
// 调用函数
int CTriNetInterp::CreateTriNet(float **pfPole, int **pnPoleIndex, int nIndexNum, int *pnPoleNum, triangleMSet &triNet)
 vertexSet vertexNew;
 triangleMSet triNetNew;
 triangleIterator tItDump;
 vertexIterator vItDump;

 if (pfPole == NULL || pnPoleIndex == NULL || pnPoleNum == NULL)
  return -1;

 for (i=0; i<nIndexNum; i++)

  // insert data into vertex new
  for (j=0; j<pnPoleNum[i]; j++)
   vertexNew.insert(CVertex(pfPole[pnPoleIndex[i][j]][0], pfPole[pnPoleIndex[i][j]][1], pfPole[pnPoleIndex[i][j]][2]));
  // dump vertex new,打印的对的
  TRACE("/tNew Vertex get %d elements!/n", vertexNew.size());
  TRACE("++/n/tDump vertex set begin/n");
  for (vItDump=vertexNew.begin(); vItDump!=vertexNew.end(); vItDump++)
   TRACE("/t/tvertex new :/t(%f, %f, %f)/n",
     vItDump->GetX(), vItDump->GetY(), vItDump->GetZ());
  TRACE("/tDump end/n--/n");  

  GrowthTriangulation(vertexNew, triNetNew);

  if (triNetNew.empty())
   return -1;

  // walk through triNetNew, dump each value elements, some dumps content is not correct
  for (tItDump = triNetNew.begin(); tItDump != triNetNew.end(); tItDump++)
   TRACE("/t/tTriangle Insert:/t(%f, %f, %f) /t-/t (%f, %f, %f) /t-/t (%f, %f, %f)/n",
    tItDump->GetVertex(0)->GetX(), tItDump->GetVertex(0)->GetY, tItDump->GetVertex(0)->GetZ(),
    tItDump->GetVertex(1)->GetX(), tItDump->GetVertex(1)->GetY, tItDump->GetVertex(1)->GetZ(),
    tItDump->GetVertex(2)->GetX(), tItDump->GetVertex(2)->GetY, tItDump->GetVertex(2)->GetZ());

   // insert each elements into triNet
   triNet.insert(CTriangle(tItDump->GetVertex(0), tItDump->GetVertex(1), tItDump->GetVertex(2)));
 return 0;

// 被调函数
void CTriNetInterp::GrowthTriangulation(vertexSet &vertex, triangleMSet & TriNet)

 edgeSet workESet;
 vertexIterator vIt, vItDump;

 CVertex vertexFirst[3];
 CreateFirstTri(vertex, vertexFirst);

 workESet.insert(CEdge(&vertexFirst[0], &vertexFirst[1])); // base edge I (begin -> third)
 workESet.insert(CEdge(&vertexFirst[1], &vertexFirst[2]));   // base edge II (third -> closest)

 // insert one element here
 TriNet.insert(CTriangle(&vertexFirst[0], &vertexFirst[1], &vertexFirst[2]));
 edgeIterator eIt = workESet.begin(), eItDump;
 triangleIterator tItDump;
 // Go growth
 TRACE("++/n/tBegin growth/n");
 while (eIt != workESet.end())
  double disMin = 1E20F;
  vertexIterator vItClosest = vertex.begin();
  // find the closest vertex to the base edge, and this vertex is not in
  // any existed triangle's circumcircle, we stop searching when no more
  // match vertex
  TRACE("/t/tFind a closest vertex(%f, %f, %f) to current edge/n", vItClosest->GetX(), vItClosest->GetY(), vItClosest->GetZ());
  workESet.insert(CEdge(eIt->m_pV0, &(*vItClosest)));
  workESet.insert(CEdge(&(*vItClosest), eIt->m_pV1));
  // insert new triangle here,找到了满足条件的顶点,就生成一个新的三角形
  TriNet.insert(CTriangle(eIt->m_pV0, &(*vItClosest), eIt->m_pV1));

  // dump triangle, all dump content is correct
  TRACE("/t/t++/n/t/t/tDump trinet begin/n");
  for (tItDump = TriNet.begin(); tItDump!=TriNet.end(); tItDump++)
   TRACE("/t/t/t/tTriangle :/t(%f, %f, %f) /t-/t (%f, %f, %f) /t-/t (%f, %f, %f)/n",
     tItDump->GetVertex(0)->GetX(), tItDump->GetVertex(0)->GetY(), tItDump->GetVertex(0)->GetZ(),
     tItDump->GetVertex(1)->GetX(), tItDump->GetVertex(1)->GetY(), tItDump->GetVertex(1)->GetZ(),
     tItDump->GetVertex(2)->GetX(), tItDump->GetVertex(2)->GetY(), tItDump->GetVertex(2)->GetZ());
  TRACE("/t/t/tDump end/n/t/t--/n");

 TRACE("/tEnd growth/n--/n");

// 下面是一些类的定义
// CTriangle
class CTriangle
 void SetCircumCircle();
 CTriangle(const CTriangle& tri)
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
   m_pVertex[i] = tri.m_pVertex[i];
 CTriangle(const CVertex *pV0, const CVertex *pV1, const CVertex *pV2)
  m_pVertex[0] = pV0;
  m_pVertex[1] = pV1;
  m_pVertex[2] = pV2;


 CTriangle(const CVertex *pV)
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
   m_pVertex[i] = pV++;

 const CVertex* GetVertex(int i) const
  ASSERT(i >=0 && i<3);
  return m_pVertex[i];

 BOOL operator< (const CTriangle& tri) const
  return m_Center < tri.m_Center;
 BOOL operator== (const CTriangle& tri) const
  return !(m_Center == tri.m_Center);

 // Return true if vIt is in the triangle's circumcircle
 // Return false if vIt is out or on the circle
 BOOL bVertexInCircumcircle(CVertex v) const
  CVertex vetexCenter(m_Center);
  CEdge deltaVector(&vetexCenter, &v);
  return deltaVector.GetLength() < sqrt(pow(m_R,2));
 CPointF m_Center; // center of circumcircle
 double m_R;   // redius of circumcircle
 const CVertex *m_pVertex[3];  // counterclockwise

// CPoint
class CPointF
 CPointF() {X=0.0; Y=0.0; Z=0.0;}
 CPointF(const CPointF& p) {X=p.X; Y=p.Y; Z=p.Z;}
 CPointF(double dx, double dy, double dz){X=dx;Y=dy;Z=dz;}
 CPointF operator+(const CPointF& p) const
  return CPointF(X+p.X, Y+p.Y, Z+p.Z);
 CPointF operator-(const CPointF& p) const
  return CPointF(X-p.X, Y-p.Y, Z-p.Z);

 // the order of x,y,z is very important, as follow define, the bigger
 // one is in the top-right-front direction of smaller one
 BOOL operator<(const CPointF& p) const
  if (X == p.X && Y == p.Y)
   return Z < p.Z;
  else if (X == p.X)
   return Y < p.Y;
   return X < p.X;

 BOOL operator==(const CPointF& p) const
  return X==p.X && Y==p.Y && Z==p.Z;

 double X;
 double Y;
 double Z;

// CVertex
class CVertex
 CVertex():m_point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),m_bBeAssigned(FALSE) {}
 CVertex(const CVertex& v):m_point(v.m_point),m_bBeAssigned(FALSE) {}
 CVertex(const CPointF& p):m_point(p),m_bBeAssigned(FALSE) {}
 CVertex(double dx, double dy, double dz):m_point(dx,dy,dz),m_bBeAssigned(FALSE) {}
 CVertex(int nx, int ny, int nz):m_point((double)nx, (double)ny, (double)nz),m_bBeAssigned(FALSE){}

 BOOL operator<(const CVertex &v) const
  return m_point < v.m_point;

 // Effect STL code 21
 BOOL operator==(const CVertex &v) const
  return !(m_point == v.m_point);

 BOOL IsAssigned() const {return m_bBeAssigned;}

 void MarkAssigned() {m_bBeAssigned = TRUE;}

 double GetX() const {return m_point.X;}
 double GetY() const {return m_point.Y;}
 double GetZ() const {return m_point.Z;}
 void SetX(double dx) {m_point.X = dx;}
 void SetY(double dy) {m_point.Y = dy;}
 void SetZ(double dz) {m_point.Z = dz;}
 const CPointF& GetPoint() const {return m_point;}

 CPointF m_point;
 BOOL m_bBeAssigned;

// CEdge, m_pV0 -> m_pV1
class CEdge
 CEdge(const CEdge& e): m_pV0(e.m_pV0), m_pV1(e.m_pV1) {}
 CEdge(const CVertex *pV0, const CVertex *pV1): m_pV0(pV0), m_pV1(pV1) {}
 // large one is on the top-right-front direction of small one
 BOOL operator<(const CEdge& e) const
  if (m_pV0 == e.m_pV0)
   return *m_pV1 < *e.m_pV1;
  return *m_pV0 < *e.m_pV0;

 // Effect STL code 21
 BOOL operator==(const CEdge& e) const
  return !(m_pV0->GetPoint() == e.m_pV0->GetPoint() && m_pV1->GetPoint() == e.m_pV1->GetPoint());

 const CVertex *m_pV0;
 const CVertex *m_pV1;

// CTriNetInterp
class CTriNetInterp 
 int CreateTriNet(float **pfPole, int **pnPoleIndex, int nIndexNum, int *pnPoleNum, triangleMSet &triNet);
 void GrowthTriangulation(vertexSet &vertex, triangleMSet &TriNet);
 virtual ~CTriNetInterp(){}

typedef set<CVertex> vertexSet;
typedef set<CVertex>::iterator vertexIterator;
typedef set<CVertex>::const_iterator cvertexIterator;

typedef set<CEdge> edgeSet;
typedef set<CEdge>::iterator edgeIterator;
typedef set<CEdge>::const_iterator cedgeIterator;

typedef multiset<CTriangle> triangleMSet;
typedef multiset<CTriangle>::iterator triangleIterator;
typedef multiset<CTriangle>::const_iterator ctriangleIterator;

// 下面是打印的内容

// 在被调用函数里面的最后一次dump内容, 是对的

00001823 13:49:04.572 [800]   ++  
00001824 13:49:04.572 [800]    Dump trinet begin  
00001825 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.000000, -0.500000, 8.500000)  -  (-39.200001, -1.000000, 15.000000)  -  (-39.000000, 0.000000, 3.000000)  
00001826 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 8.000000)  -  (-40.000000, -5.000000, 13.800000)  -  (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  
00001827 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-37.000000, -10.500000, 15.000000)  -  (-37.500000, 2.000000, 17.000000)  -  (-40.000000, -8.000000, 7.300000)  
00001828 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-41.000000, -9.200000, 11.600000)  -  (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-40.000000, -8.000000, 7.300000)  
00001829 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-41.000000, -9.200000, 11.600000)  -  (-39.000000, 0.000000, 3.000000)  -  (-39.500000, -4.300000, 8.000000)  
00001830 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-41.000000, -9.200000, 11.600000)  -  (-39.000000, -0.500000, 8.500000)  -  (-39.000000, 0.000000, 3.000000)  
00001831 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.000000, 0.000000, 3.000000)  -  (-37.500000, 5.000000, 4.500000)  -  (-39.500000, -4.300000, 8.000000)  
00001832 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-41.000000, -9.200000, 11.600000)  -  (-39.500000, -4.300000, 8.000000)  -  (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  
00001833 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-36.000000, -8.000000, 17.000000)  -  (-37.000000, -10.500000, 15.000000)  
00001834 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-35.000000, -5.000000, 18.000000)  -  (-36.000000, -8.000000, 17.000000)  
00001835 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-34.000000, -3.000000, 19.000000)  -  (-35.000000, -5.000000, 18.000000)  
00001836 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-37.500000, 5.000000, 4.500000)  -  (-32.000000, 8.400000, 13.000000)  -  (-39.500000, -4.300000, 8.000000)  
00001837 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-33.000000, -1.000000, 20.000000)  -  (-34.000000, -3.000000, 19.000000)  
00001838 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-37.500000, 3.500000, 10.500000)  -  (-35.000000, 6.500000, 12.300000)  -  (-32.000000, 11.100000, 7.500000)  
00001839 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.000000, 0.000000, 3.000000)  -  (-37.500000, 3.500000, 10.500000)  -  (-32.000000, 11.100000, 7.500000)  
00001840 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-37.500000, 5.000000, 4.500000)  -  (-26.000000, 7.300000, 18.500000)  -  (-28.500000, 9.700000, 13.300000)  
00001841 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-23.000000, 7.600000, 19.000000)  -  (-20.000000, 2.500000, 22.000000)  
00001842 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-31.000000, 0.600000, 21.000000)  -  (-33.000000, -1.000000, 20.000000)  
00001843 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-37.000000, -10.500000, 15.000000)  -  (-40.000000, -8.000000, 7.300000)  
00001844 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-37.000000, -10.500000, 15.000000)  -  (-35.000000, 4.000000, 17.799999)  -  (-37.500000, 2.000000, 17.000000)  
00001845 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-37.500000, 5.000000, 4.500000)  -  (-28.500000, 9.700000, 13.300000)  -  (-32.000000, 8.400000, 13.000000)  
00001846 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.000000, 0.000000, 3.000000)  -  (-35.000000, 8.000000, 6.000000)  -  (-37.500000, 5.000000, 4.500000)  
00001847 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-37.500000, 5.000000, 4.500000)  -  (-29.000000, 6.500000, 18.299999)  -  (-26.000000, 7.300000, 18.500000)  
00001848 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-37.000000, -10.500000, 15.000000)  -  (-32.000000, 5.600000, 18.000000)  -  (-35.000000, 4.000000, 17.799999)  
00001849 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-26.000000, 1.900000, 22.000000)  -  (-29.000000, 1.400000, 22.000000)  
00001850 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-37.000000, -10.500000, 15.000000)  -  (-20.000000, 7.800000, 19.000000)  -  (-32.000000, 5.600000, 18.000000)  
00001851 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-29.000000, 1.400000, 22.000000)  -  (-31.000000, 0.600000, 21.000000)  
00001852 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-23.000000, 2.300000, 22.000000)  -  (-26.000000, 1.900000, 22.000000)  
00001853 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.500000, -4.300000, 2.500000)  -  (-20.000000, 2.500000, 22.000000)  -  (-23.000000, 2.300000, 22.000000)  
00001854 13:49:04.572 [800]     Triangle : (-39.000000, 0.000000, 3.000000)  -  (-32.000000, 11.100000, 7.500000)  -  (-35.000000, 8.000000, 6.000000)  
00001855 13:49:04.572 [800]    Dump end  
00001856 13:49:04.572 [800]   --  
00001857 13:49:04.572 [800]   Find no more closet vertex  
00001858 13:49:04.572 [800]  End growth  
00001859 13:49:04.572 [800] --  

 // 在调用函数里面dump的内容,完全是错的

00001860 13:49:04.572 [800]   Triangle Insert: (-39.000000, 0.000000, -0.000000)  -  (0.000000, 15.000000, -39.000000)  -  (0.000000, -41536555050348815000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.000000, 0.000000)  
00001861 13:49:04.587 [800]   Triangle Insert: (-39.500000, 0.000000, 0.000000)  -  (0.000000, 13.800000, 0.000000)  -  (0.000000, -41536549821854824000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.000000, 0.000000)  





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