Path-Find Player Gameplay Survey Report

Which course does this assignment belong toEE308
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Team NameWitness Paradox
Reference documentsCSDN, 《构建之法》

1. Purpose of the survey

Through user surveys, we aim to understand path-find players’ game preferences, game needs, and gameplay experience in order to optimize and improve the game’s playability and user experience. The purpose of the survey is to help us optimize and improve the gameplay and user experience of path-find:

  1. understand players’ overall satisfaction with Find-Path: including evaluation of the game’s puzzle design, gameplay tutorials, player experience, etc. 2. explore players’ needs and preferences: including information on players’ game preferences, expectations, etc.
  2. Explore players’ needs and preferences: including players’ gameplay preferences, expectations of the game, etc.
  3. Collect players’ opinions and suggestions: so that we can better optimize and improve the game playability and players’ experience.

2. Survey Method

This player survey is conducted in the form of an online questionnaire, which contains questions about players’ basic information, game preferences, game evaluations, suggestions for improvement, etc. There are 10 questions in total, and the estimated time for filling in the questionnaire is 2-3 minutes. The questionnaire is sent to players through the WeChat app Questionnaire Star, then we analyze and summarize the collected data, and make corresponding adjustments and improvements to our game according to the feedback and suggestions in the report.

3. Survey Objects

The main target group of “Find-Path” is college players who like to play games in various universities.

4. Survey Process

The timeframe of this player survey was from December 6, 2023 to December 10, 2023, a total of 5 days. We sent a link to the online questionnaire to players via the WeChat Questionnaire Star applet with a brief survey description and the base version of the game. We recommend that users complete the questionnaire after playing the base version of our game, and we will regularly check for questionnaire returns each day.

5. Survey Results

5.① Question1: Sex


5.② Question2: What type of games do you usually play?


5.③ Question3: What do you think about the difficulty of the game?


5.④ Question4: Does the game’s graphical performance meet your expectations?


5.⑤ Question5: How do you feel about the puzzle elements in the game?


5.⑥ Question6: What do you think of the lead-in to the game?


5.⑦ Question7: Do you think there are enough clues and hints in the maze?


5.⑧ Question8: Please rate the game (100 is the maximum)

The Average Score: 80.92

5.⑨ Question9: What are your comments and suggestions for the game.


5.⑩ Question10: Would you like to participate in a follow-up demo or test of the game?



Through this player survey, we have gained an in-depth understanding and analysis of “path-find” in terms of player satisfaction, player opinions, etc. Based on the players’ responses, we have organized and summarized the following points:
Positive evaluation: Users’ overall evaluation of “Find-Path” is high, and they are positive about the design of puzzles, game tutorials, and the association of clues, etc. Players’ satisfaction is high, and they think that “Find-Path” can satisfy the needs of players for casual puzzle solving. The player’s satisfaction is high, and they think “Find-Path” can fulfill their needs for a casual puzzle game.
Negative comments: Most of the negative comments on “Find-Path” are about the background music and the short flow.

Comments and Suggestions: Players’ comments and suggestions for “Find-Path” are that the game flow can be made longer and the game can be more interesting.

Finally, we would like to thank all the students and friends who supported our team and all the players who filled out the questionnaires, and our team will continue to work hard to improve “Find-Path”.

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