
    OpenSURF里使用的默认参数(octaves=5, intervals=4, init_sample=2, thresh=0.0004)表示生成的金字塔pyramid5,每叠4层的,采样步长为2,在判断是否为极值(is extrema)时阈值为0.0004.

    OpenSURF中的主要文件有 fasthessian.h&fasthessian.cpp,integral.h&integral.cpp, ipoint.h&ipoint.cpp, Kmeans.h, main.cpp,responselayer.h,surf.cpp&surf.h, surflib.hutils.cpp.下面主要是跟SURF论文有关的几个函数的代码和注释.



                                   3.getIpoints检测关键点key point或者兴趣点interestpoint;





* --- OpenSURF ---                                      *

* C. Evans, Research Into Robust Visual Features,        *

* MSc University of Bristol,2008.                      


classIpoint {


floatoperator-(const Ipoint &rhs)



for(inti=0; i < 64; ++i)

sum +=(this->descriptor[i] - rhs.descriptor[i])*(this->descriptor[i] -rhs.descriptor[i]);



//!Coordinates of the detected interest point兴趣点坐标

float x, y;

//!Detected scale兴趣点所在的尺度,interpolateExtremum函数中通过插值求得.


//!Orientation measured anti-clockwise from +ve x-axis兴趣点的参考方向,x轴正方向开始逆时针0360,算法里采用02pi.


//! Sign oflaplacian for fast matching purposes计算fastheassian结果的拉普拉斯符号.


//! Vectorof descriptor components 64位描述符

float descriptor[64];

//!Placeholds for point motion (can be used for frame to frame motion analysis)两幅相片一对匹配点间坐标的差值,用于计算行对定位,摄站坐标系的移动.

float dx,dy;

//! Used tostore cluster index再度一张图像中特征点聚类分析后得到的聚类的编号.





//! Populate IpPairVec with matchedipts 实现寻找描述符距离最近的两个兴趣点

void getMatches(IpVec &ipts1, IpVec&ipts2, IpPairVec &matches)


 float dist, d1, d2;

 Ipoint *match;


 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ipts1.size(); i++)


   d1 = d2 = FLT_MAX;

   for(unsigned int j = 0; j < ipts2.size(); j++)


     dist = ipts1[i] - ipts2[j]; 

     if(dist<d1) // if this feature matches better than current best


       d2 = d1;

       d1 = dist;

       match = &ipts2[j];


     else if(dist<d2) // this feature matches better than second best


       d2 = dist;



   // If match has a d1:d2 ratio < 0.65 ipoints are a matchSIFT一样,当最近的描述符远小于第二进的描述符时认为找到匹配点,个人感觉不如用KNN.

   if(d1/d2 < 0.65)


     // Store the change in position

     ipts1[i].dx = match->x - ipts1[i].x;

     ipts1[i].dy = match->y - ipts1[i].y;

     matches.push_back(std::make_pair(ipts1[i], *match));








inline float BoxIntegral(IplImage *img,int row, int col, int rows, int cols)


 float *data = (float *) img->imageData;

 int step = img->widthStep/sizeof(float);

 // The subtraction by one for row/col is because row/col is inclusive.

 int r1 = std::min(row,         img->height) - 1;

 int c1 = std::min(col,         img->width) - 1;

 int r2 = std::min(row + rows,  img->height) - 1;

 int c2 = std::min(col + cols,  img->width) - 1;

 float A(0.0f), B(0.0f), C(0.0f), D(0.0f);

 if (r1 >= 0 && c1 >= 0) A = data[r1 * step + c1];//坐标转换

 if (r1 >= 0 && c2 >= 0) B = data[r1 * step + c2];

 if (r2 >= 0 && c1 >= 0) C = data[r2 * step + c1];

 if (r2 >= 0 && c2 >= 0) D = data[r2 * step + c2];

 return std::max(0.f, A - B - C + D);




//! Computes the integral image of imageimg. Assumes source image to be a对图形求积分图

IplImage *Integral(IplImage *source)


 // first row only//先计算第一行

 float rs = 0.0f;

 for(int j=0; j<width; j++)


   rs += data[j];

   i_data[j] = rs;


 // remaining cells are sum above and to the left//积分图每一个点的值是左上部分的积分

 for(int i=1; i<height; ++i)


   rs = 0.0f;

   for(int j=0; j<width; ++j)


     rs += data[i*step+j];

     i_data[i*step+j] = rs + i_data[(i-1)*step+j];







class ResponseLayer



 int width, height, step, filter;

 float *responses;

 unsigned char *laplacian;

 ResponseLayer(int width, int height, int step, int filter)


   assert(width > 0 && height > 0);//assert计算括号内条件,成立则继续执行,不成立则报告错误并终止运行

   this->width = width;//interval的宽

   this->height = height;//interval的高

   this->step = step;//采样的步长

   this->filter = filter;//threshold计算fasthessian时的box的尺寸

   responses = new float[width*height];//以下申请空间

   laplacian = new unsigned char[width*height];


   memset(laplacian,0,sizeof(unsigned char)*width*height);


 inline unsigned char getLaplacian(unsignedint row, unsigned int column)

 {//读取 row行第column列的laplacian的值

   return laplacian[row * width + column];


 inline unsigned char getLaplacian(unsigned int row, unsigned int column,ResponseLayer *src)

 {//src是参考的interval,读取调用这个函数的interval,对应于src坐标系的row,column处的 laplacian的值.

   int scale = this->width / src->width;

   #ifdef RL_DEBUG

   assert(src->getCoords(row, column) == this->getCoords(scale * row,scale * column));


   return laplacian[(scale * row) * width + (scale * column)];


 另有 两个getResponse函数 与以上部分相同没有给出.


inline std::pair<int,int>getCoords(unsigned int row, unsigned int column)


   return coords[row * width + column];


 inline std::pair<int,int> getCoords(unsigned int row, unsigned intcolumn, ResponseLayer *src)


   int scale = this->width / src->width;

   return coords[(scale * row) * width + (scale * column)];








//! Find the image features and writeinto vector of feature

void FastHessian::getIpoints()

{//游历金字塔寻找兴趣点getIpointsSIFT中的类似,不过 SIFT 中每一个octave中的层的大小是一样的.

 // filter index map//金字塔的组成,每叠包含的层,第一叠octave包含第(0,1,2,3)...

 staticconst int filter_map [OCTAVES][INTERVALS] = {{0,1,2,3}, {1,3,4,5}, {3,5,6,7},{5,7,8,9}, {7,9,10,11}};

 // Clear the vector of exisiting ipts


 // Build the response map


 // Get the response layers

 ResponseLayer *b, *m, *t;//实现金字塔,计算每一个具体值

 for (int o = 0; o < octaves; ++o) for (int i = 0; i <= 1; ++i)


   b =[o][i]);  //b: base底部

   m =[o][i+1]);//m: middle中间

   t =[o][i+2]);//t: top顶层

   // loop over middle response layer at density of the most

   // sparse layer (always top), to find maxima across scale and space

   for (int r = 0; r < t->height; ++r)


    for (int c = 0; c < t->width; ++c)


       if (isExtremum(r, c, t, m, b)) //调用isExtremum函数SIFT类似


         interpolateExtremum(r, c, t, m, b);//调用interpolateExtremum函数SIFT类似







//! Build map of DoH responses

void FastHessian::buildResponseMap()//定义金字塔的结构,octaveinterval申请


 // Calculate responses for the first 4 octaves://对用不同的层,计算fasthessian时使用的不同boxsize

 // Oct1: 9, 15, 21, 27

 // Oct2: 15, 27, 39, 51

 // Oct3: 27, 51, 75, 99

 // Oct4: 51, 99, 147,195

 // Oct5: 99, 195,291,387

 // Get image attributes

 int w = (i_width / init_sample);//

 int h = (i_height / init_sample);//

 int s = (init_sample);//采样步长

 // Calculate approximated determinant of hessian values

 if (octaves >= 1)


   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w,  h,  s,  9));

   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w,  h,  s,  15));

   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w,  h,  s,  21));

   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w,  h,  s,  27));


 if (octaves >= 2)


   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/2, h/2, s*2, 39));

   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/2, h/2, s*2, 51));


 if (octaves >= 3)


   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/4, h/4, s*4, 75));

   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/4, h/4, s*4, 99));


 if (octaves >= 4)


   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/8, h/8, s*8, 147));

   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/8, h/8, s*8, 195));


 if (octaves >= 5)


   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/16, h/16, s*16, 291));

   responseMap.push_back(new ResponseLayer(w/16, h/16, s*16, 387));




//! Calculate DoH responses for suppliedlayer

voidFastHessian::buildResponseLayer(ResponseLayer *rl)//实现每一个层,对层中每一个位置计算fasthessian


 float *responses = rl->responses;        // response storage

 unsigned char *laplacian = rl->laplacian; // laplacian sign storage

 int step = rl->step;                     // step size for thisfilter

 int b = (rl->filter - 1) / 2;            // border for this filter

 int l = rl->filter / 3;                  // lobe for this filter(filter size / 3)

 int w = rl->filter;                      // filter size

 float inverse_area = 1.f/(w*w);          // normalisation factor

 float Dxx, Dyy, Dxy;

 for(int r, c, ar = 0, index = 0; ar < rl->height; ++ar)


   for(int ac = 0; ac < rl->width; ++ac,index++)


     // get the image coordinates//坐标转换

     r = ar * step;

     c = ac * step;

     // Compute response components

     Dxx = BoxIntegral(img, r - l + 1, c - b, 2*l - 1, w)

         - BoxIntegral(img, r - l + 1, c - l / 2, 2*l - 1, l)*3;

     Dyy = BoxIntegral(img, r - b, c - l + 1, w, 2*l - 1)

         - BoxIntegral(img, r - l / 2, c - l + 1, l, 2*l - 1)*3;

     Dxy = + BoxIntegral(img, r - l, c + 1, l, l)

           + BoxIntegral(img, r + 1, c - l, l,l)

           - BoxIntegral(img, r - l, c - l, l,l)

           - BoxIntegral(img, r + 1, c + 1, l,l);

    // Normalise the filter responses with respect to their size

     Dxx *= inverse_area;//归一化

     Dyy *= inverse_area;

     Dxy *= inverse_area;

     // Get the determinant of hessian response & laplacian sign

     responses[index] = (Dxx * Dyy - 0.81f * Dxy * Dxy);//论文里fasthessian的计算公式

     laplacian[index] = (Dxx + Dyy >= 0 ? 1 : 0);

     // create list of the image coords for each response






int FastHessian::isExtremum(int r, intc, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer *m, ResponseLayer *b)



 // bounds check

 int layerBorder = (t->filter + 1) / (2 * t->step);

 if (r <= layerBorder || r >= t->height - layerBorder || c <=layerBorder || c >= t->width - layerBorder)

   return 0;//是否太靠近图像边界

 // check the candidate point in the middle layer is above thresh

 float candidate = m->getResponse(r, c, t);//取中间层m的对应于顶层t坐标(r,c)处的值

 if (candidate < thresh)

   return 0;

 for (int rr = -1; rr <=1; ++rr)


   for (int cc = -1; cc <=1; ++cc)


     // if any response in 3x3x3 is greater candidate not maximum

     if (//3*3*3的邻域范围内判断它是否是极大值

       t->getResponse(r+rr, c+cc) >= candidate ||

       ((rr != 0 || cc != 0) && m->getResponse(r+rr, c+cc, t) >=candidate) ||

       b->getResponse(r+rr, c+cc, t) >= candidate


       return 0;



 return 1;



//! Interpolate scale-space extrema tosubpixel accuracy to form an image feature.  

voidFastHessian::interpolateExtremum(int r, int c, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer*m, ResponseLayer *b)


 // get the step distance between filters

 // check the middle filter is mid way between top and bottom

 int filterStep = (m->filter - b->filter);

 assert(filterStep > 0 && t->filter - m->filter ==m->filter - b->filter);

 // Get the offsets to the actual location of the extremum

 double xi = 0, xr = 0, xc = 0;

 interpolateStep(r, c, t, m, b, &xi,& xr, &xc );//调用差值函数,不像SIFT用了循环,只计算了一次

 // If point is sufficiently close to the actual extremum

 if( fabs( xi ) < 0.5f && fabs( xr ) < 0.5f && fabs( xc ) < 0.5f )


   Ipoint ipt;

   ipt.x = static_cast<float>((c + xc) * t->step);//兴趣点的x坐标

   ipt.y = static_cast<float>((r + xr) * t->step);//兴趣点的y坐标

   ipt.scale = static_cast<float>((0.1333f) * (m->filter + xi *filterStep));//兴趣点的尺度

   ipt.laplacian = static_cast<int>(m->getLaplacian(r,c,t));





//! Performs one step of extremuminterpolation.

void FastHessian::interpolateStep(int r,int c, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer *m, ResponseLayer *b,

                                 double* xi,double* xr, double* xc )


 CvMat* dD, * H, * H_inv, X;

 double x[3] = { 0 };

 dD = deriv3D( r, c, t, m, b );

 H = hessian3D( r, c, t, m, b );

 H_inv= cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1 );

 cvInvert( H, H_inv, CV_SVD );//H的逆矩阵,伪逆矩阵

 cvInitMatHeader( &X, 3, 1, CV_64FC1, x, CV_AUTOSTEP );

 cvGEMM( H_inv, dD, -1, NULL, 0, &X, 0 );

 cvReleaseMat( &dD );

 cvReleaseMat( &H );

 cvReleaseMat( &H_inv );

  *xi = x[2];//三个偏移量

 *xr = x[1];

 *xc = x[0];



//! Computes the partial derivatives inx, y, and scale of a pixel.

CvMat* FastHessian::deriv3D(int r, intc, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer *m, ResponseLayer *b)


 CvMat* dI;

 double dx, dy, ds;

 dx = (m->getResponse(r, c + 1, t) - m->getResponse(r, c - 1, t)) /2.0;

 dy = (m->getResponse(r + 1, c, t) - m->getResponse(r - 1, c, t)) /2.0;

 ds = (t->getResponse(r, c) - b->getResponse(r, c, t)) / 2.0;

 dI = cvCreateMat( 3, 1, CV_64FC1 );

 cvmSet( dI, 0, 0, dx );

 cvmSet( dI, 1, 0, dy );

 cvmSet( dI, 2, 0, ds );

 return dI;



//! Computes the 3D Hessian matrix for apixel.

CvMat* FastHessian::hessian3D(int r, intc, ResponseLayer *t, ResponseLayer *m, ResponseLayer *b)


 CvMat* H;

 double v, dxx, dyy, dss, dxy, dxs, dys;

 v = m->getResponse(r, c, t);

 dxx = m->getResponse(r, c + 1, t) + m->getResponse(r, c - 1, t) -2 * v;

 dyy = m->getResponse(r + 1, c, t) + m->getResponse(r - 1, c, t) -2 * v;

 dss = t->getResponse(r, c) + b->getResponse(r, c, t) - 2 * v;

 dxy = ( m->getResponse(r + 1, c + 1, t) - m->getResponse(r + 1, c- 1, t) -

         m->getResponse(r - 1, c + 1, t) + m->getResponse(r - 1, c - 1, t)) / 4.0;

 dxs = ( t->getResponse(r, c + 1) - t->getResponse(r, c - 1) -

         b->getResponse(r, c + 1, t) + b->getResponse(r, c - 1, t) ) / 4.0;

 dys = ( t->getResponse(r + 1, c) - t->getResponse(r - 1, c) -

         b->getResponse(r + 1, c, t) + b->getResponse(r - 1, c, t) ) / 4.0;

 H = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1 );

 cvmSet( H, 0, 0, dxx );

 cvmSet( H, 0, 1, dxy );

 cvmSet( H, 0, 2, dxs );

 cvmSet( H, 1, 0, dxy );

 cvmSet( H, 1, 1, dyy );

 cvmSet( H, 1, 2, dys );

 cvmSet( H, 2, 0, dxs );

 cvmSet( H, 2, 1, dys );

 cvmSet( H, 2, 2, dss );

 return H;




const float pi = 3.14159f;

//! lookup table for 2d gaussian (sigma= 2.5) where (0,0) is top left and (6,6) is bottom right

const double gauss25 [7][7] = {//15*15的高斯矩阵的右下部分,其他的地方是对称的,但是好像和用matlab计算出来的有一点差别

 0.02546481, 0.02350698,  0.01849125,  0.01239505,  0.00708017,  0.00344629,    0.00142946,

 0.02350698, 0.02169968,  0.01706957,  0.01144208,  0.00653582,  0.00318132,    0.00131956,

 0.01849125, 0.01706957,  0.01342740,  0.00900066,  0.00514126,  0.00250252,    0.00103800,

 0.01239505, 0.01144208,  0.00900066,  0.00603332,  0.00344629,  0.00167749,    0.00069579,

 0.00708017, 0.00653582,  0.00514126,  0.00344629,  0.00196855,  0.00095820,    0.00039744,

 0.00344629, 0.00318132,  0.00250252,  0.00167749,  0.00095820,  0.00046640,    0.00019346,

 0.00142946, 0.00131956,  0.00103800,  0.00069579,  0.00039744,  0.00019346,    0.00008024




/! Calculate the value of the 2dgaussian at x,y

inline float Surf::gaussian(int x, inty, float sig


 return (1.0f/(2.0f*pi*sig*sig)) * exp( -(x*x+y*y)/(2.0f*sig*sig));



//! Calculate the value of the 2dgaussian at x,y

inline float Surf::gaussian(float x,float y, float sig)


 return 1.0f/(2.0f*pi*sig*sig) * exp( -(x*x+y*y)/(2.0f*sig*sig));



//! Calculate Haar wavelet responses inx direction

inline float Surf::haarX(int row, intcolumn, int s)

{//计算row column小波基长度为sx方向的小波变换,这里类似于求该点处s范围内的灰度变化

 returnBoxIntegral(img, row-s/2, column, s, s/2)

   -1 * BoxIntegral(img, row-s/2, column-s/2, s, s/2);



//! Calculate Haar wavelet responses iny direction

inline float Surf::haarY(int row, int column,int s)

{//计算row column小波基长度为sy方向的小波变换

 return BoxIntegral(img, row, column-s/2, s/2, s)

   -1 * BoxIntegral(img, row-s/2, column-s/2, s/2, s);



//! Get the angle from the +ve x-axis ofthe vector given by (X Y)

float Surf::getAngle(float X, float Y)


 if(X > 0 && Y >= 0)

   return atan(Y/X);

 if(X < 0 && Y >= 0)

   return pi - atan(-Y/X);

 if(X < 0 && Y < 0)

   return pi + atan(Y/X);

 if(X > 0 && Y < 0)

   return 2*pi - atan(-Y/X);

 return 0;


//! Assign the supplied Ipoint anorientation

void Surf::getOrientation()


 Ipoint *ipt = &ipts[index];

 float gauss = 0.f, scale = ipt->scale;

 const int s = fRound(scale), r = fRound(ipt->y), c =fRound(ipt->x);

 std::vector<float> resX(109), resY(109), Ang(109);

 const int id[] = {6,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6};

 int idx = 0;

 // calculate haar responses for points within radius of 6*scale

 for(int i = -6; i <= 6; ++i)


   for(int j = -6; j <= 6; ++j)


     if(i*i + j*j < 36)


       gauss = static_cast<float>(gauss25[id[i+6]][id[j+6]]); 

// could use abs() rather than id lookup,but this way is faster

       resX[idx] = gauss * haarX(r+j*s, c+i*s, 4*s);//加权

       resY[idx] = gauss * haarY(r+j*s, c+i*s, 4*s);

       Ang[idx] = getAngle(resX[idx], resY[idx]);//计算角度,调用getAngle函数





 // calculate the dominant direction

 float sumX=0.f, sumY=0.f;

 float max=0.f, orientation = 0.f;

 float ang1=0.f, ang2=0.f;

 // loop slides pi/3 window around feature point

 for(ang1 = 0; ang1 < 2*pi; ang1+=0.15f)


   ang2 = ( ang1+pi/3.0f > 2*pi ? ang1-5.0f*pi/3.0f : ang1+pi/3.0f);

   sumX = sumY = 0.f;

   for(unsigned int k = 0; k < Ang.size(); ++k)


     // get angle from the x-axis of the sample point

     const float & ang = Ang[k];

     // determine whether the point is within the window//每一个向量是否落在这个角度范围内

     if (ang1 < ang2 && ang1 < ang && ang < ang2)//将这个范围内的向量求和





     else if (ang2 < ang1 && ((ang > 0 && ang <ang2) || (ang > ang1 && ang < 2*pi) ))






   // if the vector produced from this window is longer than all

   // previous vectors then this forms the new dominant direction

   if (sumX*sumX + sumY*sumY > max) //是否达到极值


     // store largest orientation

     max = sumX*sumX + sumY*sumY;

     orientation = getAngle(sumX, sumY);//计算主方向



 //assign orientation of the dominant response vector

 ipt->orientation = orientation;



//! Get the modified descriptor. SeeAgrawal ECCV 08

//! Modified descriptor contributed byPablo Fernandez

void Surf::getDescriptor(bool bUpright)


 int y, x, sample_x, sample_y, count=0;

 int i = 0, ix = 0, j = 0, jx = 0, xs = 0, ys = 0;

 float scale, *desc, dx, dy, mdx, mdy, co, si;

 float gauss_s1 = 0.f, gauss_s2 = 0.f;

 float rx = 0.f, ry = 0.f, rrx = 0.f, rry = 0.f, len = 0.f;

 float cx = -0.5f, cy = 0.f; //Subregion centers for the 4x4 gaussianweighting

 Ipoint *ipt = &ipts[index];

 scale = ipt->scale;

 x = fRound(ipt->x);

 y = fRound(ipt->y); 

 desc = ipt->descriptor;

 if (bUpright)// UPBRIGHT-SURF不考虑主方向,没有以主方向进行旋转


   co = 1;

   si = 0;




   co = cos(ipt->orientation);

   si = sin(ipt->orientation);


 i = -8;

 //Calculate descriptor for this interest point

 while(i < 12)


   j = -8;

   i = i-4;

   cx += 1.f;

   cy = -0.5f;

   while(j < 12)



     cy += 1.f;

     j = j - 4;

     ix = i + 5;

     jx = j + 5;

//旋转矩阵R=|cos(sita)  sin(sita)|  R的逆矩阵inv(R)=RtR的转置.

//         |-sin(sita) cos(sita)|

     xs = fRound(x + ( -jx*scale*si + ix*scale*co));

     ys = fRound(y + ( jx*scale*co + ix*scale*si));

     for (int k = i; k < i + 9; ++k)


       for (int l = j; l < j + 9; ++l)


         //Get coords of sample point on the rotated axis

         sample_x = fRound(x + (-l*scale*si + k*scale*co));

         sample_y = fRound(y + ( l*scale*co + k*scale*si));

         //Get the gaussian weighted x and y responses

         gauss_s1 = gaussian(xs-sample_x,ys-sample_y,2.5f*scale);

         rx = haarX(sample_y, sample_x, 2*fRound(scale));//计算采样点的XY方向的

         ry = haarY(sample_y, sample_x, 2*fRound(scale));//哈尔小波变换

         //Get the gaussian weighted x and y responses on rotated axis

         rrx = gauss_s1*(-rx*si + ry*co);//加权

         rry = gauss_s1*(rx*co + ry*si);

         dx += rrx;//四个统计特征: dx

         dy += rry;// dy

         mdx += fabs(rrx);//abs(dx)

         mdy += fabs(rry);//abs(dy)



     //Add the values to the descriptor vector

     gauss_s2 = gaussian(cx-2.0f,cy-2.0f,1.5f);

     desc[count++] = dx*gauss_s2;//加权

     desc[count++] = dy*gauss_s2;

     desc[count++] = mdx*gauss_s2;

     desc[count++] = mdy*gauss_s2;

     len += (dx*dx + dy*dy + mdx*mdx + mdy*mdy) * gauss_s2*gauss_s2;

     j += 9;


   i += 9;


 //Convert to Unit Vector

 len = sqrt(len);

 for(int i = 0; i < 64; ++i)

   desc[i] /= len; //归一化





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