

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "config.h"
#include "global.h"

/* private prototypes */
static void calc_actj _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *frame));
static double var_sblk _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *p, int lx));

/* rate control variables */
int Xi, Xp, Xb, r, d0i, d0p, d0b;
double avg_act;
static int R, T, d;
static double actsum;
static int Np, Nb, S, Q;
static int prev_mquant;

void rc_init_seq()
  /* reaction parameter (constant)

  *  bit_rate , frame_rate从参数文档中在初始化的时候读取.
  *  r表示一个2帧图片的占用的带宽。也就是预测的buffer的大小。

  if (r==0)  r = (int)floor(2.0*bit_rate/frame_rate + 0.5);

  /* average activity  
   *avg_act 为average activity 对于一个宏块来说,它的activity值为4个8*8块中的最小值。它本
   * 身是用在最近编码的归一化过程中的。400是设置的平均活动性,预设的,以后会修改。
   * GOP的带宽R = G + R,其中G=bit_rate×N/picture_rate //N为(1+N(p)+N(b))GOP中帧的总数,
   *  初始化GOP的时候会计算.自动纠错
  if (avg_act==0.0)  avg_act = 400.0;   /* remaining # of bits in GOP */
  R = 0;

  /* global complexity measure */ //

 * T(I)= max(R/[(1+(N(p)*X(p)/(X(i)*K(p))+(N(b)*X(b)/X(i)*K(b))] , bit_rate/(8*pic_rate));这个公式是求这个GOP中。
预设的I帧的带宽这里R只GOP的总带宽,N(p)是GOP中p帧的个数,X(p)值p帧的复杂度,X(i)指i帧的复杂度。K(p)=1.0 k(b)=1.4为经验值。(N(p)*X(p)/(X(i)*K(p) 表示GOP中所有的P帧相当于多少I帧(预测值)(N(b)*X(b)/X(i)*K(b))表示GOP中所有的B帧相当于多少I帧R/[(1+(N(p)*X(p)/(X(i)*K(p))+(N(b)*X(b)/X(i)*K(b))这个公式预测I帧占用的带宽。后面的 bit_rate/(8*pic_rate)表示I帧的带宽最小不能低于这个公式计算的带宽。。

  if (Xi==0) Xi = (int)floor(160.0*bit_rate/115.0 + 0.5); //I帧的复杂度
  if (Xp==0) Xp = (int)floor( 60.0*bit_rate/115.0 + 0.5);
  if (Xb==0) Xb = (int)floor( 42.0*bit_rate/115.0 + 0.5);

  /* virtual buffer fullness */
  if (d0i==0) d0i = (int)floor(10.0*r/31.0 + 0.5); //设置虚拟buffer的大小。每次计算宏块的量化参数的时候,根据这个值进行调整。这个值本身会调整。
  if (d0p==0) d0p = (int)floor(10.0*r/31.0 + 0.5); //为P帧预留的虚拟buffer的大小。这个值在编码的时候,会减去前面已经编完宏块占用的buffer,根据剩下的buffer来计算Q(j)每个宏块的量化值。
  if (d0b==0) d0b = (int)floor(1.4*10.0*r/31.0 + 0.5);
  if (d0i==0) d0i = (int)floor(10.0*r/(qscale_tab[0] ? 56.0 : 31.0) + 0.5);
  if (d0p==0) d0p = (int)floor(10.0*r/(qscale_tab[1] ? 56.0 : 31.0) + 0.5);
  if (d0b==0) d0b = (int)floor(1.4*10.0*r/(qscale_tab[2] ? 56.0 : 31.0) + 0.5);

  fprintf(statfile,"\nrate control: sequence initialization\n");
    " initial global complexity measures (I,P,B): Xi=%d, Xp=%d, Xb=%d\n",
    Xi, Xp, Xb);
  fprintf(statfile," reaction parameter: r=%d\n", r);
    " initial virtual buffer fullness (I,P,B): d0i=%d, d0p=%d, d0b=%d\n",
    d0i, d0p, d0b);
  fprintf(statfile," initial average activity: avg_act=%.1f\n", avg_act);

void rc_init_GOP(np,nb)
int np,nb;
  R += (int) floor((1 + np + nb) * bit_rate / frame_rate + 0.5);

  Np = fieldpic ? 2*np+1 : np;
  Nb = fieldpic ? 2*nb : nb;

  fprintf(statfile,"\nrate control: new group of pictures (GOP)\n");
  fprintf(statfile," target number of bits for GOP: R=%d\n",R);
  fprintf(statfile," number of P pictures in GOP: Np=%d\n",Np);
  fprintf(statfile," number of B pictures in GOP: Nb=%d\n",Nb);

/* Note: we need to substitute K for the 1.4 and 1.0 constants -- this can
   be modified to fit image content */

/* Step 1: compute target bits for current picture being coded */
void rc_init_pict(frame)
unsigned char *frame;
  double Tmin;

  switch (pict_type)
  case I_TYPE:
    T = (int) floor(R/(1.0+Np*Xp/(Xi*1.0)+Nb*Xb/(Xi*1.4)) + 0.5); //这里每编完一帧,R就减去编完帧使用的带宽。
    d = d0i;        //同时Np和Nb的个数也会减。由于一个GOP里只有一个I帧,I帧没有减。
  case P_TYPE:
    T = (int) floor(R/(Np+Nb*1.0*Xb/(1.4*Xp)) + 0.5);
    d = d0p;
  case B_TYPE:
    T = (int) floor(R/(Nb+Np*1.4*Xp/(1.0*Xb)) + 0.5);
    d = d0b;

  Tmin = (int) floor(bit_rate/(8.0*frame_rate) + 0.5); //最小的一帧图片带宽

  if (T<Tmin)
    T = Tmin;

  S = bitcount(); //记录output的buffer里的bit个数,为了统计一帧编码出来后的bit个数
  Q = 0;

  calc_actj(frame); //计算每个宏块中的每个亮度块的最小方差存放到mbinfo中。
  actsum = 0.0;

  fprintf(statfile,"\nrate control: start of picture\n");
  fprintf(statfile," target number of bits: T=%d\n",T);

static void calc_actj(frame)
unsigned char *frame;
  int i,j,k;
  unsigned char *p;
  double actj,var;

  k = 0;

  for (j=0; j<height2; j+=16)  //计算每个宏块中每个块的方差,取最小值放到宏块信息中。
    for (i=0; i<width; i+=16)
      p = frame + ((pict_struct==BOTTOM_FIELD)?width:0) + i + width2*j;

      /* take minimum spatial activity measure of luminance blocks */

      actj = var_sblk(p,width2); //计算块的方差
      var = var_sblk(p+8,width2);
      if (var<actj) actj = var;
      var = var_sblk(p+8*width2,width2);
      if (var<actj) actj = var;
      var = var_sblk(p+8*width2+8,width2);
      if (var<actj) actj = var; // 从actj = var_sblk(p,width2);开始,计算p开始,p+8开始 p+8*width2开始 p+8*width2+8开始的块的方差,得出最小值

      if (!fieldpic && !prog_seq)
        /* field */
        var = var_sblk(p,width<<1);
        if (var<actj) actj = var;
        var = var_sblk(p+8,width<<1);
        if (var<actj) actj = var;
        var = var_sblk(p+width,width<<1);
        if (var<actj) actj = var;
        var = var_sblk(p+width+8,width<<1);
        if (var<actj) actj = var;

      actj+= 1.0; //

      mbinfo[k++].act = actj;

void rc_update_pict()
  double X;

  S = bitcount() - S; /* total # of bits in picture */
  R-= S; /* remaining # of bits in GOP */ //这里是计算GOP剩下的带宽
  X = (int) floor(S*((0.5*(double)Q)/(mb_width*mb_height2)) + 0.5); //
  d+= S - T;  //T是这帧图片预测的带宽。S是实际编码输出的带宽。d的初值表示预测的(I/B/P)帧的buffer大小。
  avg_act = actsum/(mb_width*mb_height2); //平均活动因子,估算宏块活动的大小。这里将用来计算宏块的量化因子

  switch (pict_type)
  case I_TYPE:
    Xi = X;
    d0i = d;
  case P_TYPE:
    Xp = X;
    d0p = d;
    Np--;  //P帧的个数减一
  case B_TYPE:
    Xb = X;
    d0b = d;

  fprintf(statfile,"\nrate control: end of picture\n");
  fprintf(statfile," actual number of bits: S=%d\n",S);
  fprintf(statfile," average quantization parameter Q=%.1f\n",
  fprintf(statfile," remaining number of bits in GOP: R=%d\n",R);
    " global complexity measures (I,P,B): Xi=%d, Xp=%d, Xb=%d\n",
    Xi, Xp, Xb);
    " virtual buffer fullness (I,P,B): d0i=%d, d0p=%d, d0b=%d\n",
    d0i, d0p, d0b);
  fprintf(statfile," remaining number of P pictures in GOP: Np=%d\n",Np);
  fprintf(statfile," remaining number of B pictures in GOP: Nb=%d\n",Nb);
  fprintf(statfile," average activity: avg_act=%.1f\n", avg_act);

/* compute initial quantization stepsize 步长 (at the beginning of picture) */
int rc_start_mb()
  int mquant;//量化因子

  if (q_scale_type) //这里是量化因子的两个表。由于量化参数的实际值是通过查表所得。两个表给出了两个不同的量化值。分别决定图片的质量。
    mquant = (int) floor(2.0*d*31.0/r + 0.5); //计算量化因子,这是第一个宏块的量化因子,公式是d(j)*31/r
            //其中d(j) = d(0) + B(j-1) - [T*(j-1) / MB_cnt]其中j表示第j个宏块。[]里的公式计算预测的前面所有编码宏块占用的带宽
    /* clip mquant to legal (linear) range */ //B(j-1)表示前面编码宏块实际占有带宽
    if (mquant<1)
      mquant = 1;
    if (mquant>112)
      mquant = 112;

    /* map to legal quantization level */
    mquant = non_linear_mquant_table[map_non_linear_mquant[mquant]]; //编码存放的是量化步长,也就是量化表的下标。
    mquant = (int) floor(d*31.0/r + 0.5);
    mquant <<= 1;

    /* clip mquant to legal (linear) range */
    if (mquant<2)
      mquant = 2;
    if (mquant>62)
      mquant = 62;

    prev_mquant = mquant;


  return mquant;

/* Step 2: measure virtual buffer - estimated buffer discrepancy */
int rc_calc_mquant(j)
int j;
  int mquant;
  double dj, Qj, actj, N_actj;

  /* measure virtual buffer discrepancy from uniform distribution model */
  dj = d + (bitcount()-S) - j*(T/(mb_width*mb_height2));  //d(j) = d(0) + B(j-1) - [T*(j-1) / MB_cnt]

  /* scale against dynamic range of mquant and the bits/picture count */
  Qj = dj*31.0/r;
/*Qj = dj*(q_scale_type ? 56.0 : 31.0)/r;  */

  actj = mbinfo[j].act;
  actsum+= actj;

  /* compute normalized activity */
  N_actj = (2.0*actj+avg_act)/(actj+2.0*avg_act);

  if (q_scale_type)
    /* modulate mquant with combined buffer and local activity measures */
    mquant = (int) floor(2.0*Qj*N_actj + 0.5);

    /* clip mquant to legal (linear) range */
    if (mquant<1)
      mquant = 1;
    if (mquant>112)
      mquant = 112;

    /* map to legal quantization level */
    mquant = non_linear_mquant_table[map_non_linear_mquant[mquant]];
    /* modulate mquant with combined buffer and local activity measures */
    mquant = (int) floor(Qj*N_actj + 0.5);
    mquant <<= 1;

    /* clip mquant to legal (linear) range */
    if (mquant<2)
      mquant = 2;
    if (mquant>62)
      mquant = 62;

    /* ignore small changes in mquant */
    if (mquant>=8 && (mquant-prev_mquant)>=-4 && (mquant-prev_mquant)<=4)
      mquant = prev_mquant;

    prev_mquant = mquant;

  Q+= mquant; /* for calculation of average mquant */

  fprintf(statfile,"rc_calc_mquant(%d): ",j);
  fprintf(statfile,"bitcount=%d, dj=%f, Qj=%f, actj=%f, N_actj=%f, mquant=%d\n",

  return mquant;

/* compute variance of 8x8 block */
static double var_sblk(p,lx)
unsigned char *p;
int lx;
  int i, j;
  unsigned int v, s, s2;

  s = s2 = 0;

  for (j=0; j<8; j++)
    for (i=0; i<8; i++)
      v = *p++;
      s+= v;
      s2+= v*v;
    p+= lx - 8;

  return s2/64.0 - (s/64.0)*(s/64.0);  //计算块的方差

/* VBV calculations
 * generates warnings if underflow or overflow occurs

/* vbv_end_of_picture
 * - has to be called directly after writing picture_data()
 * - needed for accurate VBV buffer overflow calculation
 * - assumes there is no byte stuffing prior to the next start code

static int bitcnt_EOP;

void vbv_end_of_picture()
  bitcnt_EOP = bitcount();
  bitcnt_EOP = (bitcnt_EOP + 7) & ~7; /* account for bit stuffing */

/* calc_vbv_delay
 * has to be called directly after writing the picture start code, the
 * reference point for vbv_delay

void calc_vbv_delay()
  double picture_delay;
  static double next_ip_delay; /* due to frame reordering delay */
  static double decoding_time;

  /* number of 1/90000 s ticks until next picture is to be decoded */
  if (pict_type == B_TYPE)
    if (prog_seq)
      if (!repeatfirst)
        picture_delay = 90000.0/frame_rate; /* 1 frame */
        if (!topfirst)
          picture_delay = 90000.0*2.0/frame_rate; /* 2 frames */
          picture_delay = 90000.0*3.0/frame_rate; /* 3 frames */
      /* interlaced */
      if (fieldpic)
        picture_delay = 90000.0/(2.0*frame_rate); /* 1 field */
        if (!repeatfirst)
          picture_delay = 90000.0*2.0/(2.0*frame_rate); /* 2 flds */
          picture_delay = 90000.0*3.0/(2.0*frame_rate); /* 3 flds */
    /* I or P picture */
    if (fieldpic)
        /* first field */
        picture_delay = 90000.0/(2.0*frame_rate);
        /* second field */
        /* take frame reordering delay into account */
        picture_delay = next_ip_delay - 90000.0/(2.0*frame_rate);
      /* frame picture */
      /* take frame reordering delay into account*/
      picture_delay = next_ip_delay;

    if (!fieldpic || topfirst!=(pict_struct==TOP_FIELD))
      /* frame picture or second field */
      if (prog_seq)
        if (!repeatfirst)
          next_ip_delay = 90000.0/frame_rate;
          if (!topfirst)
            next_ip_delay = 90000.0*2.0/frame_rate;
            next_ip_delay = 90000.0*3.0/frame_rate;
        if (fieldpic)
          next_ip_delay = 90000.0/(2.0*frame_rate);
          if (!repeatfirst)
            next_ip_delay = 90000.0*2.0/(2.0*frame_rate);
            next_ip_delay = 90000.0*3.0/(2.0*frame_rate);

  if (decoding_time==0.0)
    /* first call of calc_vbv_delay */
    /* we start with a 7/8 filled VBV buffer (12.5% back-off) */
    picture_delay = ((vbv_buffer_size*16384*7)/8)*90000.0/bit_rate;
    if (fieldpic)
      next_ip_delay = (int)(90000.0/frame_rate+0.5);

  /* VBV checks */

  /* check for underflow (previous picture) */
  if (!low_delay && (decoding_time < bitcnt_EOP*90000.0/bit_rate))
    /* picture not completely in buffer at intended decoding time */
    if (!quiet)
      fprintf(stderr,"vbv_delay underflow! (decoding_time=%.1f, t_EOP=%.1f\n)",
        decoding_time, bitcnt_EOP*90000.0/bit_rate);

  /* when to decode current frame */
  decoding_time += picture_delay;

  /* warning: bitcount() may overflow (e.g. after 9 min. at 8 Mbit/s */
  vbv_delay = (int)(decoding_time - bitcount()*90000.0/bit_rate);

  /* check for overflow (current picture) */
  if ((decoding_time - bitcnt_EOP*90000.0/bit_rate)
      > (vbv_buffer_size*16384)*90000.0/bit_rate)
    if (!quiet)
      fprintf(stderr,"vbv_delay overflow!\n");

    "\nvbv_delay=%d (bitcount=%d, decoding_time=%.2f, bitcnt_EOP=%d)\n",

  if (vbv_delay<0)
    if (!quiet)
      fprintf(stderr,"vbv_delay underflow: %d\n",vbv_delay);
    vbv_delay = 0;

  if (vbv_delay>65535)
    if (!quiet)
      fprintf(stderr,"vbv_delay overflow: %d\n",vbv_delay);
    vbv_delay = 65535;




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