
1It would be dangerous to drink two bottles of whiskey and drive a car.喝两瓶威士忌并开车会很危险。
2It is very dangerous to cross a busy street before the light turns green.在灯变绿之前穿过繁忙的街道非常危险。
3It is really pleasant to take a walk early in the morning, listening to birds sing清晨散步,听鸟儿唱歌真是令人愉快
4Most Japanese high school students go to a cram school to prepare for college entrance exam.大多数日本高中生去补习班准备高考。
5When waiting for the elevator to come or the traffic light to change, most Japanese people become irritated in only thirty seconds在等待电梯来临时或交通信号灯改变时,大多数日本人在三十秒钟之内就感到恼火
6An early woman sitting next to me on the train asked me where I was going一位坐在我旁边的早期妇女在火车上问我要去哪里
7Tom told us that we should rent a car to get around the city because the public transportation was inconvenient汤姆告诉我们,由于公共交通不便,我们应该租辆车到城市走走
8Everyone should be free to decide when to get married and whether to have children每个人都应该自由决定何时结婚以及是否要生孩子
9It is impossible to predict where and when there will be a major earthquake.无法预测何时何地会发生大地震。
10Tom insisted that everything would be all right, but I couldn’t help feeling worried汤姆坚持说一切都会好起来的,但我忍不住要担心
11It never occurred to me that my remark might hurt her feelings.我从没想过我的话会伤害她的感情。
12“Tom, dinner is ready. ” “OK, Mom. I’m coming. ”汤姆,晚餐准备好了。 “ “好的,妈妈。我来了。 ”
13I’ll call you when I get to Narita Airport我到成田机场时会打电话给你
14If you take the train to Tokyo Disneyland from here, you have to change three times如果您从这里乘火车去东京迪斯尼乐园,您必须换三趟
15I’ve decided to look for a job abroad when I graduate from college.大学毕业后,我决定在国外找工作。
16This dryer doesn’t work. Something seems to be wrong with it.这干衣机不起作用。似乎有些问题。
17The best thing about my stay with an American family was that parents treated me just like their daughter我在美国家庭住的最好的事情是父母像对待女儿一样对待我
18I lived in Canada for three years when I was in my teens because my father was transferred there我十几岁的时候在加拿大生活了三年,因为父亲被转移到加拿大
19The internet is widely used, so sales of personal computers have been rapidly increasing over the last few years互联网被广泛使用,因此在过去几年中,个人计算机的销量一直在迅速增长。
20I’ve often heard Tom boast that he is very good at swimming, but I’ve never actually seen him swim我经常听到汤姆夸口说他很会游泳,但我从未真正见过他游泳
21It has been only a week since I began a part-time job at a convenience store, but I’m already used to it自从我在一家便利店开始兼职工作以来只有一个星期,但是我已经习惯了
22When I got on the train this morning, I couldn’t find an empty seat今天早上上火车时,我找不到空座位
23I’m not wearing glasses now, so I can’t make out what the sign says,我现在没有戴眼镜,所以我无法辨认标语上的意思,
24Less than twenty-four hours after I return to my hometown, without realizing it, I start to talk in the local dialect回到家乡不到二十四个小时,我没有意识到这一点,我开始讲当地话
25Humans learn to express what they think by the age of five or six人类学会在五六岁时表达自己的想法
26Thanks to the map you drew me the other day, I managed to get here without getting lost多亏了您前几天绘制的地图,我才得以不迷路地到达了这里
27Last summer I took two weeks off, and went on a trip to Europe with my wife去年夏天,我请了两个星期的假,和我的妻子一起去欧洲旅行
28Bob had changed a lot, so when I saw him at a class reunion, I didn’t recognize him鲍勃变化很大,所以当我在一次同学聚会上见到他时,我不认识他
29When I visited my hometown for the first time in twenty years, I found that it was no longer what it used to be.当我二十年来第一次访问家乡时,我发现它已不再是过去。
30I stayed up till four last night preparing for the math lesson, so I feel very sleepy我熬夜到昨晚四点准备数学课,所以我很困
31I’ve finished reading the novel I borrowed from the library yesterday, so now I have nothing to do我已经读完昨天从图书馆借来的小说,所以现在我无事可做
32If you had taken this medicine and stayed in bed, you would probably have got well in two or three days如果您服用了这种药并躺在床上,两三天内您可能会好起来的
33The teacher says that we should wait here for a while because if re left now, we might get caught in a thunderstorm on the way老师说我们应该在这里等一会儿,因为如果现在离开,我们可能会在途中被雷阵雨困住
34People wish they could live forever and never become older. However, if this wish came true, there would me too many people on the earth人们希望自己能永远活着,并且永远不会老。但是,如果这个愿望成真,那么我在地球上会有太多的人
35Ann looks happy. Something good must have happened to her安看起来很高兴。她一定发生了好事
36If you have been to old European cities, you must have been impressed by the beautiful streets.如果您去过古老的欧洲城市,那一定对美丽的街道印象深刻。
37Without fossil fuels such as oil and coal, the history of the 20th century would have been completely different.如果没有石油和煤炭等化石燃料,那么20世纪的历史将完全不同。
38Some students coming to the library act as if they are in a coffee shop,有些来图书馆的学生的举止好像是在咖啡店里,
39When I was a child, I often wished my house were a little larger.小时候,我常常希望我的房子要大一点。
40I’d like to work as a volunteer helping victims of natural disasters, such as floods or earthquakes.我想当志愿者,帮助洪水或地震等自然灾害的受害者。
41Tom has nice drums, and he never lets anyone else play them.汤姆的鼓很好,他从不让任何人演奏。
42At first, I thought Tom was joking, but later I realized he was serious.起初,我以为汤姆在开玩笑,但后来我意识到他是认真的。
43Last Sunday I tried making some Italian food for the first time, and it was delicious.上周日,我第一次尝试做一些意大利美食,而且很好吃。
44Some people say that they don’t like summer because it is so hot that they don’t feel like doing anything. However, I like the heat of summer because I can swim in the sea.有人说他们不喜欢夏天,因为夏天太热了,他们不想做任何事情。但是,我喜欢夏天的炎热,因为我可以在海里游泳。
45James came to Japan eight years ago not only because he wanted to visit temples, but also because he had a Japanese girlfriend.詹姆斯八年前来到日本,不仅因为他想参观寺庙,还因为他有一个日本女友。
46I am against human cloning. That is because it could cause duplication of dictators.我反对人类克隆。那是因为它可能导致独裁者重复。
47The graph shows that in Japan the birth rate has been decreasing since 1985. This decrease is partly because it costs a lot of money to raise children.该图显示,自1985年以来,日本的出生率一直在下降。这一下降的部分原因是抚养孩子需要很多钱。
48I apologized to Ann or being late, but she didn’t forgive me.我向安道歉或迟到了,但她没有原谅我。
49During the math class, my cell phone began to ring, and the teacher severely scolded me. I regretted that I hadn’t turned it off.在数学课上,我的手机开始响,老师严厉责骂我。我很遗憾没有关闭它。
50I’m so busy doing the housework every day that I have no time to see a movie我每天都忙着做家务,所以没时间看电影
51This wooden desk is too heavy for me to carry upstairs alone.这张木桌对我来说太重了,无法独自上楼。
52While traveling in Europe, I was disappointed that wherever I went, there were many Japanese tourists在欧洲旅行时,我很失望,无论去哪里,都有很多日本游客
53I was very happy when I saw my mother going to work wearing the earrings I had bought her.当我看到妈妈去上班时戴着我给她买的耳环时,我感到非常高兴。
54If you expect that schools only teach academic subjects, then this proves that you don’t understand what schools are for.如果您期望学校只教授学术课程,那么这证明您不了解学校的用途。
55Most Japanese people spend most of their time working to live.大多数日本人将大部分时间都花在生活上。
56Japanese people usually express their feelings as indirectly as possible so that they won’t offend others.日本人通常会尽可能间接地表达自己的感受,以免冒犯他人。
57Whether a college is good or bad depends not only on how many books its library has and h ow good they are. It also depends on how intelligent its teachers and students are一所大学的好坏不仅仅取决于其图书馆拥有多少本书以及它们的好坏程度。这也取决于老师和学生的聪明程度
58The increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is closely connected with global warming.大气中二氧化碳的增加与全球变暖密切相关。
59The more modern civilization advances, the longer we are forced to stay up at night, and the less sleep we get.现代文明的发展越多,我们被迫熬夜的时间就越长,而我们得到的睡眠就越少。
60Doctors and teachers are alike in that both of them deal not with things but with people.医生和老师的相似之处在于,他们都不是在处理事物,而是在与人打交道。
61Professional baseball is far more exciting at a stadium than on TV在体育馆,职业棒球比在电视上激动人心
62This motorbike is about twice as expensive in the U. K. as in Japan.在英国,这种摩托车的价格大约是日本的两倍。
63Just because young people today read less than they used to. It doesn’t always follow that they are less eager to learn.仅仅因为今天的年轻人比过去少读书。并非总是如此,他们不那么学习。
64Frankly speaking, the entrance exams I took yesterday were far more difficult than I had expected坦白地说,我昨天参加的入学考试比我预期的要困难得多
65A lot of people have personal computers, but very few of them know how to use them effectively很多人拥有个人计算机,但很少有人知道如何有效使用它们
66A lot of housewives complain that prices are too high.许多家庭主妇抱怨价格太高。
67In some countries people have too much food, while in others tens of thousands of children are starving.在某些国家,人们的食物过多,而在另一些国家,成千上万的儿童正在挨饿。
68Don‘t forget to turn off the air conditioner before you go to bed, or you’ll catch a cold.睡觉前别忘了关闭空调,否则会感冒。
69There is a saying that a cold can cause a variety of diseases. Take care not to catch a cold俗话说,感冒会导致多种疾病。注意不要着凉
70On the Internet, you can exchange thoughts and ideas with people all over the world, regardless of their age, sex, or nationality.在Internet上,您可以与世界各地的人们交换想法和想法,无论他们的年龄,性别或国籍如何。
71However much exercise you get, you won’t lose weight unless you count your calories.无论您进行多少运动,除非您计算卡路里,否则您都不会减肥。
72Although you believe you know a word, you may learn something new if you look it up in the dictionary.尽管您相信自己会知道一个单词,但是如果您在字典中查找它,则可能会学到一些新东西。
73Some Japanese tourist lack common sense and carry a lot of cash their back pockets.一些日本游客缺乏常识,背着很多钱。
74In order to stay healthy, you should have a balanced diet and get regular exercise.为了保持健康,您应该保持均衡饮食并定期运动。
75If you live in a developing country for a while, you have an opportunity to look at Japan from a different point of view.如果您在发展中国家生活了一段时间,则有机会从不同的角度审视日本。
76It is not until you go abroad that you realize how many neon lights there are in big Japanese cities直到出国,您才意识到日本大城市里有多少霓虹灯
77It is a pity that many Japanese people mistakenly believe that they have only to speak English to be internationally-minded.遗憾的是,许多日本人错误地认为他们只有讲英语才能具有国际化的意识。
78It is surprising that many Americans don’t care how you pronounce English as long as they can understand what you are trying to say.令人惊讶的是,只要他们能听懂您想说的话,许多美国人都不在乎您的英语发音。
79The best things you can do to protect nature are to reduce garbage and to use environmentally friendly products.保护自然最好的办法是减少垃圾并使用环保产品。
80It is said that seven out ten young Japanese people don’t believe in religion.据说,十分之七的日本年轻人不信仰宗教。
81Way of greeting vary from country to country. In Japan, bowing is more common than shaking hands问候方式因国家/地区而异。在日本,鞠躬比握手更普遍
82Hamamatsu is located east of Lake Hamana, which is famous for its beautiful scenery and delicious fish.滨松市位于滨名湖东,以其美丽的风景和美味的鱼类而闻名。
83Quite a few elderly women look down on their husbands, who cannot anything by themselves and ask too much of them.相当多的老年妇女看不起丈夫,丈夫无法独自承担任何责任,要求太多。
84The movie theater is about twenty minutes’ walk from here, but it takes only five minutes to get there by subway.电影院距离这里约有20分钟的步行路程,但乘地铁仅需5分钟即可到达那里。
85It cost ten thousand yen to have this bike repaired.修理这辆自行车花了一万日元。
86There are four people in my family, Our apartment is on the fifth floor this building.我一家有四个人,我们的公寓在这栋大楼的五楼。
87The tendency for young people to believe everything that is printed is nothing new年轻人倾向于相信印刷出来的一切并不是什么新鲜事
88When I was studying in Paris, a famous painter bought me a meal at a first-class restaurant.当我在巴黎求学时,一位著名画家在一家一流的餐厅为我买了一顿饭。
89Tom finally realized his dream of becoming an astronaut, but at the expense of many other things.汤姆终于实现了成为一名宇航员的梦想,但付出了许多其他事情。
90If city life give you stress and fatigue, it is best to relax in the mountains or on beaches in order to relieve them如果城市生活给您带来压力和疲劳,最好在山上或海滩上放松以缓解压力
91In Japan, woman have difficulty getting promoted or returning to their jobs after giving birth and raising their children在日本,妇女在生育和抚养子女后很难得到升职或重返工作岗位
92In the U. S. , parents drive their children everywhere until they are old enough to get a driver’s license.在美国,父母会把孩子带到任何地方,直到他们年纪大到可以拿到驾照为止。
93“Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the post office?” “Go straight for two blocks, then turn left. You’ll find it on your right. ”“打扰一下。你能告诉我怎么去邮局吗?” “直走两个街区,然后向左转。您会在自己的右边找到它。 ”
94“What do you think of our new teacher?” “There is something about her that attracts me. ”“您如何看待我们的新老师?” “她的某些东西吸引了我。 ”
95People who don’t feel guilty about occupying two seats on a crowded train really make me angry.对在拥挤的火车上占据两个席位感到内的人真的让我生气。
96Everyone is born with a talent. The question is whether they can find it or not.每个人都有天赋。问题是他们是否可以找到它。
97When I left the office for lunch, I ran into an old friend from high school.当我离开办公室吃午饭时,我遇到了一个高中的老朋友。
98This music is worth listening to over and over again, I recommend it.我推荐这种音乐值得一遍又一遍地听。
99Teeth play an important part in your health. If you want to stay healthy, you should brush your teeth after every meal.牙齿在您的健康中起着重要的作用。如果您想保持健康,则应在每餐后刷牙。
100Bear in mind that if you have enthusiasm, you can succeed in anything.请记住,如果您有热情,任何事情都可以成功。






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