

### 1. **I’m going to...**
   - **用法**: 表示打算做某事(计划或即将进行的动作)。
   - **例句**:
     - I’m going to take a shower.
     - I’m going to cook dinner tonight.
     - I’m going to visit my parents this weekend.

### 2. **I have to...**
   - **用法**: 表示必须做某事,通常带有义务或责任感。
   - **例句**:
     - I have to finish this report by tomorrow.
     - I have to pick up the kids from school.
     - I have to clean the house before guests arrive.

### 3. **I want to...**
   - **用法**: 表达想要做某事的愿望或计划。
   - **例句**:
     - I want to learn a new language.
     - I want to go for a walk.
     - I want to watch a movie tonight.

### 4. **I need to...**
   - **用法**: 表示需要做某事,强调需求或必要性。
   - **例句**:
     - I need to buy some groceries.
     - I need to call my friend.
     - I need to rest for a while.

### 5. **I’ve been...**
   - **用法**: 表示一个动作或状态从过去开始一直持续到现在。
   - **例句**:
     - I’ve been reading this book for hours.
     - I’ve been feeling tired lately.
     - I’ve been working on this project all day.

### 6. **I usually...**
   - **用法**: 表示经常或习惯性做的事情。
   - **例句**:
     - I usually wake up at 7 AM.
     - I usually drink coffee in the morning.
     - I usually go for a run after work.

### 7. **I’m not sure if...**
   - **用法**: 表达对某事的不确定或怀疑。
   - **例句**:
     - I’m not sure if I can make it to the meeting.
     - I’m not sure if she’ll like this gift.
     - I’m not sure if it’s going to rain today.

### 8. **I can’t wait to...**
   - **用法**: 表示对即将发生的事情感到非常期待或兴奋。
   - **例句**:
     - I can’t wait to see the new movie.
     - I can’t wait to go on vacation.
     - I can’t wait to try the new restaurant.

### 9. **I’d like to...**
   - **用法**: 表达想要做某事,但通常语气较为委婉或礼貌。
   - **例句**:
     - I’d like to order a coffee, please.
     - I’d like to visit Japan someday.
     - I’d like to talk to you about something.

### 10. **I don’t feel like...**
   - **用法**: 表达对做某事的兴趣缺乏或不想做某事。
   - **例句**:
     - I don’t feel like cooking tonight.
     - I don’t feel like going out today.
     - I don’t feel like doing anything right now.


### 11. **I’m thinking about...**
   - **用法**: 表示正在考虑某事,通常指未来的计划或决定。
   - **例句**:
     - I’m thinking about starting a new hobby.
     - I’m thinking about going to the gym later.
     - I’m thinking about changing my job.

### 12. **I’d rather...**
   - **用法**: 表达更倾向于做某事,通常是在比较两个选择时使用。
   - **例句**:
     - I’d rather stay home tonight.
     - I’d rather have tea instead of coffee.
     - I’d rather not talk about it.

### 13. **It’s time to...**
   - **用法**: 表示现在是做某事的合适时间。
   - **例句**:
     - It’s time to leave for work.
     - It’s time to go to bed.
     - It’s time to start the meeting.

### 14. **I’ve decided to...**
   - **用法**: 表示已经做出某个决定。
   - **例句**:
     - I’ve decided to learn how to cook.
     - I’ve decided to take a break from work.
     - I’ve decided to join a gym.

### 15. **I can’t believe...**
   - **用法**: 表示对某事感到难以置信,通常用于表达惊讶或震惊。
   - **例句**:
     - I can’t believe it’s already Friday.
     - I can’t believe how fast time flies.
     - I can’t believe we won the game.

### 16. **I don’t have time to...**
   - **用法**: 表示没有时间做某事,强调时间的紧迫。
   - **例句**:
     - I don’t have time to watch TV.
     - I don’t have time to cook tonight.
     - I don’t have time to finish this today.

### 17. **I wish I could...**
   - **用法**: 表达希望能做某事,但通常暗示目前做不到。
   - **例句**:
     - I wish I could travel more often.
     - I wish I could speak more languages.
     - I wish I could help you.

### 18. **I’m not in the mood to...**
   - **用法**: 表示没有心情做某事,通常因为情绪或状态不佳。
   - **例句**:
     - I’m not in the mood to go out tonight.
     - I’m not in the mood to work right now.
     - I’m not in the mood to talk.

### 19. **I’m looking forward to...**
   - **用法**: 表示对未来某事充满期待和兴奋。
   - **例句**:
     - I’m looking forward to the weekend.
     - I’m looking forward to meeting you.
     - I’m looking forward to our vacation.

### 20. **I didn’t mean to...**
   - **用法**: 表示无意中做了某事,通常用于解释或道歉。
   - **例句**:
     - I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
     - I didn’t mean to be late.
     - I didn’t mean to interrupt you.





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