OSStatus所有枚举值的含义,比如kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9824,-25299


CF_ENUM(OSStatus) {
    errSSLProtocol              = -9800,    /* SSL protocol error */
    errSSLNegotiation           = -9801,    /* Cipher Suite negotiation failure */
    errSSLFatalAlert            = -9802,    /* Fatal alert */
    errSSLWouldBlock            = -9803,    /* I/O would block (not fatal) */
    errSSLSessionNotFound       = -9804,    /* attempt to restore an unknown session */
    errSSLClosedGraceful        = -9805,    /* connection closed gracefully */
    errSSLClosedAbort           = -9806,    /* connection closed via error */
    errSSLXCertChainInvalid     = -9807,    /* invalid certificate chain */
    errSSLBadCert               = -9808,    /* bad certificate format */
    errSSLCrypto                = -9809,    /* underlying cryptographic error */
    errSSLInternal              = -9810,    /* Internal error */
    errSSLModuleAttach          = -9811,    /* module attach failure */
    errSSLUnknownRootCert       = -9812,    /* valid cert chain, untrusted root */
    errSSLNoRootCert            = -9813,    /* cert chain not verified by root */
    errSSLCertExpired           = -9814,    /* chain had an expired cert */
    errSSLCertNotYetValid       = -9815,    /* chain had a cert not yet valid */
    errSSLClosedNoNotify        = -9816,    /* server closed session with no notification */
    errSSLBufferOverflow        = -9817,    /* insufficient buffer provided */
    errSSLBadCipherSuite        = -9818,    /* bad SSLCipherSuite */

    /* fatal errors detected by peer */
    errSSLPeerUnexpectedMsg     = -9819,    /* unexpected message received */
    errSSLPeerBadRecordMac      = -9820,    /* bad MAC */
    errSSLPeerDecryptionFail    = -9821,    /* decryption failed */
    errSSLPeerRecordOverflow    = -9822,    /* record overflow */
    errSSLPeerDecompressFail    = -9823,    /* decompression failure */
    errSSLPeerHandshakeFail     = -9824,    /* handshake failure */
    errSSLPeerBadCert           = -9825,    /* misc. bad certificate */
    errSSLPeerUnsupportedCert   = -9826,    /* bad unsupported cert format */
    errSSLPeerCertRevoked       = -9827,    /* certificate revoked */
    errSSLPeerCertExpired       = -9828,    /* certificate expired */
    errSSLPeerCertUnknown       = -9829,    /* unknown certificate */
    errSSLIllegalParam          = -9830,    /* illegal parameter */
    errSSLPeerUnknownCA         = -9831,    /* unknown Cert Authority */
    errSSLPeerAccessDenied      = -9832,    /* access denied */
    errSSLPeerDecodeError       = -9833,    /* decoding error */
    errSSLPeerDecryptError      = -9834,    /* decryption error */
    errSSLPeerExportRestriction = -9835,    /* export restriction */
    errSSLPeerProtocolVersion   = -9836,    /* bad protocol version */
    errSSLPeerInsufficientSecurity = -9837, /* insufficient security */
    errSSLPeerInternalError     = -9838,    /* internal error */
    errSSLPeerUserCancelled     = -9839,    /* user canceled */
    errSSLPeerNoRenegotiation   = -9840,    /* no renegotiation allowed */

    /* non-fatal result codes */
    errSSLPeerAuthCompleted     = -9841,    /* peer cert is valid, or was ignored if verification disabled */
    errSSLClientCertRequested   = -9842,    /* server has requested a client cert */

    /* more errors detected by us */
    errSSLHostNameMismatch      = -9843,    /* peer host name mismatch */
    errSSLConnectionRefused     = -9844,    /* peer dropped connection before responding */
    errSSLDecryptionFail        = -9845,    /* decryption failure */
    errSSLBadRecordMac          = -9846,    /* bad MAC */
    errSSLRecordOverflow        = -9847,    /* record overflow */
    errSSLBadConfiguration      = -9848,    /* configuration error */
    errSSLUnexpectedRecord      = -9849,    /* unexpected (skipped) record in DTLS */
    errSSLWeakPeerEphemeralDHKey = -9850,   /* weak ephemeral dh key  */

    /* non-fatal result codes */
    errSSLClientHelloReceived   = -9851,    /* SNI */


 *** OSStatus values unique to Security APIs ***

    Note: the comments that appear after these errors are used to create
    SecErrorMessages.strings. The comments must not be multi-line, and
    should be in a form meaningful to an end user. If a different or
    additional comment is needed, it can be put in the header doc format,
    or on a line that does not start with errZZZ.

    errSecSuccess                               = 0,       /* No error. */
    errSecUnimplemented                         = -4,      /* Function or operation not implemented. */
    errSecIO                                    = -36,     /*I/O error (bummers)*/
    errSecOpWr                                  = -49,     /*file already open with with write permission*/
    errSecParam                                 = -50,     /* One or more parameters passed to a function where not valid. */
    errSecAllocate                              = -108,    /* Failed to allocate memory. */
    errSecUserCanceled                          = -128,    /* User canceled the operation. */
    errSecBadReq                                = -909,    /* Bad parameter or invalid state for operation. */
    errSecInternalComponent                     = -2070,
    errSecNotAvailable                          = -25291,  /* No keychain is available. You may need to restart your computer. */
    errSecDuplicateItem                         = -25299,  /* The specified item already exists in the keychain. */
    errSecItemNotFound                          = -25300,  /* The specified item could not be found in the keychain. */
    errSecInteractionNotAllowed                 = -25308,  /* User interaction is not allowed. */
    errSecDecode                                = -26275,  /* Unable to decode the provided data. */
    errSecAuthFailed                            = -25293,  /* The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct. */
iOS中使用公钥字符串进行RSA加密的步骤如下: 1. 将公钥字符串转换为NSData类型。 ``` NSString *publicKeyString = @"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n...公钥字符串...\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; NSData *publicKeyData = [publicKeyString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; ``` 2. 创建SecKey对象。 ``` NSMutableDictionary *publicKeyAttributes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [publicKeyAttributes setObject:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyType]; [publicKeyAttributes setObject:@(2048) forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeySizeInBits]; [publicKeyAttributes setObject:publicKeyData forKey:(__bridge id)kSecValueData]; [publicKeyAttributes setObject:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyClassPublic forKey:(__bridge id)kSecAttrKeyClass]; SecKeyRef publicKey; OSStatus status = SecItemAdd((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)publicKeyAttributes, (CFTypeRef *)&publicKey); ``` 3. 使用SecKey对象进行加密。 ``` NSData *plainData = [@"要加密的数据" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; size_t cipherBufferSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(publicKey); uint8_t *cipherBuffer = malloc(cipherBufferSize); memset(cipherBuffer, 0, cipherBufferSize); OSStatus status = SecKeyEncrypt(publicKey, kSecPaddingPKCS1, [plainData bytes], [plainData length], cipherBuffer, &cipherBufferSize); NSData *encryptedData = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:cipherBuffer length:cipherBufferSize]; ``` 4. 释放SecKey对象。 ``` CFRelease(publicKey); ``` 注意:在iOS中使用公钥加密时,需要使用PKCS#1填充模式(kSecPaddingPKCS1)。另外,如果公钥字符串中的换行符不是`\n`,需要将其替换为`\n`。




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