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原创 Ansys(Maxwell、Simplorer)与Simulink联合仿真(二)直线电机


2022-12-03 17:34:53 3761 4

原创 Ansys(Maxwell、Simplorer)与Simulink联合仿真入门


2022-10-27 12:52:14 10872 4

原创 Return电子设计竞赛


2020-11-15 17:28:04 160

原创 Codeforces Round #647 (Div. 2)日常训练

A. Johnny and Ancient Computertime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputJohnny has recently found an ancient, broken computer. The machine has only one register, which allows one to put in the

2020-06-05 22:16:25 260

原创 继续补坑系列Codeforces#639

今天也是补坑的好日子,一道题卡了一下午。DIV1的B题,自我感觉题目还挺有意思的。B. Monopole Magnetstime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputA monopole magnet is a magnet that only has one pole, either north or south. They don’t

2020-06-02 21:34:39 212

原创 六一儿童节补坑快乐


2020-05-31 23:27:04 244

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 34 (Rated for Div. 2)日常训练

A. Hungry Student Problemtime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputIvan’s classes at the university have just finished, and now he wants to go to the local CFK cafe and eat some fried chicken.

2020-05-24 11:24:57 328

原创 Codeforces Round #643 (Div. 2)“日常训练”

A. Sequence with Digitstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputLet’s define the following recurrence:an+1=an+minDigit(an)⋅maxDigit(an).Here minDigit(x) and maxDigit(x) are the minimal and

2020-05-23 22:55:21 278

原创 Codeforces Round #642 (Div. 3)日常训练

A. Most Unstable Arraytime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou are given two integers n and m. You have to construct the array a of length n consisting of non-negative integers (i.e. inte

2020-05-17 22:43:25 366

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 87 (Rated for Div. 2)日常训练

A. Alarm Clocktime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputPolycarp has spent the entire day preparing problems for you. Now he has to sleep for at least a minutes to feel refreshed.Polycarp ca

2020-05-17 22:35:30 644 4

原创 Codeforces Round #640 (Div. 4)日常训练

A. Sum of Round Numberstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputA positive (strictly greater than zero) integer is called round if it is of the form d00…0. In other words, a positive integer

2020-05-16 09:35:13 352

原创 Codeforces Round #639 (Div. 2)日常训练

A. Puzzle Piecestime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou are given a special jigsaw puzzle consisting of n⋅m identical pieces. Every piece has three tabs and one blank, as pictured below.

2020-05-10 10:57:10 282

原创 Codeforces Round #636 (Div. 3)日常训练

废话时隔好久又打了一次CF,上一次打CF网断了,结果一下子掉到了绿名,今天加油。打完+弄明白D题区间修改已经1:30了。。。还差7分上绿,就是因为D题。。。ORZ。。。立个flag,这两天把D补起来。连着两次CF都有人在比赛时间(陌生人)来问思路,我还都教了。。我是不是太仁慈了。。。为啥我问大佬就不理我呢。。。难受。A. Candiestime limit per test1 seco...

2020-04-23 20:58:50 330

原创 Codeforces Round #629 (Div. 3)日常训练

Codeforces Round #629 (Div. 3)A. Divisibility Problemtime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou are given two positive integers aa a...

2020-04-10 22:21:17 497

原创 人工智能(2)PG策略梯度

EMMMM拖了好久又回来啦。还是得整理完的。FLAG不能倒Policy Gradientpolicy gradient(策略梯度)算法大概思路就是每部操作有奖励,根据贪心算法选取最优解,(有随机函数时也会有一部分可能采取了一个局部非最优解以达到全局结果的更优化,即跳出局部最值)另外,函数用episode,一批一批的处理也会提升速度。严格的数学证明在这里就不写了。(我不是数学专业,咱也不太懂...

2020-03-27 20:04:48 529

原创 人工智能(1)爬山算法,遗传算法,决策树


2020-03-08 10:14:11 1483

原创 Mcgill课程笔记Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

这个寒假的后半程就要在McGill度过啦。正式开始学习人工智能Day简介Boston Dynamic,IBMAITime dependentfaster & bettercompared to humans软件Colabanacondapandasjupiter notebook监督supervisedsemi-superviseduns...

2020-02-02 09:20:07 614

原创 CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day7 总结

CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day7 总结7-8 7H. 游戏有1到n这些数字各一个。你用这些数字进行若干轮游戏。 对于每一轮,如果剩下的数字个数超过1个,那么就等概率随机选择两个剩下的数字删去。如果这两个数字互质,得一分。 重复以上操作直到没数字可以删除为止。请问最后期望得多少分?输入格式一行一个整数n (1≤n≤5000)。输出格式输出一个最简约数​b​​a​​ ...

2020-01-24 14:45:12 476 3

原创 CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day6 总结

CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day6 总结yysy,感觉最后几题是临时加上的签到题(们)。所以,这篇总结先放最后四题。7-11 6K. 最大权值排列对于一个长度为 n 的数列 A,定义它的权值 f(A) 为每一个区间平均数的和,即f(A)=​i=1​∑​n​​​j=i​∑​n​​​j−i+1​​∑​k=i​j​​ A​k​​​​现在给出了整数...

2020-01-24 14:39:47 317

原创 CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day5总结

CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day5总结才想起来应该加一下是2020寒假……第一次主动留校的寒假7-1 5A. Alternative AccountsEverybody knows that jiry_2 = Syloviaely.There are n different accounts on the website, and some of them competed i...

2020-01-24 14:22:23 282

原创 CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day3 总结

CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day3 总结从day2开始就愈发自闭。orz。单纯指学习上。其他的事情服从安排。7-1 3A. 黑色气球小D面前有n个黑色的气球。假设第i个黑色气球的高度是一个正整数h​i​​ ,现在小D知道了任意两个不同气球的高度之和,你能帮小D还原出每个黑色气球的具体高度嘛?输入格式第一行一个整数n接下来n行,每行n个整数,其中第i行第j个整数表示第i...

2020-01-24 14:05:27 447

原创 CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day1总结

CCPC-Wannafly Camp Day1总结1.报到在自己学校参加的camp,体验一般吧。不过报到流程挺简便。快过年了,没啥吃的有点难受。2.训练赛7-2 1B. 密码学考虑一种加密方式,它需要一个任意长度的原文 m 和秘钥 key,其中要求原文和秘钥只包含大写和小写的英文字符。首先定义字符之间的加密,用字符 a 去加密字符 b 的结果是:首先把 a 和 b 转成数字 x 和 ...

2020-01-13 08:52:51 512 4

原创 10.2 校选拔赛

10.2 校选拔赛B. Baby BitesArild just turned 11 year old, and is currently learning how to count. His favorite thing to count is how many mouthfuls he has in a meal: every time he gets a bite, he will co...

2019-10-03 11:36:58 337

原创 9.29 Codeforces Div2

9.29 Codeforces Div2contest:A. Distinct Digitstime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou have two integers ll and rr. Find an integ...

2019-10-03 10:49:53 315

原创 2019 Summer 数学建模 DAY5&6&7 钢管订购和运输

B题 钢管订购和运输题干B题 钢管订购和运输要铺设一条 的输送天然气的主管道, 如图一所示(见下页)。经筛选后可以生产这种主管道钢管的钢厂有 。图中粗线表示铁路,单细线表示公路,双细线表示要铺设的管道(假设沿管道或者原来有公路,或者建有施工公路),圆圈表示火车站,每段铁路、公路和管道旁的阿拉伯数字表示里程(单位km)。为方便计,1km主管道钢管称为1单位钢管。一个钢厂如果承担制造这种钢...

2019-08-10 16:23:45 4703

原创 2019 Summer 数学建模 DAY 3&4 自动化车床管理

自动化车床管理题干A题 自动化车床管理一道工序用自动化车床连续加工某种零件,由于刀具损坏等原因该工序会出现故障,其中刀具损坏故障占95%, 其它故障仅占5%。工序出现故障是完全随机的, 假定在生产任一零件时出现故障的机会均相同。工作人员通过检查零件来确定工序是否出现故障。现积累有100次刀具故障记录,故障出现时该刀具完成的零件数如附表。现计划在刀具加工一定件数后定期更换新刀具。已知生产工序的...

2019-08-07 15:51:11 2702 2

原创 2019 Summer 数学建模 DAY 2 飞行管理问题


2019-08-06 14:35:42 5493 2

原创 2019 Summer 数学建模集(入)训(门)Day1

简单lingo程序例一:MODEL: sets: WH/W1..W6/:AI; VD/V1..V8/:DJ; Links(WH,VD):C,X; endsets data: AI=60,55,51,43,41,52; DJ=35,37,22,32,41,32,43,38; C=6,2,6,7,4,2,5,9 4,9,5,3,8,5,8,2 5,2,1,9...

2019-08-06 14:06:53 298

原创 暑期训练-数学

Summer Camp数学A - Pairs Forming LCMFind the result of the following code:long long pairsFormLCM( int n ) {long long res = 0;for( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ )for( int j = i; j <= n; j++ )if( l...

2019-08-03 09:50:53 199

原创 年度总结


2019-07-18 00:12:10 147

原创 DAY15.2 D. Minimum Triangulation

DAY15.2 D. Minimum Triangulationtime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou are given a regular polygon with nn vertices labeled from...

2019-04-17 16:09:52 342

原创 DAY15.1 B. Good String

DAY15.1 B. Good Stringtime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou have a string ss of length nn consisting of only characters > and...

2019-04-17 15:54:19 201

原创 DAY14 浙大赛暨西安站校选The 19th Zhejiang University Programming Contest Sponsored by TuSimple (Mirror)

“Brilliance”小队的第一次正式赛就不贴代码了,把AC了的题的思路稍微提一下把。A.Thanks, TuSimple!Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 65536 KBIn the very first sentence of the very first problem, we would like to give our since...

2019-04-15 18:06:02 305

原创 DAY11.2.B - NN and the Optical Illusion

B - NN and the Optical IllusionNN is an experienced internet user and that means he spends a lot of time on the social media. Once he found the following image on the Net, which asked him to compare ...

2019-04-12 17:04:17 255

原创 DAY4.12.A - Build a Contest

A - Build a ContestYou’re given an array aa. You should repeat the following operation kk times: find the minimum non-zero element in the array, print it, and then subtract it from all the non-zero e...

2019-04-12 12:41:23 221

原创 DAY4.2 C. Doors Breaking and Repairing

C. Doors Breaking and RepairingYou are policeman and you are playing a game with Slavik. The game is turn-based and each turn consists of two phases. During the first phase you make your move and dur...

2019-04-10 20:28:26 240

原创 DAY3.2 B - Birthday

B - BirthdayCowboy Vlad has a birthday today! There are nn children who came to the celebration. In order to greet Vlad, the children decided to form a circle around him. Among the children who came,...

2019-04-10 19:56:35 187

原创 DAY5.1 A - Digital root

A - Digital rootToday at the lesson of mathematics, Petya learns about the digital root.The digital root of a non-negative integer is the single digit value obtained by an iterative process of summi...

2019-04-09 23:25:34 354

原创 DAY4.1 A - Array K-Coloring

A - Array K-ColoringYou are given an array aa consisting of nn integer numbers.You have to color this array in kk colors in such a way that:Each element of the array should be colored in some color...

2019-04-08 23:32:54 267

原创 DAY3.1 B. Draw!

B. Draw!time limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou still have partial information about the score during the historic football match...

2019-04-07 21:33:32 208



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