[翻译] Effective C++, 3rd Edition, Item 11: 在 operator= 中处理 assignment to self(自赋值)

Item 11: 在 operator= 中处理 assignment to self(自赋值)

作者:Scott Meyers

译者:fatalerror99 (iTePub's Nirvana)


当一个 object(对象)赋值给自己的时候就发生了一次 assignment to self(自赋值):

class Widget { ... };

Widget w;

w = w;                                   // assignment to self


a[i] = a[j];                             // potential assignment to self

如果 ij 有同样的值就是一个 assignment to self(自赋值),还有

*px = *py;                               // potential assignment to self

如果 pxpy 碰巧指向同一个东西,这也是一个 assignment to self(自赋值)。这些不太明显的 assignments to self(自赋值)是由 aliasing(别名)(有不止一个方法引用一个 object(对象))造成的。通常,使用 references(引用)或者 pointers(指针)操作相同类型的多个 objects(对象)的代码需要考虑那些 objects(对象)可能相同的情况。实际上,如果两个 objects(对象)来自同一个 hierarchy(继承体系),甚至不需要声明为相同的类型,因为一个 base class(基类)的 reference(引用)或者 pointer(指针)也能够引向或者指向一个 derived class(派生类)类型的 object(对象):

class Base { ... };

class Derived: public Base { ... };

void doSomething(const Base& rb,                   // rb and *pd might actually be
                 Derived* pd);                     // the same object

如果你遵循 Items 1314 的建议,你应该总是使用 objects(对象)来管理 resources(资源),而且你应该确保那些 resource-managing objects(资源管理对象)被拷贝时行为良好。在这种情况下,你的 assignment operators(赋值运算符)在你没有考虑自赋值的时候可能也是 self-assignment-safe(自赋值安全)的。然而,如果你试图自己管理 resources(资源)(如果你正在写一个 resource-managing class(资源管理类),你当然必须这样做),你可能会落入在你用完一个 resource(资源)之前就已意外地将它释放的陷阱。例如,假设你创建了一个 class(类),它持有一个指向动态分配 bitmap(位图)的 raw pointer(裸指针):

class Bitmap { ... };

class Widget {

  Bitmap *pb;                                     // ptr to a heap-allocated object

下面是一个表面上看似合理 operator= 的实现,但如果出现 assignment to self(自赋值)则是不安全的。(它也不是 exception-safe(异常安全)的,但我们要过一会儿才会涉及到它。)

Widget::operator=(const Widget& rhs)              // unsafe impl. of operator=
  delete pb;                                      // stop using current bitmap
  pb = new Bitmap(*rhs.pb);                       // start using a copy of rhs's bitmap

  return *this;                                   // see Item 10

这里的 self-assignment(自赋值)问题在 operator= 的内部,*this(赋值的目标)和 rhs 可能是同一个 object(对象)。如果它们是,则那个 delete 不仅会销毁 current object(当前对象)的 bitmap(位图),也会销毁 rhs 的 bitmap(位图)。在函数的结尾,Widget ——通过 assignment to self(自赋值)应该没有变化——发现自己持有一个指向已删除 object(对象)的指针!

防止这个错误的传统方法是在 operator= 的开始处通过 identity test(一致性检测)来阻止 assignment to self(自赋值):

Widget& Widget::operator=(const Widget& rhs)
  if (this == &rhs) return *this;   // identity test: if a self-assignment,
                                    // do nothing
  delete pb;
  pb = new Bitmap(*rhs.pb);

  return *this;

这个也能工作,但是我在前面提及那个 operator= 的早先版本不仅仅是 self-assignment-unsafe(自赋值不安全)的,它也是 exception-unsafe(异常不安全)的,而且这个版本还有异常上的麻烦。详细地说,如果 "new Bitmap" 表达式引发一个 exception(异常)(可能因为供分配的内存不足或者因为 Bitmap 的 copy constructor(拷贝构造函数)抛出一个异常),Widget 将以持有一个指向被删除的 Bitmap 的指针而告终。这样的指针是有毒的,你不能安全地删除它们。你甚至不能安全地读取它们。你对它们唯一能做的安全的事情大概就是花费大量的调试精力来断定它们起因于哪里。

幸亏,使 operator= exception-safe(异常安全)一般也同时弥补了它的 self-assignment-safe(自赋值安全)。这就导致了更加通用的处理 self-assignment(自赋值)问题的方法就是忽略它,而将焦点集中于达到 exception safety(异常安全)。Item 29 更加深入地探讨了 exception safety(异常安全),但是在本 Item 中,已经足以看出,在很多情况下,仔细地调整一下语句的顺序就可以得到 exception-safe(异常安全)(同时也是 self-assignment-safe(自赋值安全))的代码。例如,在这里,我们只要注意不要删除 pb,直到我们拷贝了它所指向的目标之后:

Widget& Widget::operator=(const Widget& rhs)
  Bitmap *pOrig = pb;               // remember original pb
  pb = new Bitmap(*rhs.pb);         // make pb point to a copy of *pb
  delete pOrig;                     // delete the original pb

  return *this;

现在,如果 "new Bitmap" 抛出一个 exception(异常),pb(以及它所在的 Widget)的遗迹没有被改变。甚至不需要 identity test(一致性检测),这里的代码也能处理 assignment to self(自赋值),因为我们做了一个原始 bitmap(位图)的拷贝,删除原始 bitmap(位图),然后指向我们作成的拷贝。这可能不是处理 self-assignment(自赋值)的最有效率的做法,但它能够工作。

如果你关心效率,你可以在函数开始处恢复 identity test(一致性检测)。然而,在这样做之前,先问一下自己,你认为 self-assignments(自赋值)发生的频率是多少,因为这个检测不是免费午餐。它将使代码(源代码和目标代码)有少量增大,而且它将在控制流中引入一个分支,这两点都会降低运行速度。例如,instruction prefetching(指令预读),caching(缓存)和 pipelining(流水线操作)的效力都将被降低。

另一个可选的手动排列 operator= 中语句顺序以确保实现是 exception- and self-assignment-safe(异常和自赋值安全)的方法是使用被称为 "copy and swap" 的技术。这一技术和 exception safety(异常安全)关系密切,所以将在 Item 29 中描述。然而,这是一个写 operator= 的足够通用的方法,值得一看,这样一个实现看起来通常就像下面这样:

class Widget {
  void swap(Widget& rhs);       // exchange *this's and rhs's data;
  ...                           // see Item 29 for details

Widget& Widget::operator=(const Widget& rhs)
  Widget temp(rhs);             // make a copy of rhs's data

  swap(temp);                   // swap *this's data with the copy's
  return *this;

在这个主题上的一个变种利用了如下事实:(1)一个 clsaa(类)的 copy assignment(拷贝赋值运算符)可以被声明为 take its argument by value(以传值方式取得它的参数);(2)通过传值方式传递某些东西以做出它的一个 copy(拷贝)(参见 Item 20):

Widget& Widget::operator=(Widget rhs)   // rhs is a copy of the object
{                                       // passed in — note pass by val

  swap(rhs);                            // swap *this's data with
                                        // the copy's
  return *this;


Things to Remember

  • 当一个 object(对象)被赋值给自己的时候,确保 operator= 是行为良好的。技巧包括比较 source(源)和 target objects(目标对象)的地址,关注语句顺序,和 copy-and-swap
  • 如果两个或更多 objects(对象)相同,确保任何操作多于一个 object(对象)的函数行为正确。
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Alex Allain(Cprogramming.com)的推荐 If you want to really and truly understand C++, you must read Effective C++. After first reading Effective C++, I had a totally new appreciation for and understanding of C++. And it's not just me: this book gets 5 stars on Amazon (with over 140 reviews!). One of the reviewers even titles his review: "Don't write C++ code without it..." And I agree. I wouldn't hire someone to work for me that doesn't know the information in this book (or have plans to learn it soon). When we hire interns at my company, this is the book we give them to read. So what exactly will you learn? Scott Meyers does a great job of figuring out what little details are important, distilling the vast sea of knowledge about C++ into the 55 specific tips that are most useful for practicing C++ programmers. This isn't just a "what to do" book--it's a "why" book; every tip explains the reason for it, so you'll understand it and remember it better. In fact, even though the book is split across 55 tips, it feels like a holistic description of how to effectively use C++. Some of the specific things you'll learn: what functions are always part of a class and why it matters to you what to watch out for when writing an assignment operator How to avoid common pitfalls when creating class hierarchies how to write code designed for others to use simple techniques that can lead to huge performance improvements advanced C++ techniques, including use of the STL (with lots of examples) And much much more... If you are serious about becoming a C++ expert, buy ONE book on C++, this would be the book. (Yes, even over Bjarne Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language"--it's that good.) So buy Effective C++ today and write better programs tomorrow! Alex 49 Dover St. #37, Somerville, MA 02144, USA


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