Sprint Summary Essay

Which course does this assignment belong toEE308
Where are the requirements for this assignment?Requirement of this project
Team NameWitness Paradox
Reference documentsCSDN, 《构建之法》

1.The expected plan of the project

This includes restoring the prototype design and implementing various functional modules of the project. The prototype blog link provides detailed design ideas and interface presentations.

2. The actual progress of the project

This includes the development progress of the client-side and management-side. The client-side includes implementing the login module, the main game interface, level design, and character operations. The management-side includes implementing game level management, role management, and data statistics. It also includes progress in backend development.

2.1 Client Progress

The client development progress is as follows:

Login module: Implemented the login function where users enter their username and password for verification and are redirected to the main game interface upon successful login.

Game main interface: Completed the design of the game main interface, including the game title, start button, and settings button.

Level design: Implemented the level design function, including generating level maps, placing obstacles, and setting target points.

Character operations: Implemented character movement, jumping, attacking, and other operations to enable interaction between the character and the environment.

2.2 Management-side Progress

The management-side development progress is as follows:

Game level management: Completed the functions of adding, editing, and deleting game levels, including setting level names, difficulty levels, and other attributes.

Role management: Implemented the ability to add, edit, and delete roles, including setting role names, attributes, and skills.

Data statistics: Completed the statistical function for game data, including player game time, level completion, and character usage.

2.3 Backend Progress

The backend development progress is as follows:

Login module: Completed the development of the login interface and implemented the authentication function for user input of usernames and passwords.

Game module: Implemented the interface for storing and retrieving level data, including level maps, obstacles, and target points management.

Role module: Completed the interface for storing and retrieving role data, including managing role attributes and skills.

Data statistics module: Implemented the interface for game data statistics, including statistics and analysis of player game time, level completion, and character usage.

3. process experience

Team leader: Teng Junyi(832101329)

As the leader of the game development team, my responsibility is not only to lead the team, but also to coordinate the work of various members to ensure that the project is on time. During this process, I was mainly responsible for organizing and submitting the blog, as well as uploading our code to GitHub.

Organizing and submitting a blog is an important task because it not only allows us to document the progress of our work, but also to share our ideas and experiences with the outside world. Through blogging, we can connect with the game development community and players, get feedback, and improve our work. I regularly collect reports from my team members and organize them into a blog to ensure that the content is clear, concise, and easy to understand, while maintaining a certain technical depth.

On the other hand, as an administrator of GitHub, I am responsible for uploading our code to the repository and making sure that each member submits their work according to the prescribed process. A well-maintained code repository is essential for team collaboration. I make sure that the code is properly versioned, that branch management is clear, and that team members can easily work together. At the same time, I keep an eye out for issues and pull requests on GitHub, handle and reply to them in a timely manner, and keep the team’s codebase healthy.

In the process, I found that communication and coordination skills are the skills I need to improve the most. Effective communication with team members, as well as addressing issues that may arise, are critical to the success of the project. By constantly summarizing and Xi, I hope to be able to better guide the team and ensure that our game projects go smoothly

Team member: Lei Wutong(832101327)

As a blog writer for our game development team, my primary responsibility is to document and share the progress, experiences, and achievements of our team through written content. This role allows me to be deeply involved in the entire project, experiencing the joy of collaboration and creativity within the team.

First and foremost, I ensure the quality and readability of the blog content. When documenting our team’s work, clarity and precision in expression are crucial to enable readers to easily understand our work and creative ideas. Additionally, I pay attention to the structure and formatting of the blog to make it more engaging. Through a combination of visuals and storytelling, I strive to intertwine technical details with interesting narratives, making it easier for readers to immerse themselves in our game development world.

Secondly, maintaining close collaboration with the team is essential. Regular communication with team members allows me to stay informed about the latest developments and key highlights of the project. Through this close collaboration, I can better capture the highlights and essential information, ensuring that the blog content is both in-depth and comprehensive.

Throughout the process of blog writing, I’ve found that I continually improve my communication and expression skills. Interactions with team members and readers make me more acutely aware of the importance of effective information conveyance. This experience not only enhances my writing skills but also positively influences my future career development.

In summary, as a blog writer, I take pleasure in conveying the team’s efforts and creativity through written words. I believe that through continuous learning and improvement, I can bring more exposure and support to the team, collectively witnessing the success of our game project.

Team Member: Lai Binyu(832101326)

As a member of game testing and PPT production, my work covers the guarantee of game quality and the preparation of external presentation. This role has taught me that testing is as much a part of game development as showing.

First, testing the flow of the game made me pay more attention to detail and the user experience. Testing on different platforms and devices, I not only found and fixed some potential bugs, but also focused on interaction issues that players might encounter in the game. Through repeated testing and tweaking, I was able to ensure the overall fluency of the game and improve user satisfaction.

Secondly, making PPT helped me exercise my ability to present the whole project. In order to clearly communicate the highlights and features of the game to the team and the outside audience, I had to carefully design the slides, select the right material, and refine the most compelling message. This process gave me a better understanding of the highlights of the game and also improved my communication and presentation skills.

In this multi-tasking role, I learned how to balance the work between the two, ensuring that the game performed well in both internal testing and external promotion. Collaboration with other team members was also key to success, and by working closely with developers, designers, and blog editors, I gained a better understanding of the overall game development process and got the most out of it in beta and demo.

Overall, the role of testing game fluency and making PPT has provided me with a wealth of experience, making me more well-rounded and versatile in the game development team. I look forward to contributing my part to the successful launch and promotion of the game through my efforts.

Team Member: Yang Xiao(832101309)

As the member of the team responsible for finishing the game, optimizing the code, and fixing bugs, my role involved the end of the game development cycle, which was both challenging and highly responsible.

First, I learned how to coordinate various parts efficiently in the final phase of a project. Working closely with blog editors, playtesters, and powerpoint producers helped me better understand the final shape of the game and the expectations of the audience. Timely communication and feedback helped me more accurately adapt the code to meet the needs of the game, while also providing a stable development environment for the rest of the team.

Second, code optimization became part of my daily routine. Through careful review of the game code and performance testing, I worked to improve the efficiency of the game and reduce potential problems and latency. This is not only about the flow of the game, but also directly related to the user experience. In the process, I learned a lot of optimization tips and best practices to make the game run better on a variety of devices.

Finally, fixing bugs is part of my job and the last critical part. Meticulous bug fixing requires a deep understanding of my code and efficient problem solving skills. By working closely with the testing team, I was able to identify and address potential issues in a timely manner, ensuring the highest level of quality at launch.

In this role, I learned that the quality of the code is critical to the success of the entire project. Through continuous learning and improvement, I not only improved my coding skills, but also positively contributed to the success of the entire team. In the future, I will continue to work hard to pursue a higher technical level and create better games for the team.

Team Member: Lu Weitao(832101303)

As the member of the team responsible for testing the entire game, publishing the survey, and compiling the survey results, my role was to ensure the quality of the game and get feedback from the users. This task requires not only strict control of the quality of the game, but also good at understanding the needs and feelings of the players through user research.

First of all, playtesting taught me the importance of user experience. By simulating the player’s actions and identifying and reporting potential problems, I not only helped improve the flow and stability of the game, but also increased my sensitivity to the user’s expectations. Timely feedback during testing helps the development team resolve issues quickly and ensure the game is in top shape at launch.

Secondly, issuing questionnaires became part of my daily work. By structuring targeted survey questions, I was able to gain insight into what players liked, disliked, and suggested about the game. Sorting out the questionnaire results and making charts not only required me to have a deep understanding of the data, but also exercised my analytical and expressive skills. This process provided the team with valuable information that helped us better understand market needs and user feedback.

Finally, drawing diagrams is a key part of my job. Using charts, I was able to clearly display the results of the survey, so that the team could intuitively understand the feedback from the players. This not only provides guidance for subsequent improvements to the game, but also helps with decision-making and communication within the team.

In this comprehensive job, I learned how to comprehensively evaluate the quality of games from multiple angles, and also developed my data analysis and communication skills. By working closely with other team members, I feel that my expertise in game development has improved across the board. In the future, I will continue to work hard to contribute to the success of the team with a more comprehensive perspective

Team Member: Wei Mingjiang(832101330)

As a member of the team who wrote the summary essay, my task was to summarize the entire game development process and the cooperation experience of the team, so as to present the harvest, experience and results of the project. This role is not only a summary of the work of the entire team, but also a profound reflection on their own growth.

First of all, the summary essay made me more deeply understand the importance of teamwork and communication. By combing through the collaborative experience throughout the development process, I realized that the contribution of each team member is the key to the success of the project. In the process of writing, I not only recorded the successful experience of the project, but also reflected on the problems that the team may encounter in communication and collaboration, providing valuable lessons for future projects.

Secondly, summary essay writing is an important opportunity for personal growth and learning. By reviewing the entire project, I was able to see how much progress I had made in terms of technology, communication, and teamwork. This is not only an affirmation of their own work, but also a guide to the future development direction. During the writing process, I learned how to objectively evaluate my own performance and how to play a bigger role in a team.

Finally, the writing of the concluding essay provides an opportunity for the whole team to review and reflect together. By sharing my insights and perspectives, I reviewed the project with the rest of the team and increased understanding and trust among team members. This will help us better lay a solid foundation for future cooperation.

In the process of writing the summary essay, I deeply feel the importance of writing, which is not only a summary of the past work, but also a guide to the future work. By continuously improving my writing skills, I believe I can better express my team’s knowledge and experience, and make greater contributions to future projects and personal development.

Team Member: Sun Jiahong(832101306)

The role of making PPT and organizing information is a key responsibility to visually demonstrate the entire game development process. In the process, I learned many important skills about information organization, visual design, and effective communication.

First of all, PPT making makes me pay more attention to how to convey information in a concise and powerful way. While sorting through the various aspects of game development, I learned how to select key information and present it with clear charts and slide layouts. This helps the audience understand the key highlights of the project more easily and improves the presentation.

Secondly, information collection is one of my core tasks. Sorting through large amounts of project information, team results, and key data requires meticulous work. I learned how to categorize and organize the information systematically to ensure the logic and coherence of the PPT content. This ability to organize plays a key role in both internal communication and external presentation of the team.

In terms of visual design, I also practiced my aesthetic sense and design skills. By choosing the right colors, fonts and layouts, I strive to make the PPT more attractive and professional to ensure that the audience can maintain a high level of attention while watching the presentation.

Finally, this role has given me a better understanding of the importance of information delivery. In the process of organizing and presenting the information, I take into account the needs and understanding level of the audience to ensure that my PPT meets the expectations of professionals and is easy to understand for non-expert audiences.

Through this experience, I deeply felt the key role of information organizing and PPT making in team cooperation and project presentation. This is not only a skill development, but also an important way to contribute to the team and promote the project. In the future, I will continue to work hard to improve my skills to better support the success of the team and the promotion of the game.

Team member Yao Shutong(832101322)

As the team member responsible for character movement design and feedback, my work focuses on ensuring that character movement in the game is natural, fluid, and immersive. This role has given me a deep understanding of the relationship between game design and the player experience.

First, character action design is one of the parts of the game that directly touches the player’s senses. By getting a deep understanding of the character’s personality, backstory, and the core gameplay of the game, I worked hard to design the character’s actions that fit into the game’s world and context. This process requires constant trial and feedback to ensure that each action conveys the desired emotions and dynamics.

Second, close collaboration with other team members is essential for character action design. Working closely with graphic designers and programmers, I was able to better understand the technical and visual limitations to fine-tune and optimize motion design. This collaborative mode helps improve the realization of character actions and makes them better integrated into the overall game experience.

In terms of feedback, I learned how to listen and understand the input from team members and testers. By analyzing the feedback, I was able to more accurately identify and resolve possible problems and improve the quality of the character’s actions. Not only that, but feedback gives me the opportunity to improve and better meet the expectations and needs of my players.

Overall, being in charge of character action design and feedback has given me a deeper understanding of the details and complexities of game development. Through continuous learning and improvement, I strive to create gaming experiences that will keep players coming back and contribute to the team’s success. In the future, I will continue to pursue innovation and improve the level of design, in order to polish more wonderful game character action.

Team member Chen Xuqi(832101314)

As the member of the team responsible for fixing the code and completing the entire scene production, my task covered two key areas of game development. This role taught me how important code quality and scene presentation are to the success of a game.

First of all, code repair is one of my daily tasks. Through careful review and debugging of the code, I work to identify and resolve potential issues and ensure the stability and reliability of the game. This process not only improved my coding skills, but also improved my deep understanding of the game system. Working closely with other team members allowed me to better understand their needs in order to solve code problems more efficiently.

Secondly, to complete the entire scene production requires me to have certain art and design capabilities. I try to bring the various elements of the game together organically to create a compelling virtual world. This requires both a sensitivity to game design and an eye for art. By collaborating with the art designer and other relevant team members, I continuously improve my scene-making skills to ensure the quality and consistency of the game graphics.

In this comprehensive role, I learned how to find a balance between fixing code and completing scenes. By fully understanding the needs and goals of the game, I was able to work in a targeted manner to ensure the overall progress of the project. Good collaboration with other team members not only increased my productivity, but also gave me a better understanding of the big picture of game development.

Overall, being responsible for fixing the code and completing the entire scene gave me a key role in the game’s development. Through continuous learning and practice, I have accumulated rich experience and played an important role in the team. In the future, I will continue to work hard to make greater contributions to the success of the game and improve my comprehensive ability in code and art.

Team Member: Zhu Rundong(832101304)

As a member of the team responsible for Debugging, asset management, code optimization, and character optimization, my work covers several key areas of game development. This multi-tasking role gave me a deep understanding of the complexity of game development and the tightness of teamwork.

First of all, Debugging is one of my daily tasks. Through a careful code review and debugging process, I work to identify and resolve potential issues and ensure the stability and reliability of the game. Timely communication with other team members is the key to solving problems, which allows me to learn how to quickly and accurately locate and fix bugs in the code to ensure the smooth progress of the entire project.

Second, asset management requires me to effectively organize and manage various resources during game development, including audio, graphics, models, etc. This requires not only systematic planning, but also a clear understanding of the overall design of the game. By learning asset management tools and cooperating with art and design teams, I have improved my ability to efficiently manage and deploy resources in projects.

In terms of code optimization, I learned how to improve the performance of the game and make it run more smoothly on various devices. By analyzing and optimizing key code segments, I strive to reduce resource usage and improve the responsiveness of the game, thereby improving the user experience.

Finally, character optimization is another big task for me. By tweaking the character’s model, animation, and presentation, I worked on creating a more polished and play-style character. This requires a deep understanding of game design to ensure that the optimized characters fit with the overall style and gameplay of the game.

Through this holistic role, I learned how to coordinate work across multiple areas and improve the efficiency of the entire team. This allowed me to advance in different aspects of game development, not only strengthening my technical skills, but also improving my overall grasp of the entire game development process. In the future, I will continue to deepen my skills to support the success of the team and the quality of the game.

Team member Wang Xuebin(832101301)

As the member of the team responsible for questionnaire summary, my task is to provide valuable user experience data to the team by collecting player feedback and opinions. This role has given me insight into player expectations and has provided an important reference for improving the game.

First of all, the design and analysis of the questionnaire is the key to the whole work. By framing clear, intelligible questions, I was able to gather more specific and targeted feedback. In the analysis phase, I learned how to disaggregate key information from large amounts of data, identify common concerns of players, and organize this information into meaningful conclusions.

Second, communication and collaboration are essential to this role. Working closely with other team members, especially game designers and developers, helped me better understand the considerations behind the game’s features and technology. This helps me better understand the reasons behind user feedback and provides more in-depth data analysis for the team.

In sorting through the feedback, I also learned how to communicate information clearly and concisely. By creating charts and diagrams, I enabled the team to quickly understand the player’s main concerns, providing visual support for next step decisions.

In general, the work of summarizing and organizing the questionnaire allowed me to better understand the needs of players and improve my data analysis and communication skills. By constantly optimizing the design of the survey and the way the results were organized, I was able to provide the team with more powerful user feedback and help the game better meet player expectations. In the future, I will continue to strive to improve my working methods and provide more in-depth and effective user experience data to my team.

Team Member Deng Hongyu (832101302)

As the Debugging assistant and the Final Report maker, my work not only focused on ensuring the quality of the code, but also included the summary and presentation of the whole project. This multi-tasking role allowed me to gain a range of experience and results in both technical and documentation work.

First of all, Debugging assistance is my main technical responsibility. By working closely with other developers, I work to identify and fix potential problems in the code, ensuring the stability and reliability of the game. This improved my problem-solving and collaboration skills, as well as my understanding of the project as a whole.

Secondly, the production of the Final Report makes me pay more attention to the importance of documents and project summary. In collating project experiences and outcomes, I learned how to effectively organize information and present it to the team and stakeholders in a clear, detailed manner. This requires me not only to have a deep understanding of technical aspects, but also to have high communication and presentation skills.

In the process of Debugging assistance and making the Final Report, I also learned the importance of teamwork. By working closely with other team members, I gained a better understanding of the various aspects of the project and improved my communication and collaboration skills within the team.

In general, the role of Debugging assistance and the production of the Final Report enabled me to improve myself in both technical and document work. Through this comprehensive involvement, I not only deepened my understanding of game development, but also developed practical skills in problem solving and project management. In the future, I will continue to focus on technical improvement and effective communication, so as to make greater contributions to the success of the team and the smooth progress of the project.

Team Member: Li Xingda(832101308)

As the member of the team responsible for testing and optimizing the physics, my work focuses on making sure that the physics simulation in the game is natural, realistic, and satisfying. This role not only requires a deep understanding of the physics engine, but also requires me to find a balance between testing and optimization to improve the overall game experience.

First of all, physical effects testing is the core of my daily tasks. By simulating various scenarios and interactions, I try to find potential problems with physical effects, such as collision anomalies, objects moving unnaturally, etc. This process requires careful observation and sensitivity to the laws of physics to ensure that the physical representation in the game meets the player’s expectations.

Secondly, the optimization of physical effects is another big task for me. By tweaking the physics engine parameters, improving the collision detection algorithm, etc., I worked on improving the performance and realism of the game. This requires a deep understanding of the game engine’s physics system and working closely with other team members to ensure that optimization does not affect other aspects of the game’s performance.

In the process of testing and optimizing, I learned how to balance realism and entertainment. The ideal physics should not only conform to the laws of nature, but also serve the overall atmosphere and gameplay of the game. By working with game designers and developers, I have a better understanding of how to find the best balance between technology and design.

Overall, being responsible for testing and optimizing the physics allowed me to play a key role in the game’s development. Through constant testing, optimization, and collaboration, I improved my skills to create more satisfying physics for the team and improved the overall game experience. In the future, I will continue to work hard and continue to learn new technologies to make greater contributions to the success of the team and the quality of the game.

4. Actual division of labor and cooperation among team members

Student IDWork DescriptionContribution
832101329 Junyi TengOrganize and submit all documents7.8%
832101326 Binyu LaiTest the fluency of the game and make ppt7.8%
832101304 Rundong Zhudebugging, Asset management, code optimization, role optimization7.8%
832101322 Shutong YaoCharacter action design and feedback7.8%
832101330 Mingjiang WeiWrite a summary essay7.8%
832101302 Hongyu DengHelp debugging and final report making7.8%
832101309 Xiao YangFinal game production, code improvement, and bug fixing7.8%
832101308 Xingda LiTest and optimize the physics7.8%
832101303 Weitao LuTest the whole game, publish a questionnaire, organize the results of the questionnaire and draw a chart7.8%
832101327 Wutong Leiwrite blog7.8%
832101306 Jiahong SunMake ppt and organize information7.8%
832101301 Xuebin WangSummary of the questionnaire7.8%
832101314 Xuqi ChenFix the code and complete the scene7.8%

5. Beta Phase

During the Beta phase, the project will undergo further optimization and improvement. This includes optimizing the functionality of the client-side and management-side, enhancing the user interface, and improving ease of use. Additionally, known bugs will be fixed and new functional modules will be developed.

Client/Front-end Outlook:

  • Game interface optimization: Enhance and improve the main game interface to enhance the user’s gaming experience.
  • Level design enhancements: Add more elements to the level design to make the game more challenging and interesting.
  • Character operation improvements: Optimize character movement, jumping, and attack operations to improve the overall smoothness of the gameplay.

Administrative/Back-office Outlook:

  • Management interface optimization: Optimize and beautify the layout of the management interface, improving usability and efficiency.
  • Stats enhancements: Add more game statistics to provide comprehensive data analysis and reporting capabilities.

6. Project Online Access Links

Project online access links will provide players with a way to access and experience the game online.

7. Code Repository Link

The code repository link will provide the location where the project’s code is stored. This includes both the front-end and back-end code repositories. Users can view and download the project’s code through the repository link.

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