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原创 Week7-2POS tagging

POSOpen class nouns, non-modal verbs, adjectives, adverbsClosed class prepositions, modal verbs, conjunctions, particles, determiners, pronounsPenn Treebank tag set: the label IN indicates all of

2015-12-31 16:57:40 335

原创 Week7-1Noisy channel model

The noisy channel modelExample: Input: written English(X)Encoder: garble the input(X->Y)Output: spoken English(Y)More examples: Grammatical english to english with mistakesEnglish to bitmaps(cha

2015-12-22 00:08:18 739

原创 Week6-7Word Sense Disambiguation

Introductionpolysemy words have multiple senseshomonymyPOS ambiguityWord sense disambiguationTask given a wordand its contextUse for machine translation e.g., translate ‘play’ into Spanishpl

2015-12-20 16:55:29 552

原创 Week6-6Language Modelling3

Evaluation of LMExtrinsicIntrinsicCorrelate the two for validation purposesIntrinsic: PerplexityDoes the model fit the data? A good model will give high probability to a real sentence.Perplexity

2015-12-20 16:09:52 718

原创 Week6-5Language Modelling2

SmoothingIf the vocabulary size is ∣V∣=1M \mid V \mid = 1M Too many parameters to estimate even a unigram modelMLE assigns value of 0 to unseen data, let alone bigram and trigram.Smoothing(regular

2015-12-19 18:33:42 249

原创 Week6-3,4Language Modelling1

Probabilistic language modelAssign a probability to a sentence P(S)=P(w1,w2,...,wn)P(S) = P(w_1, w_2, ..., w_n)Different from deterministic methods using CFGThe sum of the probabilities of all poss

2015-12-17 13:16:21 286

原创 Week6-2Bayesian theorem

Bayes’ theoremFormula for joint probability P(A,B)=P(B∣A)P(A)=P(A∣B)P(B)P(A,B) = P( B \mid A)P(A) = P(A \mid B)P(B)ThereforeP(A∣B)=P(B∣A)P(A)P(B)P(A \mid B) = \frac{P(B \mid A)P(A)}{P(B)}ExampleW

2015-12-16 11:57:02 109

原创 Week6-1Probabilities

Probabilistic reasoningpeech recognition recognize speech and wreck a nice beachmachine translation l’avocat general: the attorney general and the general avocadoprobabilities make it possible to

2015-12-15 10:55:15 248

原创 Week5-8Alternative Parsing Formalisms

Mildly Context-sensitive grammars-Tree substitution grammars(TSG) - Terminals generate entire tree fragments - TSG and CFG are formally equivalent - Tree adjoining grammar(TAG) - C

2015-12-14 17:59:58 286

原创 Week5-7Dependency parsing

#Dependency structure blue modifier, dependent, child, subordinatehouse head, governor, parent, regentPhrase structureDependency structure Dependency grammarCharacteristics lexical/syntactic depen

2015-12-13 16:52:03 408

原创 Wee5-6Lexicalized parsing

One step up from Context Free Parsing.Limitations of PCFGsThe probabilities do not depend on the specific wordsNot possible to disambiguate sentences based on semantic informationIdea: lexicalized g

2015-12-12 15:15:47 310

原创 Wee5-5Statistical parsing

PCFGNeed for PCFGTime flies like an arrow Many parsesSome more likely than othersNeed for a probabilistic ranking methodDefinitionJust like CFG, a 4 tuple(N,Σ,R,S)(N, \Sigma, R, S)N: non-terminal

2015-12-10 01:22:54 564

原创 Wee5-4PP attachment 3

Accuracy in test dataAlg2 63%Alg2a outperforms Alg2(Rule 3), 70%Summarization Memorizing everything is not a good idea!!What additional sources can we use to improve the algorithm?use a few more

2015-12-02 19:04:46 473



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