



0 目录


1 正文

1.1 文章结构和扩展介绍

Organization & Development

  • (Topic)Effectively address the topic(out of topic) and the task(Do u agree or disagree/Which do you prefer/which one of the three do you prefer most)
  • (Development)Iswell organizedand well developed, using appropriateexplanations,examplications,and/or(说道理不一定要detials->reasoning)details(主题句+(解释+例子=功能))
  • Display unity, progression, and coherence
  • Display  facility in the use of language, demonstrate syntactic variety,appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it  may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.
  • 文章有never always,the best,most通常不同意观点
  1. 单一解释(一边倒/让步)
    • (一边倒)给出3个理由/2个理由证明为什么好或不好文章结构和扩展介绍
      • 什么样的文章可以“一边倒”?——
      • “一边倒”要注意什么?
      • A or D?
        同不同意XX现象一定成立?XX一定有好处or坏处?(how to prove/defend your position?)
        • Example: Do u A or D? People of different views cannot achive success as a team.(Outline/Structure)
          • People of different view can hardly even be assemble into a team, so how can they succed as a team?
          • Even if a team is formed, members of different views would waste much time on discussions.
          • Reaching a consensus does not guarantee success, for people of different views would refuse to cooperate accordig to the plan even though they agreed with it.

      • A or B which do you prefer?对比选择类的话题

        • Example:Do you like to work in office or to work at home?
          • Working in offie invites better working efficiency.
            • Working at home often makes people sleepy and passive and they may easily fall asleep which trying to take a break in sofa. On the contrary, people in office will never do that no matter how exhausted they are, for they know that they are under the supervision of their bosses and colleagues and taking a nap can make them ge fired. Plus, face-to-face communication in office will be much more efficient thant making phone calls or sending emails at home.
          • People who work in office are more likely to widen their social circles than those who work at home.
          • Working in office brings people more opportunities to do physical exercises.
  2. (让步)先说不好后说好/先说好后说不好(不要求客观)u r order to explain u own explaination.(让步是因为出现不利于选择的条件,解释一下为什么存在这样的条件我还是要选择) 让步出现 However,Admittedly(削弱或者反驳)
    • A or D?Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them.
      • Playing computer games is a good stress relieverfor many students.(reduce one's stress/relieve one's  pressure)
      • Studens who play computer games are more likely to have good relationships with their peers than those to do not.
      • Admittedly, some students addicted to playing games,but they are not the majority.
        • Most children are abile to control themselevs to play games in moderation, so that they wil not get lost.
        • Even if some students lost control, they will wake up when suffering from their bad academic performances, and theirparents are very likely to intervene as well. Only few students will be blind to theirown interest and the opionions from their parents, so it is completely unnessary to forbid them to play computer games.
  3. 缺一不可(Equally important)——从Disagree来解释(缺一不可也是不同意偏指一方)
  4. Example: A orD—— People benefit more from traveling their own countries than from traveling to foreign countries.(没有可比性的东西,只能并重)
    1. Traveling in their own countries makes people understand their own cultures and history better and thus they  can be more confident and make friends with foreigners are easily.(两件事情同样重要,后面写两段)
    2. Traveling to foreign countries allows people to expose themselves to totally different cultures so that they become more tolerant and are attractive to friends domesitc.
    3. Trips to different place benifit them in different ways, and it would be rigid to say..
  5. 变量型(Depends)





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