












在我们的示例中,我们将使用维基百科的一个子集。为了获取这些数据,我们将使用Hugging Face数据集,如下所示:


from datasets import load_dataset

data = load_dataset("wikipedia", "20220301.simple", split='train[:10000]')


Downloading readme:   0%|          | 0.00/16.3k [00:00<?, ?B/s]


    features: ['id', 'url', 'title', 'text'],
    num_rows: 10000




{'id': '13',
 'url': '',
 'title': 'Alan Turing',
 'text': 'Alan Mathison Turing OBE FRS (London, 23 June 1912 – Wilmslow, Cheshire, 7 June 1954) was an English mathematician and computer scientist. He was born in Maida Vale, London.\n\nEarly life and family \nAlan Turing was born in Maida Vale, London on 23 June 1912. His father was part of a family of merchants from Scotland. His mother, Ethel Sara, was the daughter of an engineer.\n\nEducation \nTuring went to St. Michael's, a school at 20 Charles Road, St Leonards-on-sea, when he was five years old.\n"This is only a foretaste of what is to come, and only the shadow of what is going to be.” – Alan Turing.\n\nThe Stoney family were once prominent landlords, here in North Tipperary. His mother Ethel Sara Stoney (1881–1976) was daughter of Edward Waller Stoney (Borrisokane, North Tipperary) and Sarah Crawford (Cartron Abbey, Co. Longford); Protestant Anglo-Irish gentry.\n\nEducated in Dublin at Alexandra School and College; on October 1st 1907 she married Julius Mathison Turing, latter son of Reverend John Robert Turing and Fanny Boyd, in Dublin. Born on June 23rd 1912, Alan Turing would go on to be regarded as one of the greatest figures of the twentieth century.\n\nA brilliant mathematician and cryptographer Alan was to become the founder of modern-day computer science and artificial intelligence; designing a machine at Bletchley Park to break secret Enigma encrypted messages used by the Nazi German war machine to protect sensitive commercial, diplomatic and military communications during World War 2. Thus, Turing made the single biggest contribution to the Allied victory in the war against Nazi Germany, possibly saving the lives of an estimated 2 million people, through his effort in shortening World War II.\n\nIn 2013, almost 60 years later, Turing received a posthumous Royal Pardon from Queen Elizabeth II. Today, the “Turing law” grants an automatic pardon to men who died before the law came into force, making it possible for living convicted gay men to seek pardons for offences now no longer on the statute book.\n\nAlas, Turing accidentally or otherwise lost his life in 1954, having been subjected by a British court to chemical castration, thus avoiding a custodial sentence. He is known to have ended his life at the age of 41 years, by eating an apple laced with cyanide.\n\nCareer \nTuring was one of the people who worked on the first computers. He created the theoretical  Turing machine in 1936. The machine was imaginary, but it included the idea of a computer program.\n\nTuring was interested in artificial intelligence. He proposed the Turing test, to say when a machine could be called "intelligent". A computer could be said to "think" if a human talking with it could not tell it was a machine.\n\nDuring World War II, Turing worked with others to break German ciphers (secret messages). He  worked for the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park, Britain's codebreaking centre that produced Ultra intelligence.\nUsing cryptanalysis, he helped to break the codes of the Enigma machine. After that, he worked on other German codes.\n\nFrom 1945 to 1947, Turing worked on the design of the ACE (Automatic Computing Engine) at the National Physical Laboratory. He presented a paper on 19 February 1946. That paper was "the first detailed design of a stored-program computer". Although it was possible to build ACE, there were delays in starting the project. In late 1947 he returned to Cambridge for a sabbatical year. While he was at Cambridge, the Pilot ACE was built without him. It ran its first program on 10\xa0May 1950.\n\nPrivate life \nTuring was a homosexual man. In 1952, he admitted having had sex with a man in England. At that time, homosexual acts were illegal. Turing was convicted. He had to choose between going to jail and taking hormones to lower his sex drive. He decided to take the hormones. After his punishment, he became impotent. He also grew breasts.\n\nIn May 2012, a private member's bill was put before the House of Lords to grant Turing a statutory pardon. In July 2013, the government supported it. A royal pardon was granted on 24 December 2013.\n\nDeath \nIn 1954, Turing died from cyanide poisoning. The cyanide came from either an apple which was poisoned with cyanide, or from water that had cyanide in it. The reason for the confusion is that the police never tested the apple for cyanide. It is also suspected that he committed suicide.\n\nThe treatment forced on him is now believed to be very wrong. It is against medical ethics and international laws of human rights. In August 2009, a petition asking the British Government to apologise to Turing for punishing him for being a homosexual was started. The petition received thousands of signatures. Prime Minister Gordon Brown acknowledged the petition. He called Turing's treatment "appalling".\n\nReferences\n\nOther websites \nJack Copeland 2012. Alan Turing: The codebreaker who saved 'millions of lives'. BBC News / Technology \n\nEnglish computer scientists\nEnglish LGBT people\nEnglish mathematicians\nGay men\nLGBT scientists\nScientists from London\nSuicides by poison\nSuicides in the United Kingdom\n1912 births\n1954 deaths\nOfficers of the Order of the British Empire'}




  • 提高“嵌入准确性” - 这将提高后续结果的相关性。

  • 减少输入到我们LLM作为源知识的文本数量。限制输入可以提高LLM遵循指令的能力,降低生成成本,并帮助我们获得更快的响应。

  • 为用户提供更精确的信息源,因为我们可以将信息源缩小到更小的文本块。

  • 对于非常长的文本块,我们将超出嵌入或完成模型的最大上下文窗口。分割这些文本块使得将这些较长的文档添加到我们的知识库成为可能。

要创建这些块,首先需要一种测量文本长度的方法。LLMs不是按单词或字符测量文本的 - 它们是按“标记”来测量的。


import tiktoken  # !pip install tiktoken

tokenizer = tiktoken.get_encoding('p50k_base')



# create the length function
def tiktoken_len(text):
    tokens = tokenizer.encode(
    return len(tokens)

tiktoken_len("hello I am a chunk of text and using the tiktoken_len function "
             "we can find the length of this chunk of text in tokens")



有了我们的标记计数函数准备好后,我们可以初始化一个LangChain RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter对象。这个对象将允许我们将文本分割成不超过我们通过chunk_size参数指定的长度的块。

from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter

text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
    separators=["\n\n", "\n", " ", ""]



chunks = text_splitter.split_text(data[6]['text'])[:3]


['Alan Mathison Turing OBE FRS (London, 23 June 1912 – Wilmslow, Cheshire, 7 June 1954) was an English mathematician and computer scientist. He was born in Maida Vale, London.\n\nEarly life and family \nAlan Turing was born in Maida Vale, London on 23 June 1912. His father was part of a family of merchants from Scotland. His mother, Ethel Sara, was the daughter of an engineer.\n\nEducation \nTuring went to St. Michael's, a school at 20 Charles Road, St Leonards-on-sea, when he was five years old.\n"This is only a foretaste of what is to come, and only the shadow of what is going to be.” – Alan Turing.\n\nThe Stoney family were once prominent landlords, here in North Tipperary. His mother Ethel Sara Stoney (1881–1976) was daughter of Edward Waller Stoney (Borrisokane, North Tipperary) and Sarah Crawford (Cartron Abbey, Co. Longford); Protestant Anglo-Irish gentry.\n\nEducated in Dublin at Alexandra School and College; on October 1st 1907 she married Julius Mathison Turing, latter son of Reverend John Robert Turing and Fanny Boyd, in Dublin. Born on June 23rd 1912, Alan Turing would go on to be regarded as one of the greatest figures of the twentieth century.\n\nA brilliant mathematician and cryptographer Alan was to become the founder of modern-day computer science and artificial intelligence; designing a machine at Bletchley Park to break secret Enigma encrypted messages used by the Nazi German war machine to protect sensitive commercial, diplomatic and military communications during World War 2. Thus, Turing made the single biggest contribution to the Allied victory in the war against Nazi Germany, possibly saving the lives of an estimated 2 million people, through his effort in shortening World War II.',
 'In 2013, almost 60 years later, Turing received a posthumous Royal Pardon from Queen Elizabeth II. Today, the “Turing law” grants an automatic pardon to men who died before the law came into force, making it possible for living convicted gay men to seek pardons for offences now no longer on the statute book.\n\nAlas, Turing accidentally or otherwise lost his life in 1954, having been subjected by a British court to chemical castration, thus avoiding a custodial sentence. He is known to have ended his life at the age of 41 years, by eating an apple laced with cyanide.\n\nCareer \nTuring was one of the people who worked on the first computers. He created the theoretical  Turing machine in 1936. The machine was imaginary, but it included the idea of a computer program.\n\nTuring was interested in artificial intelligence. He proposed the Turing test, to say when a machine could be called "intelligent". A computer could be said to "think" if a human talking with it could not tell it was a machine.\n\nDuring World War II, Turing worked with others to break German ciphers (secret messages). He  worked for the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park, Britain's codebreaking centre that produced Ultra intelligence.\nUsing cryptanalysis, he helped to break the codes of the Enigma machine. After that, he worked on other German codes.',
 'From 1945 to 1947, Turing worked on the design of the ACE (Automatic Computing Engine) at the National Physical Laboratory. He presented a paper on 19 February 1946. That paper was "the first detailed design of a stored-program computer". Although it was possible to build ACE, there were delays in starting the project. In late 1947 he returned to Cambridge for a sabbatical year. While he was at Cambridge, the Pilot ACE was built without him. It ran its first program on 10\xa0May 1950.\n\nPrivate life \nTuring was a homosexual man. In 1952, he admitted having had sex with a man in England. At that time, homosexual acts were illegal. Turing was convicted. He had to choose between going to jail and taking hormones to lower his sex drive. He decided to take the hormones. After his punishment, he became impotent. He also grew breasts.\n\nIn May 2012, a private member's bill was put before the House of Lords to grant Turing a statutory pardon. In July 2013, the government supported it. A royal pardon was granted on 24 December 2013.\n\nDeath \nIn 1954, Turing died from cyanide poisoning. The cyanide came from either an apple which was poisoned with cyanide, or from water that had cyanide in it. The reason for the confusion is that the police never tested the apple for cyanide. It is also suspected that he committed suicide.\n\nThe treatment forced on him is now believed to be very wrong. It is against medical ethics and international laws of human rights. In August 2009, a petition asking the British Government to apologise to Turing for punishing him for being a homosexual was started. The petition received thousands of signatures. Prime Minister Gordon Brown acknowledged the petition. He called Turing's treatment "appalling".\n\nReferences\n\nOther websites \nJack Copeland 2012. Alan Turing: The codebreaker who saved 'millions of lives'. BBC News / Technology']



tiktoken_len(chunks[0]), tiktoken_len(chunks[1]), tiktoken_len(chunks[2])


(397, 304, 399)









from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings

model_name = 'text-embedding-ada-002'

embed = OpenAIEmbeddings(



texts = [    'this is the first chunk of text',    'then another second chunk of text is here']

res = embed.embed_documents(texts)
len(res), len(res[0])


(2, 1536)






import pinecone

index_name = 'langchain-retrieval-augmentation'

        api_key="YOUR_API_KEY",  # find api key in console at
        environment="YOUR_ENV"  # find next to api key in console

# we create a new index
        dimension=len(res[0]) # 1536 dim of text-embedding-ada-002



index = pinecone.GRPCIndex(index_name)



{'dimension': 1536,
 'index_fullness': 0.0,
 'namespaces': {},
 'total_vector_count': 0}




from import tqdm
from uuid import uuid4

batch_limit = 100

texts = []
metadatas = []

for i, record in enumerate(tqdm(data)):
    # first get metadata fields for this record
    metadata = {
        'wiki-id': str(record['id']),
        'source': record['url'],
        'title': record['title']
    # now we create chunks from the record text
    record_texts = text_splitter.split_text(record['text'])
    # create individual metadata dicts for each chunk
    record_metadatas = [{
        "chunk": j, "text": text, **metadata
    } for j, text in enumerate(record_texts)]
    # append these to current batches
    # if we have reached the batch_limit we can add texts
    if len(texts) >= batch_limit:
        ids = [str(uuid4()) for _ in range(len(texts))]
        embeds = embed.embed_documents(texts)
        index.upsert(vectors=zip(ids, embeds, metadatas))
        texts = []
        metadatas = []





{'dimension': 1536,
 'index_fullness': 0.1,
 'namespaces': {'': {'vector_count': 27437}},
 'total_vector_count': 27437}




from langchain.vectorstores import Pinecone

text_field = "text"

# switch back to normal index for langchain
index = pinecone.Index(index_name)

vectorstore = Pinecone(
    index, embed.embed_query, text_field



query = "who was Benito Mussolini?"

    query,  # our search query
    k=3  # return 3 most relevant docs


[Document(page_content='Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini KSMOM GCTE (29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician and journalist. He was also the Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 until 1943. He was the leader of the National Fascist Party.\n\nBiography\n\nEarly life\nBenito Mussolini was named after Benito Juarez, a Mexican opponent of the political power of the Roman Catholic Church, by his anticlerical (a person who opposes the political interference of the Roman Catholic Church in secular affairs) father. Mussolini's father was a blacksmith. Before being involved in politics, Mussolini was a newspaper editor (where he learned all his propaganda skills) and elementary school teacher.\n\nAt first, Mussolini was a socialist, but when he wanted Italy to join the First World War, he was thrown out of the socialist party. He 'invented' a new ideology, Fascism, much out of Nationalist\xa0and Conservative views.\n\nRise to power and becoming dictator\nIn 1922, he took power by having a large group of men, "Black Shirts," march on Rome and threaten to take over the government. King Vittorio Emanuele III gave in, allowed him to form a government, and made him prime minister. In the following five years, he gained power, and in 1927 created the OVRA, his personal secret police force. Using the agency to arrest, scare, or murder people against his regime, Mussolini was dictator\xa0of Italy by the end of 1927. Only the King and his own Fascist party could challenge his power.', lookup_str='', metadata={'chunk': 0.0, 'source': '', 'title': 'Benito Mussolini', 'wiki-id': '6754'}, lookup_index=0),
 Document(page_content='Fascism as practiced by Mussolini\nMussolini's form of Fascism, "Italian Fascism"- unlike Nazism, the racist ideology that Adolf Hitler followed- was different and less destructive than Hitler's. Although a believer in the superiority of the Italian nation and national unity, Mussolini, unlike Hitler, is quoted "Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today".\n\nMussolini wanted Italy to become a new Roman Empire. In 1923, he attacked the island of Corfu, and in 1924, he occupied the city state of Fiume. In 1935, he attacked the African country Abyssinia (now called Ethiopia). His forces occupied it in 1936. Italy was thrown out of the League of Nations because of this aggression. In 1939, he occupied the country Albania. In 1936, Mussolini signed an alliance with Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Germany.\n\nFall from power and death\nIn 1940, he sent Italy into the Second World War on the side of the Axis countries. Mussolini attacked Greece, but he failed to conquer it. In 1943, the Allies landed in Southern Italy. The Fascist party and King Vittorio Emanuel III deposed Mussolini and put him in jail, but he was set free by the Germans, who made him ruler of the Italian Social Republic puppet state which was in a small part of Central Italy. When the war was almost over, Mussolini tried to escape to Switzerland with his mistress, Clara Petacci, but they were both captured and shot by partisans. Mussolini's dead body was hanged upside-down, together with his mistress and some of Mussolini's helpers, on a pole at a gas station in the village of Millan, which is near the border  between Italy and Switzerland.', lookup_str='', metadata={'chunk': 1.0, 'source': '', 'title': 'Benito Mussolini', 'wiki-id': '6754'}, lookup_index=0),
 Document(page_content='Fascist Italy \nIn 1922, a new Italian government started. It was ruled by Benito Mussolini, the leader of Fascism in Italy. He became head of government and dictator, calling himself "Il Duce" (which means "leader" in Italian). He became friends with German dictator Adolf Hitler. Germany, Japan, and Italy became the Axis Powers. In 1940, they entered World War II together against France, Great Britain, and later the Soviet Union. During the war, Italy controlled most of the Mediterranean Sea.\n\nOn July 25, 1943, Mussolini was removed by the Great Council of Fascism. On September 8, 1943, Badoglio said that the war as an ally of Germany was ended. Italy started fighting as an ally of France and the UK, but Italian soldiers did not know whom to shoot. In Northern Italy, a movement called Resistenza started to fight against the German invaders. On April 25, 1945, much of Italy became free, while Mussolini tried to make a small Northern Italian fascist state called the Republic of Salò. The fascist state failed and Mussolini tried to flee to Switzerland and escape to Francoist Spain, but he was captured by Italian partisans. On 28 April 1945 Mussolini was executed by a partisan.\n\nAfter World War Two \n\nThe state became a republic on June 2, 1946. For the first time, women were able to vote. Italian people ended the Savoia dynasty and adopted a republic government.\n\nIn February 1947, Italy signed a peace treaty with the Allies. They lost all the colonies and some territorial areas (Istria and parts of Dalmatia).\n\nSince then Italy has joined NATO and the European Community (as a founding member). It is one of the seven biggest industrial economies in the world.\n\nTransportation \n\nThe railway network in Italy totals . It is the 17th longest in the world. High speed trains include ETR-class trains which travel at .', lookup_str='', metadata={'chunk': 5.0, 'source': '', 'title': 'Italy', 'wiki-id': '363'}, lookup_index=0)]




from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA

# completion llm
llm = ChatOpenAI(

qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(




'Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician and journalist who served as the Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 until 1943. He was the leader of the National Fascist Party and invented the ideology of Fascism. Mussolini was a dictator of Italy by the end of 1927, and his form of Fascism, "Italian Fascism," was different and less destructive than Hitler's Nazism. Mussolini wanted Italy to become a new Roman Empire and attacked several countries, including Abyssinia (now called Ethiopia) and Greece. He was removed from power in 1943 and was executed by Italian partisans in 1945.'

这次我们得到的响应是由我们的gpt-3.5-turbo LLM根据从我们的矢量数据库中检索到的信息生成的。




from langchain.chains import RetrievalQAWithSourcesChain

qa_with_sources = RetrievalQAWithSourcesChain.from_chain_type(




{'question': 'who was Benito Mussolini?',
 'answer': 'Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician and journalist who was the Prime Minister of Italy from 1922 until 1943. He was the leader of the National Fascist Party and invented the ideology of Fascism. He became dictator of Italy by the end of 1927 and was friends with German dictator Adolf Hitler. Mussolini attacked Greece and failed to conquer it. He was removed by the Great Council of Fascism in 1943 and was executed by a partisan on April 28, 1945. After the war, several Neo-Fascist movements have had success in Italy, the most important being the Movimento Sociale Italiano. His granddaughter Alessandra Mussolini has outspoken views similar to Fascism. \n',
 'sources': ','}



我们已经看到LLM和知识库在大型产品中配对使用,例如必应的AI搜索、Google Bard和ChatGPT插件。毫无疑问,LLM的未来与高性能、可扩展和可靠的知识库紧密相连。





第一阶段: 从大模型系统设计入手,讲解大模型的主要方法;

第二阶段: 在通过大模型提示词工程从Prompts角度入手更好发挥模型的作用;

第三阶段: 大模型平台应用开发借助阿里云PAI平台构建电商领域虚拟试衣系统;

第四阶段: 大模型知识库应用开发以LangChain框架为例,构建物流行业咨询智能问答系统;

第五阶段: 大模型微调开发借助以大健康、新零售、新媒体领域构建适合当前领域大模型;

第六阶段: 以SD多模态大模型为主,搭建了文生图小程序案例;

第七阶段: 以大模型平台应用与开发为主,通过星火大模型,文心大模型等成熟大模型构建大模型行业应用。


• 基于大模型全栈工程实现(前端、后端、产品经理、设计、数据分析等),通过这门课可获得不同能力;

• 能够利用大模型解决相关实际项目需求: 大数据时代,越来越多的企业和机构需要处理海量数据,利用大模型技术可以更好地处理这些数据,提高数据分析和决策的准确性。因此,掌握大模型应用开发技能,可以让程序员更好地应对实际项目需求;

• 基于大模型和企业数据AI应用开发,实现大模型理论、掌握GPU算力、硬件、LangChain开发框架和项目实战技能, 学会Fine-tuning垂直训练大模型(数据准备、数据蒸馏、大模型部署)一站式掌握;

• 能够完成时下热门大模型垂直领域模型训练能力,提高程序员的编码能力: 大模型应用开发需要掌握机器学习算法、深度学习框架等技术,这些技术的掌握可以提高程序员的编码能力和分析能力,让程序员更加熟练地编写高质量的代码。





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