讲解 data编程、辅导 Python, Java/SQL程序语言

Project Phase 1

Due Sep 29 by 8:59pm

Points 100

Submitting a file upload

File Types pdf

Available Sep 2 at 9pm - Sep 29 at 8:59pm

Start Assignment

The first phase of the project deals with the Analysis and Specification. You should review the Project

Requirements Document (which will be released around the same time this assignment opens) that has

the system requirements and description of what you will be developing. Please ask questions about the

requirements on Piazza in a private Team+Instructors post.

Essentially, anything Leo does in the lectures on Analysis and Design for the GTOnline project you

should do for your analysis and design of this project. There is also a sample submission available on

Canvas that will help guide you in creating your submission and shows mostly everything required for

this phase. When in doubt, please refer to them. If you still aren't sure, open a private

"Team+Instructors" note. If your submission is missing an element that was present in the lectures or on

the sample submission, you will lose credit for what's missing, and "we weren't sure if you needed that"

will not be a valid reason for returning the points that were lost.

Phase 1 Deliverables:

1. Information Flow Diagram (IFD) (10%)

2. Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Diagram (40%)

Surrogate keys should not be used on the EER diagram in this phase.

NO CREDIT is granted for your EER if it is auto-generated by any tool such as MySQL

workbench, uses crows-feet notation, or deviates from the notation Leo uses in the lectures or the

notation used in the textbook.

Tools available to create your EER include: draw.io (https://www.draw.io/) , LucidCharts

(https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/tour/ER_diagram_tool) , among others.

3. A project report containing:

Data Types (5%)

Business Logic Constraints (logic which cannot be reflected in the EER model) (5%)

Task Decomposition (TD): rules of thumb/oval diagrams- both single and decomposed (10%)

Abstract Code (AC) pseudo-code: input validation/error handling, how to navigate between tasks


The most weight for project grading is on the EER and AC, so make sure to put as much detail and effort

into those items as possible.How You Should Work:

Teams should use their official assigned GitHub Enterprise account for collaborating on team projects.

Not utilizing GitHub may lead to a teammate earning a reduced project grade if there is no record of their

contributions and their teammates communicate that they did not make any material contributions to the


Login using your GaTech credentials to https://github.gatech.edu/ (https://github.gatech.edu/) where

your repository has been created for you with all your team members as collaborators. (You should have

also received an email from when you were added to your repo.) Once at your repo, you should clone it

onto your workstation using either Git's clone command (https://git-scm.com/book/en/v1/Git-BasicsGetting-a-Git-Repository#Cloning-an-Existing-Repository)

or GitHub Desktop

(https://desktop.github.com) - be aware that GT's GitHub does not allow access via SSH unless you are

connected to the Georgia Tech VPN.

The objective of this course is to learn all phases of relational database development and in order to do

that, teams should work collaboratively, not separately. You should not say, "OK, I'll take the EER

diagram, you go write the IFD, John can write up the Task Decomposition and Jane can take the

formatting and constraints." Rather, each member should each work on all parts of the project, all

reviewing, all having input, all fully understanding each part of the design. That way all students learn all

aspects of the project to help solidify the skills needed to be successful on the exams. One way to

ensure this is by the following steps:

1. Create a directory called “Phase_1” in the team GitHub repository we created for your team (do this

by committing any file in the directory called “Phase_1” to GitHub).

2. As you work on phase 1, continue to commit and push the files to GT’s GitHub enterprise server.

3. Please review the sample submission that is provided on Canvas. Your deliverables should be similar

to those in the sample submission

How and What To Submit:

Convert all deliverables to a PDF format, and submit them as three files to this Canvas assignment:

1. team#_p1_ifd.pdf - your IFD

2. team#_p1_eer.pdf - your EER

3. team#_p1_report.pdf - your project report

(Replace the # with your full team number, so if you are Team001, files would be


Please review the sample submission that is posted on Canvas. Your deliverables should be similar to

those in the sample submission.

If you are unsure how to upload files to a Canvas assignment, please refer to this Canvas guide

(https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Student-Guide/How-do-I-upload-a-file-as-an-assignment-submission-Phase 1 Rubric (1)

in-Canvas/ta-p/274) . Since this is a team assignment, any team member can make a submission on

behalf of the entire team. For more information, please refer to this Canvas guide


. Your team's final submission will be graded, so please be sure all team members agree

on what will be submitted. We will not grade previous submissions and will not consider any requests to

do so.

Preparing for Future Phases

In this phase, you should not be concerned with implementation details such as what technology stack

you want to build your project on. We DO want you to plan ahead so that your team can be prepared for

the last phase, so we are providing these details now NOT so that you choose a stack while working on

this phase, but in order to make an informed decision when the time comes to make that choice.

We suggest using WAMP, WAPP, MAMP, MAPP (which means the combination of Mac, Windows,

Apache, MySQL or PostgreSQL, and PHP v7, and can be downloaded as a package for either OS) but

you are by no means limited to those. You are welcome to implement your system in any language or

platform you wish (Python, Java, Ruby, .Net) subject to the caveat that you must write your own

SQL and implement your own logic on the database. Use of ORM or ORM-like tools such as hibernate,

query-by-example frameworks (like Power Query) and others which handle your database interaction

(and even your schema design) are strictly prohibited. Note: SQLite or MS Access is not allowed. A

standalone, full featured relational DBMS is required for the project: teams are free to use PostgreSQL,

MySQL, MS SQL Server, or even Oracle if desired. (Non-relational noSQL: Hadoop, Cassandra,

MongoDB, etc. are not allowed. “Built-in” or application-hosted databases should not be used. Nonrelational

databases that utilize SQL as an interface are also not allowed. Data warehouse-specific

platforms, such as Snowflake or Teradata, should also be avoided.)

As always, if you have questions, please post on Piazza to your “Team+Instructors” group.To

s Information Flow Diagram EER Diagram Data Types Constraints Task Decomposition Abstract Code





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