3.表中有A B C三列,用SQL语句实现:当A列大于B列时选择A列否则选择B列,当B列大于C列时选择B列否则选择C列
select ( case when a > b then a else b end ), ( case when b > c then b else c end ) from table ;
语文 数学 英语?
及格 优秀 不及格?
(case when 语文>=80 then ‘优秀’
when 语文>=60 then ‘及格’
else ‘不及格’) as 语文,
(case when 数学>=80 then ‘优秀’
when 数学>=60 then ‘及格’
else ‘不及格’) as 数学,
(case when 英语>=80 then ‘优秀’
when 英语>=60 then ‘及格’
else ‘不及格’) as 英语,
from table
5.姓名:name 课程:subject 分数:score 学号:stuid
张三 数学 89 1
张三 语文 80 1
张三 英语 70 1
李四 数学 90 2
李四 语文 70 2
李四 英语 80 2
答案:select name,sum(score) as allscore from stuscore group by name order by allscore
2.计算每个人的总成绩并排名(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,总成绩)
答案:select distinct t1.name,t1.stuid,t2.allscore from stuscore t1,( select stuid,sum(score) as allscore from stuscore group by stuid)t2where t1.stuid=t2.stuidorder by t2.allscore desc
3.计算每个人单科的最高成绩(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,课程,最高成绩)
答案:select t1.stuid,t1.name,t1.subject,t1.score from stuscore t1,(select stuid,max(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by stuid) t2where t1.stuid=t2.stuid and t1.score=t2.maxscore
4.计算每个人的平均成绩(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,平均成绩)
答案:select distinct t1.stuid,t1.name,t2.avgscore from stuscore t1,(select stuid,avg(score) as avgscore from stuscore group by stuid) t2where t1.stuid=t2.stuid
5.列出各门课程成绩最好的学生(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,科目,成绩)
答案:select t1.stuid,t1.name,t1.subject,t2.maxscore from stuscore t1,(select subject,max(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by subject) t2where t1.subject=t2.subject and t1.score=t2.maxscore
6.列出各门课程成绩最好的两位学生(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,科目,成绩)
答案:select distinct t1.* from stuscore t1 where t1.id in (select top 2 stuscore.id from stuscore where subject = t1.subject order by score desc) order by t1.subject
7.统计如下:学号 姓名 语文 数学 英语 总分 平均分
答案:select stuid as 学号,name as 姓名,sum(case when subject=’语文’ then score else 0 end) as 语文,sum(case when subject=’数学’ then score else 0 end) as 数学,sum(case when subject=’英语’ then score else 0 end) as 英语,sum(score) as 总分,(sum(score)/count(*)) as 平均分from stuscoregroup by stuid,name order by 总分desc
答案:select subject,avg(score) as avgscore from stuscoregroup by subject
declare @tmp table(pm int,name varchar(50),score int,stuid int)
insert into @tmp select null,name,score,stuid from stuscore where subject=’数学’ order by score desc
declare @id int
set @id=0;
update @tmp set @id=@id+1,pm=@id
select * from @tmp
select DENSE_RANK () OVER(order by score desc) as row,name,subject,score,stuid from stuscore where subject=’数学’order by score desc
ms sql(最佳选择)
select (select count(*) from stuscore t1 where subject =’数学’ and t1.score>t2.score)+1 as row ,stuid,name,score from stuscore t2 where subject =’数学’ order by score desc
答案:select t3.* from(select top 2 t2.* from (select top 3 name,subject,score,stuid from stuscore where subject=’数学’order by score desc) t2 order by t2.score) t3 order by t3.score desc
declare @tmp table(pm int,name varchar(50),score int,stuid int)insert into @tmp select null,name,score,stuid from stuscore where subject=’数学’ order by score descdeclare @id intset @id=0;update @tmp set @id=@id+1,pm=@idselect * from @tmp where name=’李四’
12.统计如下:课程 不及格(0-59)个 良(60-80)个 优(81-100)个
答案:select subject, (select count() from stuscore where score<60 and subject=t1.subject) as 不及格,(select count() from stuscore where score between 60 and 80 and subject=t1.subject) as 良,(select count(*) from stuscore where score >80 and subject=t1.subject) as 优from stuscore t1 group by subject
declare @s varchar(1000)set @s=”select @s =@s+’,’+name+’(‘+convert(varchar(10),score)+’分)’ from stuscore where subject=’数学’ set @s=stuff(@s,1,1,”)print ‘数学:’+@s
答案:select distinct t1.stuid,t2.avgscore from stuscore t1,(select stuid,avg(score) as avgscore from stuscore group by stuid ) t2,(select stuid from stuscore where score<60 group by stuid) t3 where t1.stuid=t2.stuid and t1.stuid!=t3.stuid;
select name,avg(score) as avgscore from stuscore s where (select sum(case when i.score>=60 then 1 else 0 end) from stuscore i where i.name= s.name)=3 group by name
- 用一条SQL 语句 查询出每门课都大于80 分的学生姓名
name kecheng fenshu
张三 语文 81
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