2004-6-16 星期三(Wednesday) 多云
公司 简介 本公司专业制造煤气灶、吸油烟机和食具消毒柜。自1991年公司创办已来,一直秉持“技术创新,质量创优,注重管理,讲究诚信”的理念,从为国内知名品牌OEM起步,因为品质信誉卓著,在国内业界树立了高品质的市场地位。 客户的需求和产品的品质,一直是我们努力发展的方向。以广泛积累客户需求和市场潮流信息作为产品开发的依据,对每一个零件都实施严格的品质控制以保证最终成品的高品质。 2003年,公司导入ISO9001∶2000国际质量管理体系,使公司品质管理和产品品质符合国际标准。 2004年因为市场的需求,我们注册了“佳尼”商标,统一品牌以销售煤气灶、吸油烟机和食具消毒柜系列产品。 随着公司业务的不断拓展,公司员工人数也由最初的50人增加到目前的200人。厂房面积更扩展到25000m2,公司产品线向厨卫产品多元化方向发展。 我们不断追求理想,以更完美和更高价值的产品来回馈客户。在您的大力支持下,我们一定能更快地发展壮大。 Company Profile We are professional manufacture of home use gas stoves, range hood and disinfection tableware cabinet. From 1991 we have established, and “R&D innovation, high quality, strict control, daintily about credit” as always our company spirits. In the beginning we did the OEM for domestic brand names and have got the position at high quality market due to our good quality policy and good name. As the result, we always work on meeting clients’ need and qualities, so that we can have full marketing information for the reference of development. And all the parts also came from strict controlled coordinated companies to ensure the final product’s quality. In 2003, we also have got ISO 9001∶2000 approval. It shows that our company and products meeting international standards. Owing to market needs, we set up an own brand “Jia Ni” for the sales of gas oven, range hood, disinfection tableware cabinet in next year. With the growth of business, the number of employee also increased from 50 to 200, and the areas of our plant to 25000m2 nowadays. Under way today is the goal to diversify into kitchen and bathroom equipment. We will continuously pursuit our goal to produce perfect and more valuable products for our clients. And wish we could have your support to let us grow up and stronger. 2004-6-15 |