从内存的角度解释内存对齐的原理_if unaligned memory access works correctly(1)


既有适合小白学习的零基础资料,也有适合3年以上经验的小伙伴深入学习提升的进阶课程,涵盖了95%以上C C++开发知识点,真正体系化!




while( data8 != data8End ) {

*data8++ = -*data8;




 This function processes an aligned buffer in 43,043 microseconds and an unaligned buffer in 55,775 microseconds, respectively. Thus, on this test machine, accessing unaligned memory four bytes at a time is *slower* than accessing aligned memory two bytes at a time:


**Figure 8. Single- versus double- versus quad-byte access**

![Single- versus double- versus quad-byte access](http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/pa-dalign/quadChart.jpg)  
 Now for the horror story: processing the buffer eight bytes at a time.


**Listing 4. Munging data eight bytes at a time**

void Munge32( void *data, uint32_t size ) {

uint32_t *data32 = (uint32_t*) data;

uint32_t *data32End = data32 + (size >> 2); /* Divide size by 4. */

uint8_t *data8 = (uint8_t*) data32End;

uint8_t *data8End = data8 + (size & 0x00000003); /* Strip upper 30 bits. */

while( data32 != data32End ) {

*data32++ = -*data32;


while( data8 != data8End ) {

*data8++ = -*data8;




 `Munge64` processes an aligned buffer in 39,085 microseconds -- about 10% faster than processing the buffer four bytes at a time. However, processing an unaligned buffer takes an amazing 1,841,155 microseconds -- two orders of magnitude slower than aligned access, an outstanding 4,610% performance penalty!

 What happened? Because modern PowerPC processors lack hardware support for unaligned floating-point access, the processor throws an exception *for each unaligned access.* The operating system catches this exception and performs the alignment in software. Here's a chart illustrating the penalty, and when it occurs:


**Figure 9. Multiple-byte access comparison**

![Multiple-byte access comparison](http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/pa-dalign/horrorChartWhole.jpg)  
 The penalties for one-, two- and four-byte unaligned access are dwarfed by the horrendous unaligned eight-byte penalty. Maybe this chart, removing the top (and thus the tremendous gulf between the two numbers), will be clearer:


**Figure 10. Multiple-byte access comparison #2**

![Multiple-byte access comparison #2](http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/pa-dalign/horrorChartHeadless.jpg)  
 There's another subtle insight hidden in this data. Compare eight-byte access speeds on four-byte boundaries:


**Figure 11. Multiple-byte access comparison #3**

![Multiple-byte access comparison #3](http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/pa-dalign/horrorChartHeadlessHilited.jpg)  
 Notice accessing memory eight bytes at a time on four- and twelve- byte boundaries *is slower* than reading the same memory four or even two bytes at a time. While PowerPCs have hardware support for four-byte aligned eight-byte doubles, you still pay a performance penalty if you use that support. Granted, it's no where near the 4,610% penalty, but it's certainly noticeable. Moral of the story: accessing memory in large chunks can be slower than accessing memory in small chunks, if that access is not aligned.



 All modern processors offer atomic instructions. These special instructions are crucial for synchronizing two or more concurrent tasks. As the name implies, atomic instructions must be *indivisible* -- that's why they're so handy for synchronization: they can't be preempted.

 It turns out that in order for atomic instructions to perform correctly, the addresses you pass them must be at least four-byte aligned. This is because of a subtle interaction between atomic instructions and virtual memory.

 If an address is unaligned, it requires at least two memory accesses. But what happens if the desired data spans two pages of virtual memory? This could lead to a situation where the first page is resident while the last page is not. Upon access, in the middle of the instruction, a page fault would be generated, executing the virtual memory management swap-in code, destroying the atomicity of the instruction. To keep things simple and correct, both the 68K and PowerPC require that atomically manipulated addresses always be at least four-byte aligned.

 Unfortunately, the PowerPC does not throw an exception when atomically storing to an unaligned address. Instead, the store simply always fails. This is bad because most atomic functions are written to retry upon a failed store, under the assumption they were preempted. These two circumstances combine to where your program will go into an infinite loop if you attempt to atomically store to an unaligned address. Oops.



 Altivec is all about speed. Unaligned memory access slows down the processor and costs precious transistors. Thus, the Altivec engineers took a page from the MIPS playbook and simply don't support unaligned memory access. Because Altivec works with sixteen-byte chunks at a time, all addresses passed to Altivec must be sixteen-byte aligned. What's scary is what happens if your address is not aligned.

 Altivec won't throw an exception to warn you about the unaligned address. Instead, Altivec simply ignores the lower four bits of the address and charges ahead, *operating on the wrong address*. This means your program may silently corrupt memory or return incorrect results if you don't explicitly make sure all your data is aligned.

 There is an advantage to Altivec's bit-stripping ways. Because you don't need to explicitly truncate (align-down) an address, this behavior can save you an instruction or two when handing addresses to the processor.

 This is not to say Altivec can't process unaligned memory. You can find detailed instructions how to do so on the *Altivec Programming Environments Manual* (see  [Resources](https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/618668825)). It requires more work, but because memory is so slow compared to the processor, the overhead for such shenanigans is surprisingly low.


 Structure alignment

 Examine the following structure:


**Listing 5. An innocent structure**


 void Munge64( void \*data, uint32\_t size ) {

 typedef struct {

 char a;

 long b;

 char c;

} Struct; 
 What is the size of this structure in bytes? Many programmers will answer "6 bytes." It makes sense: one byte for `a`, four bytes for`b` and another byte for `c`. 1 + 4 + 1 equals 6. Here's how it would lay out in memory:

|  |  |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Field Type | Field Name | Field Offset | Field Size | Field End |
| `char` | `a` | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| `long` | `b` | 1 | 4 | 5 |
| `char` | `c` | 5 | 1 | 6 |
| Total Size in Bytes: | 6 |

 However, if you were to ask your compiler to  `sizeof( Struct )`, chances are the answer you'd get back would be greater than six, perhaps eight or even twenty-four. There's two reasons for this: backwards compatibility and efficiency.

 First, backwards compatibility. Remember the 68000 was a processor with two-byte memory access granularity, and would throw an exception upon encountering an odd address. If you were to read from or write to field `b`, you'd attempt to access an odd address. If a debugger weren't installed, the old Mac OS would throw up a System Error dialog box with one button: Restart. Yikes!

 So, instead of laying out your fields just the way you wrote them, the compiler *padded* the structure so that `b` and `c` would reside at even addresses:

|  |  |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Field Type | Field Name | Field Offset | Field Size | Field End |
| `char` | `a` | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| *padding* | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| `long` | `b` | 2 | 4 | 6 |
| `char` | `c` | 6 | 1 | 7 |
| *padding* | 7 | 1 | 8 |
| Total Size in Bytes: | 8 |

 Padding is the act of adding otherwise unused space to a structure to make fields line up in a desired way. Now, when the 68020 came out with built-in hardware support for unaligned memory access, this padding was unnecessary. However, it didn't hurt anything, and it even helped a little in performance.

 The second reason is efficiency. Nowadays, on PowerPC machines, two-byte alignment is nice, but four-byte or eight-byte is better. You probably don't care anymore that the original 68000 choked on unaligned structures, but you probably care about potential 4,610% performance penalties, which can happen if a  `double` field doesn't sit aligned in a structure of your devising.



 Examine the following structure:





1 //环境:vc6 + windows sp2

2 //程序1

3 #include <iostream>


5 using namespace std;


7 struct st1 

8 {

9 char a ;

10 int b ;

11 short c ;

12 };


14 struct st2

15 {

16 short c ;

17 char a ;

18 int b ;

19 };


21 int main()

22 {

23 cout<<"sizeof(st1) is "<<sizeof(st1)<<endl;

24 cout<<"sizeof(st2) is "<<sizeof(st2)<<endl;

25 return 0 ;

26 }





sizeof(st1) is 12

sizeof(st2) is 8 













那么编译器为什么要进行内存对齐呢?程序1中结构体按常理来理解sizeof(st1)和sizeof(st2)结果都应该是7,4(int) + 2(short) + 1(char) = 7 。经过内存对齐后,结构体的空间反而增大了。




1、 对于结构的各个成员,第一个成员位于偏移为0的位置,以后每个数据成员的偏移量必须是min(#pragma pack()指定的数,这个数据成员的自身长度) 的倍数。


2、 在数据成员完成各自对齐之后,结构(或联合)本身也要进行对齐,对齐将按照#pragma pack指定的数值和结构(或联合)最大数据成员长度中,比较小的那个进行。



#pragma pack(n) 表示设置为n字节对齐。 VC6默认8字节对齐


以程序1为例解释对齐的规则 :


St1 :char占一个字节,起始偏移为0 ,int 占4个字节,min(#pragma pack()指定的数,这个数据成员的自身长度) = 4(VC6默认8字节对齐),所以int按4字节对齐,起始偏移必须为4的倍数,所以起始偏移为4,在char后编译器会添加3个字节的额外字节,不存放任意数据。short占2个字节,按2字节对齐,起始偏移为8,正好是2的倍数,无须添加额外字节。到此规则1的数据成员对齐结束,此时的内存状态为:





0123 4567 89 (地址)




共占10个字节。还要继续进行结构本身的对齐,对齐将按照#pragma pack指定的数值和结构(或联合)最大数据成员长度中,比较小的那个进行,st1结构中最大数据成员长度为int,占4字节,而默认的#pragma pack 指定的值为8,所以结果本身按照4字节对齐,结构总大小必须为4的倍数,需添加2个额外字节使结构的总大小为12 。此时的内存状态为:




0123 4567 89ab (地址)





St2 的对齐方法和st1相同,读者可自己完成。


下面再看一个例子 http://www.cppblog.com/cc/archive/2006/08/01/10765.html











1 #include <iostream>

2 using namespace std;


4 struct X1

5 {

6 int i;//4个字节

7 char c1;//1个字节

8 char c2;//1个字节

9 };


11 struct X2

12 {

13 char c1;//1个字节

14 int i;//4个字节

15 char c2;//1个字节

16 };


18 struct X3

19 {

20 char c1;//1个字节

21 char c2;//1个字节

22 int i;//4个字节

23 };

24 int main()

25 { 

26 cout<<"long "<<sizeof(long)<<"\n";

27 cout<<"float "<<sizeof(float)<<"\n";

28 cout<<"int "<<sizeof(int)<<"\n";

29 cout<<"char "<<sizeof(char)<<"\n";


31 X1 x1;

32 X2 x2;

33 X3 x3;

34 cout<<"x1 的大小 "<<sizeof(x1)<<"\n";

35 cout<<"x2 的大小 "<<sizeof(x2)<<"\n";

36 cout<<"x3 的大小 "<<sizeof(x3)<<"\n";

37 return 0;

38 }





1 long 4

2 float 4

3 int 4

4 char 1

5 x1 的大小 8

6 x2 的大小 12

7 x3 的大小 8







内存是一个连续的块,我们可以用下面的图来表示, 它是以4个字节对一个对齐单位的:








首先是 X1,如下图所示





X1 中第一个是 Int类型,它占有4字节,所以前面4格就是满了,然后第二个是char类型,这中类型只占一个字节,所以它占有了第二个4字节组块中的第一格,第三个也是char类型,所以它也占用一个字节,它就排在了第二个组块的第二格,因为它们加在一起大小也不超过一个块,所以他们三个变量在内存中的结构就是这样的,因为有内存分块对齐,所以最后出来的结果是8,而不是6,因为后面两个格子其实也算是被用了。


















 What is the size of this structure in bytes? Many programmers will answer "6 bytes." It makes sense: one byte for `a`, four bytes for`b` and another byte for `c`. 1 + 4 + 1 equals 6. Here's how it would lay out in memory:

|  |  |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Field Type | Field Name | Field Offset | Field Size | Field End |
| `char` | `a` | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| `long` | `b` | 1 | 4 | 5 |
| `char` | `c` | 5 | 1 | 6 |
| Total Size in Bytes: | 6 |

 However, if you were to ask your compiler to `sizeof( Struct )`, chances are the answer you'd get back would be greater than six, perhaps eight or even twenty-four. There's two reasons for this: backwards compatibility and efficiency.

 First, backwards compatibility. Remember the 68000 was a processor with two-byte memory access granularity, and would throw an exception upon encountering an odd address. If you were to read from or write to field `b`, you'd attempt to access an odd address. If a debugger weren't installed, the old Mac OS would throw up a System Error dialog box with one button: Restart. Yikes!

 So, instead of laying out your fields just the way you wrote them, the compiler *padded* the structure so that `b` and `c` would reside at even addresses:

|  |  |  |  |  |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Field Type | Field Name | Field Offset | Field Size | Field End |
| `char` | `a` | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| *padding* | 1 | 1 | 2 |
| `long` | `b` | 2 | 4 | 6 |
| `char` | `c` | 6 | 1 | 7 |
| *padding* | 7 | 1 | 8 |
| Total Size in Bytes: | 8 |

 Padding is the act of adding otherwise unused space to a structure to make fields line up in a desired way. Now, when the 68020 came out with built-in hardware support for unaligned memory access, this padding was unnecessary. However, it didn't hurt anything, and it even helped a little in performance.

 The second reason is efficiency. Nowadays, on PowerPC machines, two-byte alignment is nice, but four-byte or eight-byte is better. You probably don't care anymore that the original 68000 choked on unaligned structures, but you probably care about potential 4,610% performance penalties, which can happen if a `double` field doesn't sit aligned in a structure of your devising.








 三 不懂内存对齐将造成的可能影响如下


* Your software may hit performance-killing unaligned memory access exceptions, which invoke *very* expensive alignment exception handlers.
* Your application may attempt to atomically store to an unaligned address, causing your application to lock up.
* Your application may attempt to pass an unaligned address to Altivec, resulting in Altivec reading from and/or writing to the wrong part of memory, silently corrupting data or yielding incorrect results.


四 内存对齐规划
* 一、内存对齐的原因
* 大部分的参考资料都是如是说的:  
 每个特定平台上的编译器都有自己的默认“对齐系数”(也叫对齐模数)。程序员可以通过预编译命令#pragma pack(n),n=1,2,4,8,16来改变这一系数,其中的n就是你要指定的“对齐系数”。  





omically store to an unaligned address, causing your application to lock up.
* Your application may attempt to pass an unaligned address to Altivec, resulting in Altivec reading from and/or writing to the wrong part of memory, silently corrupting data or yielding incorrect results.


四 内存对齐规划
* 一、内存对齐的原因
* 大部分的参考资料都是如是说的:  
 每个特定平台上的编译器都有自己的默认“对齐系数”(也叫对齐模数)。程序员可以通过预编译命令#pragma pack(n),n=1,2,4,8,16来改变这一系数,其中的n就是你要指定的“对齐系数”。  









当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


