大数阶乘的计算 选择自 northwolves 的 Blog


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大数阶乘的计算 选择自 northwolves 的 Blog

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Sub calcfactorial(ByVal num As Long, Optional ByRef factorial As String)
Dim numlen As Long, last As Long, i As Long, j As Long, temp As Long
Dim result() As Long, s() As String, stime As Double
numlen = 1
stime = Timer
ReDim result(1 To numlen)
result(1) = 1
i = 0
Do While i < num
i = i + 1
   last = 0
   For j = 1 To numlen
        temp = result(j) * i + last
        result(j) = temp Mod 10000
        last = temp / 10000
   Do While Not last = 0
           ReDim Preserve result(1 To numlen + 1)
            result(numlen + 1) = last Mod 10000
            last = last / 10000
           numlen = UBound(result)
ReDim s(1 To numlen)
For i = 2 To numlen
s(i) = Format(result(numlen + 1 - i), "0000")
s(1) = result(numlen)
factorial = Join(s, "")
Debug.Print num & "! : 用时 "; Timer - stime & " 秒, 结果 " & Len(factorial) & " 位,前5位为 " & Left(factorial, 5)
'Debug.Print factorial
Erase s
Erase result
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
For i = 1 To 20
calcfactorial i * 1000
End Sub
'1000! : 用时 7.82500000059372E-02 秒, 结果 2568 位,前5位为 40238
'2000! : 用时 .391499999997905 秒, 结果 5736 位,前5位为 33162
'3000! : 用时 .968875000005937 秒, 结果 9131 位,前5位为 41493
'4000! : 用时 1.78174999999464 秒, 结果 12674 位,前5位为 18288
'5000! : 用时 2.84412500000326 秒, 结果 16326 位,前5位为 42285
'6000! : 用时 4.20387500000652 秒, 结果 20066 位,前5位为 26839
'7000! : 用时 5.84387500000594 秒, 结果 23878 位,前5位为 88420
'8000! : 用时 7.75012500000594 秒, 结果 27753 位,前5位为 51841
'9000! : 用时 9.98512500000652 秒, 结果 31682 位,前5位为 80995
'10000! : 用时 12.5160000000033 秒, 结果 35660 位,前5位为 28462
'11000! : 用时 15.2818750000006 秒, 结果 39681 位,前5位为 31624
'12000! : 用时 18.4063750000059 秒, 结果 43742 位,前5位为 12018
'13000! : 用时 21.7975000000006 秒, 结果 47838 位,前5位为 77871
'14000! : 用时 25.5320000000065 秒, 结果 51969 位,前5位为 13864
'15000! : 用时 29.5627499999973 秒, 结果 56130 位,前5位为 27465
'16000! : 用时 33.90625 秒, 结果 60320 位,前5位为 51187
'17000! : 用时 38.5786249999946 秒, 结果 64538 位,前5位为 13797
'18000! : 用时 43.5477499999979 秒, 结果 68781 位,前5位为 13525
'19000! : 用时 48.84375 秒, 结果 73048 位,前5位为 18269
'20000! : 用时 54.4375 秒, 结果 77338 位,前5位为 18192
Sub calcfactorial(ByVal num As Long, Optional ByRef factorial As String)
Dim numlen As Long, last As Long, i As Long, j As Long, temp As Long
Dim result() As Long, s() As String, stime As Double
numlen = 1
stime = Timer
ReDim result(1 To numlen)
result(1) = 1
i = 0
Do While i < num
i = i + 1
   last = 0
   For j = 1 To numlen
        temp = result(j) * i + last
        result(j) = temp Mod 100000
        last = temp / 100000
   Do While Not last = 0
           ReDim Preserve result(1 To numlen + 1)
            result(numlen + 1) = last Mod 100000
            last = last / 100000
           numlen = UBound(result)
ReDim s(1 To numlen)
For i = 2 To numlen
s(i) = Format(result(numlen + 1 - i), "00000")
s(1) = result(numlen)
factorial = Join(s, "")
Debug.Print num & "! : 用时 "; Timer - stime & " 秒, 结果 " & Len(factorial) & " 位,前5位为 " & Left(factorial, 5)
'Debug.Print factorial
Erase s
Erase result
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
For i = 1 To 20
calcfactorial i * 1000
End Sub
1000! : 用时 6.26250000059372E-02 秒, 结果 2568 位,前5位为 40238
2000! : 用时 .297124999997322 秒, 结果 5736 位,前5位为 33162
3000! : 用时 .782000000006519 秒, 结果 9131 位,前5位为 41493
4000! : 用时 1.421875 秒, 结果 12674 位,前5位为 18288
5000! : 用时 2.26612499999464 秒, 结果 16326 位,前5位为 42285
6000! : 用时 3.79700000000594 秒, 结果 20066 位,前5位为 26839
7000! : 用时 4.65625 秒, 结果 23878 位,前5位为 88420
8000! : 用时 6.21899999999732 秒, 结果 27753 位,前5位为 51841
9000! : 用时 8.375 秒, 结果 31682 位,前5位为 80995
10000! : 用时 9.98512500000652 秒, 结果 35660 位,前5位为 28462
11000! : 用时 12.2351250000065 秒, 结果 39681 位,前5位为 31624
12000! : 用时 14.6882500000065 秒, 结果 43742 位,前5位为 12018
13000! : 用时 17.4696249999979 秒, 结果 47838 位,前5位为 77871
14000! : 用时 20.4071249999979 秒, 结果 51969 位,前5位为 13864
15000! : 用时 23.625 秒, 结果 56130 位,前5位为 27465
16000! : 用时 27.0783749999973 秒, 结果 60320 位,前5位为 51187
17000! : 用时 30.875 秒, 结果 64538 位,前5位为 13797
18000! : 用时 34.8131250000006 秒, 结果 68781 位,前5位为 13525
19000! : 用时 39.0320000000065 秒, 结果 73048 位,前5位为 18269
20000! : 用时 43.5783749999973 秒, 结果 77338 位,前5位为 18192
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