

Entanglement in a solid-state spin ensemble was reported[169]
NOON photons in a superconducting quantum integrated circuit were reported.[170]
A quantum antenna was described.[171]
Multimode quantum interference was documented.[172]
Magnetic Resonance applied to quantum computing was reported.[173]
The quantum pen for single atoms was documented.[174]
Atomic “Racing Dual” was reported.[175]
A 14 qubit register was reported.[176]
D-Wave claimed to have developed quantum annealing and introduced their product called D-Wave One. The company claims this is the first commercially available quantum computer.[177]
Repetitive error correction was demonstrated in a quantum processor.[178]
Diamond quantum computer memory was demonstrated.[179]
Qmodes were developed.[180]
Decoherence was demonstrated as suppressed.[181]
Simplification of controlled operations was reported.[182]
Ions entangled using microwaves were documented.[183]
Practical error rates were achieved.[184]
A quantum computer employing Von Neumann architecture was described.[185]
A quantum spin Hall topological insulator was reported.[186]
The concept of two diamonds linked by quantum entanglement could help develop photonic processors was described.[187]

D-Wave claimed a quantum computation using 84 qubits.[188]
Physicists created a working transistor from a single atom.[189][190]
A method for manipulating the charge of nitrogen vacancy-centres in diamond was reported.[191]
Creation of a 300 qubit/particle quantum simulator was reported.[192][193]
Demonstration of topologically protected qubits with an eight-photon entanglement was reported; a robust approach to practical quantum computing.[194]
1QB Information Technologies (1QBit) was founded; the world’s first dedicated quantum computing software company.[195]
The first design of a quantum repeater system without a need for quantum memories was reported.[196]
Decoherence suppressed for 2 seconds at room temperature by manipulating Carbon-13 atoms with lasers was reported.[197][198]
The theory of Bell-based randomness expansion with reduced assumption of measurement independence was reported.[199]
New low overhead method for fault-tolerant quantum logic was developed called lattice surgery.[200]

Coherence time of 39 minutes at room temperature (and 3 hours at cryogenic temperatures) was demonstrated for an ensemble of impurity-spin qubits in isotopically purified silicon.[201]
Extension of time for a qubit maintained in superimposed state for ten times longer than what has ever been achieved before was reported.[202]
The first resource analysis of a large-scale quantum algorithm using explicit fault-tolerant, error-correction protocols was developed for factoring.[203]

Documents leaked by Edward Snowden confirmed the Penetrating Hard Targets project,[204] by which the National Security Agency sought to develop a quantum computing capability for cryptography purposes.[205][206][207]
Researchers in Japan and Austria published the first large-scale quantum computing architecture for a diamond-based system.[208]
Scientists at the University of Innsbruck performed quantum computations on a topologically encoded qubit which was encoded in entangled states distributed over seven trapped-ion qubits.[209]
Scientists transferred data by quantum teleportation over a distance of 10 feet (3.0 meters) with zero percent error rate; a vital step towards a quantum Internet.[210][211]

Optically addressable nuclear spins in a solid with a six-hour coherence time were documented.[212]
Quantum information encoded by simple electrical pulses was documented.[213]
Quantum error detection code using a square lattice of four superconducting qubits was documented.[214]
D-Wave Systems Inc. announced on June 22 that it had broken the 1,000-qubit barrier.[215]
A two-qubit silicon logic gate was successfully developed.[216]

Physicists led by Rainer Blatt joined forces with scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), led by Isaac Chuang, to efficiently implement Shor’s algorithm in an ion-trap-based quantum computer.[217]
IBM released the Quantum Experience, an online interface to their superconducting systems. The system is immediately used to publish new protocols in quantum information processing.[218][219]
Google, using an array of 9 superconducting qubits developed by the Martinis group and UCSB, simulated a hydrogen molecule.[220]
Scientists in Japan and Australia invented a quantum version of a Sneakernet communications system.[221]

D-Wave Systems Inc. announced general commercial availability of the D-Wave 2000Q quantum annealer, which it claimed has 2000 qubits.[222]
A blueprint for a microwave trapped ion quantum computer was published.[223]
IBM unveiled a 17-qubit quantum computer—and a better way of benchmarking it.[224]
Scientists built a microchip that generates two entangled qudits each with 10 states, for 100 dimensions total.[225]
Microsoft revealed Q#, a quantum programming language integrated with its Visual Studio development environment. Programs can be executed locally on a 32-qubit simulator, or a 40-qubit simulator on Azure.[226]
IBM revealed a working 50-qubit quantum computer that can maintain its quantum state for 90 microseconds.[227]
The first teleportation using a satellite, connecting ground stations over a distance of 1400 km apart was announced.[228] Previous experiments were at Earth, at shorter distances.

John Preskill introduces the concept of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era.[229]
MIT scientists reported the discovery of a new triple-photon form of light.[230][231]
Oxford researchers successfully use a trapped-ion technique, where they placed two charged atoms in a state of quantum entanglement to speed up logic gates by a factor of 20 to 60 times, as compared with the previous best gates, translated to 1.6 microseconds long, with 99.8% precision.[232]
QuTech successfully tested a silicon-based 2-spin-qubit processor.[233]
Google announced the creation of a 72-qubit quantum chip, called “Bristlecone”,[234] achieving a new record.
Intel began testing a silicon-based spin-qubit processor manufactured in the company’s D1D fab in Oregon.[235]
Intel confirmed development of a 49-qubit superconducting test chip, called “Tangle Lake”.[236]
Japanese researchers demonstrated universal holonomic quantum gates.[237]
An integrated photonic platform for quantum information with continuous variables was documented.[238]
On December 17, 2018, the company IonQ introduced the first commercial trapped-ion quantum computer, with a program length of over 60 two-qubit gates, 11 fully connected qubits, 55 addressable pairs, one-qubit gate error of <0.03% and two-qubit gate error of <1.0%.[239][240]
On December 21, 2018, the National Quantum Initiative Act was signed into law by President Donald Trump, establishing the goals and priorities for a 10-year plan to accelerate the development of quantum information science and technology applications in the United States.[241][242][243]

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