Design Pattern - Creational Patterns - Singleton Pattern

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Section 5, Chapter 2

Singleton Pattern


The Singleton pattern is a way to provide global access to a class instance without making the constructor available outside the class. The singleton class instantiates itself and maintains that instance across multiple process threads. Only singular class instance is allowed to exist, not multiple ones.


We have a class that we wish to have globally accessible in our application. We want to allow only one instance of that class to exist, and want the class itself to control its scope. For purposes of state management, we need a class instance to be provided for each method on the class instead of making the methods static (shared between threads). This pattern is handy for creating classes for holding code to perform database select queries.


The singleton class acts as a global repository for an instance of itself, whose constructor is private. So no instance outside the class can be created, and only one instance resides inside the singleton.


With Lock

To control multi-threaded access we use the lock statement outside the instance creation. This allows us to lock the instance creation to a single thread (the first one). This is important to keep multiple threads from creating their own instance before the first thread gets through the code.

All the following process threads after the first one will see a non-null instance of our MDIWindow class and not try to create it again.

class MDIWindow
	private MDIWindow __instance;
	private MDIWindow()
	//... no-op for a singleton

	//Lazy creation of singleton internal instance
	public static MDIWindow Instance
				if(__instance == null)
					__instance = new MDIWindow();
			return __instance;

With mutex or semaphore

Another way to do this is to use a mutex or a semaphore. A mutex is a thread synchronization device that allows access to only one thread.

The difference between a mutex and a semaphore is that a mutex enforces thread identity, and the semaphore does not.

Comment: the rest of the sample code is messy.

December 2007

Section 3, Chapter 5

Chapter 3

GoF Definition: Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it.

In a software system sometimes we may decide to use only one file system. Usually we may use it for the centralized management of resources.

package singleton.pattern.demo;
class MakeACaptain
	private static MakeACaptain _captain;
	//We make the constructor private to prevent the use of "new"
	private MakeACaptain() { }
	public static MakeACaptain getCaptain()
		// Lazy initialization
		if (_captain == null)
		{ _captain = new MakeACaptain();
			System.out.println("New Captain selected for our team");
			System.out.print("You already have a Captain for your team.");
			System.out.println("Send him for the toss.");
		return _captain;

class SingletonPatternEx
	public static void main(String[] args)
		System.out.println("***Singleton Pattern Demo***\n");
		System.out.println("Trying to make a captain for our team");
		MakeACaptain c1 = MakeACaptain.getCaptain();
		System.out.println("Trying to make another captain for our team");
		MakeACaptain c2 = MakeACaptain.getCaptain();
		if (c1 == c2)
			System.out.println("c1 and c2 are same instance");

Concern of thread safety

Solution with synchronized

public static synchronized MakeACaptain getCaptain()
	//our code

With this solution we need to pay for the performance cost associated with this synchronization method.

Eager initialization solution

class MakeACaptain
	//Early initialization
	private static MakeACaptain _captain = new MakeACaptain();
	//We make the constructor private to prevent the use of "new"
	private MakeACaptain() { }
	// Global point of access //MakeACaptain.getCaptain() is a public static //method
	public static MakeACaptain getCaptain()
		return _captain;

Bill Pugh solution

class MakeACaptain
	private static MakeACaptain _captain;
	private MakeACaptain() { }
	//Bill Pugh solution
	private static class SingletonHelper{
		//Nested class is referenced after getCaptain() is called
		private static final MakeACaptain _captain = new MakeACaptain();
	public static MakeACaptain getCaptain()
		return SingletonHelper._captain;

March 25, 2002
Chapter 8

package com.oozinoz.machine;
public class Factory_2 {
	private static Factory_2 factory;
	private static final Object classLock = Factory_2.class;
	private long wipMoves;
	private Factory_2()
		wipMoves = 0;
	public static Factory_2 getFactory()
		synchronized (classLock)
			if (factory == null)
				factory = new Factory_2();
			return factory;
	public void recordWipMove()
		// challenge!
	// ...

Section 3, Chapter 9



var mySingleton = {
  property1: "something",
  property2: "something else",
  method1: function () {
    console.log('hello world');


var mySingleton = function () {
    // here are our private methods and variables
    var privateVariable = 'something private';

    function showPrivate() {
    // public variables and methods (which can access
    // private variables and methods )
    return {
      publicMethod: function () {
      publicVar: 'the public can see this!'
var single = mySingleton();
single.publicMethod(); // logs 'something private'
console.log(single.publicVar); // logs 'the public can see this!'


var Singleton = (function () {
  var instantiated;

  function init() {
    // singleton here
    return {
      publicMethod: function () {
        console.log('hello world');
      publicProperty: 'test'
  return {
    getInstance: function () {
      if (!instantiated) {
        instantiated = init();
      return instantiated;
// calling public methods is then as easy as:


var SingletonTester = (function () {
  // options: an object containing configuration options for the singleton
  // e.g var options = { name: 'test', pointX: 5};
  function Singleton(options) {
    // set options to the options supplied or an empty object if none provided.
    options = options || {};
    //set the name parameter = 'SingletonTester';
    //set the value of pointX
    this.pointX = args.pointX || 6;
    //set the value of pointY
    this.pointY = args.pointY || 10;
  // this is our instance holder
  var instance;
  // this is an emulation of static variables and methods
  var _static = {
    name: 'SingletonTester',
    // This is a method for getting an instance
    // It returns a singleton instance of a singleton object
    getInstance: function (options) {
      if (instance === undefined) {
        instance = new Singleton(options);
      return instance;
  return _static;
var singletonTest = SingletonTester.getInstance({
  pointX: 5
console.log(singletonTest.pointX); // outputs 5


Section 1, Chapter 7



  • 全局变量
  • 构造函数的属性
  • 一个新闭包


function Universe() {
  // do we have an existing instance?
  if (typeof Universe.instance === "object") {
    return Universe.instance;
  // proceed as normal
  this.start_time = 0;
  this.bang = "Big";
  // cache
  Universe.instance = this;
  // implicit return:
  // return this;
// testing
var uni = new Universe();
var uni2 = new Universe();
uni === uni2; // true



function Universe() {
  // the cached instance
  var instance = this;
  // proceed as normal
  this.start_time = 0;
  this.bang = "Big";
  // rewrite the constructor
  Universe = function () {
    return instance;
// testing
var uni = new Universe();
var uni2 = new Universe();
uni === uni2; // true


// adding to the prototype
Universe.prototype.nothing = true;
var uni = new Universe();
// again adding to the prototype
// after the initial object is created
Universe.prototype.everything = true;
var uni2 = new Universe();
// only the original prototype was
// linked to the objects
uni.nothing; // true
uni2.nothing; // true
uni.everything; // undefined
uni2.everything; // undefined
// that sounds right:; // "Universe"
// but that's odd:
uni.constructor === Universe; // false


function Universe() {
  // the cached instance
  var instance;
  // rewrite the constructor
  Universe = function Universe() {
    return instance;
  // carry over the prototype properties
  Universe.prototype = this;
  // the instance
  instance = new Universe();
  // reset the constructor pointer
  instance.constructor = Universe;
  // all the functionality
  instance.start_time = 0;
  instance.bang = "Big";
  return instance;


var Universe;
(function () {
  var instance;
  Universe = function Universe() {
    if (instance) {
      return instance;
    instance = this;
    // all the functionality
    this.start_time = 0;
    this.bang = "Big";





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