ILLUMINATIONS: Wisdom From This Planet's Greatest Minds Copyright © 2016 Illuminatiam

Wealth and power never come to those who simply wait for them to arrive.


Some humans choose to be sheep. They desire freedom but rely on others to provide their comforts, striving for riches but investing little effort to attain it. They scream in protest when they are fenced in and herded — angry that they are not free like the lions — but accept the shepherd's food nonetheless. Though they rebel by day, they always wander home to their cages by night.


If you currently lack wealth, consider it a temporary blessing. Use this time as your prequel. Pursue knowledge and wisdom so that when money enters your life, you are prepared to face its responsibilities. 


Knowledge is software for the brain. Every piece of information adds new abilities and perspectives to a person's inner guide, ready to be called upon when they are needed. 


An investment in knowledge is the safest of life's gambles. Money may vanish but knowledge lives forever.


The wisest study others' successes to find what they should repeat, and study others' failures to avoid the same mistakes. Heed the warnings and lessons throughout life, and they will guide you to safety.  


"Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it."

Bertrand Russell


A person must look a thousand ways before choosing a direction, and walk a hundred steps before deciding which is the right path.


But ability is not enough. The choices you make determine the direction of your life. Seek out your strengths, but also seek out ways you can use them.


"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."

Zig Ziglar


The lowest times of life are periods of transition. Think back on struggles in your past and the strength you mustered to overcome them. You have succeeded before — you can succeed again. Welcome the sadness of life as times to reflect on where you are and where you wish to be. When standing at the bottom of a canyon, you have nowhere to climb but up. 


The body is the physical home of the mind. It is the machine that carries out your commands and the computer that processes data to make decisions. Wealth, power, happiness, and prestige can all be lost and survived, but the loss of a body is the loss of an existence. 


There are no substitutes for the body you are born with. It can be improved and repaired but never replaced. Every choice you make is passed through it, and thus the quality of your decisions are directly affected by your body's condition. If you take care of your body, it will take care of you. 


A body is made stronger with exertion and effort. A mind is made stronger with learning and wisdom. A heart is made stronger with empathy and generosity. A soul is made stronger with a purpose and integrity. These are the core pieces of a human — the four elements that make life.


"Many people lose their health gaining wealth, and then lose their wealth gaining health."


Your body is a long term investment. You must care for it a little each day so that it will produce returns forever. Of what purpose is it to gain all the wealth in the world only to stare at it from the confines of a hospital bed? Money cannot buy back the years spent in its pursuit. How many lifetimes are spent hoarding a fortune that cannot be buried with their bones?


Every person is a unique story. When faced with decisions, ask yourself which direction will make you happiest in ten years when the full picture has come into focus. Live as if today is the final chapter in your biography. 


"It is a wise man who lives with money in the bank, it is a fool who dies that way."

French Proverb


Death is the great reset. The richest and the poorest both pass through its door — carrying nothing ahead, leaving everything behind. Wealth means nothing to the bones that used to own it.





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