2004-6-24 星期四(Thursday) 晴
一见钟情fall in love at first sight 从http://www.bitcomet.com/index-zh.htm下载了Bitcomet,Bitcomet是个不错的家伙,有了他要找X片也很快的。我用他down了XDF的商务英语Flash课程。我那点Poor English是不足以应付商务应用的,如果公司有可能派我驻Dubai,就应该立即开始作准备。几个月时间,应该能提高不少吧。 今天在听ways of cooking. 我的词汇量并不大。因为这几年I'm in computers,有关computer的单词倒认识几个,许多小学英语的words我也要去一见钟情才好。 何谓一见钟情? 就以ways of cooking来举例。 baked:Baking or bake is a cooking method,which is used to make bread or cookies and other pastries. For example:When I was a young boy,Iloved to eat my mother's bake bread. 因为bake的意思原来知道,就不多说了,我只解释我第一碰面的生词的记忆方法。 roast:To cook with dry heat,as in an oven or near hot coals. 助记:r象形柴,o是烧。 Boil: Boil means to raise the temperature of water,it is also a cooking method. For example:Noodles you must boil to make them soft. boiled:煮。助记:煮需要大量液体,oil是油代表液体,想到这点就不会把boiled和其他cooking method混在一起了。 steam:steam heating. 助记:a联想到air,蒸汽。 stew:To cook food simmering or boiling slowly. 助记:联想到stew的声音。 Fried:油炸的。助记:fire火,代表高温油炸。 deep fried 油炸 pan fried 油煎 stir fried 炒菜 以上的助记联想是即时的,是一见钟情式的记忆。所以我不喜欢作学习笔记,that's a waste of time,但我会与大家享我的学习方法。 Every words is a beautifu girl,then you will like her,love her,and memorized her. 2004-6-24 |