讲解 MGMT 38200 Team Assignment #1讲解 回归

MGMT 38200

Team Assignment #1

Due Date: September 30th 2024

Objectives of this Assignment:

1. Speedy acquisition/understanding of a new technology tool (one that will be new to most students)

2. Application of the new technology to solve a problem (in this case, the development of a company web presence)

3. Systems development application in a team environment

The team will be responsible for selecting one of the following fictional companies and developing a web presence (a website) for that company.

· Calico Cat Pants (a store specializing in pants for three-colored cats)

· Corncob Cornucopia (a company specializing in miscellaneous items made out of corncobs)

· Triples.com (a company specializing in things that come in threes)

· Gift Receipt Exchange (a platform. for selling, buying and exchanging gift receipts)

Each member of the team will be responsible for developing a page on the website.  The pages that all websites must have are:

1. A company story and history page (this will be a page that generally describes your company and gives a brief history of the company).

2. A management team page (this is a page that describes the owners and various people that work at the company and should contain more than just a list of the managers and employers)

3. A company products page (this page will describe the various products that your company sells to its customers and should contain more than just a list of the products)

4. A company services page (this page will describe the various services that your company offers and should contain more than just a list of the services)

5. A customer testimonials page (this is a page of customer success stories and may also include quotes from your customers)

6. A community involvement and impact page (this is a page of company’s effort to give back to the community including charity work, sponsorships, or volunteer programs, and may include stories, photos, and statistics showing how your company makes positive difference in the community)

Note: For teams with seven members, one item should be worked together for two team members while the remaining team members each are responsible for one page each.  Teams with six members are responsible for having a page for each item, #1 - #6 above.  

Requirements for pages (#1 - #5 above) on the website:

· Each of the site’s web pages must demonstrate boldfacing, underlining, italics, at least two font colors, at least two different font sizes (excluding headers), and at least two different font styles.

· Each of the site’s web pages must contain at least one hyperlink (no more than three).  At least one hyperlink must link to a relevant site outside of your company site.  Links to sites outside of your team member’s pages (i.e., outside of your company’s pages) should not cause any of your company’s website pages to be replaced in the browser window with another entity’s page.

· Each page will contain a “contact me” link to send email to the person that created the page.  If you are uncomfortable having your email address online, use fake email addresses.    

· Each page on the site will include at least one picture, an ordered list, and an unordered list. Each page should include a file that can be downloaded that is relevant to the company.

· You may not use CSS.

Team Webpage and Frames

In addition to the individual web pages, you will need to work as a group to create the team webpage using frames.  It will be hosted in one of your team member’s account.  This group webpage should use the html tag “frameset.”

There should be a right frame. and a left frame.  The right frame. should initially hold a team home page.  The team home page will consist of your company name, your team number, and a list of the names of the team members that worked on the project. The left frame. will be a navigation frame. that will point to the various pages on your site.  When someone clicks on the page name (link) in the left frame, the right frame. should show the chosen page.  The left frame. should remain as a navigation frame.  

Even though frames are being phased out of HTML and CSS can perform. these functions better, CSS does not align with the objectives of this assignment. Hence, as mentioned above, you may not use CSS.

Other Details About Creating The Pages

The pages will be created using a simple editor like Notepad in Windows and TextEdit in Mac.  You are not to use third-party products such as FrontPage, Hot Metal, InterDev, DreamWeaver, or MSWord (this is just a sample list and is not all-inclusive).  You are also not to use another webpage as a start and make changes to it (this includes the pages of other members of your own team).  The reasoning for this is that you are to learn and implement a targeted technology (if your company told you to work in SAP, you couldn’t go out and use an enterprise tool that you had used at your last job).  Each member is responsible for the coding of their own webpage (i.e., no one is exempt from working on the website and all members of the team must be responsible for at least one of the pages of the site, excluding the team webpage. The team is responsible for the overall completeness and correctness of the site.  Teams should take care to make sure that the appearance of the pages looks like a company website (as opposed to five different people developing five separate pages and then just linking them together).  As such, discussions of things like common background colors, font types, general feel of the pages, should be communicated between team members to insure a professional feel for your site; however, no code should be exchanged.  Members should not borrow/send/use code (in part or entirety) or pages from friends or team members (nor from any source other than those designated by your instructor) to complete the assignment.  If you don’t know what you are doing, see the TA or the instructor.  If called upon by your instructor to do so, you should be able to explain what each line of code on your page does.  Inability to be able to explain code performance may result in a reduction of grade and possible academic misconduct charges if it is deemed to come from a source other than the student responsible for the page.

As mentioned above, look and feel as well as a demonstrated professional effort will be expected.  A site could be technically correct, but if it looks sparse or unprofessional in nature or if it looks like the team members did not communicate to establish a common look/feel for the site as a whole, then the team may be unable to receive full credit for the assignment.  Please note that it only takes one page on the site to look sparse or unprofessional for the project to suffer.  Thus, it is a very good idea for the team’s members to not only complete their assigned pages, but also to be responsible for reviewing the other pages on their site to assure that the whole project shows a professional effort.


Your team will turn in a zip file with the project packet that includes

· a coversheet with your team number, the names of your team members, your section number or day/time that your class meets, and

· a folder that includes the html pages, with a landing page called index.html.

MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1是指MPU6050芯片的电源管理寄存器1。根据引用\[1\]和引用\[2\]的信息,可以了解到在初始化MPU6050时,需要将MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1寄存器的值写为0,以使其从休眠状态中唤醒。如果在读取MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1寄存器的值时发现其仍为0x40或64,可能是由于I2C写入时序或延时设置不正确导致的。可以尝试检查I2C写入时序是否正确,并尝试调整I2C延时来解决该问题。此外,您还可以参考引用\[3\]中提供的链接文章,了解更多关于MPU6050_PWR_MGMT_1的相关信息。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* [MPU6050学习笔记(电源管理器1、2)](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30908649/article/details/96555959)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insertT0,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *2* *3* [STM32读取MPU6050问题总结 ... PWR_MGMT_1休眠位无法清零; 寄存器读写正常无数据;初始化前加延时无法解决问题)](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_26039737/article/details/79214887)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insertT0,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]




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