Lesson 4 Part 2 Softmax Regression


i 在样本中遍历,样本数量为m
j 在特征中遍历,特征数量为n
k 在分类中遍历,分类数量为c

In these notes, we describe the Softmax regression model. This model generalizes logistic regression to classification problems where the class label y can take on more than two possible values. This will be useful for such problems as MNIST digit classification, where the goal is to distinguish between 10 different numerical digits. Softmax regression is a supervised learning algorithm, but we will later be using it in conjuction with our deep learning/unsupervised feature learning methods.
Recall that in logistic regression, we had a training set {(x(1),y(1)),,(x(m),y(m))} of m labeled examples, where the input features are x(i)Rn+1 . (In this set of notes, we will use the notational convention of letting the feature vectors x be n + 1 dimensional, with x0=1 corresponding to the intercept term.) With logistic regression, we were in the binary classification setting, so the labels were y(i){0,1} . Our hypothesis took the form:


and the model parameters θ were trained to minimize the cost function


In the softmax regression setting, we are interested in multi-class classification (as opposed to only binary classification), and so the label y can take on c different values, rather than only two. Thus, in our training set {(x(1),y(1)),,(x(m),y(m))}, we now have that y(i){1,2,,c} . (Note that our convention will be to index the classes starting from 1, rather than from 0.) For example, in the MNIST digit recognition task, we would have c=10 different classes.
Given a test input x, we want our hypothesis to estimate the probability that p(y=k|x) for each value of k=1,,c . I.e., we want to estimate the probability of the class label taking on each of the c different possible values. Thus, our hypothesis will output a k dimensional vector (whose elements sum to 1) giving us our c estimated probabilities. Concretely, our hypothesis hθ(x) takes the form:


Here θ1,θ2,,θcRn+1 are the parameters of our model. Notice that the term 1ck=1eθTkx(i) normalizes the distribution, so that it sums to one.
For convenience, we will also write θ to denote all the parameters of our model. When you implement softmax regression, it is usually convenient to represent θ as a cby(n+1) matrix obtained by stacking up θ1,θ2,,θk in rows, so that


Cost Function

We now describe the cost function that we’ll use for softmax regression. In the equation below, 1{} is the indicator function, so that 1{a true statement} = 1, and 1{a false statement} = 0. For example, 1{2 + 2 = 4} evaluates to 1; whereas 1{1 + 1 = 5} evaluates to 0. Our cost function will be:


Notice that this generalizes the logistic regression cost function, which could also have been written:


The softmax cost function is similar, except that we now sum over the k different possible values of the class label. Note also that in softmax regression, we have that
There is no known closed-form way to solve for the minimum of J(θ), and thus as usual we’ll resort to an iterative optimization algorithm such as gradient descent or L-BFGS. Taking derivatives, one can show that the gradient is:


Recall the meaning of the “ θj ” notation. In particular, θkJ(θ) is itself a vector, so that its j-th element is J(θ)θkj the partial derivative of J(θ) with respect to the j-th element of θk .
Armed with this formula for the derivative, one can then plug it into an algorithm such as gradient descent, and have it minimize J(θ). For example, with the standard implementation of gradient descent, on each iteration we would perform the update θk:=θkαθkJ(θ) (for each k=1,,c ).
When implementing softmax regression, we will typically use a modified version of the cost function described above; specifically, one that incorporates weight decay. We describe the motivation and details below.

Properties of softmax regression parameterization

Softmax regression has an unusual property that it has a “redundant” set of parameters. To explain what this means, suppose we take each of our parameter vectors θk , and subtract some fixed vector ψ from it, so that every θk is now replaced with θkψ (for every k=1,,c ). Our hypothesis now estimates the class label probabilities as


In other words, subtracting ψ from every θk does not affect our hypothesis’ predictions at all! This shows that softmax regression’s parameters are “redundant.” More formally, we say that our softmax model is overparameterized, meaning that for any hypothesis we might fit to the data, there are multiple parameter settings that give rise to exactly the same hypothesis function hθ mapping from inputs x to the predictions.
Further, if the cost function J(θ) is minimized by some setting of the parameters (θ1,θ2,,θc) , then it is also minimized by (θ1ψ,θ2ψ,,θcψ) for any value of ψ . Thus, the minimizer of J(θ) is not unique. (Interestingly, J(θ) is still convex, and thus gradient descent will not run into a local optima problems. But the Hessian is singular/non-invertible, which causes a straightforward implementation of Newton’s method to run into numerical problems.)
Notice also that by setting ψ=θ1 , one can always replace θ1 with θ1ψ=0⃗  (the vector of all 0’s), without affecting the hypothesis. Thus, one could “eliminate” the vector of parameters θ1 (or any other θk , for any single value of k ), without harming the representational power of our hypothesis. Indeed, rather than optimizing over the c(n+1) parameters (θ1,θ2,,θc) (where θkRn+1 ), one could instead set θ1=0⃗  and optimize only with respect to the (c1)(n+1) remaining parameters, and this would work fine.
In practice, however, it is often cleaner and simpler to implement the version which keeps all the parameters (θ1,θ2,,θc) , without arbitrarily setting one of them to zero. But we will make one change to the cost function: Adding weight decay. This will take care of the numerical problems associated with softmax regression’s overparameterized representation.

但是这里我们除了Weight Decay外,还是减去最大值,原因如下

However, when the products θTkx(i) are large, the exponential function eθTkx(i) will become very very large and possibly overflow. To prevent overflow, we can simply subtract some large constant value from each of the θTkx(i) terms before computing the exponential. In practice, for each example, you can use the maximum of the θTkx(i) terms as the constant.


这里的a为行向量,其中每列的元素为矩阵 θTx 对应列 θTx(i) 中的最大的元素

注意这里 θ cn 的矩阵, x nm的矩阵, θTx cm 的矩阵

Weight Decay

We will modify the cost function by adding a weight decay term λ2ck=1nj=0θ2kj which penalizes large values of the parameters. Our cost function is now


With this weight decay term (for any λ>0 ), the cost function J(θ) is now strictly convex, and is guaranteed to have a unique solution. The Hessian is now invertible, and because J(θ) is convex, algorithms such as gradient descent, L-BFGS, etc. are guaranteed to converge to the global minimum.
To apply an optimization algorithm, we also need the derivative of this new definition of J(θ) . One can show that the derivative is:

这里对 J(θ) 求导得到的结果,推导如下:


xTax=aTxx=a (引用于matrix cookbook 2.4.1)

note: In particular, θkJ(θ) is itself a vector, so that its j-th element is J(θ)θkj the partial derivative of J(θ) with respect to the j-th element of θk .

By minimizing J(θ) with respect to θ <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-87">θ</script>, we will have a working implementation of softmax regression.


// Softmax regression

#include <iostream>
#include <armadillo>
#include <math.h>
using namespace arma;
using namespace std;

#define elif else if
#define MAX_ITER 1000000

double cost = 0.0;
mat grad;
double lrate = 0.1;
double lambda = 0.0;
int nclasses = 2;

colvec vec2colvec(vector<double>& vec) {
    int length = vec.size();
    colvec A(length);
    for (int i = 0; i<length; i++) {
        A(i) = vec[i];
    return A;

rowvec vec2rowvec(vector<double>& vec) {
    colvec A = vec2colvec(vec);
    return A.t();

mat vec2mat(vector<vector<double> >&vec) {
    int cols = vec.size();
    int rows = vec[0].size();
    mat A(rows, cols);
    for (int i = 0; i<rows; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j<cols; j++) {
            A(i, j) = vec[j][i];
    return A;

void update_CostFunction_and_Gradient(mat x, rowvec y, mat weightsMatrix, double lambda) {

    int nsamples = x.n_cols;
    int nfeatures = x.n_rows;
    //calculate cost function
    mat theta(weightsMatrix);
    mat M = theta * x;
    mat temp = repmat(max(M, 0), nclasses, 1);
    M = M - temp;
    M = arma::exp(M);
    temp = repmat(sum(M, 0), nclasses, 1);
    M = M / temp;

    mat groundTruth = zeros<mat>(nclasses, nsamples);
    for (int i = 0; i<y.size(); i++) {
        groundTruth(y(i), i) = 1;//对y的数据进行归类
    temp = groundTruth % (arma::log(M));
    cost = -accu(temp) / nsamples;
    cost += accu(arma::pow(theta, 2)) * lambda / 2;

    //calculate gradient
    temp = groundTruth - M;
    temp = temp * x.t();
    grad = -temp / nsamples;
    grad += lambda * theta;

rowvec calculateY(mat x, mat weightsMatrix) {

    mat theta(weightsMatrix);
    mat M = theta * x;
    mat temp = repmat(max(M, 0), nclasses, 1);
    M = M - temp;
    M = arma::exp(M);
    temp = repmat(sum(M, 0), nclasses, 1);
    M = M / temp;
    M = arma::log(M);
    rowvec result = zeros<rowvec>(M.n_cols);
    for (int i = 0; i<M.n_cols; i++) {
        int maxele = INT_MIN;
        int which = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j<M.n_rows; j++) {
            if (M(j, i) > maxele) {
                maxele = M(j, i);
                which = j;
        result(i) = which;
    return result;

void softmax(vector<vector<double> >&vecX, vector<double> &vecY, vector<vector<double> >& testX, vector<double>& testY) {

    int nsamples = vecX.size();
    int nfeatures = vecX[0].size();
    //change vecX and vecY into matrix or vector.
    rowvec y = vec2rowvec(vecY);
    mat x = vec2mat(vecX);

    double init_epsilon = 0.12;
    mat weightsMatrix = randu<mat>(nclasses, nfeatures);
    weightsMatrix = weightsMatrix * (2 * init_epsilon) - init_epsilon;
    grad = zeros<mat>(nclasses, nfeatures);

    //Gradient Checking (remember to disable this part after you're sure the
    //cost function and dJ function are correct)
    update_CostFunction_and_Gradient(x, y, weightsMatrix, lambda);
    mat dJ(grad);
    double epsilon = 1e-4;
    for(int i=0; i<weightsMatrix.n_rows; i++){
    for(int j=0; j<weightsMatrix.n_cols; j++){
    double memo = weightsMatrix(i, j);
    weightsMatrix(i, j) = memo + epsilon;
    update_CostFunction_and_Gradient(x, y, weightsMatrix, lambda);
    double value1 = cost;
    weightsMatrix(i, j) = memo - epsilon;
    update_CostFunction_and_Gradient(x, y, weightsMatrix, lambda);
    double value2 = cost;
    double tp = (value1 - value2) / (2 * epsilon);
    cout<<i<<", "<<j<<", "<<tp<<", "<<dJ(i, j)<<endl;
    weightsMatrix(i, j) = memo;

    int converge = 0;
    double lastcost = 0.0;
    while (converge < MAX_ITER) {
        update_CostFunction_and_Gradient(x, y, weightsMatrix, lambda);
        weightsMatrix -= lrate * grad;

        cout << "learning step: " << converge << ", Cost function value = " << cost << endl;
        if (fabs((cost - lastcost)) <= 5e-6 && converge > 0) break;
        lastcost = cost;
    cout << "############result#############" << endl;

    rowvec yT = vec2rowvec(testY);
    mat xT = vec2mat(testX);
    rowvec result = calculateY(xT, weightsMatrix);
    rowvec error = yT - result;
    int correct = error.size();
    for (int i = 0; i<error.size(); i++) {
        if (error(i) != 0) --correct;
    cout << "correct: " << correct << ", total: " << error.size() << ", accuracy: " << double(correct) / (double)(error.size()) << endl;


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    long start, end;
    //read training X from .txt file
    FILE *streamX, *streamY;
    streamX = fopen("trainX.txt", "r");
    int numofX = 30;
    vector<vector<double> > vecX;
    double tpdouble;
    int counter = 0;
    while (1) {
        if (fscanf(streamX, "%lf", &tpdouble) == EOF) break;
        if (counter / numofX >= vecX.size()) {
            vector<double> tpvec;
        vecX[counter / numofX].push_back(tpdouble);

    cout << vecX.size() << ", " << vecX[0].size() << endl;

    //read training Y from .txt file
    streamY = fopen("trainY.txt", "r");
    vector<double> vecY;
    while (1) {
        if (fscanf(streamY, "%lf", &tpdouble) == EOF) break;

    for (int i = 1; i<vecX.size(); i++) {
        if (vecX[i].size() != vecX[i - 1].size()) return 0;
    if (vecX.size() != vecY.size()) return 0;

    streamX = fopen("testX.txt", "r");
    vector<vector<double> > vecTX;
    counter = 0;
    while (1) {
        if (fscanf(streamX, "%lf", &tpdouble) == EOF) break;
        if (counter / numofX >= vecTX.size()) {
            vector<double> tpvec;
        vecTX[counter / numofX].push_back(tpdouble);

    streamY = fopen("testY.txt", "r");
    vector<double> vecTY;
    while (1) {
        if (fscanf(streamY, "%lf", &tpdouble) == EOF) break;

    start = clock();
    softmax(vecX, vecY, vecTX, vecTY);
    end = clock();
    cout << "Training used time: " << ((double)(end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " second" << endl;
    return 0;


FILE *streamX, *streamY;
    streamX = fopen("trainX.txt", "r");
    int numofX = 30;
    vector<vector<double> > vecX;
    double tpdouble;
    int counter = 0;
    while (1) {
        if (fscanf(streamX, "%lf", &tpdouble) == EOF) break;
        if (counter / numofX >= vecX.size()) {
            vector<double> tpvec;
        vecX[counter / numofX].push_back(tpdouble);

所以vecX外层大小为284, 内层大小为30
表示成矩阵 284 * 30


    //read training Y from .txt file
    streamY = fopen("trainY.txt", "r");
    vector<double> vecY;
    while (1) {
        if (fscanf(streamY, "%lf", &tpdouble) == EOF) break;

表示成矩阵 284 * 1

同理, testX 和 textY 分别跟 trainX 和 trainY一样大小


    int nsamples = vecX.size();//284
    int nfeatures = vecX[0].size();//30
    //change vecX and vecY into matrix or vector.
    rowvec y = vec2rowvec(vecY);
    mat x = vec2mat(vecX);// x 30 * 284

    double init_epsilon = 0.12;
    mat weightsMatrix = randu<mat>(nclasses, nfeatures);//weightsMatrix 2 * 30 这个矩阵就是需要求的θ系数.对于每种分类,对应一个不同的θ向量,该向量有n个分量
    weightsMatrix = weightsMatrix * (2 * init_epsilon) - init_epsilon;//给需要求的θ一个初值
    grad = zeros<mat>(nclasses, nfeatures); //grad 2 * 30
    int converge = 0;
    double lastcost = 0.0;
    while (converge < MAX_ITER) {
        update_CostFunction_and_Gradient(x, y, weightsMatrix, lambda);
        weightsMatrix -= lrate * grad;

        cout << "learning step: " << converge << ", Cost function value = " << cost << endl;
        if (fabs((cost - lastcost)) <= 5e-6 && converge > 0) break;
        lastcost = cost;


void update_CostFunction_and_Gradient(mat x, rowvec y, mat weightsMatrix, double lambda) {

    int nsamples = x.n_cols;//284
    int nfeatures = x.n_rows;//30
    //calculate cost function
    mat theta(weightsMatrix);
    mat M = theta * x; // theta:2*30   x:30*284   M:2*284
    mat temp = repmat(max(M, 0), nclasses, 1); // temp:2*284  每列中元素相同,为M对应列中的最大的元素
    M = M - temp;//相当于上面描述中减去a
    M = arma::exp(M);//分子
    temp = repmat(sum(M, 0), nclasses, 1);//分母
    M = M / temp;

    mat groundTruth = zeros<mat>(nclasses, nsamples);//groundTruth: 2*284
    for (int i = 0; i<y.size(); i++) { // y:284*1
        groundTruth(y(i), i) = 1;//对y的数据进行归类
    temp = groundTruth % (arma::log(M));//grounTruth相当1{y(i)=k}
    cost = -accu(temp) / nsamples;
    cost += accu(arma::pow(theta, 2)) * lambda / 2;

    //calculate gradient
    temp = groundTruth - M;
    temp = temp * x.t();
    grad = -temp / nsamples;
    grad += lambda * theta;








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