私有云架构连载 – 第四部分(终篇):设计模式

Private Cloud Architecture - Part 4: Patterns

私有云架构连载 第四部分(终篇):设计模式

by YasserAbdelKader


原贴地址: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yasserabdelkader/archive/2011/01/03/private-cloud-architecture-part-4-patterns.aspx#comments


In this final post, I will discuss the main patterns for Private Cloud that provides solution to commonly real life problems to enable the concepts and principles discussed before.


Resource Pooling : by combining storage into a storage resource pool and compute and network into compute resource pool, you will be able to divide the resources into partitions for management purposes. You can further think of this in the point of view of
1- Service management (separate resources by security or performance or customer).
2- Systems management (State of VMs: deployed, provisioned and failed).
3- Capacity management (total capacity of your private cloud).


1.      服务管理(按照安全、性能或者客户来划分)

2.      系统管理(机器的状态:已经部署、已经实现资源供给或者故障中等状态)

3.      容量管理(私有云的总容量,可用容量和保留容量)

Fault Domain (Physically): Knowing how a physical fault will impact a resource pool will affect the resiliency of the VMs. Private Cloud is resilient to small faults such as a failure of a VM or a Direct Attached Storage (DAS). But imagine that the private cloud is 20 racks each contain 10 servers, and for each rack you have one UPS. If the UPS fails, then the unit of physical fault domain is 10 servers.

物理故障连带区域Fault Domain (Physically) 我们需要意识到某些物理故障会影响到资源池,进而影响私有云里虚拟机的弹性。私有云对于小型的错误( 比如说一个虚拟机或者一个直连存储Direct Attached Storage (DAS)) 具备一定的容错性,但是你需要考虑到,在某些情况下,比如说你有20 个机架,每个机架上有10 台服务器,每个机架你准备了UPS ,如果某个UPS 发生了故障,它的故障连带区域应该是10 台服务器。

Upgrade Domain : although VMs created an abstract layer, you will still need to update or batch the underlying physical server layer. Upgrade domain defines the grouping that can be used to migrate away the work load from it, upgrade the underlying physical servers then you can migrate back the work load to it without disrupting the existing services.

升级群组区域(Upgrade Domain) 虽然通过虚拟机我们创造了一层抽象层,我们仍然需要对在它之下运行的物理服务器进行升级或者批量操作。升级区域定义了在不影响现有运行服务的情况下,工作负载可以被打包迁徙的单位和升级后打包回迁的单位。

Reserve Capacity : providing a homogenize resource pool based approach provides the advantage of moving a VM from a fault server to a new one with the same capacity without a hit on performance. This means you will need to reserve some capacity to cater for resource decay, fault domain and upgrade domain patterns. There is no right answer for how many servers you will need to reserve as a reserve capacity. Available capacity is equal to the total capacity minus the reserve capacity

保留容量(Reserve Capacity :在不影响性能的情况下,通过把虚拟机从故障服务器迁徙到其他虚拟机,这种机制为私有云提供稳定的资源提供方式。这意味着你需要为资源损耗(resource decay )、故障连带区域(fault domain) 和升级群组区域(upgrade domain )保留一定的容量。可用容量= 总容量- 保留容量。

Scale Unit : you will need to think of the scale unit pattern from two perspectives, the compute scale which combine servers and network and the storage scale which includes the storage scale unit. The scale unit is the standard increments that will be added to the current capacity of the private cloud.

可扩展单元(Scale Unit ) 你需要考虑扩展单元的设计模式,运算单元的扩展包含了服务器和网络,存储的扩展包含了最小的存储硬件的增加。可扩展单元就是往现有私有云系统的增加资源的递增单位。

Capacity Plan : planning capacity will be done by utilizing the above patterns (reserve capacity, scale unit…etc.). You will need to cater for the normal factors (peak capacity, normal growth and accelerated growth). You will need also to think of the triggers defined to increase capacity based on some factors such as the scale unit, the lead time to provide H/W and installation time…etc.

容量计划(Capacity Plan ): 容量的计划将依赖于上述的各种模式(保留容量 可扩展单元等)。你需要满足一些常规容量管理方面的需求,如峰值容量、容量增长速度和增长速率。你还需要更具一些因素(如扩展单元以及硬件的准备时间等),定义如何触发的增加容量这一动作。

Health Model : you will need to build a matrix to automatically detect if a hardware component failed, which VMs are failed as a result of that. This includes as well other environmental factors such as supply and cooling. Now, consider when a fault happened that moving workloads around the fabric is the responsibility of the health warning model.

健康预警机制(Health Model :你需要建立一系列指数来自动检测硬件组件的故障以及它影响到的虚拟机。这其中包括电源和冷却等环境因素。还有一点,需要实现当预警出现的时候,如何把工作负载在虚构平台( Fabric )的自动迁徙。

Service Class : it describes how applications interact with the private cloud infrastructure. Applications can be designed to be stateless (least costly) as the application itself provides the redundancy and resiliency built in and the application doesn’t use that service from the private cloud fabric, or stateful where applications can benefit from fabric redundancy and resiliency through live migration (moving the workload from one VM to another)

服务类型(Service Class : 它用来描述私有云程序如何和基础架构交互。它有两种设计模式:无类型和有类型的。前者是开销最小的设计,指的是程序本身具有冗余性和弹性(如Windows 的自我休眠功能,通过自我调节节省资源开销,译者注),而无需利用私有云的虚构平台( Fabric )层提供的功能;后者指的是程序可以利用虚构平台( Fabric )层提供的功能,通过虚拟机迁徙实现资源的冗余性和弹性。(如对于挂起的机器,把它迁徙到适合的计算节点上,译者注)。

Cost Model : compute cost in private cloud will be provided as a utility in a consumption-based charge model (like electricity), in that case the usage cost should account for the deployment, operations and maintenance.

支付模式(Cost Model :   私有云的计算应该提供类似水电咪表的按需付费功能,在这种模式下的费用应该包含部署和运维开销。

In conclusion, the cloud computing promises a great deal to manage and utilize the Infrastructure (Compute, Storage and Network). It is still not mature yet, but there is a great effort nowadays in the IT field to shape the future based on that Model.

总的来说,云计算为我们展现了一个如何管理和利用基础架构( 服务器、存储和网络) 的美好未来,它还处在发展阶段,基于以上模式,需要我们更多的努力去把它变得更加成熟。





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