【MySQL】SQL查询练习——数据库原理与应用(SQL Server 2012)——基于计算思维


    Sno CHAR(3) Primary Key COMMENT '学号(主码)',
    Sname CHAR(8) NOT NULL COMMENT '学生姓名',
    Ssex CHAR(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '学生性别',
    Sbirthday DATE NULL COMMENT '学生出生年月',
    Class CHAR(20) NULL COMMENT '学生所在年级'

    Tno CHAR(3) Primary Key COMMENT '教工编号(主码)',
    Tname CHAR(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '教工姓名',
    Tsex CHAR(2) NOT NULL COMMENT '教工性别',
    Tbirthday DATE NULL COMMENT '教工出生年月',
    Prof CHAR(6) NULL COMMENT '职称',
    Depart VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '教工所在部门'

    Cno CHAR(5) Primary Key COMMENT '课程号(主码)',
    Cname VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '课程名称',
    Tno CHAR(3) NOT NULL COMMENT '教工编号(外码)',

    Sno CHAR(3) NOT NULL COMMENT '学号(外码)',
    Cno CHAR(5) NOT NULL COMMENT '课程号(外码)',
    Degree DECIMAL(4,1) NULL COMMENT '成绩',
    PRIMARY KEY(Sno, Cno),

INSERT INTO Student (Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sbirthday, Class)
('001', '张三', '男', '2000-01-01', '一年级'),
('002', '李四', '女', '2001-02-03', '二年级'),
('003', '王五', '男', '2002-03-05', '三年级'),
('004', '赵六', '女', '2003-04-01', '四年级'),
('005', '钱七', '男', '2004-05-03', '五年级'),
('006', '孙八', '女', '2005-06-05', '六年级');
INSERT INTO Teacher (Tno, Tname, Tsex, Tbirthday, Prof, Depart)
('101', '张老师', '男', '1980-01-01', '教授', '计算机科学'),
('102', '李老师', '女', '1985-02-03', '副教授', '人文学科'),
('103', '王老师', '男', '1990-03-05', '讲师', '自然科学'),
('104', '刘老师', '女', '1983-01-01', '副教授', '外语系'),
('105', '陈老师', '男', '1988-02-03', '讲师', '经济管理'),
('106', '周老师', '女', '1993-03-05', '教授', '物理系');
INSERT INTO Course (Cno, Cname, Tno)
('0001', '数据库', '101'),
('0002', '数据结构', '102'),
('0003', '算法分析', '103'),
('0004', '英语', '104'),
('0005', '管理学', '105'),
('0006', '物理实验', '106');
INSERT INTO Score (Sno, Cno, Degree)
('001', '0001', 85),
('001', '0002', 90),
('002', '0001', 92),
('002', '0002', 87),
('003', '0001', 88),
('003', '0003', 91),
('004', '0004', 89),
('004', '0005', 92),
('005', '0004', 85),
('005', '0005', 88),
('006', '0005', 91),
('006', '0006', 93);

(1)查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname、 Ssex和Class列。

select Sname, Ssex, Class
from Student;
| Sname  | Ssex | Class     |
| 张三   || 一年级    |
| 李四   || 二年级    |
| 王五   || 三年级    |
| 赵六   || 四年级    |
| 钱七   || 五年级    |
| 孙八   || 六年级    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select distinct Depart
from Teacher;
| Depart          |
| 计算机科学      |
| 人文学科        |
| 自然科学        |
| 外语系          |
| 经济管理        |
| 物理系          |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select *
from Student;
| Sno | Sname  | Ssex | Sbirthday  | Class     |
| 001 | 张三   || 2000-01-01 | 一年级    |
| 002 | 李四   || 2001-02-03 | 二年级    |
| 003 | 王五   || 2002-03-05 | 三年级    |
| 004 | 赵六   || 2003-04-01 | 四年级    |
| 005 | 钱七   || 2004-05-03 | 五年级    |
| 006 | 孙八   || 2005-06-05 | 六年级    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select *
from Score
where Degree between 80 and 90;
| Sno | Cno  | Degree |
| 001 | 0001 |   85.0 |
| 001 | 0002 |   90.0 |
| 002 | 0002 |   87.0 |
| 003 | 0001 |   88.0 |
| 004 | 0004 |   89.0 |
| 005 | 0004 |   85.0 |
| 005 | 0005 |   88.0 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select *
from Score
where Degree in (85, 86, 88);
| Sno | Cno  | Degree |
| 001 | 0001 |   85.0 |
| 003 | 0001 |   88.0 |
| 005 | 0004 |   85.0 |
| 005 | 0005 |   88.0 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select *
from Student
where Class = '三年级' or Ssex = '女';
| Sno | Sname  | Ssex | Sbirthday  | Class     |
| 002 | 李四   || 2001-02-03 | 二年级    |
| 003 | 王五   || 2002-03-05 | 三年级    |
| 004 | 赵六   || 2003-04-01 | 四年级    |
| 006 | 孙八   || 2005-06-05 | 六年级    |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select *
from Student
order by Sbirthday desc;
| Sno | Sname  | Ssex | Sbirthday  | Class     |
| 006 | 孙八   || 2005-06-05 | 六年级    |
| 005 | 钱七   || 2004-05-03 | 五年级    |
| 004 | 赵六   || 2003-04-01 | 四年级    |
| 003 | 王五   || 2002-03-05 | 三年级    |
| 002 | 李四   || 2001-02-03 | 二年级    |
| 001 | 张三   || 2000-01-01 | 一年级    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select *
from Score
order by Cno, Degree desc;
| Sno | Cno  | Degree |
| 002 | 0001 |   92.0 |
| 003 | 0001 |   88.0 |
| 001 | 0001 |   85.0 |
| 001 | 0002 |   90.0 |
| 002 | 0002 |   87.0 |
| 003 | 0003 |   91.0 |
| 004 | 0004 |   89.0 |
| 005 | 0004 |   85.0 |
| 004 | 0005 |   92.0 |
| 006 | 0005 |   91.0 |
| 005 | 0005 |   88.0 |
| 006 | 0006 |   93.0 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select count(*)
from Student
where Class = '一年级';
| count(*) |
|        1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


  1. 子查询
select Sno, Degree
from Score
where Degree = (
    select max(Degree)
    from Score
| Sno | Degree |
| 006 |   93.0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  1. 排序
select Sno, Degree
from Score
order by Degree desc
limit 1;
| Sno | Degree |
| 006 |   93.0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


select Cno, avg(Degree)
from Score
group by Cno;
| Cno  | avg(Degree) |
| 0001 |    88.33333 |
| 0002 |    88.50000 |
| 0003 |    91.00000 |
| 0004 |    87.00000 |
| 0005 |    90.33333 |
| 0006 |    93.00000 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Cno, avg(Degree)
from Score
where Cno like '%1'
group by Cno
having count(*) > 2;
| Cno  | avg(Degree) |
| 0001 |    88.33333 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


select distinct Sno
from Score
where Degree > 70 and Degree < 90;
| Sno |
| 001 |
| 002 |
| 003 |
| 004 |
| 005 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Sname, Cno, Degree
from Student st
left join Score sc
on st.Sno = sc.Sno;
| Sname  | Cno  | Degree |
| 张三   | 0001 |   85.0 |
| 张三   | 0002 |   90.0 |
| 李四   | 0001 |   92.0 |
| 李四   | 0002 |   87.0 |
| 王五   | 0001 |   88.0 |
| 王五   | 0003 |   91.0 |
| 赵六   | 0004 |   89.0 |
| 赵六   | 0005 |   92.0 |
| 钱七   | 0004 |   85.0 |
| 钱七   | 0005 |   88.0 |
| 孙八   | 0005 |   91.0 |
| 孙八   | 0006 |   93.0 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Sno, Cname, Degree
from Course co
right join Score sc
on co.Cno = sc.Cno;
| Sno | Cname        | Degree |
| 001 | 数据库       |   85.0 |
| 001 | 数据结构     |   90.0 |
| 002 | 数据库       |   92.0 |
| 002 | 数据结构     |   87.0 |
| 003 | 数据库       |   88.0 |
| 003 | 算法分析     |   91.0 |
| 004 | 英语         |   89.0 |
| 004 | 管理学       |   92.0 |
| 005 | 英语         |   85.0 |
| 005 | 管理学       |   88.0 |
| 006 | 管理学       |   91.0 |
| 006 | 物理实验     |   93.0 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Sname, Cname, Degree
from Student st
left join Score sc
on st.Sno = sc.Sno
left join Course co
on co.Cno = sc.Cno;
| Sname  | Cname        | Degree |
| 张三   | 数据库       |   85.0 |
| 张三   | 数据结构     |   90.0 |
| 李四   | 数据库       |   92.0 |
| 李四   | 数据结构     |   87.0 |
| 王五   | 数据库       |   88.0 |
| 王五   | 算法分析     |   91.0 |
| 赵六   | 英语         |   89.0 |
| 赵六   | 管理学       |   92.0 |
| 钱七   | 英语         |   85.0 |
| 钱七   | 管理学       |   88.0 |
| 孙八   | 管理学       |   91.0 |
| 孙八   | 物理实验     |   93.0 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Class, avg(Degree)
from Score sc
join Student st
on sc.Sno = st.Sno
where Class = '二年级';
| Class     | avg(Degree) |
| 二年级    |    89.50000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Select sc.Sno, Cno, Degree, 
	WHEN Degree >= 90 THEN 'A'
    WHEN Degree between 80 and 89 THEN 'B'
    WHEN Degree between 70 and 79 THEN 'C'
    WHEN Degree between 60 and 69 THEN 'D'
    WHEN Degree < 60 THEN 'E'
END rank
from Student st
join Score sc
on st.Sno = sc.Sno;
| Sno | Cno  | Degree | rank |
| 001 | 0001 |   85.0 | B    |
| 001 | 0002 |   90.0 | A    |
| 002 | 0001 |   92.0 | A    |
| 002 | 0002 |   87.0 | B    |
| 003 | 0001 |   88.0 | B    |
| 003 | 0003 |   91.0 | A    |
| 004 | 0004 |   89.0 | B    |
| 004 | 0005 |   92.0 | A    |
| 005 | 0004 |   85.0 | B    |
| 005 | 0005 |   88.0 | B    |
| 006 | 0005 |   91.0 | A    |
| 006 | 0006 |   93.0 | A    |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. 子查询找出最高分,然后选出排除最高分的成绩的记录
select sc.Sno, Cno, Degree
from Score sc
join (
    select Sno, max(Degree) maxdegree
    from Score
    group by Sno
    having count(*) > 1
) sg
on sc.Sno = sg.Sno
where degree < maxdegree;
| Sno | Cno  | Degree |
| 001 | 0001 |   85.0 |
| 002 | 0002 |   87.0 |
| 003 | 0001 |   88.0 |
| 004 | 0004 |   89.0 |
| 005 | 0004 |   85.0 |
| 006 | 0005 |   91.0 |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)


select *
from Score
where Degree > (
    select Degree
    from Score
    where Sno = '001' and Cno = '0001'
| Sno | Cno  | Degree |
| 001 | 0002 |   90.0 |
| 002 | 0001 |   92.0 |
| 002 | 0002 |   87.0 |
| 003 | 0001 |   88.0 |
| 003 | 0003 |   91.0 |
| 004 | 0004 |   89.0 |
| 004 | 0005 |   92.0 |
| 005 | 0005 |   88.0 |
| 006 | 0005 |   91.0 |
| 006 | 0006 |   93.0 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Sno, Sname, Sbirthday
from Student
where year(Sbirthday) = (
    select year(Sbirthday)
    from Student
    where Sno = '001'
| Sno | Sname  | Sbirthday  |
| 001 | 张三   | 2000-01-01 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


select Sno, sc.Cno, Degree, Tname
from Teacher te
join Course co
on te.Tno = co.Tno
join Score sc
on co.Cno = sc.Cno
where Tname = '张老师';
| Sno | Cno  | Degree | Tname     |
| 001 | 0001 |   85.0 | 张老师    |
| 002 | 0001 |   92.0 | 张老师    |
| 003 | 0001 |   88.0 | 张老师    |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. 子查询找选修人数大于2的课程号,然后和教师表和课程表做内连接
select Tname
from Teacher te
join Course co
on te.Tno = co.Tno
join (
    select Cno
    from Score
    group by Cno
    having count(*) > 2
) sg
on co.Cno = sg.Cno;
| Tname     |
| 张老师    |
| 陈老师    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  1. 子查询找选修人数大于2的课程号,连接教师表和课程表,通过 where 找出在子查询结果集中的课程号
select Tname
from Teacher te
join Course co
on te.Tno = co.Tno
where Cno in (
    select Cno
    from Score
    group by Cno
    having count(*) > 2
| Tname     |
| 张老师    |
| 陈老师    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select *
from Student
where Class in ('一年级', '二年级');
| Sno | Sname  | Ssex | Sbirthday  | Class     |
| 001 | 张三   || 2000-01-01 | 一年级    |
| 002 | 李四   || 2001-02-03 | 二年级    |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. 使用 where 和 distinct
select distinct Cno
from Score
where Degree > 90;
| Cno  |
| 0001 |
| 0003 |
| 0005 |
| 0006 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  1. 使用 group by 和 having
select Cno
from Score
group by Cno
having max(Degree) > 90;
| Cno  |
| 0001 |
| 0003 |
| 0005 |
| 0006 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Sno, sc.Cno, Degree, Depart
from Teacher te
join Course co
on te.Tno = co.Tno
join Score sc
on co.Cno = sc.Cno
where Depart = '计算机科学';
| Sno | Cno  | Degree | Depart          |
| 001 | 0001 |   85.0 | 计算机科学      |
| 002 | 0001 |   92.0 | 计算机科学      |
| 003 | 0001 |   88.0 | 计算机科学      |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Depart, Prof, count(*) 人数
from Teacher
where Depart in ('计算机科学', '物理系')
group by Depart, Prof;
| Depart          | Prof   | 人数   |
| 物理系          | 教授   |      1 |
| 计算机科学      | 教授   |      1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


  1. 使用 any
select Cno, Sno, Degree
from Score
where Cno = '0001' and Degree > any (
    select Degree
    from Score
    where Cno = '0004'
order by Degree desc;
| Cno  | Sno | Degree |
| 0001 | 002 |   92.0 |
| 0001 | 003 |   88.0 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  1. 使用 min
select Cno, Sno, Degree
from Score
where Cno = '0001' and Degree > (
    select min(Degree)
    from Score
    where Cno = '0004'
order by Degree desc;
| Cno  | Sno | Degree |
| 0001 | 002 |   92.0 |
| 0001 | 003 |   88.0 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


  1. 使用 all
select Cno, Sno, Degree
from Score
where Cno = '0001' and Degree > all (
    select Degree
    from Score
    where Cno = '0004'
order by Degree desc;
| Cno  | Sno | Degree |
| 0001 | 002 |   92.0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  1. 使用 max
select Cno, Sno, Degree
from Score
where Cno = '0001' and Degree > (
    select max(Degree)
    from Score
    where Cno = '0004'
order by Degree desc;
| Cno  | Sno | Degree |
| 0001 | 002 |   92.0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


select Sname name, Ssex sex, Sbirthday birthday
from Student
select Tname, Tsex, Tbirthday
from Teacher;
| name      | sex | birthday   |
| 张三      || 2000-01-01 |
| 李四      || 2001-02-03 |
| 王五      || 2002-03-05 |
| 赵六      || 2003-04-01 |
| 钱七      || 2004-05-03 |
| 孙八      || 2005-06-05 |
| 张老师    || 1980-01-01 |
| 李老师    || 1985-02-03 |
| 王老师    || 1990-03-05 |
| 刘老师    || 1983-01-01 |
| 陈老师    || 1988-02-03 |
| 周老师    || 1993-03-05 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Sname name, Ssex sex, Sbirthday birthday
from Student
where Ssex = '女'
select Tname, Tsex, Tbirthday
from Teacher
where Tsex = '女';
| name      | sex | birthday   |
| 李四      || 2001-02-03 |
| 赵六      || 2003-04-01 |
| 孙八      || 2005-06-05 |
| 李老师    || 1985-02-03 |
| 刘老师    || 1983-01-01 |
| 周老师    || 1993-03-05 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(33) 查询成绩比该课程平均成绩低的同学的成绩表。

select Sno, sc.Cno, Degree
from Score sc
join (
    select Cno, avg(Degree) avgDegree
    from Score
    group by Cno
) cg
on sc.Cno = cg.Cno
where Degree < avgDegree;
| Sno | Cno  | Degree |
| 001 | 0001 |   85.0 |
| 002 | 0002 |   87.0 |
| 003 | 0001 |   88.0 |
| 005 | 0004 |   85.0 |
| 005 | 0005 |   88.0 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Tname, Depart
from Teacher
where Tno in (
    select distinct Tno
    from Course
| Tname     | Depart          |
| 张老师    | 计算机科学      |
| 李老师    | 人文学科        |
| 王老师    | 自然科学        |
| 刘老师    | 外语系          |
| 陈老师    | 经济管理        |
| 周老师    | 物理系          |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Tname, Depart
from Teacher
where Tno not in (
    select distinct Tno
    from Course


select Class
from Student
where Ssex = '男'
group by Class
having count(*) >= 2;


select *
from Student
where Sname not like '王%';
| Sno | Sname  | Ssex | Sbirthday  | Class     |
| 001 | 张三   || 2000-01-01 | 一年级    |
| 002 | 李四   || 2001-02-03 | 二年级    |
| 004 | 赵六   || 2003-04-01 | 四年级    |
| 005 | 钱七   || 2004-05-03 | 五年级    |
| 006 | 孙八   || 2005-06-05 | 六年级    |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)


select Sname, floor(datediff(now(), Sbirthday) / 365) age
from Student;
| Sname  | age  |
| 张三   |   23 |
| 李四   |   22 |
| 王五   |   21 |
| 赵六   |   20 |
| 钱七   |   18 |
| 孙八   |   17 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select max(Sbirthday), min(Sbirthday)
from Student;
| max(Sbirthday) | min(Sbirthday) |
| 2005-06-05     | 2000-01-01     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


select Sno, Sname, Ssex, Class, floor(datediff(now(), Sbirthday) / 365) age
from Student
order by age;
| Sno | Sname  | Ssex | Class     | age  |
| 006 | 孙八   || 六年级    |   17 |
| 005 | 钱七   || 五年级    |   18 |
| 004 | 赵六   || 四年级    |   20 |
| 003 | 王五   || 三年级    |   21 |
| 002 | 李四   || 二年级    |   22 |
| 001 | 张三   || 一年级    |   23 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select te.Tno, Tname, Tsex, Cno, Cname
from Teacher te
join Course co
on te.Tno = co.Tno
where Tsex = '男';
| Tno | Tname     | Tsex | Cno  | Cname        |
| 101 | 张老师    || 0001 | 数据库       |
| 103 | 王老师    || 0003 | 算法分析     |
| 105 | 陈老师    || 0005 | 管理学       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select *
from Score
order by Degree desc
limit 1;
| Sno | Cno  | Degree |
| 006 | 0006 |   93.0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


select Sname
from Student
where Ssex = (
    select Ssex
    from Student
    where Sname = '李四'
| Sname  |
| 李四   |
| 赵六   |
| 孙八   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


select Sname
from Student
where (Ssex, Class) = (
    select Ssex, Class
    from Student
    where Sname = '李四'
| Sname  |
| 李四   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


select sc.Sno, sc.Cno, Degree
from Score sc
join Student st
on sc.Sno = st.Sno
join Course co
on sc.Cno = co.Cno
where Cname = '数据库' and Ssex = '女';
| Sno | Cno  | Degree |
| 002 | 0001 |   92.0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)




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