


void IntraPrediction::predIntraAng( const ComponentID compId, PelBuf &piPred, const PredictionUnit &pu)
  const ComponentID    compID       = MAP_CHROMA( compId );
  const ChannelType    channelType  = toChannelType( compID );
  const int            iWidth       = piPred.width;
  const int            iHeight      = piPred.height;
  CHECK(iWidth == 2, "Width of 2 is not supported");
  const uint32_t       uiDirMode    = isLuma( compId ) && pu.cu->bdpcmMode ? BDPCM_IDX : !isLuma(compId) && pu.cu->bdpcmModeChroma ? BDPCM_IDX : PU::getFinalIntraMode(pu, channelType);
  const uint32_t       uiDirMode    = isLuma( compId ) && pu.cu->bdpcmMode ? BDPCM_IDX : PU::getFinalIntraMode( pu, channelType );

  CHECK( floorLog2(iWidth) < 2 && pu.cs->pcv->noChroma2x2, "Size not allowed" );
  CHECK( floorLog2(iWidth) > 7, "Size not allowed" );

  const int srcStride  = m_refBufferStride[compID];
  const int srcHStride = 2;

  const CPelBuf & srcBuf = CPelBuf(getPredictorPtr(compID), srcStride, srcHStride);//参考像素
  const ClpRng& clpRng(pu.cu->cs->slice->clpRng(compID));

  switch (uiDirMode)
    case(PLANAR_IDX): xPredIntraPlanar(srcBuf, piPred); break;//Planar模式
    case(DC_IDX):     xPredIntraDc(srcBuf, piPred, channelType, false); break;//DC模式
    case(BDPCM_IDX):  xPredIntraBDPCM(srcBuf, piPred, isLuma(compID) ? pu.cu->bdpcmMode : pu.cu->bdpcmModeChroma, clpRng); break;
    case(BDPCM_IDX):  xPredIntraBDPCM(srcBuf, piPred, pu.cu->bdpcmMode, clpRng); break;
    default:          xPredIntraAng(srcBuf, piPred, channelType, clpRng); break;
  if (m_ipaParam.applyPDPC)
    PelBuf dstBuf = piPred;
    const int scale = ((floorLog2(iWidth) - 2 + floorLog2(iHeight) - 2 + 2) >> 2);
    CHECK(scale < 0 || scale > 31, "PDPC: scale < 0 || scale > 31");

    if (uiDirMode == PLANAR_IDX || uiDirMode == DC_IDX)//PLANAR和DC的PDPC
      for (int y = 0; y < iHeight; y++)
        const int wT   = 32 >> std::min(31, ((y << 1) >> scale)); //32是2的5次方。即超过5就会变为0,不再受上影响
        const Pel left = srcBuf.at(y + 1, 1);
        for (int x = 0; x < iWidth; x++)
          const int wL    = 32 >> std::min(31, ((x << 1) >> scale));
          const Pel top   = srcBuf.at(x + 1, 0);
          const Pel val   = dstBuf.at(x, y);
          dstBuf.at(x, y) = val + ((wL * (left - val) + wT * (top - val) + 32) >> 6);



  1. 填充参考像素向量ref(包括扩展参考像素)
  2. 根据角度计算投影到参考像素位置的偏移
  3. 根据偏移值获取预测值

1. 填充参考像素向量ref(包括扩展参考像素)


  const int  intraPredAngle = m_ipaParam.intraPredAngle;
  const int  absInvAngle    = m_ipaParam.absInvAngle;



  在VTM中为了消除除法运算,预先将(512 * 32) /Angle的值存了起来,存在了invAngTable表中。


    // 先乘以256(左移8位),运算出结果再右移8位,以定点实现浮点运算精度
    static const int angTable[32]    = { 0,    1,    2,    3,    4,    6,     8,   10,   12,   14,   16,   18,   20,   23,   26,   29,   32,   35,   39,  45,  51,  57,  64,  73,  86, 102, 128, 171, 256, 341, 512, 1024 };
    // 设置invAngTable的目的是为了消除帧内角度预测模式在计算预测值时麻烦的除法运算
    static const int invAngTable[32] = {
      0,   16384, 8192, 5461, 4096, 2731, 2048, 1638, 1365, 1170, 1024, 910, 819, 712, 630, 565,
      512, 468,   420,  364,  321,  287,  256,  224,  191,  161,  128,  96,  64,  48,  32,  16
    };   // (512 * 32) /Angle 投影的位置,用的时候需要右移9位

    const int     absAngMode         = abs(intraPredAngleMode);//值为0~32
    const int     signAng            = intraPredAngleMode < 0 ? -1 : 1;
                  absAng             = angTable  [absAngMode];//当前角度的对应的下标值 得到的表格值

    m_ipaParam.absInvAngle           = invAngTable[absAngMode]; // 每种角度对应的投影位置
    m_ipaParam.intraPredAngle        = signAng * absAng;// 角度偏移值 offset


  • 对于水平类模式(19-33),需要将左侧参考像素投影到上侧参考像素的左侧,以扩展上侧参考像素;
  • 对于垂直类模式(34-49),需要将上侧参考像素投影到左侧参考像素的上方,以扩展左侧参考像素,一个例子如下:


如上图,当x < 0时,需要使用左侧参考进行投影,在投影的过程中,具体投影到的左侧参考像素的位置是通过intraPredAngle变量确定的,即y(x) = -1 + Round(32 * x / intraPredAngle(k)),为了消除除法运算,使用invAngle代替x / intraPredAngle(k),即y(x) = -1 + (x * invAngle)。





iIdx = ( ( ( y + 1 + refIdx ) * intraPredAngle )  >>  5 ) + refIdx 

iFact = ( ( y + 1 + refIdx ) * intraPredAngle ) & 31 




iIdx = ( ( ( x + 1 + refIdx ) * intraPredAngle )  >>  5 ) + refIdx

iFact = ( ( x + 1 + refIdx ) * intraPredAngle ) & 31

3. 根据偏移值获取预测值


其中cIdx = 0表示亮度,否则表示色度。 在计算预测值的时候,由于一些角度模式会使用到非整数位置处的像素,对于亮度分量,对位于非整数位置处的像素使用三次插值滤波器或者高斯插值滤波器对分数像素位置处的像素进行插值。插值滤波器的选择参考H.266/VVC技术学习:帧内预测之角度预测模式的第三部分的内容。对于色度分量,使用HEVC中的两抽头插值滤波器。


  • 垂直模式(模式50)
  • 水平模式(模式18)
  • 左下角对角线模式和与其相邻的8个模式(模式2~10)
  • 右上角对角线模式和与其相邻的8个模式(模式58~66)。
void IntraPrediction::xPredIntraAng( const CPelBuf &pSrc, PelBuf &pDst, const ChannelType channelType, const ClpRng& clpRng)
  int width =int(pDst.width);
  int height=int(pDst.height);

  const bool bIsModeVer     = m_ipaParam.isModeVer;
  const int  multiRefIdx    = m_ipaParam.multiRefIndex;
  const int  intraPredAngle = m_ipaParam.intraPredAngle;
  const int  absInvAngle    = m_ipaParam.absInvAngle;

  Pel* refMain;
  Pel* refSide;

  Pel  refAbove[2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 3 + 33 * MAX_REF_LINE_IDX];
  Pel  refLeft [2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 3 + 33 * MAX_REF_LINE_IDX];

  // Initialize the Main and Left reference array.
  // 初始化参考像素
  // 偏移值offset小于0,即模式为19~49
  // 对于垂直类模式(34~49),需要将左侧参考行映射到上方参考行
  // 对于水平类模式(18~33),需要将上方参考行映射到左侧参考行
  if (intraPredAngle < 0)
    for (int x = 0; x <= width + 1 + multiRefIdx; x++)
      refAbove[x + height] = pSrc.at(x, 0);
    for (int y = 0; y <= height + 1 + multiRefIdx; y++)
      refLeft[y + width] = pSrc.at(y, 1);
    // 如果是垂直类模式(34~49),则主要侧为正上方参考行,次要侧为正左侧参考行
    // 如果是水平类模式(19~33),则主要侧为正左侧参考行,次要侧为正上方参考行
    refMain = bIsModeVer ? refAbove + height : refLeft + width;// 主要侧
    refSide = bIsModeVer ? refLeft + width : refAbove + height; //次要测

    // Extend the Main reference to the left. 向左侧扩展次要参考行
    // 将次要侧参考行投影到主要侧参考
    int sizeSide = bIsModeVer ? height : width;
    for (int k = -sizeSide; k <= -1; k++)
      // 右移9位是因为存储在表里的是 (512 * 32) /Angle,需要再给它除以512
      refMain[k] = refSide[std::min((-k * absInvAngle + 256) >> 9, sizeSide)];
  else// 偏移值大于等于0,只需要用到上方参考像素或者左侧参考像素
    for (int x = 0; x <= m_topRefLength + multiRefIdx; x++)
      refAbove[x] = pSrc.at(x, 0);
    for (int y = 0; y <= m_leftRefLength + multiRefIdx; y++)
      refLeft[y] = pSrc.at(y, 1);
    // 垂直类模式,主参考行为上方参考行
    // 水平类模式,主参考行为左侧参考行
    refMain = bIsModeVer ? refAbove : refLeft;
    refSide = bIsModeVer ? refLeft : refAbove;

    // Extend main reference to right using replication
    // 使用复制将主参考行向右扩展或者向下扩展,即填充Segment A和Segment F(MRL)
    const int log2Ratio = floorLog2(width) - floorLog2(height);
    const int s         = std::max<int>(0, bIsModeVer ? log2Ratio : -log2Ratio);
    const int maxIndex  = (multiRefIdx << s) + 2; // 扩展长度
    const int refLength = bIsModeVer ? m_topRefLength : m_leftRefLength;
    const Pel val       = refMain[refLength + multiRefIdx]; //边界处的像素值
    for (int z = 1; z <= maxIndex; z++)
      refMain[refLength + multiRefIdx + z] = val;

  // swap width/height if we are doing a horizontal mode:
  // 如果是水平类模式则交换width和height
  if (!bIsModeVer)
    std::swap(width, height);
  Pel       tempArray[MAX_CU_SIZE * MAX_CU_SIZE];
  const int dstStride = bIsModeVer ? pDst.stride : width;
  Pel *     pDstBuf   = bIsModeVer ? pDst.buf : tempArray;

  // compensate for line offset in reference line buffers
  // 补充多参考行中的偏移
  refMain += multiRefIdx;
  refSide += multiRefIdx;

  Pel *pDsty = pDstBuf;

  if( intraPredAngle == 0 )  // pure vertical or pure horizontal 水平模式和垂直模式(18和50)
    for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
      for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
        pDsty[x] = refMain[x + 1];//直接投影

      if (m_ipaParam.applyPDPC) // 使用PDPC技术
        const int scale   = (floorLog2(width) + floorLog2(height) - 2) >> 2;
        const Pel topLeft = refMain[0];
        const Pel left    = refSide[1 + y];
        for (int x = 0; x < std::min(3 << scale, width); x++)
          const int wL  = 32 >> (2 * x >> scale);
          const Pel val = pDsty[x];
          pDsty[x]      = ClipPel(val + ((wL * (left - topLeft) + 32) >> 6), clpRng);

      pDsty += dstStride;
    for (int y = 0, deltaPos = intraPredAngle * (1 + multiRefIdx); y<height; y++, deltaPos += intraPredAngle, pDsty += dstStride)
      const int deltaInt   = deltaPos >> 5; // 整像素位置
      const int deltaFract = deltaPos & 31; // 分像素位置
      if ( !isIntegerSlope( abs(intraPredAngle) ) )
        if( isLuma(channelType) ) // 亮度
          const bool useCubicFilter = !m_ipaParam.interpolationFlag;
          // 四抽头高斯插值滤波器
          const TFilterCoeff        intraSmoothingFilter[4] = {TFilterCoeff(16 - (deltaFract >> 1)), TFilterCoeff(32 - (deltaFract >> 1)), TFilterCoeff(16 + (deltaFract >> 1)), TFilterCoeff(deltaFract >> 1)};
          // 判断是使用三次插值滤波器还是高斯插值滤波器
          const TFilterCoeff* const f                       = (useCubicFilter) ? InterpolationFilter::getChromaFilterTable(deltaFract) : intraSmoothingFilter;

          for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            Pel p[4];

            p[0] = refMain[deltaInt + x];
            p[1] = refMain[deltaInt + x + 1];
            p[2] = refMain[deltaInt + x + 2];
            p[3] = refMain[deltaInt + x + 3];

            Pel val = (f[0] * p[0] + f[1] * p[1] + f[2] * p[2] + f[3] * p[3] + 32) >> 6;

            pDsty[x] = ClipPel(val, clpRng);   // always clip even though not always needed
        else // 色度
          // Do linear filtering
          // 线性滤波
          for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            Pel p[2];

            p[0] = refMain[deltaInt + x + 1];
            p[1] = refMain[deltaInt + x + 2];

            pDsty[x] = p[0] + ((deltaFract * (p[1] - p[0]) + 16) >> 5);
        // Just copy the integer samples 直接复制整数位置处的参考像素
        for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
          pDsty[x] = refMain[x + deltaInt + 1];
      if (m_ipaParam.applyPDPC)//使用PDPC技术
        const int scale       = m_ipaParam.angularScale;
        int       invAngleSum = 256;

        for (int x = 0; x < std::min(3 << scale, width); x++)
          invAngleSum += absInvAngle;

          int wL   = 32 >> (2 * x >> scale);
          Pel left = refSide[y + (invAngleSum >> 9) + 1];
          pDsty[x] = pDsty[x] + ((wL * (left - pDsty[x]) + 32) >> 6);

  // Flip the block if this is the horizontal mode
  // 如果这是水平模式,翻转块
  if( !bIsModeVer )
    for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
      for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
        pDst.at( y, x ) = pDstBuf[x];
      pDstBuf += dstStride;

  • 4
  • 19
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 3


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 3




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


