通往私有云的荆棘路 – 第一部分:开篇

译者注:本文来自一个比较资深的系统分析员,其中提到的一些研究、结论和建议非常的专业、系统和滴水不漏。虽然作者更多的从一些大型的、传统的、在 IT 领域拥有话语权的商业系统来看私有云(如 HP/IBM/BMC/Cisco/ ),缺少对一些新兴的、但是非常有前景的公司的研究(如 Makara/UEC/CloudShare/Skytap/ ),但作为私有云这一新兴领域来说,这篇文章算是目前比较全面对私有云进行一些思考的文章吧。另:本人时间有限,将会每天翻译一点,如果进度稍慢,请谅解

The bumpy road to private clouds – Part I Are You Ready

通往私有云的荆棘路 第一部分 : 开篇

Building an internal cloud isn't easy, warns a veteran IT analyst. You'll need new tools and procedures.

来自一个资深 IT 系统分析员的建议,建立一个内部私有云,你需要新的工具和流程。


By Bill Claybrook

December 20, 2010 06:00 AM ET

原文 : http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/353080/The_Bumpy_Road_to_Private_Clouds


Computerworld - When we first heard about cloud computing , public clouds got most of the attention. But as IT managers looked at the security risks of having data outside the corporate firewall, they turned their attention to private clouds, which analysts and various surveys suggest will get more enterprise investment in the next few years.

当我们第一次提到云计算的时候,共有云是我们讨论的重点。但是随着 IT 经理们看到把数据放在公司防火墙之外的危险的时候,私有云成了更加切实的关注对象。不同的调查和研究证明了这一点:公司的投资将在未来几年内更加倾向于私有云。

But private clouds have their share of challenges too. There are management issues and operational processes to figure out. And, of course, an on-premises private cloud needs to be built internally by IT, which takes time, money and a climb up the learning curve. Indeed, the transition from a traditional data center -- even one with some servers virtualized -- to a private cloud architecture is no easy task, especially given that the entire data center won't be cloud-enabled, at least not right away.

但是私有云也将面临着同样的挑战,许多管理问题和运维流程等着去解决。当然,建立一个按需分配资源的私有云系统, IT 需要投入时间、金钱和附上走弯路的代价。实际上,从一个传统的数据中心开始——即使你通过服务器虚拟化的方法——到最后建立私有云的转变,绝非一件容易的任务,特别是在某些情况下,数据中心并非要完全以“云”为驱动——至少在未来几年不会如此。

Related Reading


This version of this story was originally published in Computerworld 's print edition. It was adapted from Part 1 and Part 2 of a feature that appeared earlier on Computerworld.com .

这篇文章最初发表在 Computerworld 's 杂志上,分为上下两篇会陆续发表在 Computerworld.com .

(While we generally think of a private cloud as being inside a company's firewall, a private cloud can also be off-premises -- hosted by a third party -- and still remain under the control of the company's IT organization. But this article is only about on-premises private clouds.)

(对于私有云,我们一般认为有两种方式,它是可以是在建构在公司防火墙之内的 on-Premises 模式,也可以是由第三方托管的、但是依旧由公司内部 IT 控制和管理的 Off-Premises 模式。这篇文章只讨论第一种 On-Premises 模式)

Also, despite the hype you might hear, no single vendor today provides all of the software required to build and manage a real private cloud -- that is, one with server virtualization , storage virtualization , network virtualization, and resource automation and orchestration. Look for vendors to increasingly create their own definitions of private cloud to fit their product sets.


Moreover, you'll have to determine whether your staff has the experience and skills required to support a private-cloud environment , or whether you need to hire someone who has been involved in building private clouds.


下一篇预告:通往私有云的荆棘路 第二部分 : 关于非传统数据中心的分析 (The bumpy road to private clouds – Part II, Not a Traditional Data Center)





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