[Getting and Cleaning data] Week 3

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Week 3

Subsetting and Sorting

Once you have loaded you data into R, what you might want to do is manipulate that data, and so you can set it to be a tidy data set: variables in the columns and observations in the rows, and only the observations that you want to be able to analysis.

  • Step 1: Subsetting - quich review
X <- data.frame("var1" = sample(1:5), "var2" = sample(6:10), "var3" = sample(11:15))
X <- X[sample(1:5), ]
X$var2[c(1,3)] <- NA
# select the first column 
X[ ,1]
X[ ,"var1"]
# select both column and rows
X[1:2, 2]
X[1:2, "var2"]
X[1:2, ]$var2
  • Step 2: Logicals ands and ors
X[(X$var1 <= 3 & X$var3 > 11), ]
X[(X$var1 <= 3 | X$var3 > 15), ]
  • Step 3: Dealing with missing value “NA”
X[which(X$var2 > 8), ]
X[X$var2 > 8, ] 

From the second line, we can see that if the column has NAs, we cannot use logical statement to select observations, and we need to use which command.

  • Step 4: Sorting
sort(X$var1, decreasing = TRUE)
# Put NA last
sort(X$var2, na.last = TRUE) 
# Put NA first
sort(X$var2, na.last = FALSE) 
# NA removes
# order data frame by variable "var1"
X[order(X$var1), ] 
# order data frame by multiple variable
X[order(X$var1, X$var3), ] 
  • Step 5: Ordering with plyr package
arrange(X, var1) # 
arrange(X, desc(var1))
  • Step 6: Adding rows and columns
# one way to add column
X$var4 <- rnorm(5) 
# the other way to add column
Y <- cbind(X, rnorm(5))

Summarizing data

  • Step 1: Getting the data from the website
if(!file.exists("./data")) dir.create("./data")
fileUrl <- "https://data.baltimorecity.gov/api/views/k5ry-ef3g/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
download.file(fileUrl, destfile = "./data/restaurants.csv")
restData <- read.csv("./data/restaurants.csv")
  • Step 2: Look at a bit of the data
# top 3 rows
head(restData, 3)
# last 3 rows
tail(restData, 3)
  • Step 3: Make summary
  • Step 4: More in depth information
  • Step 5: Quantiles of quantitative variable
quantile(restData$councilDistrict, na.rm = TRUE)
quantile(restData$councilDistrict, probs = c(0.5, 0.75, 0.9))
  • Step 6: Make table
# useNA = "ifany" gives you the NO.of NAs, the default removing NAs
table(restData$zipCode, useNA = "ifany")
# two dimensional table
table(restData$councilDistrict, restData$zipCode)
  • Step 7: Check for missing values
all(restData$zipCode > 0)
  • Step 8: Row and column sums
all(colSums(is.na(restData)) == 0)
  • Step 9: Values with specific charactor
table(restData$zipCode %in% c("21212"))
table(restData$zipCode %in% c("21212", "21213"))
head(restData[restData$zipCode %in% c("21212", "21213"), ], 3)
  • Step 10: Cross tables
DF <- as.data.frame(UCBAdmissions)
# entry stands for sum of Freq
xt <- xtabs(Freq ~ Gender + Admit, data = DF)
# this is different table: entry stands for NO. of cross observation
with(DF, table(Gender, Admit))
  • Step 11: Flat tables
warpbreaks$replicate <- rep(1:9, len = 54)
xt <- xtabs(breaks ~ ., data = warpbreaks)
  • Step 12: Size of a data size
fakeData <- rnorm(1e5)
print(object.size(fakeData), units = "MB")

Creating new variables

Why create new variables?

  • Ofen the raw data won’t have a value you are looking for.
  • You will need to transform the data to get the values you would like.
  • Usually you will add those values to the data frame you are working with.
  • Common variables to create:

    • Missingness indicators.
    • “Cutting up” quantitative variabels.
    • Applying transforms
  • Step 1: Getting data from website

if(!file.exists("./data")) dir.create("./data")
fileUrl <- "https://data.baltimorecity.gov/api/views/k5ry-ef3g/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"
download.file(fileUrl, destfile = "./data/restaurants.csv")
restData <- read.csv("./data/restaurants.csv")
  • Step 2: Creating sequences
# creating sequence by 
s1 <- seq(1, 10, by = 2)
# creasting sequence length
s2 <- seq(1, 10, length = 3)
# creating sequence base on a vactor
x <- c(1, 3, 8, 25, 100)
seq(along = x)
  • Step 3: Sebsetting variable
restData$nearMe <- restData$neighborhood %in% c("Roland Park", "Homeland")
  • Step 4: Creating binary variable
restData$zipWrong <- ifelse(restData$zipCode < 0, TRUE, FALSE)
table(restData$zipWrong, restData$zipCode<0)
  • Step 5: Creating categorical variables
restData$zipGroups <- cut(restData$zipCode, breaks = quantile(restData$zipCode))
table(restData$zipGroups, restData$zipCode)
  • Step 6: Easier cutting
restData$zipGroups <- cut2(restData$zipCode, g = 4)
  • Step 7: Creating factor variables
restData$zcf <- factor(restData$zipCode)
  • Step 8: Levels of factor variables
yesno <- sample(c("yes", "no"), size = 10, replace = TRUE)
yesnofac <- factor(yesno, levels = c("yes", "no"))
relevel(yesnofac, ref = "no")
as.numeric(yesnofac) # name the ref level be 1, the other be 2
as.numeric(relevel(yesnofac, ref = "no"))
  • Step 9: Cutting produces factor variables
  • Step 10: Using the mutate function
library(Hmisc)  # cut2
library(plyr)  # mutate
restData2 <- mutate(restData, zipGroups = cut2(zipCode, g = 4))
  • Step 11: Common transforms
    • abs(x) absolute value
    • sqrt(x) square root
    • ceiling(x) ceiling(3.14) = 4
    • floor(x) floor(3.14) = 3
    • round(x, digits = n) round(3.1415926, digits = 2) = 3.14
    • signif(x, digits = n) signif(3.1415926, digits = 2) = 3.1
    • cos(x) or sin(x) etc.
    • log(x) natural logarithm
    • log2(x) or log10(x) other common logs.
    • exp(x) exponentiating x

Reshaping data

The goal is tidy data:
- Each variable forms a column
- Each observation forms a row
- Each table/file stores data about one kind of observation.

  • Step 1: Start with reshaping
  • Step 2: Melting data frames
mtcars$carname <- rownames(mtcars)
# make multiple columns to one variable
carMelt <- melt(mtcars, id = c("carname", "gear", "cyl"), measure.vars = c("mpg", "hp") )
# carMelt: a tall and skinny data set
head(carMelt, 3)
tail(carMelt, 3)
  • Step 3: Casting data frame
# work on the melt data set
clyData <- dcast(carMelt, cyl ~ variable)
cylData <- dcast(carMelt, cyl ~ variable, mean)
  • Step 4: Averaging values
tapply(InsectSprays$count, InsectSprays$spray, sum)
  • Step 5: Another way: split
spIns <- split(InsectSprays$count, InsectSprays$spray)
sprCount <- lapply(spIns, sum)
  • Step 6: Another way - combine
sprCount <- sapply(spIns, sum)
  • Step 9: Another way - plyr package
## ddply: Split data frame, apply function, and return results in a data frame.
#ddply(InsectSprays, .(spray), summarize, sum = sum(count))
# Error in .fun(piece, ...) : argument "by" is missing, with no default
ddply(InsectSprays, .(spray), plyr::summarize, sum = sum(count))
  • Step 10: Creating a new variable
spraySums <- ddply(InsectSprays, .(spray), plyr::summarise, sum = ave(count, FUN = sum))

Managing data frame with dplyr package – Introduction

The data frame is a key data structure in statistics and in R.

  • There is one observarion per row.
  • Each column represents a variable or measure or characteristic.
  • Primary implementation that you will use is the default R implementation.
  • Other implementations, particularly relational databases systems.


  • Developed by hadley Wickham of Rstudio.
  • An optimized and distilled version of plyr package.
  • Does not provide any “new” functionality per se, but greatly simplifies existing functionality in R.
  • Provides a “grammar” (in particular verbs) for data manipulation.
  • Is very fast, as many key operation are coded in C++.

dplyr Verbs:

  • select: return a subsets of columns of a data frame.
  • filter: extracts a subsets of rows of a data frame based on a logical condition.
  • arrange: reorder rows of a data frame.
  • rename: rename variables in a data frame.
  • mutate: add new variable/columns or transforming existing variables.
  • summarize/ summarise: generate summary statistics of different variables in the data frame, possible within strata.

There is also a handy print method that prevents you from printing a lot of data to the console.

Managing data frames with dplyr package – Basic tools

  • Step 1: download data and load data into R
options(width = 105)
# download data and load data into R
fileUrl <- "https://raw.github.com/DataScienceSpecialization/courses/master/03_GettingData/dplyr/chicago.rds"
if(!file.exists("./data")) dir.create("./data")
download.file(fileUrl, destfile = "./data/chicago.rds", mode = "wb")
chicago <- readRDS("./data/chicago.Rds")
  • Step 2: Summary statistics
  • Step 3: Select columns using select command.
head(select(chicago, city:dptp))
head(select(chicago, -(city:dptp)))
i <- match("city", names(chicago))
j <- match("dptp", names(chicago))
head(chicago[, -(i:j)])
  • Step 4: Select rows using filter command.
chic.f <- filter(chicago, pm25tmean2 > 30)
head(chic.f, 3)
chic.f <- filter(chicago, pm25tmean2 >30 & tmpd > 80)
head(chic.f, 3)
chicago <- arrange(chicago, date)
head(chicago, 2)
tail(chicago, 2)
  • Step 5: Reorder data frame using arrange command.
chicago <- arrange(chicago, desc(date))
head(chicago, 2)
tail(chicago, 2)
  • Step 6: Rename variables using rename command.
chicago <- rename(chicago, pm25 = pm25tmean2, dewponit = dptp)
head(chicago, 3)
  • Step 7: Adding new variable using mutate command.
chicago <- mutate(chicago, pm25detrend = pm25 - mean(pm25, na.rm = TRUE))
head(select(chicago, pm25, pm25detrend), 3)
chicago <- mutate(chicago, tempcat = factor(1*(tmpd >80), labels = c("cold", "hot")))
  • Step 8: Summarize grouped data using summarize command.
hotcold <- group_by(chicago, tempcat)
summarize(hotcold, pm25 = mean(pm25), o3 = max(o3tmean2), no2 = median(no2tmean2))
summarize(hotcold, pm25 = mean(pm25, na.rm = TRUE), o3 = max(o3tmean2), no2 = median(no2tmean2))
chicago <- mutate(chicago, year = as.POSIXlt(date)$year+1900)
years <- group_by(chicago, year)
summarize(years, pm25 = mean(pm25, na.rm = TRUE), o3 = max(o3tmean2), no2 = median(no2tmean2))
  • Step 9: Making chain command using %>% command.
chicago %>% mutate(month = as.POSIXlt(date)$mon + 1) %>% group_by(month) %>% summarize(pm25 = mean(pm25, na.rm = TRUE), o3 = max(o3tmean2), mo2 = median(no2tmean2))
# =
summarize(group_by(mutate(chicago, month = as.POSIXlt(date)$mon+1), month), pm25 = mean(pm25, na.rm = TRUE), o3 = max(o3tmean2), mo2 = median(no2tmean2))

Merging data

  • Step 1: Peer review data
if(!file.exists("./data")) dir.create("./data")
# download data set
fileUrl1 <- "https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7710864/data/reviews-apr29.csv"
fileUrl2 <- "https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7710864/data/solutions-apr29.csv"
download.file(fileUrl1, destfile = "./data/reviews.csv")
download.file(fileUrl2, destfile = "./data/solution.csv")
# load data set
reviews <- read.csv("./data/reviews.csv")
solutions <- read.csv("./data/solution.csv")
# view data set
head(reviews, 2)
head(solutions, 2)
  • Step 2: Marging data
    • Merges data frames
    • Important paraeters: x, y, by, by.x, by.y, all
mergeData <- merge(reviews, solutions, by.x = "solution_id", by.y = "id", all = TRUE)
  • Step 3: Default - merge all common column names
intersect(names(solutions), names(reviews))
mergeData2 <- merge(reviews, solutions, all = TRUE)
head(mergeData2, 2)
  • Step 4: Using join in the plyr package.
df1 <- data.frame(id = sample(1:10), x = rnorm(10))
df2 <- data.frame(id = sample(1:10), y = rnorm(10))
arrange(join(df1, df2), id)
  • Step 5: If you have multiple data frames
df3 <- data.frame(id = sample(1:10), z = rnorm(10))
dfList = list(df1, df2, df3)




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