

Stephen Wiesner invents conjugate coding (published in ACM SIGACT News 15(1): 78–88).[1]
论文原文PDF: 1968 Stephen Wiesner Conjugate Coding

James Park articulates the no-cloning theorem.[2]
论文原文PDF: 1970 James Park No-cloning Theorem

Alexander Holevo publishes a paper showing that n qubits can carry more than n classical bits of information, but at most n classical bits are accessible (a result known as “Holevo’s theorem” or “Holevo’s bound”).
Charles H. Bennett shows that computation can be done reversibly.[3]

R. P. Poplavskii publishes “Thermodynamical models of information processing” (in Russian)[4] which shows the computational infeasibility of simulating quantum systems on classical computers, due to the superposition principle.

Roman Stanisław Ingarden, a Polish mathematical physicist, publishes the paper “Quantum Information Theory” in Reports on Mathematical Physics, vol. 10, pp. 43–72, 1976 (The paper was submitted in 1975). It is one of the first attempts at creating a quantum information theory, showing that Shannon information theorycannot directly be generalized to the quantum case, but rather that it is possible to construct a quantum information theory, which is a generalization of Shannon’s theory, within the formalism of a generalized quantum mechanics of open systems and a generalized concept of observables (the so-called semi-observables).

Paul Benioff describes the first quantum mechanical model of a computer. In this work, Benioff showed that a computer could operate under the laws of quantum mechanics by describing a Schrödinger equation description of Turing machines, laying a foundation for further work in quantum computing. The paper[5] was submitted in June 1979 and published in April 1980.
Yuri Manin briefly motivates the idea of quantum computing.[6]
Tommaso Toffoli introduces the reversible Toffoli gate,[7] which (together with initialized ancilla bits) is functionally complete for reversible classical computation.

At the first Conference on the Physics of Computation, held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in May,[8] Paul Benioff and Richard Feynman give talks on quantum computing. Benioff’s built on his earlier 1980 work showing that a computer can operate under the laws of quantum mechanics. The talk was titled “Quantum mechanical Hamiltonian models of discrete processes that erase their own histories: application to Turing machines”.[9] In Feynman’s talk, he observed that it appeared to be impossible to efficiently simulate an evolution of a quantum system on a classical computer, and he proposed a basic model for a quantum computer.[10]

Paul Benioff further develops his original model of a quantum mechanical Turing machine.[11]
William Wootters and Wojciech Zurek,[12] and independently Dennis Dieks[13] rediscover the no-cloning theorem of James Park.

Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard employ Wiesner’s conjugate coding for distribution of cryptographic keys.[14]

David Deutsch, at the University of Oxford, describes the first universal quantum computer. Just as a Universal Turing machine can simulate any other Turing machine efficiently (Church–Turing thesis), so the universal quantum computer is able to simulate any other quantum computer with at most a polynomialslowdown.
Asher Peres points out the need for quantum error correction schemes and discusses a repetition code for amplitude errors.[15]

Yoshihisa Yamamoto and K. Igeta propose the first physical realization of a quantum computer, including Feynman’s CNOT gate.[16] Their approach uses atoms and photons and is the progenitor of modern quantum computing and networking protocols using photons to transmit qubits and atoms to perform two-qubit operations.

Gerard J. Milburn proposes a quantum-optical realization of a Fredkin gate.[17]
Bikas K. Chakrabarti & collaborators from Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India, propose that quantum fluctuations could help explore rugged energy landscapes by escaping from local minima of glassy systems having tall but thin barriers by tunneling (instead of climbing over using thermal excitations), suggesting the effectiveness of quantum annealing over classical simulated annealing.[18][19]

Artur Ekert at the University of Oxford, proposes entanglement-based secure communication.[20]

David Deutsch and Richard Jozsa propose a computational problem that can be solved efficiently with the deterministic Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm on a quantum computer, but for which no deterministic classical algorithm is possible. This was perhaps the earliest result in the computational complexity of quantum computers, proving that they were capable of performing some well-defined computational task more efficiently than any classical computer.
Ethan Bernstein and Umesh Vazirani propose the Bernstein–Vazirani algorithm. It is a restricted version of the Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm where instead of distinguishing between two different classes of functions, it tries to learn a string encoded in a function. The Bernstein–Vazirani algorithm was designed to prove an oracle separation between complexity classes BQP and BPP.
Research groups at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (Garching)[21][22] and shortly after at NIST(Boulder)[23] experimentally realize the first crystallized strings of laser-cooled ions. Linear ion crystals constitute the qubit basis for most quantum computing and simulation experiments with trapped ions.

Dan Simon, at Université de Montréal, invent an oracle problem, Simon’s problem, for which a quantum computer would be exponentially faster than a conventional computer. This algorithm introduces the main ideas which were then developed in Peter Shor’s factorization algorithm.

Peter Shor, at AT&T’s Bell Labs in New Jersey, publishes Shor’s algorithm. It would allow a quantum computer to factor large integers quickly. It solves both the factoring problem and the discrete log problem. The algorithm can theoretically break many of the cryptosystems in use today. Its invention sparked a tremendous interest in quantum computers.
The first United States Government workshop on quantum computing is organized by NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in autumn.
Isaac Chuang and Yoshihisa Yamamoto propose a quantum-optical realization of a quantum computer to implement Deutsch’s algorithm.[24] Their work introduced dual-rail encoding for photonic qubits.
In December, Ignacio Cirac, at University of Castilla-La Mancha at Ciudad Real, and Peter Zoller at the University of Innsbruck propose an experimental realization of the controlled-NOT gate with cold trapped ions.

The first United States Department of Defense workshop on quantum computing and quantum cryptography is organized by United States Army physicists Charles M. Bowden, Jonathan P. Dowling, and Henry O. Everitt; it took place in February at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
Peter Shor proposes the first schemes for quantum error correction.[25]
Christopher Monroe and David Wineland at NIST (Boulder, Colorado) experimentally realize the first quantum logic gate – the controlled-NOT gate – with trapped ions, following the Cirac-Zoller proposal.[26]
independently, Subhash Kak and Ronald Chrisley propose the first quantum neural network[27][28]

Lov Grover, at Bell Labs, invents the quantum database search algorithm. The quadratic speedup is not as dramatic as the speedup for factoring, discrete logs, or physics simulations. However, the algorithm can be applied to a much wider variety of problems. Any problem that can be solved by random, brute-force search, may take advantage of this quadratic speedup in the number of search queries.
The United States Government, particularly in a joint partnership of the Army Research Office (now part of the Army Research Laboratory) and the National Security Agency, issues the first public call for research proposals in quantum information processing.
Andrew Steane designs Steane codes for error correction.[29]
David P. DiVincenzo, of IBM, proposes a list of minimal requirements for creating a quantum computer,[30]now called DiVincenzo’s criteria.

David Cory, Amr Fahmy and Timothy Havel, and at the same time Neil Gershenfeld and Isaac L. Chuang at MIT publish the first papers realizing gates for quantum computers based on bulk nuclear spin resonance, or thermal ensembles. The technology is based on a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) machine, which is similar to the medical magnetic resonance imaging machine.
Alexei Kitaev describes the principles of topological quantum computation as a method for dealing with the problem of decoherence.[31]
Daniel Loss and David P. DiVincenzo propose the Loss-DiVincenzo quantum computer, using as qubits the intrinsic spin-1/2 degree of freedom of individual electrons confined to quantum dots.[32]

The first experimental demonstration of a quantum algorithm is reported. A working 2-qubit NMR quantum computer was used to solve Deutsch’s problem by Jonathan A. Jones and Michele Mosca at Oxford University and shortly after by Isaac L. Chuang at IBM’s Almaden Research Center, in California, and Mark Kubinec and the University of California, Berkeley together with coworkers at Stanford University and MIT.[33]
The first working 3-qubit NMR computer is reported.
Bruce Kane proposes a silicon-based nuclear spin quantum computer, using nuclear spins of individual phosphorus atoms in silicon as the qubits and donor electrons to mediate the coupling between qubits.[34]
The first execution of Grover’s algorithm on an NMR computer is reported.[35]
Hidetoshi Nishimori & colleagues from Tokyo Institute of Technology show that a quantum annealing algorithm can perform better than classical simulated annealing under certain conditions.[36]
Daniel Gottesman and Emanuel Knill independently prove that a certain subclass of quantum computations can be efficiently emulated with classical resources (Gottesman–Knill theorem).[37]

Samuel L. Braunstein and collaborators show that none of the bulk NMR experiments performed to date contain any entanglement; the quantum states being too strongly mixed. This is seen as evidence that NMR computers would likely not yield a benefit over classical computers. It remains an open question, however, whether entanglement is necessary for quantum computational speedup.[38]
Gabriel Aeppli, Thomas Felix Rosenbaum and colleagues demonstrate experimentally the basic concepts of quantum annealing in a condensed matter system.
Yasunobu Nakamura and Jaw-Shen Tsai demonstrate that a superconducting circuit can be used as a qubit.[39]

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