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原创 2013感悟


2014-02-03 15:21:30 3961 2

原创 我的Unity之旅

本系列文章由 Amazonzx 编写,欢迎转载,转载请注明出处。http://blog.csdn.net/amazonzx/article/details/8662942好久没有写blog了,为什么?因为这半年我加入了Unity。 Unity?是的,它是一个公司,不是Ubuntu的Unity,而是一个引擎公司,它创造了一个叫做Unity3D的游戏引擎。

2013-03-12 11:47:23 6681 6

原创 Unity3D游戏制作(四)——Asset Server搭建

本系列文章由 Amazonzx 编写,欢迎转载,转载请注明出处。http://blog.csdn.net/amazonzx/article/details/7980117Asset Server是目前Unity内部自带的资源版本管理工具,类似于我们平时所熟知的SVN,perForce,但对于目前的Unity,Asset Server要比SVN和perForce等版本控制

2012-09-14 17:53:02 29710 2

原创 Unity3D游戏制作(三)——移动平台上的角色阴影制作

本系列文章由 Amazonzx 编写,欢迎转载,转载请注明出处。http://blog.csdn.net/amazonzx/article/details/7973740 本文将重点介绍两种目前在移动平台上的主流阴影制作技术,同时也会简单介绍两种移动平台上相对较为高级的动态阴影生成方法。由于目前主流使用Unity3.x在移动平台上并不支持阴影的动态生成技术,所以目前最普遍流行同时性

2012-09-13 10:21:40 38074 3

原创 Unity3D游戏制作(二)——如何渲染3D角色

本系列文章由 Amazonzx 编写,欢迎转载,转载请注明出处。http://blog.csdn.net/amazonzx/article/details/7935341本文主要介绍一下如何利用Shader来渲染游戏中的3D角色,以及如何利用Unity提供的Surface Shader来书写自定义Shader。一、       从Shader开始1、通过Assets->

2012-09-02 21:16:15 25434 6

原创 Unity3D游戏制作(一)——3D横版场景的角色移动控制

本系列文章由 Amazonzx 编写,欢迎转载,转载请注明出处。http://blog.csdn.net/amazonzx/article/details/7824112 开博写Unity的东西也写了好多,但大部分都是翻译,原创很少,接下来的一段日子,我会多写一些原创文章,介绍一些在项目中积累的简单实用的技术。 一、导入场景,并在场景中加入TouchPlaneTouchPl

2012-08-02 18:10:23 20884 4

原创 Unity3D图像后处理特效

最近两个月在工作之余帮Unity圣典论坛做了一些脚本翻译,现把它贴到blog中,方便以后查看。如果大家发现翻译错误或不妥之处,还请多多指出,方便改正。另外,圣典论坛在我看来是目前国内最火的Unity论坛,上面不仅资源丰富,也有不少讨论贴子,希望大家多去交流淘宝。 翻译列表如下:       Antialiasing (PostEffect)            Bloom a

2012-07-16 11:21:10 7391

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Vortex image effect

The Vortex image effect distorts the rendered image within a circular region. Pixels in the image are displaced around a central circular area by a specified angle; the amount of displacement reduce

2012-07-16 10:52:20 6254

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Twirl image effect

The Twirl image effect distorts the rendered image within a circular region. The pixels at the centre of the circle are rotated by a specified angle; the rotation for other pixels in the circle decr

2012-07-16 10:49:43 5784

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) image effect

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) approximatesAmbient Occlusion in realtime, as an image post-processing effect. It darkens creases, holes and surfaces that are close to each other. In real li

2012-07-16 10:46:55 8769 1

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Sepia Tone image effect

Sepia Tone is a simple image effect that tints an image to resemble an old photograph.棕褐色色调映射是一个简单的图像特效,它可以使图片呈现出老照片的效果。 As with the otherimage effects, this effect is only available in Un

2012-07-16 10:43:14 5479

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Noise image effect

Noise is an image postprocessing effect that can simulate both TV and VCR noise.添加噪声是一种模拟TV和VCR噪声的图像特效。 As with the otherimage effects, this effect is only available in Unity Pro and you m

2012-07-16 10:39:38 6068

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Motion Blur image effect

Motion Blur image effect enhances fast-moving scenes by leaving "motion trails" of previously rendered frames.运动模糊图像特效通过将“运动轨迹”上之前渲染帧的图像保留下来来增强场景快速运动的感觉。 Like all image effects, Motion Blur

2012-07-16 10:22:10 7835

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Bloom and Lens Flares

Blooming is the optical effect where light from a bright source (such as a glint) appears to leak into surrounding objects. TheBloom and Lens Flares image effect adds bloom and also automatically ge

2012-07-16 10:16:03 17369

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Grayscale image effect

Grayscale is a simple image effect that changes colors to grayscale by default. It can also use a Texture Ramp texture to remap luminance to arbitrary colors. 灰度图像特效是一种将原始颜色转变成灰度的图像特效。它可以使用一个Texture

2012-07-16 09:54:40 10603

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Glow image effect

Glow (sometimes called "Bloom") can dramatically enhance the rendered image by making overbright parts "glow" (e.g. sun, light sources, strong highlights). The Bloom and Lens Flares image effect g

2012-07-15 21:22:10 10626

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Edge Detection image effect

Edge Detect image effect adds black edges to the image wherever color differences exceed some threshold.边缘检测图像特效在图像中某些颜色差异较大的地方加入黑边。 If more accurate geometry-based edge detection is required,

2012-07-15 21:17:15 5647

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Contrast Stretch image effect

Contrast Stretch dynamically adjusts the contrast of the image according to the range of brightness levels it contains. The adjustment takes place gradually over a period of time, so the player can

2012-07-15 21:13:25 5116

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Color Correction image effect

Color Correction allows you apply arbitrary color correction to your scene as a postprocessing effect (just like the Curves tool in Photoshop or Gimp). This page explains how to setup color correcti

2012-07-15 21:07:04 8699

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Blur image effect

The Blur image effect blurs the rendered image in real-time. 模糊图像特效实时地模糊所渲染出的图像。 As with the otherimage effects, this effect is only available in Unity Pro and you must have the Pro Standard

2012-07-15 20:59:57 6969 1

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Vignetting

TheVignetting image effect introduces darkening, blur and chromatic aberration (spectral color separation) at the edges and corners of the image. This is usually used to simulate a view through a ca

2012-07-15 20:57:16 5055

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Tilt Shift

Tilt Shift is a specialized version of theDepth of Field effect that allows for very smooth transitions between focused and defocused areas. It is easier to use and is generally less prone to unsi

2012-07-15 20:53:46 4499

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Sun Shafts

The Sun Shafts image effect simulates the radial light scattering (also known as the "god ray" effect) that arises when a very bright light source is partly obscured.太阳射线图像特效模拟当很亮的光源中一部分被遮挡时所产生的

2012-07-15 20:50:41 6198

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Global Fog

The Global Fog image effect creates camera-based exponential fog. All calculations are done in world space which makes it possible to have height-based fog modes that can be used for sophisticated e

2012-07-15 20:45:29 7956

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Fisheye image effect

The Fisheye image effect creates distorts the image as if viewed through a fisheye lens (although any lens will distort the image to some extent).鱼眼图像特效可以制造图像扭曲的效果,看上去就像通过鱼眼透镜显示一般(尽管任意透镜都会在某些方面对图像

2012-07-15 20:41:04 5126 1

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Edge Detect Effect Normals

This version of theEdge Detect image effect creates outlines around edges by taking the scene geometry into account. Edges are not determined by colour differences but by the surface normals and dis

2012-07-15 20:34:28 4824 1

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Toonmapping

Tonemapping is usually understood as the process of mapping color values fromHDR (high dynamic range) to LDR (low dynamic range). In Unity, this means for most platforms that arbitrary 16-bit floati

2012-07-15 20:29:07 7392 1

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Depth of Field 3.4

Depth of Field 3.4 is a common postprocessing effect that simulates the properties of a camera lens. The name refers to the fact that the effect has had significant performance and feature improveme

2012-07-15 20:24:18 8102 1

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Crease

The Crease is a common non-photorealistic (NPR) rendering technique that enhances the visibility of objects by adding outlines of variable thickness.折皱效果是一常见的非真实感 (NPR)渲染技术,它通过增加物体加轮廓变厚度来增强该物体的可见性

2012-07-15 20:13:25 3945

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Contrast Enhance

The Contrast Enhance image effect enhances the impression of contrast for a given camera. It uses the well-knownunsharp mask process available in image processing applications.对于一个特定的相机,对比度增强特效可以增

2012-07-15 20:09:01 4524

翻译 Unity3D图像后处理特效——Antialiasing (PostEffect)

The Antialiasing (PostEffect) offers a set of algorithms designed to give a smoother appearance to graphics. When two areas of different colour adjoin in an image, the shape of the pixels can form a

2012-07-15 19:56:31 8546 2

翻译 Unity3D翻译——Advanced ShaderLab topics

Advanced ShaderLab topics 高级ShaderLab主题如有翻译不当之处,还请帮忙指出! Unity's Rendering Pipeline            Unity的渲染流水线 Performance Tips when Writing Shaders           编写着色器时的性能提示 Rendering with Rep

2012-05-29 22:40:52 1834

翻译 Unity3D翻译——Shader Level of Detail

Shader Level of Detail                  着色器的细节层次技术原文地址:http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/SL-ShaderLOD.html如有翻译不当之处,还请帮忙指出! Shader Level of Detail (LOD) works by only usin

2012-05-29 22:30:21 6327

翻译 Unity3D翻译——Platform Specific Rendering Differences

Platform Specific Rendering Differences    特定平台的渲染差异原文地址:http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/SL-PlatformDifferences.html如有翻译不当之处,还请帮忙指出! Unity runs on various platforms, an

2012-05-29 22:27:18 2399

翻译 Unity3D翻译——Camera's Depth Texture

Camera's Depth Texture  照相机的深度纹理原文地址:http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/SL-CameraDepthTexture.html如有翻译不当之处,还请帮忙指出! Desktop    台式机 In Unity a Camera can generate a dept

2012-05-29 22:23:09 3071

翻译 Unity3D翻译——Using Depth Textures

Using Depth Textures      使用深度纹理原文地址:http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/SL-DepthTextures.html如有翻译不当之处,还请帮忙指出! Desktop台式机 It is possible to createRender Textures wher

2012-05-29 22:20:10 3495

翻译 Unity3D翻译——Rendering with Replaced Shaders

Rendering with Replaced Shaders      使用替换着色器来渲染原文地址:http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/SL-ShaderReplacement.html如有翻译不当之处,还请帮忙指出! Some rendering effects require rendering a

2012-05-29 22:13:42 3104

翻译 Unity3D翻译——Performance Tips when Writing Shaders

Performance Tips when Writing Shaders      编写着色器时的性能提示Use Common sense ;) 使用常识原文地址:http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/SL-ShaderPerformance.html如有翻译不当之处,还请帮忙指出! Compute o

2012-05-29 22:10:29 2793

翻译 Unity3D翻译——Unity's Rendering Pipeline

Unity's Rendering Pipeline         Unity的渲染流水线原文地址:http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Components/SL-RenderPipeline.html如有翻译不当之处,还请帮忙指出! Shaders define both how an object looks by itself

2012-05-29 21:32:09 3413

原创 自己的第一个游戏demo


2012-04-18 23:04:15 5277 6

Nvidia卡下的Occlusion Query实现

Nvidia卡下的Occlusion Query实现,进而可以应用到三维大场景的Occlusion Culling中。



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