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原创 文章标题 HDU 5533 : Dancing Stars on Me

Dancing Stars on MeDescriptionThe sky was brushed clean by the wind and the stars were cold in a black sky. What a wonderful night. You observed that, sometimes the stars can form a regular polygon in

2016-09-30 21:58:41 139

原创 文章标题 HDU 5538 : House Building

House BuildingDescriptionHave you ever played the video game Minecraft? This game has been one of the world’s most popular game in recent years. The world of Minecraft is made up of lots of blocks in

2016-09-30 21:40:14 311

原创 文章标题 HDU 1902 :The Dragon of Loowater(贪心)

The Dragon of LoowaterProblem Description Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Loowater, a minor nuisance turned into a major problem. The shores of Rellau Creek in central Loowater had always been a

2016-09-25 22:06:38 324

原创 文章标题 HDU 1445 : Ride to School (贪心)

Ride to SchoolProblem Description Many graduate students of Peking University are living in Wanliu Campus, which is 4.5 kilometers from the main campus - Yanyuan. Students in Wanliu have to either tak

2016-09-25 21:30:44 445

原创 文章标题 HDU 2570 : 迷瘴(贪心)

迷瘴通过悬崖的yifenfei,又面临着幽谷的考验—— 幽谷周围瘴气弥漫,静的可怕,隐约可见地上堆满了骷髅。由于此处长年不见天日,导致空气中布满了毒素,一旦吸入体内,便会全身溃烂而死。 幸好yifenfei早有防备,提前备好了解药材料(各种浓度的万能药水)。现在只需按照配置成不同比例的浓度。 现已知yifenfei随身携带有n种浓度的万能药水,体积V都相同,浓度则分别为Pi%。并且知道,针对当

2016-09-25 21:21:24 316

原创 文章标题 HDU 1051 :Wooden Sticks (贪心)

Wooden SticksProblem Description There is a pile of n wooden sticks. The length and weight of each stick are known in advance. The sticks are to be processed by a woodworking machine in one by one fas

2016-09-24 15:02:47 325

原创 文章标题 HDU 1009 : FatMouse' Trade(贪心)

FatMouse’ TradeProblem Description FatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats guarding the warehouse containing his favorite food, JavaBean. The warehouse has N rooms. The i

2016-09-23 14:21:08 384

原创 文章标题 HDU 5113 : Black And White (dfs+剪枝)

Black And WhiteDescriptionIn mathematics, the four color theorem, or the four color map theorem, states that, given any separation of a plane into contiguous regions, producing a figure called a map, n

2016-09-22 22:47:49 423

原创 文章标题 HDU 5115 : Dire Wolf (区间DP)

Dire WolfDescriptionDire wolves, also known as Dark wolves, are extraordinarily large and powerful wolves. Many, if not all, Dire Wolves appear to originate from Draenor. Dire wolves look like norma

2016-09-22 21:35:13 327

原创 文章标题 HDU 5122 : K.Bro Sorting

K.Bro SortingDescriptionMatt’s friend K.Bro is an ACMer. Yesterday, K.Bro learnt an algorithm: Bubble sort. Bubble sort will compare each pair of adjacent items and swap them if they are in the wrong o

2016-09-22 21:16:47 390

原创 文章标题 HDU 5112- A Curious Matt

A Curious MattDescriptionThere is a curious man called Matt. One day, Matt’s best friend Ted is wandering on the non-negative half of the number line. Matt finds it interesting to know the maximal spee

2016-09-22 21:04:07 311

原创 文章标题 Gym100971 L :Chess Match

Chess MatchDescriptionstandard input/output StatementsTwo best chess teams in the world are preparing to the match against each other. Both teams have n players. Each player has a rating, and the play

2016-09-16 13:55:19 512

原创 文章标题 Gym 100971K : Palindromization

PalindromizationMihahim has a string s. He wants to delete exactly one character from it so that the resulting string would be a palindrome. Determine if he can do it, and if he can, what character sho

2016-09-16 13:39:36 487

原创 文章标题 Gym100791G:repair

repairAlex is repairing his country house. He has a rectangular metal sheet of size a × b. He has to cut two rectangular sheets of sizes a1 × b1 and a2 × b2 from it. All cuts must be parallel to the si

2016-09-16 13:19:48 513

原创 文章标题Gym 100971C :triangles

trianglesDescriptionstandard input/output AnnouncementStatements There is a set of n segments with the lengths li. Find a segment with an integer length so that it could form a non-degenerate triang

2016-09-16 13:08:53 373

原创 文章标题 Gym100971B :Derangement

DerangementA permutation of n numbers is a sequence of integers from 1 to n where each number is occurred exactly once. If a permutation p1, p2, …, pn has an index i such that pi = i, this index is cal

2016-09-14 23:59:58 318

原创 文章标题 poj 1978 :Hanafuda Shuffle(模拟)

Hanafuda ShuffleDescriptionThere are a number of ways to shuffle a deck of cards. Hanafuda shuffling for Japanese card game ‘Hanafuda’ is one such example. The following is how to perform Hanafuda shuf

2016-09-12 23:44:18 454

原创 文章标题 欧几里得求两数的最大公约数,最小公倍数。

求有两个数a,b的最大公约数。 假设a>b; 设 a = kb + c; 设 a 和 b 的最大公约数为 d ,则可得 a = p * d; b = q * d ; 则 c = a - kb = p*d - k*b = p*d -k*q*d =( p - k*q ) * d; 因为p,q 互质,所以p 与 p - k*q 互质,所以c,b的最大公约数为d。 所以求a、b的最大公约数就是

2016-09-11 21:52:13 440

原创 文章标题 UVALive 7045:Last Defence(辗转相除思想)

Last DefenceGiven two integers A and B. Sequence S is defined as follow: • S0 = A • S1 = B • Si = |Si−1 −Si−2| for i ≥ 2 Count the number of distinct numbers in S. Input The first line of the input giv

2016-09-11 20:53:20 572

原创 文章标题 UVALive 7035: Built with Qinghuai and Ari Factor(水)

Built with Qinghuai and Ari FactorShamatisan is a somewhat famous smartphone maker in China, they built smartphones that hope to contend with Abble and Dami for the hearts, minds and the wallets of Chi

2016-09-11 20:41:00 495

原创 文章标题 POJ 2386 : Lake Counting(BFS)

Lake CountingDescriptionDue to recent rains, water has pooled in various places in Farmer John’s field, which is represented by a rectangle of N x M (1 <= N <= 100; 1 <= M <= 100) squares. Each square

2016-09-08 20:29:12 328

原创 文章标题UVALive 6424:Russian Dolls(贪心)

Russian DollsMaybe you know the famous russian souvenir Russian Dolls. It looks like a set of nested wooden dolls. A doll with a smaller size is placed inside a bigger one. Let’s consider all dolls ta

2016-09-07 22:03:18 364

原创 文章标题 UVALive 6432 Influence(dfs)

InfluenceIn any society there are social influence relations between individuals, where a person x can influence another person y. The same is true for Softopia, a special society where social influenc

2016-09-07 20:09:11 316

原创 文章标题 poj 1837: Balance(dp)

Funny Car RacingDescriptionThere is a funny car racing in a city with n junctions and m directed roads. The funny part is: each road is open and closed periodically. Each road is associate with two int

2016-09-03 23:42:48 266

原创 文章标题 csu1333 :Funny Car Racing(最短路 spfa)

Funny Car RacingDescriptionThere is a funny car racing in a city with n junctions and m directed roads. The funny part is: each road is open and closed periodically. Each road is associate with two int

2016-09-03 23:23:14 604

原创 文章标题 POJ :1666 Candy Sharing Game(模拟)

Candy Sharing GameDescriptionA number of students sit in a circle facing their teacher in the center. Each student initially has an even number of pieces of candy. When the teacher blows a whistle, eac

2016-09-02 12:52:43 331

原创 文章标题poj 1132: Border(模拟)

BorderDescriptionYou are to write a program that draws a border around a closed path into a bitmap, as displayed in the following figure: The path is closed and runs along the grid lines, i.e. between

2016-09-01 23:51:44 258

原创 文章标题poj 1107:W's Cipher (模拟)

W’s CipherDescriptionWeird Wally’s Wireless Widgets, Inc. manufactures an eclectic assortment of small, wireless, network capable devices, ranging from dog collars, to pencils, to fishing bobbers. All

2016-09-01 00:32:49 399



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