedata is delivered over even low-bandwidth DSL connections is impressive. GoogleEarth also includes the most high resolution data at this time. UnfortunatelyGE currently offers virtually no interface customization, terrain analysis, orother real GIS capabilities. It will be interesting to see where Google'snearly unlimited resources will take GE in the future.

Forum link

Google's forum
EarthSLOTforum about Google Earth

Related links


Google Earth
Google Earth
URL http://earth.google.com

软件名称 Google Earth, Google Earth Plus, Google Earth Pro
优势 - 基于Google的庞大的服务器设备,确保快速连接和100%时间都在线,这个100%都还不够形容,也许是永远都在线。


论坛链接 Google'sforum
EarthSLOT forum about Google Earth

相关链接 http://www.gearthblog.com/

Skyline Software / EarthSLOT


Skyline sells a product thatgives users the power to create and serve their own Earth Models andApplications on disk or over the internet. EarthSLOT uses Skyline's softwareand presents it to the public as a service to create custom Earth Models andhost earth science applications based on them (that is, EarthSLOT is a customerof Skyline).


http://www.skylinesoft.com-- Skyline's web page
http://www.earthslot.org-- our implemenation of Skyline's engine

Software names

TerraExplorer, TerraExplorerPro, TerraBuilder, TerraGate, TerraPhoto3D


- Allows for easy creation ofApplications using TerraExplorer Pro
- Can easily create fully automated applications that tour users around, butallow them to break off and explore on their own
- A full-featured API allows for custom tool creation (like new measurementtools, custom web interfaces with increased/decreased functionality, etc).Using the API, savvy users do not need to purchase any software to make customcontent, though this is recommended simply because it so good
- Both global and planar Earth Models can be created, and these can saved asstand-alone applications not requiring internet access
- Their Collaboration Tool allows a user to control the screens of an unlimitednumber of other users as they fly around -- great for distance education,scientific collaboration, disaster management, etc.
- TerraPhoto3D is a pure HTML client that can be used on Macintosh or Unixmachines to access the same Earth Models one frame at a time


- At this time, trials andpurchases of the Pro version are not automated, slowing down new users fromtrying it out
- The free viewer cannot be used to make any modifications or customizations

Matt's Recommendations

Use these resources if youwant to create educational packages with full automation, custom viewers withinyour own web pages, or if you have your own imagery that you would like to seein 3D (contact us to create the latter).

Peter's Recommendations

Skyline's engine is by farthe most easily customizable using the provided API which can be accessed fromany COM capable language (VBScript, JavaScript, C#, C++, etc.). While otherengines do offer the ability to create portable content (content that doesn'trequire an Internet connection), Skyline's engine is the only one that can beused to create 100% portable content to be used on any removable media. Thevariety of tools that are implemented in this engine makes Skyline/EarthSLOT agood choice for users who want to do more than just look at the Earth.

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Forum links

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EarthSLOTforum about Skyline

Skyline Software / EarthSLOT
URL http://www.skylinesoft.com
http://www.earthslot.org – skyline
软件名称TerraExplorer, TerraExplorer Pro, TerraBuilder, TerraGate, TerraPhoto3D
优势 - 使用TerraExplorer Pro可以轻松创建应用软件

- TerraPhoto3D
是纯粹的 HTML客户机程序,Macintosh Unix机器能够通过它访问同样的全球模型,每次一帧画面。
劣势 -目前位置,Pro版本的试用和购买都不是自动化的,这减慢了新用户试用它的进程。
的建议 :



论坛链接Skyline's forum
EarthSLOT forum about Skyline



GeoFusion offers both aproduct and service, in that you can fly around the Earth Models they havecreated or buy their software and create your own.



Software names

GeoMatrix Toolkit, GeoPlayer


- Ability to fade betweendifferent streamed imagery layers
- Handles multiple iimagery and terrain data inserts
- Highly customizable user interface
- Supports access to multiple local and remote data feeds
- API allows creation of wide range of applications
- Free GeoPlayer activeX control can run in IE browser, Macromedia Director, orother compatable containers
- GeoPlayer web interface can be tailored for the data displayed using HTML orFlash with JavaScript.
- Provides more efficient and superior quality polar rendering than othersystems.


- Flight controls aredesigned around a mouse rather than keyboard
- No modifications are possible with the free viewer, at this time, but anauthoring tool and tile server are apparently in the works

Matt's Recommendations

It's an awesome tool, andclearly it's greatest strength is the ability to fade between different imagerylayers while in 3D, which none of the other engines are currently doing. At thepresent time, it's utility as a customizable GIS is limited to those who havepurchased the full package.

Peter's Recommendations

I can't really say much aboutthis as I have only tried the free viewer for a short period of time. Theimplementation of the ability to fade between imagery layers is much betterthan in Google Earth. It seems that the GeoMatrix Toolkit, which would allowend-users full customization of the viewer application, is C++ based. While C++is a great choice for those who wish to truly build their own highly customizedviewers, it will likely discourage the average user from attempting to modifythe user interface or functionality.

URL http://www.geofusion.com/


软件名称 GeoMatrix Toolkit, GeoPlayer
免费的GeoPlayeractiveX control可以在IE浏览器、Macromedia Director或其他支持软件上运行
- GeoPlayer
目前为止,免费的viewer不能够进行任何编辑操作,但是众所周知,有一个许可的工具和tile server是支持编辑操作的

Matt的建议 :

我说不了太多的内容因为我很少用它的免费viewer。它在不同级分辨率影像层之间的无缝镶嵌的功能实现的确实要比Google Earth的好。
论坛链接 EarthSLOT's forum about GeoFusion

PerformanceConsiderations between engines

Eachof the 3D Engine has different performance limitations. Skyline products willinstall on pretty much any Windows system, though it may have trouble on someWindows98. World Wind is not picky when it comes to installations either.Google Earth will not install unless your screen resolution is at least1024x768 and your desktop color depth is 32-bit.

TheSkyline 3D engine used by EarthSLOT has the advantage that it doesn'tnecessarily require an Internet connection. At EarthSLOT we can create highlyportable content that will fit on a USB Flash Drive, CD, or DVD, so that the end user canbe mobile with the 3D visuaization. This is especially useful for scientificfieldwork, or under any other circumstance in which a fast Internet connectionis not guaranteed. The amount of imagery within such applications is obviously limitedby the size of the disk; our main earth model is over 2 TB.

Theonline delivery of EarthSLOT does rely on a fast Internet connection. While Ihave received feedback from a European user who found the speed of his 128kb/sISDN connection acceptable, I would personally recommend at to get as fast of aconnection as you possibly can. Since EarthSLOT is co-located on an Internet2site, other Internet2 users will be able to access this service at the highestpossible connection speed.

Endusers of the Skyline 3D engine through EarthSLOT will have to keep in mine thatthis is a project that is being run with limited resources at this time. TheEarthSLOT transfer speeds generated by the our single server rather than thehundreds of computers world-wide serving GoogleEarth, and thus its performancemay be comparitively limited at times.

GoogleEarth delivers the best performance when it comes to data transfer speedsbetween the GE servers and the end user. NASA's World Wind is somewhat of ahybrid, where the initial data the end user sees is installed with theapplication, and only once the user zooms in to obtain a greater level ofdetail, then the NASA OnEarth server is contacted to stream additional data.The main problem is that the OnEarth server is quite often experiencing severeoverload and the response times are very long to a point where data requeststime out.

GoogleEarth is the most hardware demanding engine of the three, followed bySkyline/EarthSLOT, with NASA's World Wind having very modest hardwarerequirements. Generally speaking a fast Internet connection and a high endgraphic card are recommended for either 3D engine.

GeoFusion'sproduct does a great job of streaming multiple imagery layers, which clearlyseems to be one of its strength in terms of performance. At the moment, thereis a bit of a lag of the initial low res imagery (showing a black screen untilit comes in), but the ability to blend between massive imagery layers smoothlyis truly a powerful feature.


每一种3D引擎在其性能上都有不相同的局限性。Skyline的产品可以安装在任何Windows操作系统上,但是有的时候安装在Windows98上可能会有问题。World Wind在每一种操作系统上安装都是无可挑剔的。Google Earth必须要在你的屏幕分辨率至少在1024×768以上,并且桌面颜色质量是32位的基础上才能够安装。

EarthSLOT所使用的Skyline3D引擎有它的优势,那就是它不需要网络连接。使用EarthSLOT我们可以创建高质量的portable content,它可以适用于U盘、CDDVD,这样终端用户可以把3D可视化变成移动的。这对于科学野外工作,或者是没有快速网络连接的环境下尤其有用。但是显而易见,这样的打包文件所能容纳的影像数据量的大小取决于存储磁盘的大小。我们的地球模型的数据量要超过2TB

EarthSLOT的在线传输是基于快速的网络连接的。我曾经收到过一个欧洲用户的反馈,他觉得他的128b/s ISDN的网络连接速度是可以接受的。我个人建议使用尽可能快的网络连接。EarthSLOTInternet2代站点上是协同定位的,Internet2代的用户就能够以尽可能快的速度来访问这项服务。

通过EarthSLOT使用Skyline3D引擎的终端用户必须紧记目前这是一个在有限资源上运行的项目。EarthSLOT的传输速度是由我们的单一服务器产生的,而不是由全球范围的上百台电脑共同工作的Google Earth,因此目前看来,它的性能和Google Earth相比会差一些。

Google Earth速度方面的性能在GE服务器和终端用户之间进行数据传输时是最好的。NASAWorld Wind多少缺少一些专业性,终端用户所看到的数据是跟随软件一起安装的,而且一旦用户放大想要获得更高分辨率的影像时,NASA的全球服务器就要调用其他的数据。最主要的问题时它的全球服务器经常会出现超负荷的情况,因此对单个地址的响应时间会很久致使数据请求因超时而终止联接。

Google Earth是这三个引擎中对硬件要求最高的,其次是Skyline/EarthSLOT,对硬件要求最低的则是NASAWorld Wind。一般而言,对于所有的这些3D引擎,建议使用告高速的网络连接和高性能的显卡。



Skylineleads then way when it comes to importing vector based data and 3D objectsupport and use as a scientific GIS. Google Earth does offer a GIS data importextension (for $200/annually), but in comparison to the Skyline's feature richbuilt-in capability the GE importer is clunky at best. World Wind providesextremely limited GIS data import capabilities and those who wish to add theirown data need to be familiar with writing add-on features for World Wind.GeoFusion also has the ability to turn on and off GIS layers, but it seems towork along the lines of a traditional IMS where the interface used for layercontrol is customized for each application.

Skylinealso provides a large number of tools for terrain and situational analysis(such as viewshed analysis, contour map generation on the fly, just to name acouple), clearly showing Skyline's upbringing in the defense, intelligence, andhomeland security sector. Google Earth only provides rudimentary distance andarea (paid version only) measurement tools, while World Wind trails the packwith very limited analysis capabilities.

GoogleEarthcurrently provides the easiest means to import your own imagery. However, themethod they use for this is not as slick as the streamed based imagery. Thatis, any user-imported imagery must be downloaded completely before beingdisplayed; tiliing speeds the downloading of larger tiles. An added complicatedto this is that the user-supplied imagery comes from the user's own server, notGoogle's, which can substantially increase download times.

Theone feature that makes World Wind stand out is the ability to instantly applyvertical exaggeration to the terrain. While Skyline supports differentexaggerations as well, they need to be pre-set before the end user accesses thedata. There is no elevation exaggeration support in Google Earth. We do notapply vertical exageration to most of our earth models created with Skyline, asthis affects the measurement tools involving vertical distances.

Skylinealso offers several features not found in the other packages. Users can embed a3D window into their own web pages, for example, using the API to create acustom viewer. There is also a collaboration tool, whereby one user can controlthe screens of unlimited other users while flying around; this tool iscurrently only available using the Pro version of TerraExplorer, but using theAPI someone could code an open source version of this.

GeoFusionoffers the GeoMatrix Toolkit, a C++ SDK for building earth visualizationapplications and a free web-based viewer called GeoPlayer. Their core GeoMatrixtechnology renders imagery, terrain, vector, and annotation data on the globeusing a multiresolution tiling system. The GeoMatrix Toolkit can be used toprogram your own commercial level applciations (ESRI used it for ArcGlobe)where you can add your OpenGL graphics for drawing any content you want on theglobe. GeoPlayer is their new web streaming player that can access both local andmultiple remote data feeds to create a virtual planet. It is based on the sameGeoMatrix technology and has an API that allows full control of the view andobejcts placed on the globe. It is designed to create custom"gateways" or digital planetary content for telling your story and issupported by fly to and full animation path functionality. GeoPlayer will soonbe followed up with an authoring tool and tile server. GeoFusion also providessoftware integration services.


在叠加矢量数据和支持三维模型对象加载方面Skyline成为了主导者,并且Skyline是作为一个科学的GIS系统被应用的。Google Earth确实也提供了GIS数据加载的扩展功能(每年200美元),但是同Skyline丰富的嵌入式能力相比较,GE的加载器最多也就是一声闷响而已,没有了后续。World Wind提供的GIS数据加载功能非常有限,而且如果你想要加载自己的数据,你需要非常熟悉World Wind编写的附加特性。GeoFusion同样具有开关GIS层的功能,但是它的设计好像是追随传统的IMS,它应用于图层控制的界面是针对每个软件专门定制的。

Skyline同时也提供了大量的地形环境分析工具(比如视域分析,只要进行对角点的确定就能在fly上生成等高线轮廓图),明显表明了Skyline的诞生起源于国防、军事情报和国家安全等方面。Google Earth只提供基本的距离和面积的测量工具(只限于付费版本),而World Wind还只限于提供非常有限的分析功能。

目前,Google Earth提供了叠加自己的影像的最简单的方法。但是他们采用的这种方法使用户自己的影像同基于他们所传输提供的影像之间不能够进行平滑过渡。即任何用户叠加的影像必须先要被完全下载之后才能够显示,逐级解析加速了大量影像块的载入。这样的设置增加了它的复杂性,因为用户提供的影像是来源于用户自己的服务器,这样当然会增加下载时间。

World Wind崛起的一个特性是由于它能够快速的对地表高程进行夸张。Skyline同样也支持不同程度的地形夸张,但是需要在终端用户访问之前进行提前设置。Google Earth不支持对地形夸张。对于用Skyilne创建的大部分全球模型,我们不会进行地形的垂直夸张,因为这样会影响垂直距离测量工具的准确性。


GeoFusion提供GeoMatrix工具包,它是一个基于C++SDK,用来创建全球可视化的应用软件,同时它也是一个基于网络的浏览器,被命名为GeoPlayer。它的核心GeoMatrix技术是采用逐级解析算法将影像、高程、矢量和注记层的数据整合到全球模型上。GeoMatrix工具包可以用来编写你自己的商业级的软件程序(ESRI在其ArcGlobe上使用它),在上面你可以添加你的OpenGL图像算法,这样在地球模型上你可以你想要的任何内容。GeoPlayerGeoFusion的新的网络传输工具,它能够通过访问本地和多个远程数据集来创建虚拟全球场景。它是基于相同的GeoMatrix技术,拥有的API支持浏览的全面操纵,可以对对象的位置进行编辑。它被设计成可以创建自定义的网关或者数字行星模式向用户显示,并且可以实现飞到和全动态路线漫游的功能。GeoPlayer马上就会升级为一个认证工具和多级服务器(tile server)。GeoFusion还提供软件整合服务。





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