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原创 Service Level Management

a.      SLM processEstablish FunctionImplementing SLAManaging the ongoing processPeriodic Review b.      Service Level Requirements : 准备草稿,客户提需求,可能要多次协商,讨论c.       Agreements and contrac

2008-05-04 17:37:00 657 1

原创 Service Support: Release Management

Release Management 1.       DSL:  is a logical library 2.      DHS :   secure storage of definitive hardware spares3.      Releases:   -          Full release-          Delta Release -    

2008-05-04 17:05:00 399

原创 Service Support- Change Management

1. Scope of Change Management- Hardware- Communications equipment and software- System software- Live applications software- All documentation and procedures associated with the running, s

2008-05-04 16:51:00 581

原创 Service Support- Configuration Management

1. Responsibilities: a. planning: purpose, scope,objectives, policies and procedures, as well as the organizational and technical context. b. Identification and naming。  CMDB里面的CIc. Control : 确保

2008-05-01 09:07:00 400

原创 ITIL foundations 争议题目讨论

1. What information is not required to set up a processa. the process ownerb. the trigger(input)c. the objectived. the desired results(outputs)教材定义说里说 A process is a bundle of logical activi

2008-04-30 13:44:00 428 1

原创 Financial Management for IT Services

Financial Management for IT Services a.      Budgeting b.      IT Accounting –        Cost Type:  Hardware, Software, People, Accommodation, External Service and Transfer–        Categorizatio

2008-04-23 17:48:00 371

原创 IT Service Continuity Management

IT Service Continuity Management a.         The mission for IT Service Continuity Management is to support the overall Business Continuity Management process by ensuring that the required IT technic

2008-04-23 17:47:00 468

原创 Availability Management

Availability Management a.       Availability:  The ability of a component or service to perform its required function at a stated instant or over a stated period of time. 时间上来讲b.      Reliability

2008-04-23 17:44:00 501

原创 Service Support-Problem Management

Problem Management Goal : Minimize impact of Incidents& ProblemsPrevent recurrence of IncidentsImproving productive use of resources Problem Control Identification and Regis

2008-04-23 17:43:00 357

原创 Service Support-Incident Management

Incident Management      Goal: Resolve service event as quickly as possible, at least within the targeted time as documented in the service level agreement.  (SLA 规定的时间)Evaluate an incid

2008-04-23 17:18:00 492

原创 Service Desk

 Service Desk   SPOC : single point of contact Service desk is not charged with finding the root cause of a service interruption; that responsibility lies with Problem Management.

2008-04-23 17:13:00 458

原创 ITIL Overview

ITIL Overview ITIL 最早源自英国的CCTA(Central Communications and Telecom Agency) 3P:  People, processes and products People:  customers : IT服务的购买者Users: IT服务的最终使用者 Processes:

2008-04-20 11:55:00 388

原创 准备 ovow 第二次公司内部培训


2007-09-27 14:38:00 369


1.  remove a dirrm -r  [/path/dir_name]This dir could be not empty2.   change hostname set_params 

2007-09-05 11:42:00 274

原创 ovow 第一次公司内部培训顺利结束

上周给公司内部的新入职员工上了2个全天的ovow 产品培序。下面是培训的Agenda. Day OneVMWare Introduction * OVOW Introduction OVOW Architecture OVOW Installation Node Management Web console ToolPolicy at a glance Day Two •R

2007-08-06 13:30:00 586

原创 HP0-727 顺利通过

上周四去参加了HP0-727的考试。 图方便,选了个在南京西路上的考点。带上HP ID 号,还有公司给的考试券,身份证就去了。考题基本上都在课程教材的范围里面。不过有些还是比较细的。不过有备而来,也还算顺利,用了40分钟,点完了70道题,按提交,顺利通过。下阶段,该准备OVOU/NNM了。看项目情况。  - 7/23 今天收到了从新加坡HPCP办公室寄来的AIS证书。上面还有个大大的防伪签

2007-07-16 16:34:00 697


PIVOT : - rotate row data into columnsUNPIVOT- rotate column data into rows   

2007-06-28 16:35:00 464

原创 CTE in sql server

CTE:  common table expressions可以用来生成临时数据,也可以用来表达递归两个例子 With Topsales (SalesPersonID,NumSales) as (select SalesPersonID, count(*) from Sales.SalesOrderHeader group by salespersonID)select * from

2007-06-28 15:57:00 398

原创 ovconfchg

ovconfchg -edit 

2007-06-25 09:38:00 474

原创 祝贺一下


2007-06-02 11:17:00 419

原创 Module 3 Architecture

 1.  Management Server: 组成:service model, the management logic and events from the infrastructure information. a. WMI:   OVOW Server的核心。b. Service Model: Status Engine, STORE(static object sto

2007-05-29 16:16:00 415

原创 Module 7- OVOW Policy Management

Module 7- Policy Management1. Policy修改的问题一个policy可以加入不同的policy group。当在其中的policy group里对该策略进行修改时,只有该策略组的策略版本才会得到更新,其它策略组中该策略的版本不会被自动更新。必须手工进行更新。2. Deployment Jobs默认情况下,OVOW允许5个并发的deployment jo

2007-05-20 10:36:00 557

原创 Troubleshooting on message buffer

OVOW agent 与server之间进行消息的传递,牵涉到多方面的配置。如果使用 opcagt/opcragt查看 agent状态发现有message buffering状况发生,可以尝试以下一些方法进行排错1) 删除message queueon the agent side. 1- stop the agent via "opcagt -stop" 2- delete msgagt

2007-05-16 21:34:00 988

原创 Module 18 OVOW Administration Tips

 1. Licensesa. Licence Key: 必须在management server 上操作,不能通过remote console. b. Password Utility: HPOV-Auto-Passc. System identification- IP address- Hostname/platform- HP order number2.Se

2007-05-13 11:42:00 856

原创 OVOW7.5 IT Service Managment

1. The status of a superordinate service is calculated froma. The status of the message directly assosicated with the superordinateb. the status propagated from its subordinates. 2. Rule Type: s

2007-05-10 20:40:00 480

原创 Module 14 OVOW7.5 Tools

1. Tools can be assosicated with - Nodes- Node groups-Services2. Tools can execute on - Selected node-Node list-Management server-Management console3.  Tools can be included into sev

2007-05-10 20:20:00 471

原创 OVOW7.5 Performance Data Gathering

1. BBC: Black Box Communication2. EPC ( embedded performance component  )is a lightweigh process, started and stopped by the opcagt command. EPC  collecting interval: 5 minutes, not configurable.

2007-05-10 19:55:00 532



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