《现代操作系统》- 1.1 什么是操作系统

We all have experience with an operating system such as Windows, Linux, OS X, or FreeBSD, but appearance can be deceiving!

The program that users interact with is actually not part of the operating system.

It is usually called the shell when it is text-based.

                             the GUI (Graphical User Interface) when it uses icons.



Most computers have two modes of operation:kernel mode & user mode.

The difference between the two modes plays a crucial role in how operating systems work.

1. Kernel mode

The operating system(the most fundamental piece of software)runs in kernel mode. In this mode, the operating system has complete access to all the hardware and can execute any instruction the machine is capable of executing.

2. User mode

The rest of the software runs in user mode, in which only a subset of the machine instructions is available. Those instructions that affect control of the machine or do I/O are forbidden to user-mode.

The user interface program, shell or GUI, is the lowest level of user-mode software and allows users to start other programs such as a Web browser, email reader or music player.

【以上内容总结】明确两个概念:kernel mode 和 user mode。kernel mode就是OS所在的地方,其他所有的软件都在user mode里。前面提到的shell和GUI,是位于user mode里的最底层,它们让用户能够运行其他软件。

1.1.1 操作系统就像是机器的延伸

The architecture(instruction set, memory organization, I/O, and bus structure)of most computers at the machine-language level is primitive and awkward to program, especially for input/output. To make this point more concrete, consider modern SATA (Serial ATA) hard disks used on most computers. No sane programmer would want to deal with this disk at the hard ware level. Instead, a piece of software, called a disk driver, deals with the hard ware and provides an interface to read and write disk blocks, without getting into the details. Operating systems contain many drivers for controlling I/O devices. But even this level is much too low for most applications. For this reason, all operating systems provide yet another layer of abstraction for using disks: files. Using this abstraction, programs can create, write, and read files, without having to deal with the messy details of how the hardware actually works.



SATA 硬盘的例子及驱动程序的作用:SATA(Serial ATA)是现代计算机中使用的一种硬盘接口标准,但如果程序员直接在硬件层面操作硬盘,工作量和复杂性是非常巨大的。由于直接操作硬件太复杂,没有人愿意在这种底层进行编程,为了解决这个问题,有一类软件叫做驱动程序(例如硬盘驱动程序),它负责与硬件交互。


But even this level is much too low for most applications. For this reason, all operating systems provide yet another layer of abstraction for using disks: files. Using this abstraction, programs can create, write, and read files, without having to deal with the messy details of how the hardware actually works. This abstraction is the key to managing all this complexity.

The job of the operating system is to create good abstractions and then implement and manage the abstract objects thus created. In this book, we will talk a lot about abstractions. They are one of the keys to understanding operating systems.





It should be noted that the operating system’s real customers are the application programs (via the application programmers, of course). They are the ones who deal directly with the operating system and its abstractions. In contrast, end users deal with the abstractions provided by the user interface, either a command-line shell or a graphical interface. While the abstractions at the user interface may be similar to the ones provided by the operating system, this is not always the case.


1.1.2 操作系统就像是资源管理者

The concept of an operating system as primarily providing abstractions to application programs is a top-down view. In the bottom-up view, the job of the operating system is to provide for an orderly and controlled allocation of the processors, memories, and I/O devices among the various programs wanting them.

In short, this view of the operating system holds that its primary task is to keep track of which programs are using which resource, to grant resource requests, to account for usage, and to mediate conflicting requests from different programs and users.

Resource management:Time multiplex & Space multiplex

Time multiplex:When a resource is time multiplexed, different programs or users take turns using it. Determining how the resource is time multiplexed—who goes next and for how long—is the task of the operating system.

Space multiplex:Each one gets part of the resource instead of the customers taking turns. For example, main memory is normally divided up among several running programs, so each one can be resident at the same time (for example, in order to take turns using the CPU). Of course, this raises issues of fairness, protection, and so on, and it is up to the operating system to solve them.

Another resource that is space multiplexed is the disk. In many systems a single disk can hold files from many users at the same time. Allocating disk space and keeping track of who is using which disk blocks is a typical operating system task.


从bottom-up的角度看,OS就是资源管理器,它有Time multiplex(时间复用) & Space multiplex(空间复用)两种方式管理资源。Time multiplex是去决策不同的程序如何轮流使用资源,Space multiplex是在多种程序同时使用资源时,OS去决定如何分配资源。

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