
  • finite 有限的 adj
    The world’s resources are finite.
  • omit 省略 v
    Omit this word in your sentence because it’s not necessary.
  • commence 开始着手 v
    She commenced her medical career in 1956.
  • doze 瞌睡 v n
    My grandpa often dozes in his chair after lunch.
  • popular 受欢迎的 adj
    This is one of our most popular designs.
  • occasion 场景 n
    They’ve met on several occasions to discuss the issue before.
  • eligible 有资格的 v
    He is too young to be eligible to vote.
  • pat 轻拍 v
    My grandfather patted me on the hand affectionately.
  • team 队 n
    He is the captain of the football team.
  • patriotic 爱国的 adj
    His patriotic action raised our admiration.
  • simplicity 简单 n
    The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.
  • depict 描述 v
    The novel that depicts scenes from mythology can cultivate your interest in traditional culture.
  • mingle 混合 v
    He mingled in the crowd and was lost in sight.
  • seek 寻找 v
    They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.
  • classmate 同班同学 n
    Even though I have graduated for many years, I still keep in touch with my classmates.
  • punch 一拳 n
    The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose.
  • full 充满的 adj
    Life is full of opportunities.
  • amaze 使惊奇 v
    Just the size of the place amazed her.
  • severe 严重的 adj
    He is suffering from severe brain injury
  • hostess 女主人 n
    Mary was always the perfect hostess.
  • stroll 漫步 n
    They went for a stroll along the beach.
  • tough 困难的 adj
    It can be tough to raise the three children.
  • mission 任务 n
    Many countries have sent troops in the peacekeeping mission.
  • loop 圈 n
    He used a loop of wire to hold the door shut.
  • staple 主要的 adj
    Humorous conversation is a staple ingredient of comedy.
  • liable 负法律责任的,易于…的 adj
    We are liable to make mistakes.
  • clap 鼓掌 v
    She clapped her hands in delight.
  • millimeter 毫米 n
    A micrometer is one thousandth of one millimeter.
  • trial 足迹 n
  • spider 蜘蛛 n
    Spiders often prey on small flies and other insects.
  • behave 表现 v
    They behaved very badly towards their guests.
  • giant 巨大的 adj
    They built a giant statue of the hero who sacrificed his life for the country.
  • capture 捕获 v
    He was captured by the enemy during the battle.
  • recall 回忆 v
    The police asked him to recall the accident which had happened that night.
  • deer 鹿 n.
    A herd of deer was crossing the road.
  • preserve 保存 v.
    Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.
  • scale 规模 n.
    He wants to sell his goods to a larger scale of the market.
  • declare 宣布 v.
    The government has declared a state of emergency.
  • swell 肿胀 v.
    Her alarm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.
  • pierce 扎 v.
    The arrow pierced his shoulder.
  • hover 悬挂 v.
    A full moon hovered in the sky.
  • deserve 值得 v.
    The report deserves careful consideration.
  • He can get along well with all types of the people.
  • warehouse 仓库 n.
    They operate three factories and a huge warehouse.
  • tear 眼泪 n. 撕裂 v.
    She left the room in tears.
  • anxiety 焦虑 n.
    She suffers from chronic anxiety.
  • emphasis 强调 n
    Scientists place much emphasis on this study about cancer treatment.
  • improve 提升 v
    The doctor says she should continue to improve.
  • precious 珍贵的 adj
    The crown was set with precious jewels.
  • forward 向前的 adj
    He took two steps forward.
  • declare 宣布 v
    The government has declared a state of emergency.
  • threaten 恐吓 v.
    Doctors are sometimes threatened with violence by some patient’s families.
  • adhere 黏附 v.
    For ten months he adhered to a strict no-fat low-salt diet.
  • cent 分 n.
    You can make a phone call for only 20 cents here.
  • declaration 宣布 n.
    These events led to the declaration of the war.
  • loud 大声的 adj
    The bottle fell to the floor with a loud bang.
  • instantaneous 瞬间的 adj
    He had an instantaneous response.
  • exile 流放 v
    He returned after 40 years exiled.
  • orient 朝向 v
    Our students are oriented towards science subjects.
  • mysterious 神奇的 adj
    It’s been hard for him to keep a mysterious personal life since he became famous.
  • comb 梳理 v.
    Don’t forget to comb your hair.
  • ensure 确保v.
    The airline is taking actions to ensure the safety on its aircraft.
  • ecology 生态n.
    Concern about ecology is a recent development.
  • eligible 有资格的 adj
    He is too young to be eligible to vote.
  • march 行军 v.
    Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.
  • commence 开始发生 v.
  • magnitude 巨大 n
    You haven’t realized the magnitude of her achievements.
  • perplex 困惑 v.
    They were perplexed by her response.
  • locker 存储柜 n.
    There is a spacious locker room near the swimming pool.
  • thrive 茁壮生长 v.
    New companies thrive in this area.
  • lag 落在后面 v
    Jane lags behind her classmates, so she needs to study harder.
  • pillar 柱子 n.
  • item 一件商品 n.
    Please pack each item separately.
  • designate 提名 v.
    She was designated sportswoman of the year.
  • 0
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