在SMU听课,转载一篇Dr. Scobey 关于program style 的要求

                                        JAVA   Program style

    Programming Style is first of all, of course, a "matter of style", and therefore different programmers will have different ideas about what constitutes "good style". When programmers work together, however, it is not a good idea for each programmer to pick his or her own style. Consistency suffers immediately, and, in the long term if not in the short, so does readability. It is therefore extremely important for any programmer to get used to writing code that conforms to a certain style, even if that style is not necessarily the one that programmer would have chosen. Whenever you move into a new programming environment, any conventions you have been using previously may or may not agree with the ones you are required to use in the new environment, so you should examine the new conventions closely to see what is the same, and what is different, from what you are used to.

The style rules and guidelines that we will employ are described below, and they are reasonably widely used Java programming style conventions. For the sake of brevity, only a few specific examples to illustrate the style conventions described here are given on this page, but the code you will see in the source code examples of the course will illustrate this style, for the most part, and any deviations will be pointed out as and when they occur. You should take the style conventions you are required to use very seriously, because your instructor and marker (and, eventually, your employer) will surely do so.

Part A: Program Readability (Source Code Readability)

The "Big Three" of Programming Style (according to Scobey)
  1. Name things well, using the specified style conventions.
  2. Be consistent.
  3. Format continually, and re-format whenever necessary.

The importance of choosing a good name for each programmer-named entity, thereafter spelling and capitalizing that name appropriately and consistently, and continuing to position these names properly within well-formatted code, cannot be overemphasized.

Rules for naming and capitalization of programmer-chosen identifiers
  1. Names must be meaningful within their given context whenever possible, which is most of the time. Two exceptions to this rule are:
    • The use of single-letter loop control variables such as i in those situations where no particular meaning attaches to the variable.
    • Use of a generic variable name such as x for reading in values (real numbers, say) to which no particular meaning applies.
  2. Variables and value-returning functions are generally noun-like, as in:
    Boolean variables and functions, however, are usually adjective-like, as in:
    When one is faced with the choice between long variable names and clearer code, or short variables names and less clear code, the choice should be obvious.
  3. The name of every void function must begin with a verb, as in:
    Occasionally value-returning functions may begin with a verb. One particular example of this is any "getter" and/or "setter" member functions that appear in a class:

Names must always be capitalized consistently, according to whatever conventions are being used for each category of name. Here are some examples that illustrate our capitalization conventions:

  1. Constants use all uppercase letters, with the words in multi-word names separated by underscores, as in:
    final int SIZE = 100;
    final double TAX_RATE = 0.15;
  2. Variables use "camel" notation, which means that names start with a lowercase letter, and all subsequent words in the name, if any, begin with an uppercase letter, as in:
    double cost;
    int numberOfGuesses;
  3. Member functions names always start with a lowercase letter, as in:
    int getHours();
    void setHours();
    void display();
  4. Type names start with a capital, use the "camel" notation described above, and names for classes should be nouns that are usually singular (but not always, as in TextItems}. Some examples:
Rules for indentation and alignment
  1. Use an indentation level of 4 spaces, and always use actual spaces, never the TAB character.
  2. Indent and align each of the following:
    1. Statements in the body of a function (with respect to the corresponding function header)
    2. Statements in the body of a loop (with respect to the loop keyword(s))
    3. Statements in the body of an if and, if the else is present, in the body of the else (The statements in the body of an if should always align with those in the body of the corresponding else, and the if and else must themselves align, unless the entire if..else construct is a short one on a single line.)
    4. Member definitions in the definition of a class
  3. Each level of nesting requires another level of indentation.
  4. Align enclosing braces with each other, and also align:
    1. The braces enclosing a function body with the function header.
    2. The braces enclosing a loop body in a while, do..while or for loop.
    3. The braces enclosing the body of an if, else or switch with the corresponding if, else or switch.
    4. The braces enclosing the body of a class with the keyword class and with the access specifier(s) public, private and/or protected (if present).
  5. Align comments with the thing commented (unless, of course, it is an in-line comment.
  6. If a statement extends over more than one line, indent and align the second and any subsequent lines for readability (which may sometimes mean ignoring the 4-space-indentation rule for those lines).
Use of whitespace
  1. Use vertical spacing to enhance readability. For example, use one or more blank lines to separate logically distinct parts of a program. In general, don't be afraid to use more vertical whitespace, rather than less.
  2. Use horizontal spacing to enhance readability. For example, it is usually a good idea to place a blank space on each side of an operator such as << or +, though this rule can be relaxed in a long complex expression where the enclosing spaces may be removed from some of the operators to show more clearly which operands are associated with particular operators.
  3. Some programmers prefer to use a style that is almost "functional" in nature in their writing of selection and looping statements, by omitting the space between the selection or looping keyword and the following left parenthesis, as in
    if(condition) ...
    while(condition) ...
    for(int i=0; ... )
    and so on. This is also permissible, but if used at all, it must (of course) be used consistently.
  1. When commenting your code, you should strive to be informative without being excessive. Your goal is to have readable code, and too many comments can often be nearly as bad as, and sometimes worse than, too few.
  2. At the beginning of a file, always have a comment containing the name of the file, followed by a comment containing the purpose of the code in that file. These two comments can often be one line each. You may also want, or need, additional comments in this location, such as the code author's name, the date of the current version, the current version number, and possibly even a list of modifications included in the current version.
  3. For each function, include the following information in the given order:
    • One or more comment statements describing in summary form (or more detailed form if necessary) what the function does.
    • The return value of the function.
    • A list of the function's parameters in the same order as they appear in the parameter list, with a description of each.
    • The function's pre-conditions and post-conditions.
    In the actual parameter list of any function, always place comments (//in, //out, or //inout) to indicate the conceptual nature of each parameter with respect to the direction of information flow. For class member functions, these comments must appear in both the class header file and the class implementation file.
  4. Be sure to follow whatever rules may be given for inserting the necessary comments into your source code to identify correctly any submission for evaluation.
Program Structure

Ideally you should have one file per class, but this guideline is not always followed. Within any given file:

  1. You must being with comments indicating the name of the file, purpose of the code in that file, and any other information that may be required for the particular occasion.
  2. Next come the necessary "imports" for the required header classes. Unless there are "too many" classes, it is not a bad idea to specify the required classes individually, which improves readability.
  3. Within a class, some authors prefer data members first, followed by the member functions, other authors prefer the reverse order. For the moment at least we will not specify a particular order, but whichever order you do use must be used consistently throughout any project, whether it is a single-file or multi-file project.
Maximum Length of Source Code Lines
Choose a maximum length for the lines of text in your source code file in order to ensure that your lines of code do not "wrap" in an unsightly fashion, either on the screen or on the printed page. It is your responsibility to choose and insert good line breaks to prevent this from happening, while at the same time ensuring that your code remains as readable as possible. A maximum line length value between 72 and 76 characters is recommended, but whatever value you choose must be strictly less than 80.
No TAB Characters in Source Code
Your source code must not contain any TAB characters. Most modern editors have an easy way to ensure that this requirement is met. You should find out what the necessary procedure is in your case, and use it consistently. Having only spaces in your source code file means that its indentation and alignment will remain the same, no matter where that file may be printed.
  1. Put each program statement on a separate line, unless you can make a very good argument to explain why you didn't. One such argument might be that you used a one-line-but-multi-statement Java "idiom" of some kind.
  2. Use named constants whenever appropriate.

Part B: User Interface and Program Output

Self-identification and programmer identification
Each program should identify both itself and its author(s) when it runs. Exactly how this is to be done for submissions for evaluation will be specified by your instructor.
Self-description and/or on-line help
Each program should at a minimum describe briefly what it does when it runs. Such information may appear automatically when the program runs, in simple cases. In more complex programs this information and much else may be available via an on-line help system of some kind. Once again, for submissions for evaluation, your instructor will provide details on the kind of information to be displayed.
Prompting for input
Every program must prompt properly for all input that it requires.
Echoing input in the output
It is always good programming style to have a program echo its input somewhere in its output, so the user can verify that what was thought to be entered was in fact entered.
Organization and formatting of output
All output must be organized, aligned, and formatted for maximum readability by the user.
Spelling and punctuation
The appearance of misspellings and bad punctuation in program output is not only bad style, but is bound to raise questions in the mind of a user about the care taken in other aspects of program development. 




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