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转载 程序员生存定律


2014-09-04 09:07:07 41431 8

转载 从B树、B+树、B*树谈到R 树

目录(?)[+]第一节B树B树B树B树的高度第二节R树处理空间存储问题简介R树的数据结构叶子结点的结构非叶子结点R树的操作搜索删除结语从B树、B+树、B* 树谈到R树 作者:July、weedge、Frankie。编程艺术室出品。说明:本文从B树开始谈起,然后论述B+树、B*树,最后谈到R

2014-11-05 17:34:29 811 1

转载 [Unix下C/C++开发] unix编程书籍推荐

Unix/Linux/BSD系统 相对于Windows,在UNIX下编程获得相关文档要方便很多。由于历史原因,能够看到的教材基本上都经受了考验,几乎个个都是经典,不象Win下有鱼龙混杂泥沙俱下的现象。 三本可以替换的入门书,任选其一即可: Bruce Molay的《Understanding Unix/Linux Programming A Guide to Theory and

2014-10-23 11:58:41 1566

转载 目前比较流行的Python科学计算发行版

经常有身边的学友问到用什么Python发行版比较好?其实目前比较流行的Python科学计算发行版,主要有这么几个:Python(x,y)        GUI基于PyQt,曾经是功能最全也是最强大的,而且是Windows系统中科学免费Python发行版的不二选择.不过今时已不同往昔! PythonXY里面的许多包为了兼容性的问题,无法使用最新的程序包。尤其是令人气愤的是MinGW到现在

2014-10-12 09:14:59 1027

转载 安装Python-Matplotlib时出现的问题--Python version 2.7 required, which was not found in the registry


2014-10-11 18:25:23 730

转载 win7下安装Python +matplotlib

终于安装好了Python +matplotlib特此记录下。感谢以下几个文字的作者给我的帮助,同时大家也可以参考这几个作者的方法:1、http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/open1393488232380.html2、http://blog.csdn.net/yang6464158/article/details/18546871#comments

2014-10-11 18:24:36 901

转载 Python-Matplotlib安装及简单使用

在使用NumPy进行学习统计计算时是枯燥的,大量的数据令我们很头疼,所以我们需要把它图形化显示。 Matplotlib是一个Python的图形框架,类似于MATLAB和R语言。Matplotlib的官网地址是 http://matplotlib.org/ ,下载地址为 http://matplotlib.org/downloads.html,选择对应的版本即可安装,我选择的版本为 

2014-10-11 16:55:03 805

原创 算法界源流

数据结构 算法 分析 Mark Allen Weiss (维斯)中文名: 数据结构与算法分析原名: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C作者: Mark Allen Weiss (维斯)译者: 冯舜玺图书分类: 网络资源格式: PDF版本: 扫描版出版社: 机械工业出版社书号: 9787111127482发行时间

2014-10-01 00:21:23 866

转载 你以为你光是那道题选对了,就能好吗?

怎样克服「选择恐惧症」? 李松蔚,普通的心理学工作者我现在对选择恐惧的理解是:不完全是选择恐惧给生活带来了问题,更像是生活先有了问题,才有了选择恐惧。当人们无处可去的时候,人们总要给自己找一个交代。譬如一个迷路的人站在岔路口问路:「这几个方向,我走哪一个更好?」我们当然只能问他:「你要去哪?」而他的回答是:「我怎么知道,我迷路了!」——他给了自己一个交代

2014-09-30 13:36:27 997

转载 Git 使用的一些介绍

A tutorial of a conceptual git.http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~cduan/technical/git/在branch和merge, rebase 上有图片介绍,比较清楚 相对较短的篇幅,但是内容相对较全。 中文的http://www.linuxgem.org/user_files/linu

2014-09-30 11:08:27 438

转载 一位阿宅罗嗦的OSC书评

http://book.douban.com/review/2367814/ 本科上操作系统这门课的时候第一次看这本书,当时看的是郑扣根先生翻译的中文版。其实我本科学校用的是清华的那本很薄的书做教材,但是当时身边一牛人推荐我看这本传说中操作系统3大牛书之一的恐龙书(因其英文版封面是真恐龙而得名)。因为之前看英文版COD的教训,买了中文版。这里交待一句,中文版在china-pub

2014-09-27 22:49:04 576

转载 Python IDLE快捷键一览

编辑状态时:Ctrl + [ 、Ctrl + ] 缩进代码Alt+3 Alt+4 注释、取消注释代码行Alt+5 Alt+6 切换缩进方式 空格TabAlt+/ 单词完成,只要文中出现过,就可以帮你自动补齐。多按几次可以循环选择Alt+M 打开模块代码,先选中模块,然后按下此快捷键,会帮你打开改模块的py源码供浏览Alt+C 打开类浏览器,方便在源码文件中的各个方法

2014-09-27 10:31:42 546



2014-09-26 23:01:29 604

转载 python之yield篇

http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-22334392-id-3480710.html上一篇文章我们涉及到了函数,在最后一部分我们提到了yield 表达式,注意 yield产生的是表达式为了便于理解我们从常见的斐波那契函数开始谈起,最容易让人想起的算法(至少对我而言是函数递归调用)代码如下:

2014-09-24 13:31:46 598

转载 软件开发的“三重门”

自从上次写了“程序员技术练级攻略” 以来,就觉得似乎还有很多东西没有谈到,但当时没有继续思考了。而春节前有人问我,是做底层技术,还是做业务。这问题让我思考了很多,不由自主地回顾了一 下我这十多年的软件开发经历,并顺着整理分类了一下自己解决过的若干问题,还发散想了很多,经过了一个春节假期的发酵,产生了下面这篇文章。前言这篇文章必然是通过我的个人经历来写的。所以,我先说说个人经历吧

2014-09-24 00:35:57 526

转载 编程能力与编程年龄


2014-09-24 00:32:35 398

转载 如何学好C++语言


2014-09-24 00:29:32 478

转载 别的程序员是怎么读你的简历的


2014-09-24 00:29:14 514

转载 Windows编程革命简史

源文:A Brief History of Windows Programming Revolutions (Ron Burk)首先,是 Windows API 和 DLL Hell。(译注:DLL Hell——DLL灾难,就是微软的DLL升级时因为不同版本可能造成应用程序无法运行的灾难,首当其冲的是COM编程,相信大家都知道某些木马或是病毒更改了一些系统的DLL可以导致整个Windo

2014-09-24 00:05:33 572

转载 程序员技术练级攻略

月光博客6月12日发表了《写给新手程序员的一封信》,翻译自《An open letter to those who want to start programming》,我的朋友(他在本站的id是Mailper)告诉我,他希望在酷壳上看到一篇更具操作性的文章。因为他也是喜欢编程和技术的家伙,于是,我让他把他的一些学习Python和Web编程的一些点滴总结一下。于是他给我发来了一些他的心

2014-09-24 00:04:53 503

转载 “21天教你学会C++”

下面是一个《Teach Yourself  C++ in 21 Days》的流程图,请各位程序员同仁认真领会。如果有必要,你可以查看这个图书以作参照:http://www.china-pub.com/27043看完上面这个图片,我在想,我学习C++有12年了,好像C++也没有学得特别懂,看到STL和泛型,还是很头大。不过,我应该去考虑研究量子物理和生物化学,这样,我才能重返98年杀

2014-09-24 00:02:45 491

转载 简明 Vim 练级攻略

vim的学习曲线相当的大(参看各种文本编辑器的学习曲线),所以,如果你一开始看到的是一大堆VIM的命令分类,你一定会对这个编辑器失去兴趣的。下面的文章翻译自《Learn Vim Progressively》,我觉得这是给新手最好的VIM的升级教程了,没有列举所有的命令,只是列举了那些最有用的命令。非常不错。——————————正文开始——————————你想以最快的速度学习人类

2014-09-24 00:02:22 429

转载 C++ 程序员自信心曲线图

学习C++很长时间了,也看过很多程序员学习C++的历程。总体来说,C++是一个“双刃剑”式的语言,只有那些熟悉他的人才能把C++这门语言用好。Linus曾说过:“C++是一门很恐怖的语言,而比它更恐怖的是很多不合格的程序员在使用着它”。是的,C++并不是一门速成的语言,其是一门需要长时间磨练和学习的语言,那些说自己熟悉C++语言的程序只能算是轻浮的。详见“21天教你学会C++ ”。

2014-09-24 00:01:42 474

转载 shell中的冒号“:”--个人整理总结版-注意与makfle中:的区别


2014-09-19 15:48:37 920

转载 shell中的cut命令

cut是以每一行为一个处理对象的,这种机制和sed是一样的。(关于sed的入门文章将在近期发布)2 cut一般以什么为依据呢? 也就是说,我怎么告诉cut我想定位到的剪切内容呢?cut命令主要是接受三个定位方法:第一,字节(bytes),用选项-b第二,字符(characters),用选项-c第三,域(fields),用选项-f3 以“字节”定位,给

2014-09-19 15:16:43 454

转载 Shell中脚本变量和函数变量的作用域

在shell中定义函数可以使代码模块化,便于复用代码。不过脚本本身的变量和函数的变量的作用域问题可能令你费解,在这里梳理一下这个问题。(1)Shell脚本中定义的变量是global的,其作用域从被定义的地方开始,到shell结束或被显示删除的地方为止。例1:脚本变量的作用域#!/bin/bash#define the function ltx_funcltx_func(

2014-09-17 10:43:21 422

转载 芹菜猪肉生煎包


2014-09-13 01:47:59 1030

转载 fgetc和getc的区别

The function getchar is defined to be equivalent to getc(stdin). The difference between the first two functions is that getc can be implemented as a macro, whereas fgetc cannot be implemented as

2014-09-13 00:04:02 496

转载 Source Insight常用快捷键及注释快捷键设置

在使用SI过程中,我根据自己的使用习惯修改了它的默认快捷键,并且在配置文件中添加了一些人性化功能,下面一一介绍: 修改快捷键:Options->Key Assignments...1.main window:Esc       2.Hight light:Middle Mouse3.Go Back:Alt+z              4.Go Forward:Alt+x      

2014-09-12 18:02:49 478

转载 Source insight 介绍

    作为一个开放源代码的操作系统,Linux附带的源代码库使得广大爱好者有了一个广泛学习、深入钻研的机会,特别是Linux内核的组织极为复杂,同时,又不能像windows平台的程序一样,可以使用集成开发环境通过察看变量和函数,甚至设置断点、单步运行、调试等 手段来弄清楚整个程序的组织结构,使得Linux内核源代码的阅读变得尤为困难。     当然Linux下的vim和ema

2014-09-10 22:22:31 680

转载 while(*s++=*t++)

一、 while(*s++=*t++); 二、      while((*t)   !=   0){             *s   =   *t;             s++;             t++;     }

2014-09-09 17:48:07 3384

转载 W.Richard Stevens 先生所著之书比较适合有经验的人进一步深入学习

W.Richard Stevens 先生所著的UNIX 环境高级编程、UNIX网络编程、TCP/IP详解是难得的入门好书,但这里的入门指得是研究生级别的入门。Stevens 先生所著之书多半是为了给研究生上课时用做教材,因此 Stevens 先生假设阅读这些书的人至少已经接受过了系统的计算机技术本科教育,已经拥有了比较系统的计算机相关基础理论知识。在书中 Stevens 先生假设读者拥有了最基础的

2014-09-04 20:57:28 1212

转载 程序员生存定律--目录


2014-09-04 12:25:28 409

转载 如何加入开源项目的小手册


2014-09-04 09:22:03 451

转载 少走弯路,学好C语言的推荐途径


2014-09-04 01:15:46 1116

转载 码路指南


2014-09-04 01:13:57 2761

转载 C++不会没落但会走精英化路线


2014-09-04 00:04:59 723

转载 程序员需要明确的职业发展方向


2014-09-03 23:39:00 628

转载 Visual Studio 2013支持的C99库(library)

C99已经发布多年,但微软的Visual C++尚未完整支持C99。我偶然看到VS官方博客上一篇介绍C99库支持的文章,特翻译了一下,希望对大家有帮助。水平有限,翻译不当之处,欢迎指正。大家好,我是Pat Brenner,Visual C++库团队的开发人员。在这篇博文中,我想分享添加到Visual Studio 2013中的 C运行时库(run-time library)对C99

2014-09-03 22:05:02 3859

转载 本地变量的秘密

1.#include 2. 3.int* f(void);4.void g(void);5. 6.int main(int argc, char const *argv[])7.{8. int *p = f();9. printf("*p = %d\n", *p);10. g();11. printf("*p = %d\n", *p);12.

2014-08-31 19:29:06 394

Getting Started with OpenShift

Intrigued by the possibilities of developing web applications in the cloud? With this concise book, you get a quick hands-on introduction to OpenShift, the open source Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering from Red Hat. You’ll learn the steps necessary to build, deploy, and host a complete real-worl


Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.part4

part2.part1至part2.part7 下载完成后,解压得到Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.rar。与之前下载的Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part1.rar 一起再解压一遍即可。


Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.part3

part2.part1至part2.part7 下载完成后,解压得到Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.rar。与之前下载的Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part1.rar 一起再解压一遍即可。


Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.part2

part2.part1至part2.part7 下载完成后,解压得到Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.rar。与之前下载的Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part1.rar 一起再解压一遍即可。


Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.part7

part2.part1至part2.part7 下载完成后,解压得到Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.rar。与之前下载的Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part1.rar 一起再解压一遍即可。


Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.part1

Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.part1 part2.part1至part2.part7 下载完成后,解压得到Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part2.rar。与之前下载的Core Java Volume II CN 10th.part1.rar 一起再解压一遍即可。


Core Java Volume II CN 10th part1

Core Java Volume II CN 10th part1


Mastering Python Data Analysis

Mastering Python Data Analysis Mastering Python Data Analysis Mastering Python Data Analysis


Introduction to Python Programming and Developing GUI Applications with PyQT

Introduction to Python Programming and Developing GUI Applications with PyQT


Introduction to Machine Learning with Python

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python Introduction to Machine Learning with Python Introduction to Machine Learning with Python


High Performance Python - EN

High Performance Python High Performance Python High Performance Python


Distributed Computing with Python

Distributed Computing with Python + 源代码 Distributed Computing with Python + 源代码


Site Reliability Engineering - How Google Runs Production Systems 中英文合集

Site Reliability Engineering - How Google Runs Production Systems 中英文合集



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Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow - Aurelien Geron

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操作系统-精髓与设计原理 第8版 在线电子章节及源代码

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RabbitMQ实战 高效部署分布式消息队列 part3

RabbitMQ实战 高效部署分布式消息队列


RabbitMQ实战 高效部署分布式消息队列 part2

RabbitMQ实战 高效部署分布式消息队列


RabbitMQ实战 高效部署分布式消息队列 part1

RabbitMQ实战 高效部署分布式消息队列


RabbitMQ实战 高效部署分布式消息队列

RabbitMQ实战 高效部署分布式消息队列






CentOS vesamenu.c32 启动U盘


xilinx ise 9.x fpga cpld设计指南 387页 85.3M 清晰书签版.part3

xilinx ise 9.x fpga cpld设计指南 387页 85.3M 清晰书签版.part3


xilinx ise 9.x fpga cpld设计指南 387页 85.3M 清晰书签版.part2

xilinx ise 9.x fpga cpld设计指南 387页 85.3M 清晰书签版.part2


xilinx ise 9.x fpga cpld设计指南 387页 85.3M 清晰书签版.part1

xilinx ise 9.x fpga cpld设计指南 387页 85.3M 清晰书签版.part1


Java in a Nutshell, 7th Edition

This updated edition of Java in a Nutshell not only helps experienced Java programmers get the most out of Java versions 9 through 11, it’s also a learning path for new developers. Chock full of examples that demonstrate how to take complete advantage of modern Java APIs and development best practices, this thoroughly revised book includes new material on Java Concurrency Utilities. The book’s first section provides a fast-paced, no-fluff introduction to the Java programming language and the core runtime aspects of the Java platform. The second section is a reference to core concepts and APIs that explains how to perform real programming work in the Java environment. Get up to speed on language details, including Java 9-11 changes Learn object-oriented programming, using basic Java syntax Explore generics, enumerations, annotations, and lambda expressions Understand basic techniques used in object-oriented design Examine concurrency and memory, and how they’re intertwined Work with Java collections and handle common data formats Delve into Java’s latest I/O APIs, including asynchronous channels Use Nashorn to execute JavaScript on the Java Virtual Machine Become familiar with development tools in OpenJDK


Practical Apache Spark

Work with Apache Spark using Scala to deploy and set up single-node, multi-node, and high-availability clusters. This book discusses various components of Spark such as Spark Core, DataFrames, Datasets and SQL, Spark Streaming, Spark MLib, and R on Spark with the help of practical code snippets for


Natural Language Processing Recipes

Implement natural language processing applications with Python using a problem-solution approach. This book has numerous coding exercises that will help you to quickly deploy natural language processing techniques, such as text classification, parts of speech identification, topic modeling, text summarization, text generation, entity extraction, and sentiment analysis. Natural Language Processing Recipes starts by offering solutions for cleaning and preprocessing text data and ways to analyze it with advanced algorithms. You’ll see practical applications of the semantic as well as syntactic analysis of text, as well as complex natural language processing approaches that involve text normalization, advanced preprocessing, POS tagging, and sentiment analysis. You will also learn various applications of machine learning and deep learning in natural language processing. By using the recipes in this book, you will have a toolbox of solutions to apply to your own projects in the real world, making your development time quicker and more efficient. What You Will Learn Apply NLP techniques using Python libraries such as NLTK, TextBlob, spaCy, Stanford CoreNLP, and many more Implement the concepts of information retrieval, text summarization, sentiment analysis, and other advanced natural language processing techniques. Identify machine learning and deep learning techniques for natural language processing and natural language generation problems Who This Book Is For Data scientists who want to refresh and learn various concepts of natural language processing through coding exercises.


Fonts & Encodings

This reference is a fascinating and complete guide to using fonts and typography on the Web and across a variety of operating systems and application software. Fonts & Encodings shows you how to take full advantage of the incredible number of typographic options available, with advanced material that covers everything from designing glyphs to developing software that creates and processes fonts. The era of ASCII characters on green screens is long gone, and industry leaders such as Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle have adopted the Unicode Worldwide Character Standard. Yet, many software applications and web sites still use a host of standards, including PostScript, TrueType, TeX/Omega, SVG, Fontlab, FontForge, Metafont, Panose, and OpenType. This book explores each option in depth, and provides background behind the processes that comprise today’s “digital space for writing”: Part I introduces Unicode, with a brief history of codes and encodings including ASCII. Learn about the morass of the data that accompanies each Unicode character, and how Unicode deals with normalization, the bidirectional algorithm, and the handling of East Asian characters. Part II discusses font management, including installation, tools for activation/deactivation, and font choices for three different systems: Windows, the Mac OS, and the X Window System (Unix). Part III deals with the technical use of fonts in two specific cases: the TeX typesetting system (and its successor, W, which the author co-developed) and web pages. Part IV describes methods for classifying fonts: Vox, Alessandrini, and Panose-1, which is used by Windows and the CSS standard. Learn about existing tools for creating (or modifying) fonts, including FontLab and FontForge, and become familiar with OpenType properties and AAT fonts. Nowhere else will you find the valuable technical information on fonts and typography that software developers, web developers, and graphic artists need to know to get


PyTorch Recipes

Get up to speed with the deep learning concepts of Pytorch using a problem-solution approach. Starting with an introduction to PyTorch, you’ll get familiarized with tensors, a type of data structure used to calculate arithmetic operations and also learn how they operate. You will then take a look at probability distributions using PyTorch and get acquainted with its concepts. Further you will dive into transformations and graph computations with PyTorch. Along the way you will take a look at common issues faced with neural network implementation and tensor differentiation, and get the best solutions for them. Moving on to algorithms; you will learn how PyTorch works with supervised and unsupervised algorithms. You will see how convolutional neural networks, deep neural networks, and recurrent neural networks work using PyTorch. In conclusion you will get acquainted with natural language processing and text processing using PyTorch. What You Will Learn Master tensor operations for dynamic graph-based calculations using PyTorch Create PyTorch transformations and graph computations for neural networks Carry out supervised and unsupervised learning using PyTorch Work with deep learning algorithms such as CNN and RNN Build LSTM models in PyTorch Use PyTorch for text processing Who This Book Is For Readers wanting to dive straight into programming PyTorch.


Practical Recommender Systems

Recommender systems are practically a necessity for keeping a site’s content current, useful, and interesting to visitors. Recommender systems are everywhere, helping you find everything from movies to jobs, restaurants to hospitals, even romance. Practical Recommender Systems goes behind the curtain to show readers how recommender systems work and, more importantly, how to create and apply them for their site. This hands-on guide covers scaling problems and other issues they may encounter as their site grows.


Mule in Action

Mule is the most widely used open source ESB-with millions of downloads-providing an alternative to expensive commercial options. Mule in Action is acomprehensive tutorial designed for working Java developers. This authoritativebook explores the architecture and the main features of version Mule 2 throughnumerous running examples. It starts with a quick overview of ESB technologyand a bit of Mule history-including the key changes between Mule 1.x andMule 2. Readers learn to configure Mule and then get straight to the goodstuff-putting Mule to work. Because the core of an ESB system is handling message traffic, the book divesinto the way Mule handles data with chapters on sending and receiving, routing,and transforming data. Next, it takes a close look at Mule’s standard componentsand how you can roll out custom ones. The book closes with a set of chapterson the nuts and bolts of working with Mule. Readers can take Mule farther bylearning techniques for testing, performance tuning, BPM orchestration, andeven a touch of Groovy scripting.


Spring in Action, 5th Edition.part1

Spring in Action, 5th Edition is the fully updated revision of Manning’s bestselling Spring in Action. This new edition includes all Spring 5.0 updates, along with new examples on reactive programming, Spring WebFlux, and microservices. You’ll also find the latest Spring best practices, including Spring Boot for application setup and configuration.


QuickBooks 2019 All-in-One For Dummies

The quickest way to do the books! Finances don’t have to put you in a funk! With the help of this all-encompassing book, you’ll get the easy-to-follow instruction you need to get your business’ ducks in a row—without ever losing your cool. Whether you’re a numbers person or have never spent much time with a calculator, you’ll discover how to use QuickBooks 2019 to make it easier than ever to handle your finances. This value-priced reference combines eight content-rich mini-books into one complete package, providing the answers you need to get the most out of the latest version of QuickBooks. No stone is left unturned, giving you everything you need to turn what used to be harrowing tasks into simple items you can check off on your to-do list. Helps you use QuickBooks to ease accounting chores, financial management, and business planning Provides guidance from an industry expert Shows you how to set up a QuickBooks accounting system, load the master files lists, invoice customers, pay vendors, track inventory, manage cash and bank accounts, and more Gives helpful troubleshooting tips to make your accounting easy Your time is precious—why waste a minute when QuickBooks can make it easier? Get started today!


AWS System Administration

With platforms designed for rapid adaptation and failure recovery such as Amazon Web Services, cloud computing is more like programming than traditional system administration. Tools for automatic scaling and instance replacement allow even small DevOps teams to manage massively scalable application infrastructures—if team members drop their old views of development and operations and start mastering automation. This comprehensive guide shows developers and system administrators how to configure and manage AWS services including EC2, CloudFormation, Elastic Load Balancing, S3, and Route 53. Sysadms will learn will learn to automate their favorite tools and processes; developers will pick up enough ops knowledge to build a robust and resilient AWS application infrastructure. Launch instances with EC2 or CloudFormation Securely deploy and manage your applications with AWS tools Learn to automate AWS configuration management with Python and Puppet Deploy applications with Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing Explore approaches for deploying application and infrastructure updates Save time on development and operations with reusable components Learn strategies for managing log files in AWS environments Configure a cloud-aware DNS service with Route 53 Use AWS CloudWatch to monitor your infrastructure and applications


Designing Connected Products UX for the Consumer Internet of Things

Networked thermostats, fitness monitors, and door locks show that the Internet of Things can (and will) enable new ways for people to interact with the world around them. But designing connected products for consumers brings new challenges beyond conventional software UI and interaction design. This book provides experienced UX designers and technologists with a clear and practical roadmap for approaching consumer product strategy and design in this novel market. By drawing on the best of current design practice and academic research, Designing Connected Products delivers sound advice for working with cross-device interactions and the complex ecosystems inherent in IoT technology.


The Deep Learning Revolution

How deep learning―from Google Translate to driverless cars to personal cognitive assistants―is changing our lives and transforming every sector of the economy.


Computational Intelligence

Computational Intelligence: Synergies of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computing. Computational Intelligence: Synergies of Fuzzy Logic, NeuralNetworks and Evolutionary Computing presents an introduction tosome of the cutting edge technological paradigms under the umbrellaof computational intelligence. Computational intelligence schemesare investigated with the development of a suitable framework forfuzzy logic, neural networks and evolutionary computing,neuro-fuzzy systems, evolutionary-fuzzy systems and evolutionaryneural systems. Applications to linear and non-linear systems arediscussed with examples. Key features: Covers all the aspects of fuzzy, neural and evolutionaryapproaches with worked out examples, MATLAB® exercises andapplications in each chapter Presents the synergies of technologies of computationalintelligence such as evolutionary fuzzy neural fuzzy andevolutionary neural systems Considers real world problems in the domain of systemsmodelling, control and optimization Contains a foreword written by Lotfi Zadeh Computational Intelligence: Synergies of Fuzzy Logic, NeuralNetworks and Evolutionary Computing is an ideal text for finalyear undergraduate, postgraduate and research students inelectrical, control, computer, industrial and manufacturingengineering.


The Well-Grounded Rubyist, 2nd Edition

The Well-Grounded Rubyist, Second Edition addresses both newcomers to Ruby as well as Ruby programmers who want to deepen their understanding of the language. This beautifully written and totally revised second edition includes coverage of features that are new in Ruby 2.1, as well as expanded and updated coverage of aspects of the language that have changed.


Deep Learning with Python

Deep Learning with Python introduces the field of deep learning using the Python language and the powerful Keras library. Written by Keras creator and Google AI researcher François Chollet, this book builds your understanding through intuitive explanations and practical examples.



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