
交流群:263992520   入群密码:csdn



ORA-09751 w_attachPorts: 服务器调用 pws_attach 失败
ORA-09752 pw_attachPorts: port_allocate 失败
ORA-09753 spwat: 无效的进程号
ORA-09754 sppst: 传送给 sppst 的进程号无效
ORA-09755 osngpn: 端口配置失败
ORA-09756 osnpns: 名服务器中没有端口
ORA-09757 osnipn: 端口配置失败
ORA-09758 osnipn: 无法检查名服务器中的端口
ORA-09759 osnsbt: 收到的信息错误
ORA-09760 osnpui: 无法发送中断信息
ORA-09761 pw_destroyPorts: 服务器调用 pws_stop_instance 失败
ORA-09762 sNeXT_instanceName: 转换错误
ORA-09763 osnmpx: 交换 Mach 端口时出现发送/接收错误
ORA-09764 osnmop: oracle 可执行(代码)访问错误
ORA-09765 osnmop: 分叉失败
ORA-09766 osnmop: 缓冲区分配失败
ORA-09767 osnmfs: msg_send 的返回代码错误
ORA-09768 osnmgetmsg: 无法读信息
ORA-09769 osnmbr: 无法发送中断信息
ORA-09770 pws_look_up: 转换失败
ORA-09771 osnmwrtbrkmsg: msg_send 的返回代码错误
ORA-09772 osnpmetbrkmsg: 来自主机的信息类型错误
ORA-09773 osnmgetdatmsg: 来自主机的信息类型错误
ORA-09774 osnmui: 无法发送中断信息
ORA-09775 osnmrs: 重置协议错误
ORA-09776 pws_look_up: (Oracle 帮助程序) 可执行 (代码) 访问错误
ORA-09777 osnpbr: 无法发送中断信息
ORA-09778 snynfyport: 无法配置通知端口
ORA-09779 snyGetPort: 无法分配端口
ORA-09786 sllfop: 打开错误,无法打开文件
ORA-09787 sllfop: 不可识别的处理选项,格式错误
ORA-09788 sllfrb: 无法读文件
ORA-09789 sllfsk: 无法读文件
ORA-09790 sllfcf: 无法关闭文件
ORA-09791 slembdf: 转换错误,无法转换错误文件名
ORA-09792 sllfop: 无法分配读缓冲区
ORA-09793 szguns: 用户名的长度大于缓冲区的长度
ORA-09794 szrbuild: 角色名的长度大于缓冲区的长度
ORA-09795 szrbuild: 无法 malloc 角色结构
ORA-09796 szrbuild: 无法 malloc 角色名
ORA-09797 无法获得 O/S MAC 权限
ORA-09798 标记比较失败
ORA-09799 文件标记检索失败
ORA-09800 进程阅读权限标记检索失败。
ORA-09801 无法获得来自连接的用户 ID
ORA-09802 无法转换二进制标记为字符串
ORA-09803 无法分配字符串缓冲区
ORA-09804 从二进制到 ORACLE 的类转换失败
ORA-09805 无法转换类别编号为字符串
ORA-09806 无法分配标记字符串缓冲区
ORA-09807 从字符串到二进制的标记转换失败
ORA-09808 无法获得用户清除
ORA-09809 无法从连接获得用户组 ID
ORA-09810 无法从连接获得进程 ID
ORA-09811 无法初始化程序包
ORA-09812 无法从连接获得用户清除
ORA-09813 无法获得目录状态
ORA-09814 无法扩展文件名
ORA-09815 文件名缓冲区溢出
ORA-09816 无法设置有效权限
ORA-09817 无法写入审计文件
ORA-09818 数字过大
ORA-09819 数字超出最大合法值
ORA-09820 无法转换类字符串为数字表示法
ORA-09821 数字标记无效
ORA-09822 无法转换审计文件名
ORA-09823 设备名过长
ORA-09824 无法启用 allowmacaccess 权限
ORA-09825 无法禁用 allowmacaccess 权限
ORA-09826 SCLIN: 无法初始化原子锁栓
ORA-09827 sclgt: 原子锁栓返回未知的错误
ORA-09828 SCLFR: 原子锁栓返回错误
ORA-09829 pw_createPorts: 服务器调用 pws_start_instance 失败
ORA-09830 snyAddPort: 无法执行远程过程调用
ORA-09831 snyStartThread: 无法建立服务器端口设置
ORA-09832 infoCallback: 信息格式错误
ORA-09833 addCallback: 信息格式错误
ORA-09834 snyGetPortSet: 无法获得端口信息
ORA-09835 addCallback: 回调端口已经设置
ORA-09836 addCallback: 无法添加端口到回调设置
ORA-09837 addCallback: 无法添加分配到回调链接
ORA-09838 removeCallback: 无法删除回调端口
ORA-09839 removeCallback: 回调端口不在回调设置中
ORA-09840 soacon: 名称转换失败
ORA-09841 soacon: 名称转换失败
ORA-09842 soacon: Archmon 无法创建指定管道
ORA-09843 soacon: Archmon 无法创建命名管道
ORA-09844 soacon: Archmon 无法打开命名管道
ORA-09845 soacon: Archmon 无法打开命名管道
ORA-09846 soacon: ARCH 无法打开命名管道
ORA-09847 soacon: ARCH 无法打开命名管道
ORA-09848 soawrt: 无法写入命名管道
ORA-09849 soarcv: 无法从命名管道读取
ORA-09850 soacon: Archmon 无法锁定命名管道
ORA-09851 soacon: Archmon 无法锁定命名管道
ORA-09853 snyRemovePort: 从请求返回的代码错误
ORA-09854 snyPortInfo: 从请求返回的代码错误
ORA-09855 removeCallback: 信息格式错误
ORA-09856 smpalo: 在分配 pga 时出现 vm_allocate 错误
ORA-09857 smprset: 在保护 pga 时出现 vm_protect 错误
ORA-09870 spini: 无法初始化最大数的打开文件
ORA-09871 TASDEF_NAME: 扩展 ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf 时出现转换错误
ORA-09872 TASDEF_CREATE: 无法创建 ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf
ORA-09873 TASDEF_OPEN: 打开 tasdef@.dbf 文件时出现打开错误
ORA-09874 TASDEF_READ: 读错误,无法读 tasdef@.dbf 文件
ORA-09875 TASDEF_WRITE: 在写 ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf 文件时出现写错误
ORA-09876 TASDEF_CLOSE: 无法关闭 ?/dbs/tasdef@.dbf 文件
ORA-09877 sstascre: shmget 错误,无法获得共享内存段
ORA-09878 sstascre/sstasat: shmat 错误,无法连接 tas 写入页
ORA-09879 sstascre/sstasat: shmat 错误,无法连接 tas 读取页
ORA-09880 sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt 错误,无法分离写入页
ORA-09881 sstasfre/sstasdel: shmdt 错误,无法分离读取页
ORA-09882 sstasfre/sstasdel: shmctl 错误,无法删除 tas shm 页
ORA-09883 双工接口: oratab 文件不存在
ORA-09884 双工接口: SID 没有配置当前 PU
ORA-09885 osnTXtt: 无法创建 TXIPC 通道
ORA-09886 osnTXtt: 在扩展 txipc@.trc 时出现转换错误
ORA-09887 osnTXtt: 无法创建/打开调试通道
ORA-09888 osnTXtt: 无法创建 txipc 通道
ORA-09889 osnTXtt: oracle 可执行 (代码) 访问错误
ORA-09890 osnTXtt: malloc 失败
ORA-09908 slkmnm: gethostname 返回错误代码
ORA-09909 无法 Malloc 暂存缓冲区
ORA-09910 无法找到用户的 ORACLE 口令文件条目
ORA-09911 用户口令错误
ORA-09912 无法 Malloc 名称缓冲区
ORA-09913 无法 Malloc 转储名
ORA-09914 无法打开 ORACLE 口令文件
ORA-09915 口令加密失败
ORA-09916 未指定要求的口令
ORA-09918 无法从 SQL*Net 获得用户权限
ORA-09919 无法设置专用服务器的标记
ORA-09920 无法从连接获得阅读权限标记
ORA-09921 无法从连接获得信息标记
ORA-09922 无法生成进程 - 未正确创建背景日志目录
ORA-09923 无法生成进程 - 未正确创建用户日志目录
ORA-09924 无法生成进程 - 未正确创建磁心转储目录
ORA-09925 无法创建审计线索文件
ORA-09926 无法设置服务器的有效权限集
ORA-09927 无法设置服务器标记
ORA-09928 无法恢复服务器标记
ORA-09929 两个标记的 GLB 无效
ORA-09930 两个标记的 LUB 无效
ORA-09931 无法打开要读取的 ORACLE 口令文件
ORA-09932 无法关闭 ORACLE 口令文件
ORA-09933 无法删除旧的口令文件
ORA-09934 无法将当前口令文件链接到旧文件
ORA-09935 无法撤消链接当前口令文件
ORA-09936 无法打开要写入的 ORACLE 口令文件
ORA-09937 ORACLE 口令文件的 Chmod 失败
ORA-09938 无法保存信号处理程序
ORA-09939 无法恢复信号处理程序
ORA-09940 ORACLE 口令文件标题损坏
ORA-09941 orapasswd 或安装程序的版本比文件更旧
ORA-09942 ORACLE 口令文件标题写失败
ORA-09943 无法分配口令列表组件的内存
ORA-09944 口令条目损坏
ORA-09945 无法初始化审计线索文件
ORA-09946 缓冲区的文件名过长
ORA-09947 无法配置连接属性结构
ORA-09948 无法检索进程信息标记
ORA-09949 无法获得客户操作系统权限
ORA-09950 无法获得服务器操作系统权限
ORA-09951 无法创建文件
ORA-09952 scgcmn: lk_open_convert 返回未预期的值: 无法打开
ORA-09953 scggc: 锁定转换时返回未预期的值
ORA-09954 scgcc: 回调锁定关闭时返回未预期的状态
ORA-09955 scgcan: 取消锁定时返回未预期的状态
ORA-09956 scgcm: 未预期的锁定状态条件
ORA-09957 无法发送结束请求到 IMON
ORA-09958 IMON: 具有相同 ORACLE pid 的两个进程处于活动状态
ORA-09959 IMON: 无法删除进程
ORA-09960 无法建立终止信号的信号处理程序
ORA-09961 无法恢复终止信号处理程序
ORA-09962 scggrc 中的 lk_group_create 错误
ORA-09963 scggra 中的 lk_group_attach 错误
ORA-09964 scggrd 中的 lk_group_detach 错误
ORA-09966 scumnt: 在扩展 ?/dbs/lk 时出现转换错误
ORA-09967 scumnt: 无法创建或打开文件
ORA-09968 scumnt: 无法锁定文件
ORA-09969 scurls: 无法关闭锁定文件
ORA-09974 skxfidini: 初始化 SDI 通道时出错
ORA-09975 kxfspini: 初始化 SDI 进程时出错
ORA-09976 skxfqdini: 创建端口时出错
ORA-09977 skxfqhini: 连接时出错
ORA-09978 skxfqhdel: 从另一终端断开连接时出错
ORA-09979 skxfqhsnd: 发送信息到另一终端时出错
ORA-09980 skxfqdrcv: 从另一终端接收信息时出错
ORA-09981 skxfqdreg: 添加页到 SDI 缓冲池时出错
ORA-09982 skxfqddrg: 从 SDI 缓冲池删除页时出错
ORA-09983 skxfidsht: 关闭 SDI 通道时出错
ORA-09985 无法读取 SGA 定义文件
ORA-09986 从 SGA 定义文件读取的字节数错误
ORA-09987 在 READ-ONLY 模式下无法连接到 SGA
ORA-09988 分离 SGA 时出错
ORA-09989 尝试使用无效的 skgmsdef 结构指针
ORA-10000 controlfile debug event,name 'control_file'
ORA-10001 controlfile crash event1
ORA-10002 controlfile crash event2
ORA-10003 controlfile crash event3
ORA-10004 controlfile crash event4
ORA-10005 trace latch operations for debugging
ORA-10006 testing - block recovery forced
ORA-10008 log switch debug crash after new log header write thread
ORA-10009 log switch debug crash after old log header write  thread
ORA-10010 Begin Transaction
ORA-10011 End   Transaction
ORA-10012 Abort Transaction
ORA-10013 Instance Recovery
ORA-10014 Roll Back to Save Point
ORA-10015 Undo Segment Recovery
ORA-10016 Undo Segment extend
ORA-10017 Undo Segment Wrap
ORA-10018 Data Segment Create
ORA-10019 Data Segment Recovery
ORA-10020 partial link restored to linked list (KSG)
ORA-10021 latch cleanup for state objects (KSS)
ORA-10022 trace ktsgsp
ORA-10023 Create Save Undo Segment
ORA-10024 Write to Save Undo
ORA-10025 Extend Save Undo Segment
ORA-10026 Apply Save Undo
ORA-10027 latch cleanup for enqueue locks (KSQ)
ORA-10028 latch cleanup for enqueue resources (KSQ)
ORA-10029 session logon (KSU)
ORA-10030 session logoff (KSU)
ORA-10031 sort debug event (S*)
ORA-10032 sort statistics (SOR*)
ORA-10033 sort run information (SRD*/SRS*)
ORA-10035 parse SQL statement (OPIPRS)
ORA-10036 create remote row source (QKANET)
ORA-10037 allocate remote row source (QKARWS)
ORA-10038 dump row source tree (QBADRV)
ORA-10039 type checking (OPITCA)
ORA-10040 dirty cache list
ORA-10041 dump undo records skipped
ORA-10042 trap error during undo application
ORA-10043 check consistency of owner/waiter/converter lists in KSQ
ORA-10044 free list undo operations
ORA-10045 free list update operations - ktsrsp  ktsunl
ORA-10046 enable SQL statement timing
ORA-10047 trace switching of sessions
ORA-10048 Undo segment shrink
ORA-10049 protect library cache memory heaps
ORA-10050 sniper trace
ORA-10051 trace OPI calls
ORA-10052 don't clean up obj$
ORA-10053 CBO Enable optimizer trace
ORA-10054 trace UNDO handling in MLS
ORA-10055 trace UNDO handing
ORA-10056 dump analyze stats (kdg)
ORA-10057 suppress file names in error messages
ORA-10058 use table scan cost in tab$.spare1
ORA-10059 simulate error in logfile create/clear
ORA-10060 CBO Enable predicate dump
ORA-10061 disable SMON from cleaning temp segment
ORA-10062 disable usage of OS Roles in osds
ORA-10063 disable usage of DBA and OPER privileges in osds
ORA-10064 thread enable debug crash level   thread
ORA-10065 limit library cache dump information for state object dump
ORA-10066 simulate failure to verify file
ORA-10067 force redo log checksum errors - block number
ORA-10068 force redo log checksum errors - file number
ORA-10069 Trusted Oracle test event
ORA-10070 force datafile checksum errors - block number
ORA-10071 force datafile checksum errors - file number
ORA-10072 protect latch recovery memory
ORA-10073 have PMON dump info before latch cleanup
ORA-10074 default trace function mask for kst
ORA-10076 CBO Enable cartesian product join costing
ORA-10078 CBO Disable constant predicate elimination optimization
ORA-10079 trace data sent/received via SQL*Net
ORA-10080 dump a block on a segment list which cannot be exchanged
ORA-10081 segment High Water Mark has been advanced
ORA-10083 a brand new block has been requested from space management
ORA-10084 free list becomes empty
ORA-10085 free lists have been merged
ORA-10087 disable repair of media corrupt data blocks
ORA-10088 CBO Disable new NOT IN optimization
ORA-10089 CBO Disable index sorting
ORA-10090 invoke other events before crash recovery
ORA-10091 CBO Disable constant predicate merging
ORA-10092 CBO Disable hash join
ORA-10093 CBO Enable force hash joins
ORA-10094 before resizing a data file
ORA-10095 dump debugger commands to trace file
ORA-10096 after the cross instance call when resizing a data file
ORA-10097 after generating redo when resizing a data file
ORA-10101 atomic redo write recovery
ORA-10102 switch off anti-joins
ORA-10103 CBO Disable hash join swapping
ORA-10104 dump hash join statistics to trace file
ORA-10106 CBO Disable evaluating correlation pred last for NOT IN
ORA-10107 CBO Always use bitmap index
ORA-10108 CBO Don't use bitmap index
ORA-10109 CBO Disable move of negated predicates
ORA-10110 CBO Try index rowid range scans
ORA-10111 Bitmap index creation switch
ORA-10112 Bitmap index creation switch
ORA-10113 Bitmap index creation switch
ORA-10114 Bitmap index creation switch
ORA-10115 CBO Bitmap optimization use maximal expression
ORA-10116 CBO Bitmap optimization switch
ORA-10117 CBO Disable new parallel cost model
ORA-10118 CBO Enable hash join costing
ORA-10119 QKA Disable GBY sort elimination
ORA-10120 generate relative file # different from absolute
ORA-10121 CBO Don't sort bitmap chains
ORA-10122 Disable transformation of count(col) to count(*)
ORA-10123 QKA Disable Bitmap And-EQuals
ORA-10125 Disable remote sort elimination
ORA-10126 Debug oracle java xa
ORA-10127 Disable remote query block operation
ORA-10128 Dump Partition Pruning Information
ORA-10129 Alter histogram lookup for remote queries
ORA-10130 sort disable readaheads
ORA-10131 use v$sql_plan code path for explain plan
ORA-10132 dump plan after compilation
ORA-10133 testing for SQL Memory Management
ORA-10134 tracing for SQL Memory Management for session
ORA-10135 CBO do not count 0 rows partitions
ORA-10136 CBO turn off fix for bug 1089848
ORA-10137 CBO turn off fix for bug 1344111
ORA-10138 CBO turn off fix for bug 1577003
ORA-10139 CBO turn off fix for bug 1386119
ORA-10140 CBO turn off fix for bug 1332980
ORA-10141 CBO disable additional keys for inlist in bitmap optimization
ORA-10142 CBO turn off advanced OR-expansion checks
ORA-10143 CBO turn off hints
ORA-10144 CBO turn off cost based selection of bji over bsj subquery
ORA-10145 test auditing network errors
ORA-10146 enable Oracle TRACE collection
ORA-10147 enable join push through UNION view
ORA-10148 Use pre-7.3.3 random generator
ORA-10149 allow the creation of constraints with illegal date constants
ORA-10150 import exceptions
ORA-10151 Force duplicate dependency removal
ORA-10152 CBO don't consider function costs in plans
ORA-10153 Switch to use public synonym if private one does not translate
ORA-10154 Switch to disallow synonyms in DDL statements
ORA-10155 CBO disable generation of transitive OR-chains
ORA-10156 CBO disable index fast full scan
ORA-10157 CBO disable index access path for in-list
ORA-10158 CBO preserve predicate order in post-filters
ORA-10159 CBO disable order-by sort pushdown into domain indexes
ORA-10160 CBO disable use of join index
ORA-10161 CBO recursive semi-join on/off-switch
ORA-10162 CBO join-back elimination on/off-switch
ORA-10163 CBO join-back elimination on/off-switch
ORA-10164 CBO disable subquery-adjusted cardinality fix
ORA-10166 trace long operation statistics updates
ORA-10167 CBO use old index MIN/MAX optimization
ORA-10168 CBO disable single-table predicate predicate generation
ORA-10169 CBO disable histograms for multi partitions
ORA-10170 CBO use old bitmap costing
ORA-10171 CBO disable transitive join predicates
ORA-10172 CBO force hash join back
ORA-10173 CBO no constraint-based join-back elimination
ORA-10174 view join-back elimination switch
ORA-10175 CBO star transformation switch
ORA-10176 CBO colocated join switch
ORA-10177 CBO colocated join switch
ORA-10179 CBO turn off transitive predicate replacement
ORA-10180 temp table transformation print error messages
ORA-10181 CBO disable multi-column in-list processing
ORA-10182 CBO disable generation of implied predicates
ORA-10183 CBO disable cost rounding
ORA-10185 CBO force index joins
ORA-10186 CBO disable index join
ORA-10187 CBO additional index join switch
ORA-10188 CBO additional index join switch
ORA-10189 CBO turn off FFS null fix
ORA-10190 Analyze use old frequency histogram collection and density
ORA-10192 nopushdown when number of groups exceed number of rows
ORA-10193 Force repeatable sampling with specified seed
ORA-10194 CBO disable new LIKE selectivity heuristic
ORA-10195 CBO don't use check constraints for transitive predicates
ORA-10196 CBO disable index skip scan
ORA-10197 CBO force index skip scan
ORA-10198 check undo record
ORA-10199 set parameter in session
ORA-10200 consistent read buffer status
ORA-10201 consistent read undo application
ORA-10202 consistent read block header
ORA-10203 block cleanout
ORA-10204 signal recursive extend
ORA-10205 row cache debugging
ORA-10206 transaction table consistent read
ORA-10207 consistent read transactions' status report
ORA-10208 consistent read loop check
ORA-10209 enable simulated error on controlfile
ORA-10210 check data block integrity
ORA-10211 check index block integrity
ORA-10212 check cluster integrity
ORA-10213 crash after controlfile write
ORA-10214 simulate write errors on controlfile
ORA-10215 simulate read errors on controlfile
ORA-10216 dump controlfile header
ORA-10217 debug sequence numbers
ORA-10218 dump uba of applied undo
ORA-10219 monitor multi-pass row locking
ORA-10220 show updates to the transaction table
ORA-10221 show changes done with undo
ORA-10222 row cache
ORA-10223 transaction layer - turn on verification codes
ORA-10224 index block split/delete trace
ORA-10225 free/used extent row cache
ORA-10227 verify (multi-piece) row structure
ORA-10228 trace application of redo by kcocbk
ORA-10229 simulate I/O error against datafiles
ORA-10230 check redo generation by copying before applying
ORA-10231 skip corrupted blocks on _table_scans_
ORA-10233 skip corrupted blocks on index operations
ORA-10235 check memory manager internal structures
ORA-10236 library cache manager
ORA-10237 simulate ^C (for testing purposes)
ORA-10238 instantiation manager
ORA-10239 multi-instance library cache manager
ORA-10240 dump dba's of blocks that we wait for
ORA-10241 remote SQL execution tracing/validation
ORA-10242 suppress OER 2063 (for testing distrib w/o different error log)
ORA-10244 make tranids in error msgs print as 0.0.0 (for testing)
ORA-10245 simulate lock conflict error for testing PMON
ORA-10246 print trace of PMON actions to trace file
ORA-10247 Turn on scgcmn tracing. (VMS ONLY)
ORA-10248 turn on tracing for dispatchers
ORA-10249 turn on tracing for multi-stated servers
ORA-10250 Trace all allocate and free calls to the topmost SGA heap
ORA-10252 simulate write error to data file header
ORA-10253 simulate write error to redo log
ORA-10254 trace cross-instance calls
ORA-10255 pl/sql parse checking
ORA-10256 turn off shared server load balancing
ORA-10257 trace shared server load balancing
ORA-10258 force shared servers to be chosen round-robin
ORA-10259 get error message text from remote using explicit call
ORA-10260 Trace calls to SMPRSET (VMS ONLY)
ORA-10261 Limit the size of the PGA heap
ORA-10262 Don't check for memory leaks
ORA-10263 Don't free empty PGA heap extents
ORA-10265 Keep random system generated output out of error messages
ORA-10266 Trace OSD stack usage
ORA-10267 Inhibit KSEDMP for testing
ORA-10268 Don't do forward coalesce when deleting extents
ORA-10269 Don't do coalesces of free space in SMON
ORA-10270 Debug shared cursors
ORA-10271 distributed transaction after COLLECT
ORA-10272 distributed transaction before PREPARE
ORA-10273 distributed transaction after PREPARE
ORA-10274 distributed transaction before COMMIT
ORA-10275 distributed transaction after COMMIT
ORA-10276 distributed transaction before FORGET
ORA-10277 Cursor sharing (or not) related event (used for testing)
ORA-10278 Internal testing
ORA-10279 Simulate block corruption in kdb4chk
ORA-10280 Internal testing - segmentation fault during crash recovery
ORA-10281 maximum time to wait for process creation
ORA-10283 simulate asynch I/O never completing
ORA-10284 simulate zero/infinite asynch I/O buffering
ORA-10285 Simulate controlfile header corruption
ORA-10286 Simulate controlfile open error
ORA-10287 Simulate archiver error
ORA-10288 Do not check block type in ktrget
ORA-10289 Do block dumps to trace file in hex rather than fromatted
ORA-10290 kdnchk - checkvalid event - not for general purpose use.
ORA-10291 die in tbsdrv to test controlfile undo
ORA-10292 dump uet entries on a 1561 from dtsdrv
ORA-10294 enable PERSISTENT DLM operations on non-compliant systems
ORA-10295 die after file header update durning cf xact
ORA-10296 disable ORA-379
ORA-10297 customize dictionary object number cache
ORA-10298 ksfd i/o tracing
ORA-10299 Trace prefetch tracking decisions made by CKPT
ORA-10301 Enable LCK timeout table consistency check
ORA-10302 trace create or drop internal trigger
ORA-10304 trace replication trigger
ORA-10305 trace updatable materialized view trigger
ORA-10306 trace materialized view log trigger
ORA-10307 trace RepCat execution
ORA-10308 replication testing event
ORA-10309 Trigger Debug event
ORA-10310 trace synchronous change table trigger
ORA-10311 Disable Flashback Table Timestamp checking
ORA-10312 Allow disable to log rows into the mapping table
ORA-10313 Allow Row CR operations for single instance





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