No. 15 - Fibonacci Sequences

No. 15 - Fibonacci Sequences

Problem: Please implement a function which returns the n th number in Fibonacci sequences with an input n. Fibonacci sequence is defined as:

Analysis: It is a classic interview questions to get numbers in Fibonacci sequences. We have different solutions for it, and their performance varies a lot.

Solution 1: Inefficient recursive solution

Fibonacci sequences are taken as examples to lecture recursive functions in many C/C++ textbooks, so most of candidates are familiar with the recursive solution. They feel confident and delighted when they meet this problem during interviews, because the can write the following code in short time:

long  long Fibonacci( unsigned  int n)
     if(n <= 0)
         return 0;

     if(n == 1)
         return 1;

     return Fibonacci(n - 1) + Fibonacci(n - 2);

Our textbooks take Fibonacci sequences as examples for recursive functions does not necessarily mean that recursion is a good solution for Fibonacci sequences. Interviewers may tell candidates that the performance of this recursive solution is quite bad, and ask them to analyze root causes.

Let us take f(10) as an example to analyze the recursive process. We have to get f(9) and f(8) before we get f(10). Meanwhile, f(8) and f(7) are needed before we get f(9). The dependency can be visualized in a tree as shown in Figure 1:

It is not difficult to notice that there are many duplicate nodes in the tree in Figure 1. The number of duplicated nodes increases dramatically when n increases.  Readers may have a try on the 100 thnumber if Fibonacci sequences to have intuitive ideas about how slow this recursive solution is.

Solution 2: Practical Solution with O(n) efficiency

It is easy to optimize performance fortunately if we calculate from bottom. That is to say, we get f(2) based on f(0) and f(1), and get f(3) based on f(1) and f(2). We follow this pattern till we get f(n). It is obvious that its time complexity is O(n). Its corresponding code is shown below:

long  long Fibonacci( unsigned n)
     int result[2] = {0, 1};
     if(n < 2)
         return result[n];

     long  long  fibNMinusOne = 1;
     long  long  fibNMinusTwo = 0;
     long  long  fibN = 0;
     for( unsigned  int i = 2; i <= n; ++ i)
        fibN = fibNMinusOne + fibNMinusTwo;

        fibNMinusTwo = fibNMinusOne;
        fibNMinusOne = fibN;

      return fibN;

Solution 3: O(logn) solution

Usually interviewers expect the O(n) solution above. However, there is an O( logn) solution available, which is based on an uncommon equation as shown below:

It is not difficult to prove this equation vithmathematical induction. Interested readers may have try.

Now the only problem is how to calculate power of a matrix. We can calculate power with exponent n in O( logn) time with the following equation:

The source code to get power of a matrix looks complicated, which is listed below:

#include  <cassert>

struct Matrix2By2
         long  long m00 = 0,
         long  long m01 = 0,
         long  long m10 = 0,
         long  long m11 = 0
    :m_00(m00), m_01(m01), m_10(m10), m_11(m11)

     long  long m_00;
     long  long m_01;
     long  long m_10;
     long  long m_11;

Matrix2By2 MatrixMultiply
     const Matrix2By2& matrix1,
     const Matrix2By2& matrix2
     return Matrix2By2(
        matrix1.m_00 * matrix2.m_00 + matrix1.m_01 * matrix2.m_10,
        matrix1.m_00 * matrix2.m_01 + matrix1.m_01 * matrix2.m_11,
        matrix1.m_10 * matrix2.m_00 + matrix1.m_11 * matrix2.m_10,
        matrix1.m_10 * matrix2.m_01 + matrix1.m_11 * matrix2.m_11);

Matrix2By2 MatrixPower( unsigned  int n)
    assert(n > 0);

    Matrix2By2 matrix;
     if(n == 1)
        matrix = Matrix2By2(1, 1, 1, 0);
     else  if(n % 2 == 0)
        matrix = MatrixPower(n / 2);
        matrix = MatrixMultiply(matrix, matrix);
     else  if(n % 2 == 1)
        matrix = MatrixPower((n - 1) / 2);
        matrix = MatrixMultiply(matrix, matrix);
        matrix = MatrixMultiply(matrix, Matrix2By2(1, 1, 1, 0));

     return matrix;

long  long Fibonacci( unsigned  int n)
     int result[2] = {0, 1};
     if(n < 2)
         return result[n];

    Matrix2By2 PowerNMinus2 = MatrixPower(n - 1);
     return PowerNMinus2.m_00;

Even though it cost only O( logn) time in theory, its hidden constant parameter is quite big, so it is not treated as a practical solution in real software development. Additionally, it is not a recommended solution during interviews since its implementation code is very complex.

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