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转载 The Java EE 6 Tutorial Accessing the Web Context

The context in which web components execute is an object that implements the ServletContext interface. You retrieve the web context by using the getServletContext method. The web context provides metho

2015-08-30 14:46:10 370

转载 The Java EE 6 Tutorial Invoking Other Web Resources

Web components can invoke other web resources both indirectly and directly. A web component indirectly invokes another web resource by embedding a URL that points to another web component in content re

2015-08-30 14:43:48 376

转载 The Java EE 6 Tutorial Filtering Requests and Responses

A filter is an object that can transform the header and content (or both) of a request or response. Filters differ from web components in that filters usually do not themselves create a response. Inste

2015-08-30 14:40:00 445

转载 The Java EE 6 Tutorial Writing Service Methods

The service provided by a servlet is implemented in the service method of a GenericServlet, in the doMethod methods (where Method can take the value Get, Delete, Options, Post, Put, or Trace) of an Htt

2015-08-29 15:35:53 336

转载 The Java EE 6 Tutorial Creating and Initializing a Servlet

Use the @WebServlet annotation to define a servlet component in a web application. This annotation is specified on a class and contains metadata about the servlet being declared. The annotated servlet

2015-08-29 09:13:35 340

转载 The Java EE 6 Tutorial Sharing Information

Web components, like most objects, usually work with other objects to accomplish their tasks. Web components can do so byUsing private helper objects (for example, JavaBeans components).Sharing objec

2015-08-29 08:59:33 318

转载 The Java EE 6 Tutorial Servlet Lifecycle

The lifecycle of a servlet is controlled by the container in which the servlet has been deployed. When a request is mapped to a servlet, the container performs the following steps.If an instance of th

2015-08-29 08:53:07 449

转载 The Java EE 6 Tutorial

Servlets are Java classes which service HTTP requests and implement the javax.servlet.Servletinterface. Web application developers typically write servlets that extend javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet, a

2015-08-29 08:45:51 506

转载 Servlets - Examples

Servlets are Java classes which service HTTP requests and implement the javax.servlet.Servletinterface. Web application developers typically write servlets that extend javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet, a

2015-08-29 05:14:48 248

转载 Servlets - Life Cycle

A servlet life cycle can be defined as the entire process from its creation till the destruction. The following are the paths followed by a servlet - The servlet is initialized by calling the init ()

2015-08-29 05:10:03 385

转载 Servlets - Environment Setup

A development environment is where you would develop your Servlet, test them and finally run them.Like any other Java program, you need to compile a servlet by using the Java compiler javac and after c

2015-08-29 05:02:41 523

转载 Servlets - Overview

What are Servlets?Java Servlets are programs that run on a Web or Application server and act as a middle layer between a request coming from a Web browser or other HTTP client and databases or applicat

2015-08-29 04:55:47 317

转载 Servlets Tutorial

Servlets provide a component-based, platform-independent method for building Web-based applications, without the performance limitations of CGI programs. Servlets have access to the entire family of Ja

2015-08-29 04:49:36 285

转载 Using Struts 2 Tags

This tutorial assumes you’ve completed the Hello World tutorial and have a working helloworld project. The example code for this tutorial, using_tags, is available for checkout from the Struts 2 GitHub

2015-08-29 04:45:38 276

转载 Hello World Using Struts 2

When you click on a hyperlink or submit an HTML form in a Struts 2 web application, the input is not sent to another server page, but to a Java class that you provide. These classes are called Actions.

2015-08-29 03:13:41 362

转载 How To Create A Struts 2 Web Application

This tutorial walks through installing the framework and creating a simple application.While the Struts 2 framework is simple to use, creating non-trivial applications assumes a working knowledge of ma

2015-08-29 01:38:22 348

转载 Struts DynaActionForm example

The Struts DynaActionForm class is an interesting feature to let you create a form bean dynamically and declaratively. It enables you to create a “virtual” form bean in Struts configuration file instea

2015-08-28 10:30:43 310

转载 Struts – MappingDispatchAction Example

Struts MappingDispatchAction class is used to group similar functionality into a single action class, and execute the function depends on parameter attribute of the corresponding ActionMapping. Here’s

2015-08-28 10:26:08 381

转载 Struts DispatchAction Example

The DispatchAction class (org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction) provides a way to group all related functions into a single action class. It’s a useful mechanism to avoid create separate action cla

2015-08-28 10:20:15 256

转载 Struts ForwardAction Example

In Struts MVC model, you have to go thought the Action Controller to get a new view page. In some cases, you really just need to get a specified JSP page only, it’s so stupid to create an action contro

2015-08-28 10:18:17 325

转载 Struts – Wildcards example

Struts wildcards can helps to reduce the repetition in your struts-config.xml file, as long as your Struts project is following some regular file structure. For example, in User module, to implement th

2015-08-28 09:54:16 337

转载 Struts – Multiple configuration files example

Many developers like to put all Struts related stuff (action, form) into a single Struts configuration file. It’s fast for the initial development but bad for the future maintenance, and may be those d

2015-08-28 09:52:08 317

转载 Configure a welcome page in Struts

Every website need a welcome or default page as an entry point. Here’s 3 ways to configure a welcome page in Struts.1. index.jspThe simplest way is create a “index.jsp” page and put it same level with

2015-08-28 09:47:07 334

转载 Configure the Struts Tag Libraries

In Struts framework, you always need to configure the Struts tag libraries in order to access it in view page (JSP). There are two ways to configure it.1. Strut Tag Libraries Manual ConfigurationThe ma

2015-08-28 09:43:44 381

转载 Struts Hello World Example

In this tutorial we show you how to develop a hello world web application using classic Struts 1.3 framework.Tools and technologies used :Struts 1.3.10Maven 2.xEclipse 3.6Final project structureLet

2015-08-28 09:38:01 526

转载 RESTful Java client with RESTEasy client framework

This tutorial show you how to create a RESTful Java client with RESTEasy client framework, to perform “GET” and “POST” requests to REST service that created in last “Jackson + JAX-RS” tutorial.1. RESTE

2015-08-27 13:45:50 930

转载 RESTful Java client with Apache HttpClient

Apache HttpClient is a robust and complete solution Java library to perform HTTP operations, including RESTful service. In this tutorial, we show you how to create a RESTful Java client with Apache Htt

2015-08-27 13:30:49 616

转载 RESTful Java client with java.net.URL

In this tutorial, we show you how to create a RESTful Java client with Java build-in HTTP client library. It’s simple to use and good enough to perform basic operations for REST service.The RESTful ser

2015-08-27 13:28:25 566

转载 JSON example with RESTEasy + JAXB + Jettison

RESTEasy uses Jettison JSON library to map JAXB annotation object to and from JSON. In this tutorial, we show you how to convert an JAXB annotated object into JSON format and return it back to client.J

2015-08-27 13:25:24 563

转载 JSON example with RESTEasy + Jackson

Many like Jackson JSON processor, and it supported in RESTEasy. In this tutorial, we show you how to convert an object to JSON format and return it back to the client.1. RESTEasy + JacksonTo integrate

2015-08-27 13:21:40 589

转载 JSON example with Jersey + Jackson

Jersey uses Jackson to convert object to / form JSON. In this tutorial, we show you how to convert a “Track” object into JSON format, and return it back to user.1. DependencyTo make Jersey support JSON

2015-08-27 13:18:27 615

转载 XML example with RESTEasy + JAXB

RESTEasy, is required JAXB to support XML file. In this tutorial, we show you how to create an “user” object, convert it into XML file, and return it back to the client.1. RESTEasy + JAXBTo use JAXB in

2015-08-27 13:15:35 554

转载 XML example with Jersey + JAXB

This tutorial show you how to use JAXB to convert object to XML in Jersey, and return it back to user.1. DependencyTo integrate JAXB with Jersey, no extra dependency is required. Just include “jersey-s

2015-08-27 13:13:11 561

转载 File upload example in RESTEasy

Not many complete file upload example in JAX-RS, especially RESTEasy. Here, we show you two complete RESTEasy examples to handle file upload from HTML form.Normal way to handle uploaded file via Multi

2015-08-27 12:01:52 874

转载 File upload example in Jersey

In this tutorial, we show you how do to file upload with Jersey, JAX-RS implementation.1. Jersey Multipart DependencyTo support multipart (file upload) in Jersey, you just need to include “jersey-multi

2015-08-27 11:53:26 574

转载 Download excel file from JAX-RS

In JAX-RS, for excel file, annotate the method with @Produces("application/vnd.ms-excel"):Put @Produces(“application/vnd.ms-excel”) on service method.Set “Content-Disposition” in Response header to p

2015-08-27 11:48:30 472

转载 Download pdf file from JAX-RS

In JAX-RS, for pdf file, annotate the method with @Produces("application/pdf") :Put @Produces(“application/pdf”) on service method.Set “Content-Disposition” in Response header to prompt a download bo

2015-08-27 11:46:23 559

转载 Download image file from JAX-RS

In JAX-RS, for user to download an image file, annotate the method with @Produces("image/image-type") :Put @Produces(“image/png”) on service method, for “png” image.Set “Content-Disposition” in Respo

2015-08-27 11:44:13 514

转载 Download text file from JAX-RS

In JAX-RS, for user to download a file, annotate the method with @Produces(“text/plain”) :Put @Produces(“text/plain”) on service method, with a Response return type. It means the output is a text file.

2015-08-27 11:41:18 383

转载 Get HTTP header in JAX-RS

In this tutorial, we show you two ways to get HTTP request header in JAX-RS :Inject directly with @HeaderParamPragmatically via @Context1. @HeaderParam ExampleIn this example, it gets the browser “u

2015-08-27 11:16:23 848


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