The method of little groups


The idea of the method of little groups, by Wigner and Mackey, can be summarised as follows. (Excerpted from Section 8.2 in GTM 42, Linear representations of finite groups, by J.-P. Serre)

Assume that the group G G G is a semi-direct product of its two subgroups H H H and A A A, with A A A abelian. Denote A ^ : = H o m ( A , C × ) \hat{A}:=\mathrm{Hom}(A, \mathbb{C}^\times) A^:=Hom(A,C×). The group G G G acts on A ^ \hat{A} A^ by ( g χ ) ( a ) = χ ( g − 1 a g ) , ∀ g ∈ G , a ∈ A , χ ∈ A ^ . (g\chi)(a)=\chi(g^{-1}ag), \forall g \in G, a \in A, \chi \in \hat{A}. (gχ)(a)=χ(g1ag),gG,aA,χA^.

Let ( χ i ) i ∈ A ^ / H (\chi_i)_{i \in \hat{A}/H} (χi)iA^/H be a system of representatives for the orbits of H H H in A ^ \hat{A} A^. For each i ∈ A ^ / H i \in \hat{A}/H iA^/H, let H i = S t a b H ( χ i ) = { h ∈ H ∣ h χ i = χ i } H_i = \mathrm{Stab}_H(\chi_i)=\{h \in H \mid h\chi_i = \chi_i\} Hi=StabH(χi)={hHhχi=χi} and let G i = A ⋅ H i < G G_i = A \cdot H_i < G Gi=AHi<G. Extend χ i \chi_i χi to G i G_i Gi by setting χ i ( a h ) = χ i ( a ) , ∀ a ∈ A , h ∈ H i \chi_i(ah)=\chi_i(a), \forall a \in A, h \in H_i χi(ah)=χi(a),aA,hHi.

Now let ρ ∈ I r r ( H i ) \rho \in \mathrm{Irr}(H_i) ρIrr(Hi) and p : G i → H i p: G_i \to H_i p:GiHi the canonical projection. We thus have an irreducible representation ρ ~ = p ∘ ρ \tilde{\rho}=p\circ \rho ρ~=pρ of G i G_i Gi. Finally, by taking the tensor product of χ i \chi_i χi and ρ ~ \tilde{\rho} ρ~ we obtain an irreducible representation χ ⊗ ρ ~ \chi \otimes \tilde{\rho} χρ~ of G i G_i Gi.

Denote θ i , ρ = I n d G i G χ i ⊗ ρ ~ \theta_{i, \rho} = \mathrm{Ind}_{G_i}^G \chi_i \otimes \tilde{\rho} θi,ρ=IndGiGχiρ~. Assume the following results:

Proposition: (a) θ i , ρ \theta_{i, \rho} θi,ρ is irreducible;
(b) If θ i , ρ \theta_{i, \rho} θi,ρ and θ i ′ , ρ ′ \theta_{i', \rho'} θi,ρ are isomorphic, then i = i ′ i = i' i=i and ρ ∼ ρ ′ \rho \sim \rho' ρρ (isomorphic);
© Every irreducible representation of G G G is isomorphic to one of the θ i , ρ \theta_{i, \rho} θi,ρ.


  1. The Heisenberg group H n ( k ) \mathbf{H}_n(k) Hn(k) over a field k k k of dimension n n n can be construct via the exact sequence 0 → k → H n ( k ) → W → 0 , 0 \to k \to \mathbf{H}_n(k)\to W \to 0, 0kHn(k)W0,
    where W = V ⊕ V ′ W=V \oplus V' W=VV and V = k n V= k^n V=kn is a vector space of dimension n n n. The group law of H n ( k ) \mathbf{H}_n(k) Hn(k) is given by ( x , x ′ , a ) ( y , y ′ , b ) = ( x + x ′ , y + y ′ , a + b + x y ′ ) , (x, x', a)(y, y', b)=(x+x', y+y', a+b+xy'), (x,x,a)(y,y,b)=(x+x,y+y,a+b+xy),
    where ( x , x ′ ) , ( y , y ′ ) ∈ W (x, x'), (y, y') \in W (x,x),(y,y)W and a , b ∈ k a, b \in k a,bk.

Solve the following problems.
(i) Find an embedding of H n ( k ) \mathbf{H}_n(k) Hn(k) into the group of unipotent upper-triangluar matrices of the form ( 1 x ⊤ t 0 I n x ′ 0 0 1 ) . \begin{pmatrix} 1 & x^\top & t \\ 0 & I_n & x' \\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}. 100xIn0tx1 .

(ii) Apply the method of little groups to H 1 ( k ) \mathbf{H}_1(k) H1(k) in the case that k = F p k = \mathbb{F}_p k=Fp (a finite field of cardinality p p p), by taking A = { ( 0 , x ′ , a ) } A = \{(0, x', a)\} A={(0,x,a)} and H = { ( x , 0 , 0 ) } H=\{(x, 0, 0)\} H={(x,0,0)}. Find all θ i , ρ \theta_{i, \rho} θi,ρ.

Assume the fact that R ^ ≅ R \hat{\mathbb{R}} \cong \mathbb{R} R^R.

(iii) (Challenge) Apply the method of little groups to H 1 ( k ) \mathbf{H}_1(k) H1(k) in the case that k = R k = \mathbb{R} k=R. Find all θ i , ρ \theta_{i, \rho} θi,ρ.

  1. The Euclidean motion group of the Cartesian plane is the semi-direct product of H = S O ( 2 ) H=\mathbf{SO}(2) H=SO(2) and A = R 2 A=\mathbb{R}^2 A=R2. Apply the method of little groups to this group and work out the representations θ i , ρ \theta_{i, \rho} θi,ρ (The action of H H H on A A A is obvious.)
  2. Do the same thing in 2 to the group B = { ( a b 0 a − 1 ) ∣ a , b ∈ R , a ≠ 0 } . B = \{\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ 0 & a^{-1} \end{pmatrix} \mid a, b \in \mathbb{R}, a \neq 0\}. B={(a0ba1)a,bR,a=0}.


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