
 * use freeimage library to generate new 
 * image (zoom in or out of base image), and paste alpha image to base image
 * author: zy, 20140726, modify:20141006
#include <stdio.h>
#include "FreeImage.h"

#define BPP_TYPE_4  4
#define BPP_TYPE_8  8
#define BPP_TYPE_16 16
#define BPP_TYPE_24 24
#define BPP_TYPE_32 32

#define SCALE_FIX_PRE 100

#define BPP_8_BYTE_NUM  1
#define BPP_16_BYTE_NUM 2
#define BPP_24_BYTE_NUM 3
#define BPP_32_BYTE_NUM 4

// define copy image callback
typedef void (*copyback)(const BYTE* in, BYTE* out, int* offset);
// define bilinear copy image callback
typedef void (*bilinearcopyback)(const BYTE* pa, const BYTE* pb,const BYTE* pc, const BYTE* pd, 
double pla, double plb, double plc, double pld, BYTE* out);

 * get diffrent bpp occupy data lenth
 * @param:[in]      int bpp, bpp type (8, 16, 24, 32)
 * @return: data lenth
static int FreeImage_GetBppByteNum(int bpp)
case BPP_TYPE_8:
return BPP_8_BYTE_NUM;
case BPP_TYPE_16:
return BPP_16_BYTE_NUM;
case BPP_TYPE_24:
return BPP_24_BYTE_NUM;
case BPP_TYPE_32:

return BPP_32_BYTE_NUM;

 * copy between two 8 bpp image bit
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* in, in image bits handle
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* out, out image bits handle
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_Copy8Bit(const BYTE* in, BYTE* out)

 * copy between two 16 bpp image bit
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* in, in image bits handle
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* out, out image bits handle
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_Copy16Bit(const BYTE* in, BYTE* out)

 * copy between two 24 bpp image bit
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* in, in image bits handle
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* out, out image bits handle
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_Copy24Bit(const BYTE* in, BYTE* out)

 * copy between two 32 bpp image bit
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* in, in image bits handle
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* out, out image bits handle
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_Copy32Bit(const BYTE* in, BYTE* out)

 * copy source image to target image
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* src, source image bits handle
 * @param:[in]      int srcBpp, source image bit offset
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* dst, target image bits handle
 * @param:[in]      int dstBpp, target image bit offset
 * @param:[in]      int paste, paste action or zoom action flag
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_CopyBit(const BYTE* src, int srcBpp, BYTE* dst, int dstBpp, int paste)
int bpp = srcBpp > dstBpp ? srcBpp : dstBpp;
case BPP_TYPE_8:
if(srcBpp == dstBpp)
FreeImage_Copy8Bit(src, dst);
else if(srcBpp == BPP_TYPE_8)
// out change
if(srcBpp == BPP_TYPE_32)
else if(srcBpp == BPP_TYPE_24)
else // inBpp == BPP_TYPE_16
case BPP_TYPE_16:
if(srcBpp == dstBpp)
FreeImage_Copy16Bit(src, dst);
else if(srcBpp == BPP_TYPE_16)
// out change
if(srcBpp == BPP_TYPE_32)
else // inBpp == BPP_TYPE_24
case BPP_TYPE_24:
FreeImage_Copy24Bit(src, dst);
case BPP_TYPE_32:
if(paste == 0)
FreeImage_Copy32Bit(src, dst);
if(src[FI_RGBA_ALPHA] > 100)
FreeImage_Copy24Bit(src, dst);

 * copy paset image to base image
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE** pst, paste image bits handle
 * @param:[in]      int pstBpp, paste image bit offset
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE** dst, base image bits handle
 * @param:[in]      int dstBpp, base image bit offset
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_AlphaCopyBit(const BYTE** pst, int pstBpp, BYTE** dst, int dstBpp)
FreeImage_CopyBit(*pst, pstBpp, *dst, dstBpp, 1);
*dst += FreeImage_GetBppByteNum(dstBpp);// base image bits increase self
*pst += FreeImage_GetBppByteNum(pstBpp);// paste image bits increase self

 * copy 8 bpp bit to zoom in or out image from base image
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* in, base image bits handle
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* out, new image bits handle
 * @param:[out]     int* offset, image bit offset (8bpp => 1)
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_ZoomCopy8Bit(const BYTE* in, BYTE* out, int* offset)
FreeImage_CopyBit(in, BPP_TYPE_8, out, BPP_TYPE_8, 0);
*offset = BPP_8_BYTE_NUM;

 * copy 16 bpp bit to zoom in or out image from base image
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* in, base image bits handle
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* out, new image bits handle
 * @param:[out]     int* offset, image bit offset (16bpp => 2)
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_ZoomCopy16Bit(const BYTE* in, BYTE* out, int* offset)
FreeImage_CopyBit(in, BPP_TYPE_16, out, BPP_TYPE_16, 0);
*offset = BPP_16_BYTE_NUM;

 * copy 24 bpp bit to zoom in or out image from base image
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* in, base image bits handle
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* out, new image bits handle
 * @param:[out]     int* offset, image bit offset (24bpp => 3)
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_ZoomCopy24Bit(const BYTE* in, BYTE* out, int* offset)
FreeImage_CopyBit(in, BPP_TYPE_24, out, BPP_TYPE_24, 0);
*offset = BPP_24_BYTE_NUM;

 * copy 32 bpp bit to zoom in or out image from base image
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* in, base image bits handle
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* out, new image bits handle
 * @param:[out]     int* offset, image bit offset (32bpp => 4)
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_ZoomCopy32Bit(const BYTE* in, BYTE* out, int* offset)
FreeImage_CopyBit(in, BPP_TYPE_32, out, BPP_TYPE_32, 0);
*offset = BPP_32_BYTE_NUM;

 * get the new image with base image scale, with width scale and height scale
 * @param:[in]  int oldWidth, base image width
 * @param:[in]  int oldHeight, base image height
 * @param:[in]  int width, new image width
 * @param:[in]  int height, new image height
 * @param:[out] int* wScale, the new image with base image width scale
 * @param:[out] int* wScaleFix, the new image with base image width scale fixed
 * @param:[out] int* hScale, the new image with base image height scale
 * @param:[out] int* hScaleFix, the new image with base image height scale fixed
 * @return:  0 => success or -1 => fail
static int FreeImage_ZoomCopyScale(int oldWidth, int oldHeight, 
int width, int height, int* wScale, int* wScaleFix, int* hScale, int* hScaleFix)
if(width == 0 || height == 0)
return -1;

int max = 0;
int min = 0;

max =  oldWidth > width ? oldWidth : width;
min =  oldWidth > width ? width : oldWidth;
double w = (double)max / (double)min;

max =  oldHeight > height ? oldHeight : height;
min =  oldHeight > height ? height : oldHeight;
double h = (double)max / (double)min;

int wInt = (int) w;
int hInt = (int) h;

int wFix = (w * SCALE_FIX_PRE) - (wInt * SCALE_FIX_PRE);
int hFix = (h * SCALE_FIX_PRE) - (hInt * SCALE_FIX_PRE);

int i = 0;
for(i=0; (wFix != 0) && (i < SCALE_FIX_PRE); i++)
if(i*wFix > (SCALE_FIX_PRE-(wFix/2)))
*wScaleFix = i;
*wScale = wInt;

for(i=0; (hFix != 0) && (i < SCALE_FIX_PRE); i++)
if(i*hFix > (SCALE_FIX_PRE-(hFix/2)))
*hScaleFix = i;
*hScale = hInt;

return 0;

 * get the base image bits location when zoom in or out 
 * @param:[in]  int index, now the base image bits location when zoom in or out 
 * @param:[in]  int scale, zoom in or out scale
 * @param:[in]  int scaleFix, fix zoom in or out scale
 * @param:[out] int* pos, new image location fixed
 * @param:[out] int* posFix, pos fixed
 * @param:[in]  int srcLength, source image width or height length
 * @param:[in]  int length, target image width or height length
 * @return: the base image bits location when zoom in or out
static int FreeImage_ZoomGetIndex(int index, 
int scale, int scaleFix, int* pos, int* posFix, int srcLength, int length)
int lpos = *pos, fpos = *posFix;

if(srcLength - length < 0) // zoom out
index = lpos / scale;
if(fpos != index && scaleFix != 0 && (lpos % scaleFix) == 0)
fpos = index;
else if(srcLength - length > 0) // zoom in
index = lpos * scale;
if(index != 0 && scaleFix != 0 && (lpos % scaleFix) == 0)
index += fpos;
else // equal
index = lpos / scale;

*pos = lpos;
*posFix = fpos;

if(index > srcLength)
index = srcLength;

return index;

 * zoom in or out image from base image
 * @param:[in]  FIBITMAP* in, base image handle
 * @param:[in]  int width, new image width
 * @param:[in]  int height, new image height
 * @param:[out] FIBITMAP* out, new image handle
 * @param:[in]  copyback copy, callback function, copy base image bits to new empty image
 * @return: 0 => success or -1 => fail
static int FreeImage_ZoomCopy(FIBITMAP* in, int width, int height, FIBITMAP* out, copyback copy)
int offset=0;
int xPos=0, xPosFix=0, yPos=0, yPosFix=0;
BYTE* line=NULL, *tmp=NULL;
BYTE* bits = FreeImage_GetBits(out);
return -1;

int x=0, y=0, wIndex=0, hIndex=0, wScale=0, hScale=0, wScaleFix=0, hScaleFix=0;
int inWidth = FreeImage_GetWidth(in);
int inHeight = FreeImage_GetHeight(in);

FreeImage_ZoomCopyScale(inWidth, inHeight, width, height, 
&wScale, &wScaleFix, &hScale, &hScaleFix);// calculate zoom scale
for(y=0, yPos=y, yPosFix=0; y<height; y++, yPos++)
hIndex = FreeImage_ZoomGetIndex(hIndex, hScale, hScaleFix,
&yPos, &yPosFix, inHeight, height);// get the base image bits y direction location
line = FreeImage_GetScanLine(in, hIndex);// get in image line bits
for(x=0, wIndex=x-1, xPos=x, xPosFix=0; x<width; x++, xPos++)
wIndex = FreeImage_ZoomGetIndex(wIndex, wScale, wScaleFix, 
&xPos, &xPosFix, inWidth, width);// get the base image bits x direction location
tmp = line + (wIndex * offset);// in image bits location fixed
bits += offset;// out image bits location fixed
copy(tmp, bits, &offset);// copy in image bit to out image bit by zoom in or out

return 0;

 * copy between two 32 bpp image bit
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* pa, pointer a
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* pb, pointer b
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* pc, pointer c
 * @param:[in]      const BYTE* pd, pointer d
 * @param:[in]      const double pla, polynomial value a
 * @param:[in]      const double plb, polynomial value b
 * @param:[in]      const double plc, polynomial value c
 * @param:[in]      const double pld, polynomial value d
 * @param:[in/out]  BYTE* out, out image bits handle
 * @return: void
static void FreeImage_BillinearCopy32Bit(const BYTE* pa, const BYTE* pb,const BYTE* pc, const BYTE* pd,
const double pla, const double plb, const double plc, const double pld, BYTE* out)

out[FI_RGBA_RED] = pa[FI_RGBA_RED] * pla + pb[FI_RGBA_RED] * plb 
+ pc[FI_RGBA_RED] * plc + pd[FI_RGBA_RED] * pld;
out[FI_RGBA_GREEN] = pa[FI_RGBA_GREEN] * pla + pb[FI_RGBA_GREEN] * plb 
+ pc[FI_RGBA_GREEN] * plc + pd[FI_RGBA_GREEN] * pld;
out[FI_RGBA_BLUE] = pa[FI_RGBA_BLUE] * pla + pb[FI_RGBA_BLUE] * plb 
+ pc[FI_RGBA_BLUE] * plc + pd[FI_RGBA_BLUE] * pld;
out[FI_RGBA_ALPHA] =  pa[FI_RGBA_ALPHA] * pla + pb[FI_RGBA_ALPHA] * plb 
+ pc[FI_RGBA_ALPHA] * plc + pd[FI_RGBA_ALPHA] * pld;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// D(x, y) = S(j, k)*(1-t)*(1-u) + S(j, k+1)*t*(1-u) + S(j+1,k)*(1-t)*u + S(j+1,k+1)*t*u
// a = (1-t)*(1-u)
// b = t*(1-u)
// c = (1-t)*u
// d = t*u
// |--.(j,k+1)---|-------------.(j+1,k+1)-
// |             |             |          
// |             .(j+t,k+u)    |          
// |             |             |          
// |--.(j,k)-------------------.(j+1,k)---
// j = srcX
// k = srcY
// t = srcX.xx 
// u = srcY.yy
 * Bilinear interpolation Zoom
 * @param:[in]  FIBITMAP* in, base image handle
 * @param:[in]  int width, new image width
 * @param:[in]  int height, new image height
 * @param:[out] FIBITMAP* out, new image handle
 * @param:[in]  bilinearcopyback copy, callback function, copy base image bits to new empty image
 * @return: 0 => success or -1 => fail
static int FreeImage_Bilinear_ZoomCopy(FIBITMAP* in, int width, int height, FIBITMAP* out, bilinearcopyback copy)
int row = 0, col = 0;
BYTE* linef = NULL, *linel = NULL;
BYTE* pa = NULL, *pb = NULL, *pc = NULL, *pd = NULL;
BYTE* bits = FreeImage_GetBits(out);
return -1;

int inWidth = FreeImage_GetWidth(in);
int inHeight = FreeImage_GetHeight(in);
int bpp = FreeImage_GetBPP(in);
int offset = FreeImage_GetBppByteNum(bpp);

float wScale = (float)inWidth / (float)width;
float hScale = (float)inHeight / (float)height;

for(row=0; row < height; ++row)
// j and t value
double inRow = ((float)row)*hScale;
int k = (int)inRow;
double u = inRow - k;

// j and j+1 image
linef = FreeImage_GetScanLine(in, k);// get in image line bits (k)
if(k + 1 < inHeight)
linel = FreeImage_GetScanLine(in, (k + 1));// get in image next line bits (k+1)
linel = linef;

// new image line
for(col=0; col < width; ++col)
// k and u value
double inCol = ((float)col)*wScale;
int j = (int)inCol;
double t = inCol - j;

// polynomial value
double pla = (1.0 - t) * (1.0 - u);
double plb = t * (1.0 - u);
double plc = (1.0 -t) * u;
double pld = t * u;

// 4 piont
pa = linef + j*offset; // S(j, k)
pb = linel + j*offset; // S(j, k+1)
pc = (j + 1 < inWidth) ? linef + (j + 1)*offset : pa; // S(j+1, k)
pd = (j + 1 < inWidth) ? linel + (j + 1)*offset : pb; // S(j+1, k+1)

copy(pa, pb, pc, pd, pla, plb, plc, pld, bits);
bits += offset;

return 0;

 * create 8 bpp image from base image, can zoom in or zoom out
 * @param:[in] FIBITMAP* dib, base image handle
 * @param:[in] int width, new image width
 * @param:[in] int height, new image height
 * @return: new image handle
FIBITMAP* FreeImage_New8BppImage(FIBITMAP* dib, int width, int height)
FIBITMAP* out = FreeImage_Allocate(width, height,  FreeImage_GetBPP(dib), 0, 0, 0);
return NULL;

if(FreeImage_ZoomCopy(dib, width, height, out, FreeImage_ZoomCopy8Bit) < 0)
return NULL;

return out;

 * create 16 bpp image from base image, can zoom in or zoom out
 * @param:[in] FIBITMAP* dib, base image handle
 * @param:[in] int width, new image width
 * @param:[in] int height, new image height
 * @return: new image handle
FIBITMAP* FreeImage_New16BppImage(FIBITMAP* dib, int width, int height)
FIBITMAP* out = FreeImage_Allocate(width, height,  FreeImage_GetBPP(dib), 0, 0, 0);
return NULL;

if(FreeImage_ZoomCopy(dib, width, height, out, FreeImage_ZoomCopy16Bit) < 0)
return NULL;

return out;

 * create 24 bpp image from base image, can zoom in or zoom out
 * @param:[in] FIBITMAP* dib, base image handle
 * @param:[in] int width, new image width
 * @param:[in] int height, new image height
 * @return: new image handle
FIBITMAP* FreeImage_New24BppImage(FIBITMAP* dib, int width, int height)
FIBITMAP* out = FreeImage_Allocate(width, height,  FreeImage_GetBPP(dib), 0, 0, 0);
return NULL;

if(FreeImage_ZoomCopy(dib, width, height, out, FreeImage_ZoomCopy24Bit) < 0)
return NULL;

return out;

 * create 32 bpp image from base image, can zoom in or zoom out
 * @param:[in] FIBITMAP* dib, base image handle
 * @param:[in] int width, new image width
 * @param:[in] int height, new image height
 * @return: new image handle
FIBITMAP* FreeImage_New32BppImage(FIBITMAP* dib, int width, int height, int bilinear)
FIBITMAP* out = FreeImage_Allocate(width, height,  FreeImage_GetBPP(dib), 0, 0, 0);
return NULL;

if (bilinear == 0)
if(FreeImage_ZoomCopy(dib, width, height, out, FreeImage_ZoomCopy32Bit) < 0)
return NULL;
if(FreeImage_Bilinear_ZoomCopy(dib, width, height, out, FreeImage_BillinearCopy32Bit) < 0)
return NULL;

return out;

 * paste image to base image, has alpha effect, FreeImage_Paste can't do that
 * @param:[in/out] FIBITMAP* dib, base image handle
 * @param:[in]     FIBITMAP* pst, paste image width
 * @param:[in]     int pitx, pst image on base image x location
 * @param:[in]     int pity, pst image on base image y location
 * @return: 0 => success or -1 => fail
int FreeImage_AlphaPaste(FIBITMAP* dib, FIBITMAP* pst, int pitx, int pity)
// FreeImage_GetWidth or FreeImage_GetHeight has div bpp
int dibWidth = FreeImage_GetWidth(dib); 
int dibHeight = FreeImage_GetHeight(dib);
int dibBpp = FreeImage_GetBPP(dib);
int offset = FreeImage_GetBppByteNum(dibBpp);

int pstWidth = FreeImage_GetWidth(pst);
int pstHeight = FreeImage_GetHeight(pst);
int pstBpp = FreeImage_GetBPP(pst);

int x=0, y=0;
BYTE *dibBits=NULL;
const BYTE *pstBits=NULL;

for(y=0; y < dibHeight; y++)
// y direction, offset of source bitmap and begin get source or paste bitmap
if(y > pity && (y - pity) < pstHeight)
dibBits = FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, y);
return -1;
pstBits = FreeImage_GetScanLine(pst, (y - pity));
return -1;
// x direction, offset of source bitmap and replace by paste bitmap
for(x=0; dibBits && pstBits && (x < dibWidth); x++)
if(x == pitx) 
dibBits += x * offset;
if(x >= pitx && (x - pitx) < pstWidth)
FreeImage_AlphaCopyBit(&pstBits, pstBpp, &dibBits, dibBpp);

dibBits = NULL;
pstBits = NULL;

return 0;

// unit test
int main()
FIBITMAP *dib=NULL, *new=NULL, *dst=NULL;
dib = FreeImage_Load(FIF_PNG, "./res/test02.png", PNG_DEFAULT);
//dib = FreeImage_Load(FIF_PNG, "./res/merge.png", PNG_DEFAULT);
goto out;

new = FreeImage_New32BppImage(dib, 64, 64, 1);
goto out;

FreeImage_Save(FIF_PNG, new, "./res/new4.png", 0);

dst = FreeImage_Load(FIF_BMP, "./res/test02.bmp", BMP_DEFAULT);
goto out;

if(FreeImage_AlphaPaste(dst, new, 101, 50) < 0)
goto out;

FreeImage_Save(FIF_PNG, dst, "./res/paste.png", 0);
dib = NULL;
new = NULL;
dst = NULL;
return 0;




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