TEQC 编辑 观测gps文件的选项含义

The meaning of the various -O flags should be fairly obvious to anyone familiar with the RINEX OBS header fields:
  • -O.s[ystem]
    satellite system (G = GPS, R = GLONASS, S = SBAS, T = Transit, M = mixed)
    program used to create RINEX file (note: will be obsolete and ignored in first release after 7 Jan 1999)
    name of user of program
    date of program execution (note: will be obsolete and ignored in first release after 7 Jan 1999)
    name of site operator (observer)
    name of agency
    monument (marker) name
    monument (marker) number
    receiver number
    receiver type
    receiver software/firmware version
    antenna number
    antenna type
    approximate geocentric position in WGS84 cartesian coordinates, in meters
    antenna topocentric correction, in meters
    original header comment (note: use +O.c[omment] to append a new comment)
    sampling interval, in seconds
    date & time of first observation epoch
    date & time of last observation epoch
    default wavelength factors for L1 and L2 (see note on teqc's handling of wavelength factors)
    list of observables and the observables themselves in the data portion of the file
There are also a few other options that can be used to input information, but are never output with +config or ++config:
  • -O.dec[imate]
    modulo decimation of OBS epochs to # time units (seconds by default); -O.dec 30 or -O.dec 30s or -O.dec .5m results in epochs nominally at 00 and 30 seconds being output; millisecond jumps should be accounted for automatically
    approximate geocentric position in WGS84 geographic coordinates, latitude and longitude in decimal degrees and elevation in meters (this input is converted to WGS84 cartesian coordinates)
    input vertical topocentric antenna correction as slant height, antenna diameter, and vertical phase center offset (E and N are assumed to be zero) (this input is converted to the cartesian topocentric correction h 0 0)
    append a new comment field (note: you cannot change existing comments with -O.c[omment])
    change the character designations of the observables in the # / TYPES OF OBSERV in the RINEX OBS header, but does not rearrange the data in the file; use with care!
    set the wavelength factors for a specific set of SVs different from the default wavelength factors (this will not be present in the RINEX OBS header as a WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2 record; see note on teqc's handling of wavelength factors)
    -O.mov[ing] 1
    force RINEX OBS antenna position to be in kinematic (roving) state initially (especially regardless of binary flags if doing translation); note that this option has an argument: 1 to turn on and 0 to turn off
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