

6 January – Chinese researchers report that they have built the world’s largest integrated quantum communication network, combining over 700 optical fibers with two QKD-ground-to-satellite links for a total distance between nodes of the network of networks of up to ~4,600 km.[322][323]
13 January – Austrian researchers report the first realization of an entangling gate between two logical qubitsencoded in topological quantum error-correction codes using a trapped-ion quantum computer with 10 ions.[324][325]
15 January – Researchers in China report the successful transmission of entangled photons between drones, used as nodes for the development of mobile quantum networks or flexible network extensions, marking the first work in which entangled particles were sent between two moving devices.[326][327]
27 January – BMW announces the use of a quantum computer for the optimization of supply chains.[328]
28 January – Swiss and German researchers report the development of a highly efficient single-photon source for quantum IT with a system of gated quantum dots in a tunable microcavity which captures photons released from these excited “artificial atoms”.[329][330]
3 February – Microsoft starts offering a cloud quantum computing service, called Azure Quantum.[331]
5 February – Researchers demonstrate a first prototype of quantum-logic gates for distributed quantum computers.[332][333]
11 March – Honeywell announces a quantum computer with a quantum volume of 512.[334]
13 April – In a preprint, an astronomer describes for the first time how one could search for quantum communication transmissions sent by extraterrestrial intelligence using existing telescope and receiver technology. He also provides arguments for why future searches of SETI should also target interstellar quantum communications.[335][336]
7 May – Two studies complement research published September 2020 by quantum-entangling two mechanical oscillators.[337][338][339]
8 June – Researchers from Toshiba achieve quantum communications over optical fibres exceeding 600 km in length, a world-record distance.[340][341][342]
17 June – Austrian, German and Swiss researchers present a quantum computing demonstrator fitting into two 19-inch racks, the world’s first quality standards-meeting compact quantum computer.[343][344]
29 June – IBM demonstrates a quantum advantage.[345]
1 July – Rigetti develops a method to join several quantum processor chips together.[346]
7 July – American researchers present a programmable quantum simulator that can operate with 256 qubits,[347][348]and on the same date and journal another team presents a quantum simulator of 196 Rydeberg atoms trapped in optical tweezers.[349]
25 October – Chinese researchers report that they have developed the world’s fastest programmable quantum computers. The photon-based Jiuzhang 2 is claimed to calculate a task in one millisecond, that otherwise would have taken a conventional computer 30 trillion years to complete. Additionally, Zuchongzhi 2is a 66-qubit programmable superconducting quantum computer that was claimed to be the world’s fastest quantum computer that can run a calculation task one million times more complex than Google’s Sycamore, as well as being 10 million times faster.[350][351]See also: Quantum supremacy § Progress in the 21st century
11 November – The first simulation of baryons on a quantum computer is reported by University of Waterloo.[352][353]
16 November – IBM claims that it has created a 127 quantum bit processor, ‘IBM Eagle’, which according to a report is the most powerful quantum processor known. According to the report, the company had not yet published an academic paper describing its metrics, performance or abilities.[354][355]

18 January – Europe’s first quantum annealer with more than 5,000 qubits is presented in Jülich, Germany.[356]
24 March – The first prototype, photonic, quantum memristive device, for neuromorphic (quantum-) computersand artificial neural networks, that is “able to produce memristive dynamics on single-photon states through a scheme of measurement and classical feedback” is invented.[357][358]
14 April – The Quantinuum System Model H1-2 doubles its performance claiming to be the first commercial quantum computer to pass quantum volume 4096.[359]
26 May – A universal set of computational operations on fault-tolerant quantum bits is demonstrated by a team of experimental physicists in Innsbruck, Austria.[360]
22 June – The world’s first quantum computer integrated circuit is demonstrated.[361][362]
28 June – Physicists report that interstellar quantum communication by other civilizations could be possible and may be advantageous, identifying some potential challenges and factors for detecting such. They may use, for example, X-ray photons for remotely established quantum communications and quantum teleportation as the communication mode.[363][364]
21 July – A universal qudit quantum processor is demonstrated with trapped ions.[365]
15 August – Nature Materials publishes the first work showing optical initialization and coherent control of nuclear spin qubits in 2D materials (an ultrathin hexagonal boron nitride).[366]
24 August – Nature publishes the first research related to a set of 14 photons entangled with high efficiency and in a defined way.[367]
26 August – Created photon pairs at several different frequencies using optical ultra-thin resonant metasurfaces made up of arrays of nanoresonators is reported.[368]
29 August – Physicists at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics deterministically generate entangled graph states of up to 14 photons using a trapped rubidium atom in an optical cavity.[369]
2 September – Researchers from The University of Tokyo and other Japanese institutions develop a systematic method that applies optimal control theory (GRAPE algorithm) to identify the theoretically optimal sequence from among all conceivable quantum operation sequences. It is necessary to complete the operations within the time that the coherent quantum state is maintained.[370]
30 September – Researchers at University of New South Wales achieve a coherence time of two milliseconds, 100 times higher than the previous benchmark in the same quantum processor.[371]
9 November – IBM presents its 433-qubit ‘Osprey’ quantum processor, the successor to its Eagle system.[372][373]
1 December – The world’s first portable quantum computer enters into commerce in Japan. With three variants, topping out at 3 qubits, they are meant for education. They are based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), “NMR has extremely limited scaling capabilities” and dimethylphosphite.[374][375][376]

3 February – At the University of Innsbruck, researchers entangle two ions over a distance of 230 meters.[377]
8 February – Alpine Quantum Technologies (AQT) demonstrates a quantum volume of 128 on its 19-inch rack-compatible quantum computer system PINE – a new record in Europe.[378]
17 February - Fusion-based quantum computation is proposed[379]
27 March – India’s first quantum computing-based telecom network link is inaugurated.[380]
14 June – IBM computer scientists report that a quantum computer produced better results for a physicsproblem than a conventional supercomputer.[381][382]
21 June – Microsoft declares that it is working on a topological quantum computer based on Majorana fermions, with the aim of arriving within 10 years at a computer capable of carrying out at least one million operations per second with an error rate of one operation every 1,000 billion (corresponding to 11 uninterrupted days of calculation).[383]
13 October – Researchers at TU Darmstadt publish the first experimental demonstration of a qubit array with more than 1,000 qubits:[384][385] A 3,000-site atomic array based on a 2D configuration of optical tweezers[386]holds up to 1,305 atomic qubits.
24 October – Atom Computing announces that it has “created a 1,225-site atomic array, currently populated with 1,180 qubits”,[387] based on Rydberg atoms.[388]
4 December – IBM presents its 1121-qubit ‘Condor’ quantum processor, the successor to its Osprey and Eagle systems.[389][390] The Condor system was the culmination of IBM’s multi-year ‘Roadmap to Quantum Advantage’ seeking to break the 1,000 qubit threshold.[391]
6 December – A group led by Misha Lukin at Harvard University realises a programmable quantum processor based on logical qubits using reconfigurable neutral atom arrays.[392]

8 May - Researchers deterministically fused small quantum states into states with up to eight qubits[393]

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