Unity3D优化之Tuning Main Loop Performance

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Tuning Main Loop Performance         调整主循环性能


Setting the Desired Framerate


Unity iOS allows you to change the frequency with which your application will try to execute its rendering loop, which is set to 30 frames per second by default. You can lower this number to save battery power but of course this saving will come at the expense of frame updates. Conversely, you can increase the framerate to give the rendering priority over other activities such as touch input and accelerometer processing. You will need to experiment with your choice of framerate to determine how it affects gameplay in your case.

Unity iOS 允许您更改您的应用程序执行渲染循环的频率,而它的默认设置为每秒 30帧。您可以降低此帧率来节省电池的电量,但当然这种节约在每帧中也会给您来一定的更新代价。相反,您也可以增加渲染帧率,从而使画面渲染优先于触摸输入和加速度计处理等其他活动。您需要对帧速率进行反复试验,从而确定它是如何来影响您的游戏体验。


If your application involves heavy computation or rendering and can maintain only 15 frames per second, say, then setting the desired frame rate higher than fifteen wouldn't give any extra performance. The application has to be optimized sufficiently to allow for a higher framerate.



To set the desired framerate, open the XCode project generated by Unity and open theAppController.mm file. The line



#define kFPS 30


...determines the the current framerate, so you can just change to set the desired value. For example, if you change the define to:-


#define kFPS 60


...then the application will attempt to render at 60 FPS instead of 30 FPS.



The Rendering Loop   渲染循环

When iOS version 3.1 or later is in use, Unity will use theCADisplayLink class to schedule the rendering loop. Versions before 3.1 need to use one of several fallback methods to handle the loop. However, the fallback methods can be activated even for iOS 3.1 and later by changing the line

在使用 iOS 3.1 或更高版本时,Unity将安排渲染循环使用 CADisplayLink类。版本 3.1之前的版本需要使用几种fallback方法来处理循环。但是, 3.1及更高版本的 iOS可以通过以下方法来激活fallback方法。




...and changing it to



Fallback Loop Types          回退循环类型

Apple recommends the system timer for scheduling the rendering operation on iOS versions before 3.1. This approach is good for applications where performance is not critical and favours battery life and correct processing of events over rendering performance. However, better rendering performance is often more important to games, so Unity provides several scheduling methods to tweak the performance of the rendering loop:-

苹果公司建议在iOS 版本 3.1之前使用系统计时器来调度的渲染。这种做法适合于那些对性能需求不是十分苛刻的应用,同时,这样做也有利于电池的寿命和正确的渲染处理。但是,对于游戏来说,我们无疑是需要更好地渲染性能,所以Unity提供几个调度方法来调整渲染循环的性能:


          System Timer: this is the standard approach suggested by Apple. It uses theNSTimer class to schedule rendering and has the worst rendering performance but

          guarantees to process all input events.

         系统计时器:这是苹果所建议的标准方法。它使用 NSTimer类来安排渲染,但为了保证处理所有的输入的事件大大牺牲了渲染性能。


         Thread: a separate thread is used to schedule rendering. This offers better rendering performance than the NSTimer approach, but sometimes could miss touch or

          accelerometer events. This method of scheduling is also the easiest to set up and is the default method used by Unity for iOS versions before 3.1.


         法,并且是Unity iOS 3.1版本之前使用的默认方法。


        Event Pump: this uses aCFRunLoop object to dispatch events. It gives better rendering performance than the NSTimer approach and also allows you to set the

        amount of time the OS should spend processing touch and accelerometer events. This option must be used with care since touch and accelerometer events will be

        lost if there is not enough processor time available to handle them.

        事件泵:它使用 CFRunLoop对象来调度事件。它比 NSTimer方法提供了更好地渲染性能,并还允许您设置操作系统应该花多少时间处理触摸和加速度计事件。但您必




The different fallback loop types can be selected by changing defines in the AppController.mm file. The significant lines are the following:




The file should have all but one of these lines commented out. The uncommented line selects the rendering loop method that will be used by the application.



If you want to prioritize rendering over input processing with the NSTimer approach you should locate and change the line

如果您想在使用 NSTimer 方法的时候提升渲染处理的优先级,使其先于输入操作进行处理,那么您应该在AppController.mm文件中找到并更改以下代码:


#define kThrottleFPS 2.0

...in AppController.mm. Increasing this number will give higher priority to rendering. The result of changing this value varies among applications, so it is best to try it for yourself and see what happens in your specific case.



If you use the Event Pump rendering loop then you need to tweak thekMillisecondsPerFrameToProcessEvents constant precisely to achieve the desired responsiveness. ThekMillisecondsPerFrameToProcessEvents constant allows you to specify exactly how much time (in milliseconds) you will allow the OS to process events. If you allocate insufficient time for this task then touch or accelerometer events might be lost, and while the application will be fast, it will also be less responsive.



To specify the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the OS will spend processing events, locate and change the line


#define kMillisecondsPerFrameToProcessEvents 7.0

...in AppController.mm.


Tuning Accelerometer Processing Frequency             调整加速度计处理频率


If accelerometer input is processed too frequently then the overall performance of your game may suffer as a result. By default, a Unity iOS application will sample the accelerometer 60 times per second. You may see some performance benefit by reducing the accelerometer sampling frequency and it can even be set to zero for games that don't use accelerometer input. You can change the accelerometer frequency from theOther Settings panel in the iOS Player Settings.

如果过于频繁地处理加速度计,那么你的游戏的整体性能可能会受到一定的损失。默认情况下,一个Unity iOS应用每秒将处理60次加速度事件。您会看到,如果降低加速度计的调用频率,将会提升一些性能。所以对于不使用加速度计的游戏,您甚至可以将它设置为零。您可以在iOS Player Settings中的Other Settings面板中改变加速度计的更新频率。








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