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原创 C# Dapper 简化数据库操作

参考 :https://www.jianshu.com/p/c4ca2989d26a仍有很多其他复杂操作,Dapper真好使CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Books] ( [BookId] INT NOT NULL, [Publisher] NVARCHAR (30) NULL, [Title] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Books] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([BookId]

2020-11-28 22:41:35 262

原创 mysql 数据重复则进行修改,无数据则添加数据的操作方法

使用Replace 代替Insert1.设置Table的普通索引alter table table_name add index index_name (column_list) ;2.唯一索引alter table table_name add unique (column_list) ;3.主键索引alter table table_name add primary key (column_list) ;使用 ReplaceREPLACE INTO users (id,name,age)

2020-11-26 10:30:09 292

原创 Sql Server 索引

索引的优点·创建唯一索引可以保证每一行数据的唯一性·可以加快数据的检索速度·加速表和表之间的连接,可以实现数据的参照完整性·对数据进行分组或排序时,可以减少查询中分组和排序的时间·通过索引,可以在查询过程中使用优化隐藏器提高系统的性能索引的缺点·创建 索引和维护索引需要耗费时间,这种时间随着数据量的增加而增加·索引需要占用物理空间,除了数据表占用数据空间外,每个索引还要占用一定的物理空间·对表中数据进行增加 删除 修改时,索引也要维护,降低了数据的维护速度分类聚集索引 非聚集索引 全

2020-11-24 09:44:30 71

原创 Sql Server 触发器

存储过程 是定义好的工具包,用于实现某一特定的功能触发器是具有智能的工具包,当外界调条件改变时,符合触发器条件时,就自动运行,完成指定的任务事件处理机制作用:·1 对数据库间的数据完整性做强制性约束·2 对数据库中的表进行级联操作,可以自动触发操作的类型·3 跟踪变化,对违法的操作进行回滚或撤销 保证数据库安全·4 可以设定 错误返回的信息,增加程序的可维护性·5 触发器可以调用更多的存储过程分类:1 数据操作语言触发器依附于特定的表或者视图进行操作,当数据服务器有数据操作事件时,触发

2020-11-23 20:35:12 63

原创 Sql Server 存储过储

存储过程是 在数据库中存储一段用于查询或其他操作的代码,用于在使用过程中直接调用此过程,防止在使用时语句编写错误定义:CREATE PROCEDURE xxxProcASSELECT * FROM dbo.Grade; 使用:EXEC xxxProc;定义CREATE PROCEDURE QueryById @id intASSELECT * FROM xx WHERE Id = @id;使用EXEC QueryById 23;使用VS 在数据库的 “可编程性” 下查看已

2020-11-23 20:07:24 218

原创 C# Entity Framework 依赖注入

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;using System.Text;namespace ConsoleApp6{ [Table("Books")] public class Book { public int

2020-11-21 23:32:52 434

原创 C# entity framework 数据库操作方法

新建数据库CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Books]( [BookId] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, [Title] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [Publisher] NVARCHAR(50) NULL)定义类 [Table("Books")] public class Book { public int BookId { get; set; }

2020-11-21 17:35:25 419

原创 C++ 函数对象

#include <iostream>#include<map>#include<functional>#include<forward_list>#include<unordered_map>using namespace std;class BC{public: virtual void print_ma() const{};};class A:public BC{public: A(int a):

2020-11-18 09:33:24 59

原创 c++ 字符串分割

http://www.martinbroadhurst.com/how-to-split-a-string-in-c.html#:~:text=How%20to%20split%20a%20string%20in%20C%2B%2B.%201,pystring%3A%3Asplit.%2010%20Use%20my%20C%20split%20function.%20// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。//#inclu

2020-11-09 14:45:17 86

原创 C++ cin

// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。//#include <iostream>#include<fstream>#include<sstream>using namespace std; class A { public: A(iostream &a){ a>>A::rate; }; A(){ A

2020-11-09 13:49:51 113

原创 C++ lambda 和 函数对象

// ConsoleApplication18.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。//#include <iostream>#include<vector>#include<functional>#include<string>#include<algorithm>#include<map>using namespace std;int add(const int&amp

2020-11-06 14:34:34 178

原创 C++ Primer 函数对象 Page[510] 疑似错误

// ConsoleApplication18.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。//#include <iostream>#include<vector>#include<functional>#include<string>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;int main(){ string name1 = "xiaozhang".

2020-11-06 11:24:43 103

原创 QImage QPixmap和 OpenCV mat 相互转换

#资料来源 :<>// QPixmap 读 图像QPixmap map("/path/to/image.png");// or// QPixMap加载 图像map.load("/other.png");// QPixmap 存储图像map.save("/save.png");// QPixmap ---》 QImage 的转换QImage qimg =map.toImage();// QImage ---->QPixmap 转换QPixmap map2 = QP

2020-11-05 10:23:32 2926 2

原创 C++ 自定义类作为 unordered_map unordered_set 无序容器的Key

问题:C++无序容器的使用自定义类作为Key值#方法: 重写类的hash求值,以及相等的函数 #include <iostream>#include<map>#include<unordered_map>#include<unordered_set>using namespace std;class A{ friend size_t hasher(const A& a); friend bool eqOp(co

2020-11-04 19:22:59 504

原创 WPF Blend 自定义控件

#1.使用Blend 设计控件<UserControl x:Class="WpfApp25.UserControl1" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.open...

2020-11-04 08:15:46 924

原创 WPF Blend 制作按钮效果

<Grid Background="#FF815151"> <Ellipse Fill="#FFF4F4F5" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="100" Margin="175.263,227.368,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="100"> <Ellipse.Effect> <DropShadowEff...

2020-11-03 20:03:09 502

原创 WPF Blend 绿色聊天UI, 带侧边栏

1.先看效果2.参考视频链接https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1954y1e7hP?from=search&seid=4089968730070473333<Window x:Class="WpfApp23.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.micros

2020-11-03 19:06:27 354

原创 C# MVVM 模型 以及用户管理实例

1.先看效果2.Blend 界面设计,参考https://blog.csdn.net/zxcvb036/article/details/1094687233.文件的结构4.Model class User : INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; private void OnPropertyChanged(strin

2020-11-03 16:14:57 599

原创 使用Blend 设计 Wpf页面,反向storyboard添加

参考B站视频<Window x:Class="LoginForm.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"

2020-11-03 14:27:21 344


FastStone Capture is a powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool and screen video recorder. It allows you to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular / freehand / fixed regions as well as scrolling windows / web pages. It also allows you to record all screen activities including onscreen changes, speech from microphone, mouse movements and clicks into highly compressed video files. You can choose to send captures to editor, file, clipboard, printer, email, Word / PowerPoint document or upload them to your website. Editing tools include annotating (texts, arrowed lines, highlights), resizing, cropping, sharpening, watermarking, applying edge effects and many more. Other features include image scanning, global hotkeys, automatic filename generation, support for external editors, a color picker, a screen magnifier, a screen crosshair and a screen ruler


Visio 2016 64bit.rar

By using Microsoft Visio 2016 Viewer, Visio users can freely distribute Visio drawings (files with a .vsdx, .vsdm, .vsd, .vdx, .vdw, .vstx, .vstm, .vst, or .vtx extension) to team members, partners, customers, or others, even if the recipients do not have Visio installed on their computers. Internet Explorer also allows for printing, although this is limited to the portion of the drawing displayed. Viewing Visio drawings is as simple as double-clicking the drawing file in Windows Explorer. Internet Explorer will open, and Visio Viewer will render the drawing in the browser window. You can then pan and zoom in the drawing window by using toolbar buttons, keyboard shortcuts, or menu items in the shortcut menu. Also, you can see properties on any shape by opening the Properties dialog box and then selecting a shape. Some rendering and display settings are available in the Display tab of the Properties dialog box. Additionally, you can set drawing-layer visibility and colors in the Layers tab, and comment visibility and colors in the Comments tab.



double RectColOnCanvas = Canvas.GetLeft(xRECT); double RectRowOnCanvas = Canvas.GetTop(xRECT); double RectHeightOnCanvas = xRECT.ActualHeight; double RectWidthOnCancas = xRECT.ActualWidth; double CanvasHeight = this.xCanvas.ActualHeight; double CanvasWidth = this.xCanvas.ActualWidth; double ImageHeight = 2048; double ImageWidth = 2592; double widthScale = ImageWidth / CanvasWidth; double heightScale = ImageHeight / CanvasHeight; double RectColOnImage = widthScale * RectColOnCanvas; double RectRowOnImage = heightScale * RectRowOnCanvas; double RectHeightOnImage = heightScale * RectHeightOnCanvas; double RectWidthOnImage = widthScale * RectWidthOnCancas;






To install the MVS Camera Software Suite in /opt/MVS follow these steps: 1. Gaining root privileges and input password: sudo su or su root 2. Change to the directory which contains this INSTALL file, e.g.: cd ~/MVS-1.0.0_x86_64 3. Running the configuration scripts source ./setup.sh 4. Execute /opt/MVS/bin/MVSPlayer to test your cameras.



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