


function test_example_SAE
load mnist_uint8;

train_x = double(train_x)/255;
test_x  = double(test_x)/255;
train_y = double(train_y);
test_y  = double(test_y);        //将数据一开始初始化

%%  ex1 train a 100 hidden unit SDAE and use it to initialize a FFNN
%  Setup and train a stacked denoising autoencoder (SDAE)
sae = saesetup([784 100]);  

function sae = saesetup(size)
    for u = 2 : numel(size)   //numel(size)=2
        sae.ae{u-1} = nnsetup([size(u-1) size(u) size(u-1)]);  %size(1)=784 size(2)=100 size(3)=784



function nn = nnsetup(architecture)
%NNSETUP creates a Feedforward Backpropagate Neural Network
% nn = nnsetup(architecture) returns an neural network structure with n=numel(architecture)
% layers, architecture being a n x 1 vector of layer sizes e.g. [784 100 10]

    nn.size   = architecture;   //architecture表示每一层由多少个神经元,总共有多少层(3)
    nn.n      = numel(nn.size);//网络层数3
    nn.activation_function              = 'tanh_opt';   %  Activation functions of hidden layers: 'sigm' (sigmoid) or 'tanh_opt' (optimal tanh).
    nn.learningRate                     = 2;            %  learning rate Note: typically needs to be lower when using 'sigm' activation function and non-normalized inputs.
    nn.momentum                         = 0.5;          %  Momentum
    nn.scaling_learningRate             = 1;            %  Scaling factor for the learning rate (each epoch)
    nn.weightPenaltyL2                  = 0;            %  L2 regularization
    nn.nonSparsityPenalty               = 0;            %  Non sparsity penalty
    nn.sparsityTarget                   = 0.05;         %  Sparsity target
    nn.inputZeroMaskedFraction          = 0;            %  Used for Denoising AutoEncoders
    nn.dropoutFraction                  = 0;            %  Dropout level (http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/absps/dropout.pdf)
    nn.testing                          = 0;            %  Internal variable. nntest sets this to one.
    nn.output                           = 'sigm';       %  output unit 'sigm' (=logistic), 'softmax' and 'linear'
    for i = 2 : nn.n   %生成两层权值和p{i}
        % weights and weight momentum
        nn.W{i - 1} = (rand(nn.size(i), nn.size(i - 1)+1) - 0.5) * 2 * 4 * sqrt(6 / (nn.size(i) + nn.size(i - 1)));   //随机取从-0.5到 2 * 4 * sqrt(6 / (nn.size(i) + nn.size(i - 1)))的权值序列
        nn.vW{i - 1} = zeros(size(nn.W{i - 1}));    //使vW与W空间相同,但为0矩阵
        % average activations (for use with sparsity)
        nn.p{i}     = zeros(1, nn.size(i));   //生成两个空矩阵,p{i}用来表示隐藏神经元j的平均活跃度(详情可见UFLDL教程)



sae.ae{1}.activation_function       = 'sigm';
sae.ae{1}.learningRate              = 1;
sae.ae{1}.inputZeroMaskedFraction   = 0.5;  //修改sae里面的各个参数
opts.numepochs =   1;
opts.batchsize = 100;
sae = saetrain(sae, train_x, opts);



function sae = saetrain(sae, x, opts)
    for i = 1 : numel(sae.ae);
        disp(['Training AE ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(numel(sae.ae))]);//训练到第几代
        sae.ae{i} = nntrain(sae.ae{i}, x, x, opts);
        t = nnff(sae.ae{i}, x, x);
        x = t.a{2};
        %remove bias term
        x = x(:,2:end);  //把第一列去掉

loss.train.e               = [];
loss.train.e_frac          = [];
loss.val.e                 = [];
loss.val.e_frac            = [];
opts.validation = 0;
if nargin == 6
    opts.validation = 1;

fhandle = [];
if isfield(opts,'plot') && opts.plot == 1  //检查结构体opts是否包含由‘plot’指定的域,如果包含则返回逻辑1
    fhandle = figure();

m = size(train_x, 1);
//注意在调用的时候我们设置了opt,batchsize是做batch gradient时候的大小
batchsize = opts.batchsize;
numepochs = opts.numepochs;//表示循环的次数

numbatches = m / batchsize;

assert(rem(numbatches, 1) == 0, 'numbatches must be a integer');
L = zeros(numepochs*numbatches,1);
n = 1;
for i = 1 : numepochs
    kk = randperm(m);  //把1到m这些数随机打乱得到的一个数字序列。
    for l = 1 : numbatches
        batch_x = train_x(kk((l - 1) * batchsize + 1 : l * batchsize), :);  //一批一批进行训练,每一批数目为batchsize,即600
        //Add noise to input (for use in denoising autoencoder)    加入noise,这是denoising autoencoder需要使用到的部分 
        if(nn.inputZeroMaskedFraction ~= 0)  //请参见《Extracting and Composing Robust Features with Denoising Autoencoders》这篇论文 
            batch_x = batch_x.*(rand(size(batch_x))>nn.inputZeroMaskedFraction);//具体加入的方法就是把训练样例中的一些数据调整变为0,inputZeroMaskedFraction表示了调整的比例  
        batch_y = train_y(kk((l - 1) * batchsize + 1 : l * batchsize), :);  //同理对y也进行一批一批的调用,与前面的batch_x对应
        nn = nnff(nn, batch_x, batch_y);
        nn = nnbp(nn);
        nn = nnapplygrads(nn);
        L(n) = nn.L;  //nn最后结果
        n = n + 1;
    t = toc;  //这里计算出整个运算过程用了多少second

    if opts.validation == 1   
        loss = nneval(nn, loss, train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y);
        str_perf = sprintf('; Full-batch train mse = %f, val mse = %f', loss.train.e(end), loss.val.e(end));
        loss = nneval(nn, loss, train_x, train_y);
        str_perf = sprintf('; Full-batch train err = %f', loss.train.e(end));
    if ishandle(fhandle)
        nnupdatefigures(nn, fhandle, loss, opts, i);
    disp(['epoch ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(opts.numepochs) '. Took ' num2str(t) ' seconds' '. Mini-batch mean squared error on training set is ' num2str(mean(L((n-numbatches):(n-1)))) str_perf]);
    nn.learningRate = nn.learningRate * nn.scaling_learningRate;  //加速学习速率



function nn = nnff(nn, x, y)
%NNFF performs a feedforward pass
% nn = nnff(nn, x, y) returns an neural network structure with updated
% layer activations, error and loss (nn.a, nn.e and nn.L)

    n = nn.n;
    m = size(x, 1);
    x = [ones(m,1) x];
    nn.a{1} = x;

    //feedforward pass
    for i = 2 : n-1
        switch nn.activation_function 
            case 'sigm'
                % Calculate the unit's outputs (including the bias term)
                nn.a{i} = sigm(nn.a{i - 1} * nn.W{i - 1}');
            case 'tanh_opt'
                nn.a{i} = tanh_opt(nn.a{i - 1} * nn.W{i - 1}');
       //dropout计算部分 dropoutFraction是nnsetup中可以设置的一个参数
        if(nn.dropoutFraction > 0)   //>0则执行,去除偏差较大的部分
                nn.a{i} = nn.a{i}.*(1 - nn.dropoutFraction);
                nn.dropOutMask{i} = (rand(size(nn.a{i}))>nn.dropoutFraction);
                nn.a{i} = nn.a{i}.*nn.dropOutMask{i};
       //calculate running exponential activations for use with sparsity
        if(nn.nonSparsityPenalty>0)  //>0则执行
            nn.p{i} = 0.99 * nn.p{i} + 0.01 * mean(nn.a{i}, 1);
        //Add the bias term
        nn.a{i} = [ones(m,1) nn.a{i}];
    switch nn.output //输出层的结果
        case 'sigm'
            nn.a{n} = sigm(nn.a{n - 1} * nn.W{n - 1}');
        case 'linear'
            nn.a{n} = nn.a{n - 1} * nn.W{n - 1}';
        case 'softmax'
            nn.a{n} = nn.a{n - 1} * nn.W{n - 1}';
            nn.a{n} = exp(bsxfun(@minus, nn.a{n}, max(nn.a{n},[],2)));
            nn.a{n} = bsxfun(@rdivide, nn.a{n}, sum(nn.a{n}, 2)); 

    //error and loss
    //计算error  (计算输出层的e)
    nn.e = y - nn.a{n}; %y-H w,b(x)  
    switch nn.output
        case {'sigm', 'linear'}
            nn.L = 1/2 * sum(sum(nn.e .^ 2)) / m;//见公式P9(UFLDL)
        case 'softmax'
            nn.L = -sum(sum(y .* log(nn.a{n}))) / m;

function nn = nnbp(nn)
//NNBP performs backpropagation
// nn = nnbp(nn) returns an neural network structure with updated weights 
    n = nn.n;
    sparsityError = 0;
    switch nn.output
        case 'sigm'
            d{n} = - nn.e .* (nn.a{n} .* (1 - nn.a{n}));  //见UFLDL反向传导算法公式2
        case {'softmax','linear'}
            d{n} = - nn.e;
    for i = (n - 1) : -1 : 2
        //Derivative of the activation function激活函数的导数
        switch nn.activation_function 
            case 'sigm'
                d_act = nn.a{i} .* (1 - nn.a{i});   //UFLDLP15 对f'(Zi)的求导
            case 'tanh_opt'
                d_act = 1.7159 * 2/3 * (1 - 1/(1.7159)^2 * nn.a{i}.^2);
        if(nn.nonSparsityPenalty>0)   //这些其实都是开关
            pi = repmat(nn.p{i}, size(nn.a{i}, 1), 1);
            sparsityError = [zeros(size(nn.a{i},1),1) nn.nonSparsityPenalty * (-nn.sparsityTarget ./ pi + (1 - nn.sparsityTarget) ./ (1 - pi))];
        // Backpropagate first derivatives
        if i+1==n // in this case in d{n} there is not the bias term to be removed             
            d{i} = (d{i + 1} * nn.W{i} + sparsityError) .* d_act; % Bishop (5.56)
        else // in this case in d{i} the bias term has to be removed
            d{i} = (d{i + 1}(:,2:end) * nn.W{i} + sparsityError) .* d_act; %P13
            d{i} = d{i} .* [ones(size(d{i},1),1) nn.dropOutMask{i}];


    for i = 1 : (n - 1)
        if i+1==n
            nn.dW{i} = (d{i + 1}' * nn.a{i}) / size(d{i + 1}, 1);//P14(UFLDL教程)
            nn.dW{i} = (d{i + 1}(:,2:end)' * nn.a{i}) / size(d{i + 1}, 1);      



function nn = nnapplygrads(nn)
%NNAPPLYGRADS updates weights and biases with calculated gradients
% nn = nnapplygrads(nn) returns an neural network structure with updated
% weights and biases
    for i = 1 : (nn.n - 1)
        if(nn.weightPenaltyL2>0) //这又是什么鬼因子。。。
            dW = nn.dW{i} + nn.weightPenaltyL2 * [zeros(size(nn.W{i},1),1) nn.W{i}(:,2:end)];
            dW = nn.dW{i};
        dW = nn.learningRate * dW;
            nn.vW{i} = nn.momentum*nn.vW{i} + dW; //momentum一个引子
            dW = nn.vW{i};
        nn.W{i} = nn.W{i} - dW;

        L(n) = nn.L;  //nn最后结果
        n = n + 1;
    t = toc; //这里计算出整个运算过程用了多少second

    if opts.validation == 1  //开关
        loss = nneval(nn, loss, train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y);
        str_perf = sprintf('; Full-batch train mse = %f, val mse = %f', loss.train.e(end), loss.val.e(end));
        loss = nneval(nn, loss, train_x, train_y);
        str_perf = sprintf('; Full-batch train err = %f', loss.train.e(end));
    if ishandle(fhandle)
        nnupdatefigures(nn, fhandle, loss, opts, i);
    disp(['epoch ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(opts.numepochs) '. Took ' num2str(t) ' seconds' '. Mini-batch mean squared error on training set is ' num2str(mean(L((n-numbatches):(n-1)))) str_perf]);
    nn.learningRate = nn.learningRate * nn.scaling_learningRate;  //加速学习速率



function [loss] = nneval(nn, loss, train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y)
%NNEVAL evaluates performance of neural network
% Returns a updated loss struct
assert(nargin == 4 || nargin == 6, 'Wrong number of arguments');

nn.testing = 1;
% training performance
nn                    = nnff(nn, train_x, train_y);
loss.train.e(end + 1) = nn.L;

% validation performance
if nargin == 6
    nn                    = nnff(nn, val_x, val_y);
    loss.val.e(end + 1)   = nn.L;
nn.testing = 0;
%calc misclassification rate if softmax
if strcmp(nn.output,'softmax')
    [er_train, dummy]               = nntest(nn, train_x, train_y);
    loss.train.e_frac(end+1)    = er_train;
    if nargin == 6
        [er_val, dummy]             = nntest(nn, val_x, val_y);
        loss.val.e_frac(end+1)  = er_val;


function sae = saetrain(sae, x, opts)
    for i = 1 : numel(sae.ae);
        disp(['Training AE ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(numel(sae.ae))]);
        sae.ae{i} = nntrain(sae.ae{i}, x, x, opts);
        t = nnff(sae.ae{i}, x, x);  //将sae结果返回结构体t
        x = t.a{2};  
        %remove bias term
        x = x(:,2:end);  //把第一行去掉



% Use the SDAE to initialize a FFNN
nn = nnsetup([784 100 10]);          
nn.activation_function              = 'sigm';
nn.learningRate                     = 1;
nn.W{1} = sae.ae{1}.W{1};  %更新了nn的权值W
% Train the FFNNopts.numepochs = 1;opts.batchsize = 100;nn = nntrain(nn, train_x, train_y, opts);[er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y);assert(er < 0.16, 'Too big error');

深度学习工具包 Deprecation notice. ----- This toolbox is outdated and no longer maintained. There are much better tools available for deep learning than this toolbox, e.g. [Theano](http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/), [torch](http://torch.ch/) or [tensorflow](http://www.tensorflow.org/) I would suggest you use one of the tools mentioned above rather than use this toolbox. Best, Rasmus. DeepLearnToolbox ================ A Matlab toolbox for Deep Learning. Deep Learning is a new subfield of machine learning that focuses on learning deep hierarchical models of data. It is inspired by the human brain's apparent deep (layered, hierarchical) architecture. A good overview of the theory of Deep Learning theory is [Learning Deep Architectures for AI](http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~bengioy/papers/ftml_book.pdf) For a more informal introduction, see the following videos by Geoffrey Hinton and Andrew Ng. * [The Next Generation of Neural Networks](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyzOUbkUf3M) (Hinton, 2007) * [Recent Developments in Deep Learning](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdIURAu1-aU) (Hinton, 2010) * [Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmNOAtZIgIk) (Ng, 2011) If you use this toolbox in your research please cite [Prediction as a candidate for learning deep hierarchical models of data](http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/pubdb/views/publication_details.php?id=6284) ``` @MASTERSTHESIS\{IMM2012-06284, author = "R. B. Palm", title = "Prediction as a candidate for learning deep hierarchical models of data", year = "2012", } ``` Contact: rasmusbergpalm at gmail dot com Directories included in the toolbox ----------------------------------- `NN/` - A library for Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Networks `CNN/` - A library for Convolutional Neural Networks `DBN/` - A library for Deep Belief Networks `SAE/` - A library for Stacked Auto-Encoders `CAE/` - A library for Convolutional Auto-Encoders `util/` - Utility functions used by the libraries `data/` - Data used by the examples `tests/` - unit tests to verify toolbox is working For references on each library check REFS.md Setup ----- 1. Download. 2. addpath(genpath('DeepLearnToolbox')); Example: Deep Belief Network --------------------- ```matlab function test_example_DBN load mnist_uint8; train_x = double(train_x) / 255; test_x = double(test_x) / 255; train_y = double(train_y); test_y = double(test_y); %% ex1 train a 100 hidden unit RBM and visualize its weights rand('state',0) dbn.sizes = [100]; opts.numepochs = 1; opts.batchsize = 100; opts.momentum = 0; opts.alpha = 1; dbn = dbnsetup(dbn, train_x, opts); dbn = dbntrain(dbn, train_x, opts); figure; visualize(dbn.rbm{1}.W'); % Visualize the RBM weights %% ex2 train a 100-100 hidden unit DBN and use its weights to initialize a NN rand('state',0) %train dbn dbn.sizes = [100 100]; opts.numepochs = 1; opts.batchsize = 100; opts.momentum = 0; opts.alpha = 1; dbn = dbnsetup(dbn, train_x, opts); dbn = dbntrain(dbn, train_x, opts); %unfold dbn to nn nn = dbnunfoldtonn(dbn, 10); nn.activation_function = 'sigm'; %train nn opts.numepochs = 1; opts.batchsize = 100; nn = nntrain(nn, train_x, train_y, opts); [er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y); assert(er < 0.10, 'Too big error'); ``` Example: Stacked Auto-Encoders --------------------- ```matlab function test_example_SAE load mnist_uint8; train_x = double(train_x)/255; test_x = double(test_x)/255; train_y = double(train_y); test_y = double(test_y); %% ex1 train a 100 hidden unit SDAE and use it to initialize a FFNN % Setup and train a stacked denoising autoencoder (SDAE) rand('state',0) sae = saesetup([784 100]); sae.ae{1}.activation_function = 'sigm'; sae.ae{1}.learningRate = 1; sae.ae{1}.inputZeroMaskedFraction = 0.5; opts.numepochs = 1; opts.batchsize = 100; sae = saetrain(sae, train_x, opts); visualize(sae.ae{1}.W{1}(:,2:end)') % Use the SDAE to initialize a FFNN nn = nnsetup([784 100 10]); nn.activation_function = 'sigm'; nn.learningRate = 1; nn.W{1} = sae.ae{1}.W{1}; % Train the FFNN opts.numepochs = 1; opts.batchsize = 100; nn = nntrain(nn, train_x, train_y, opts); [er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y); assert(er < 0.16, 'Too big error'); ``` Example: Convolutional Neural Nets --------------------- ```matlab function test_example_CNN load mnist_uint8; train_x = double(reshape(train_x',28,28,60000))/255; test_x = double(reshape(test_x',28,28,10000))/255; train_y = double(train_y'); test_y = double(test_y'); %% ex1 Train a 6c-2s-12c-2s Convolutional neural network %will run 1 epoch in about 200 second and get around 11% error. %With 100 epochs you'll get around 1.2% error rand('state',0) cnn.layers = { struct('type', 'i') %input layer struct('type', 'c', 'outputmaps', 6, 'kernelsize', 5) %convolution layer struct('type', 's', 'scale', 2) %sub sampling layer struct('type', 'c', 'outputmaps', 12, 'kernelsize', 5) %convolution layer struct('type', 's', 'scale', 2) %subsampling layer }; cnn = cnnsetup(cnn, train_x, train_y); opts.alpha = 1; opts.batchsize = 50; opts.numepochs = 1; cnn = cnntrain(cnn, train_x, train_y, opts); [er, bad] = cnntest(cnn, test_x, test_y); %plot mean squared error figure; plot(cnn.rL); assert(er<0.12, 'Too big error'); ``` Example: Neural Networks --------------------- ```matlab function test_example_NN load mnist_uint8; train_x = double(train_x) / 255; test_x = double(test_x) / 255; train_y = double(train_y); test_y = double(test_y); % normalize [train_x, mu, sigma] = zscore(train_x); test_x = normalize(test_x, mu, sigma); %% ex1 vanilla neural net rand('state',0) nn = nnsetup([784 100 10]); opts.numepochs = 1; % Number of full sweeps through data opts.batchsize = 100; % Take a mean gradient step over this many samples [nn, L] = nntrain(nn, train_x, train_y, opts); [er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y); assert(er < 0.08, 'Too big error'); %% ex2 neural net with L2 weight decay rand('state',0) nn = nnsetup([784 100 10]); nn.weightPenaltyL2 = 1e-4; % L2 weight decay opts.numepochs = 1; % Number of full sweeps through data opts.batchsize = 100; % Take a mean gradient step over this many samples nn = nntrain(nn, train_x, train_y, opts); [er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y); assert(er < 0.1, 'Too big error'); %% ex3 neural net with dropout rand('state',0) nn = nnsetup([784 100 10]); nn.dropoutFraction = 0.5; % Dropout fraction opts.numepochs = 1; % Number of full sweeps through data opts.batchsize = 100; % Take a mean gradient step over this many samples nn = nntrain(nn, train_x, train_y, opts); [er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y); assert(er < 0.1, 'Too big error'); %% ex4 neural net with sigmoid activation function rand('state',0) nn = nnsetup([784 100 10]); nn.activation_function = 'sigm'; % Sigmoid activation function nn.learningRate = 1; % Sigm require a lower learning rate opts.numepochs = 1; % Number of full sweeps through data opts.batchsize = 100; % Take a mean gradient step over this many samples nn = nntrain(nn, train_x, train_y, opts); [er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y); assert(er < 0.1, 'Too big error'); %% ex5 plotting functionality rand('state',0) nn = nnsetup([784 20 10]); opts.numepochs = 5; % Number of full sweeps through data nn.output = 'softmax'; % use softmax output opts.batchsize = 1000; % Take a mean gradient step over this many samples opts.plot = 1; % enable plotting nn = nntrain(nn, train_x, train_y, opts); [er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y); assert(er < 0.1, 'Too big error'); %% ex6 neural net with sigmoid activation and plotting of validation and training error % split training data into training and validation data vx = train_x(1:10000,:); tx = train_x(10001:end,:); vy = train_y(1:10000,:); ty = train_y(10001:end,:); rand('state',0) nn = nnsetup([784 20 10]); nn.output = 'softmax'; % use softmax output opts.numepochs = 5; % Number of full sweeps through data opts.batchsize = 1000; % Take a mean gradient step over this many samples opts.plot = 1; % enable plotting nn = nntrain(nn, tx, ty, opts, vx, vy); % nntrain takes validation set as last two arguments (optionally) [er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y); assert(er < 0.1, 'Too big error'); ``` [![Bitdeli Badge](https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/rasmusbergpalm/deeplearntoolbox/trend.png)](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")
Deep Learning Toolbox™提供了一个框架,用于设计和实现具有算法,预训练模型和应用程序的深度神经网络。您可以使用卷积神经网络(ConvNets,CNN)和长期短期记忆(LSTM)网络对图像,时间序列和文本数据进行分类和回归。应用程序和图表可帮助您可视化激活,编辑网络体系结构以及监控培训进度。 对于小型训练集,您可以使用预训练的深层网络模型(包括SqueezeNet,Inception-v3,ResNet-101,GoogLeNet和VGG-19)以及从TensorFlow™-Keras和Caffe导入的模型执行传输学习。 了解深度学习工具箱的基础知识 深度学习图像 从头开始训练卷积神经网络或使用预训练网络快速学习新任务 使用时间序列,序列和文本进行深度学习 为时间序列分类,回归和预测任务创建和训练网络 深度学习调整和可视化 绘制培训进度,评估准确性,进行预测,调整培训选项以及可视化网络学习的功能 并行和云中的深度学习 通过本地或云中的多个GPU扩展深度学习,并以交互方式或批量作业培训多个网络 深度学习应用 通过计算机视觉,图像处理,自动驾驶,信号和音频扩展深度学习工作流程 深度学习导入,导出和自定义 导入和导出网络,定义自定义深度学习图层以及自定义数据存储 深度学习代码生成 生成MATLAB代码或CUDA ®和C ++代码和部署深学习网络 函数逼近和聚类 使用浅层神经网络执行回归,分类和聚类 时间序列和控制系统 基于浅网络的模型非线性动态系统; 使用顺序数据进行预测。




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