


  1. 相方
  2. 愛嬌・愛敬がある
  3. 合い言葉


  • 相手。パートナー。
  • 对方。合作伙伴。


A: 咦?美保,一个人?老公不是也来吗?
B. 哎呀,我老公从昨天开始因为感冒卧床不起了。

A: are? mi ho, hitori? danna san mo kuru n janakatta no?
B: sore ga, uchi no aikata, kinō kara kaze de nekondeteki saa.

  • are

<1>. あれ

[ Conjugation: [v5r-i] NIL Affirmative Plain
有る 【ある】 : to be; to exist; to live ]

<2>. あれ

  1. [pn] 《indicating something distant from both speaker and listener (in space, time or psychologically), or something understood without naming it directly》 that; that thing
  2. [pn] 《used to refer to one’s equals or inferiors》 that person
  3. [pn] then; that time
  4. [pn] that place (over there)
  5. [n] 《esp. アレ》 down there (i.e. one’s genitals)
  6. [n] 《esp. アレ》 period; menses
  • miho 美保 【みほ】
  1. [n-suf,n] sustain beauty
  • hitori 一人 【ひとり】
  1. [n] 《esp. 一人, 1人》 one person
  2. [n] being alone; being by oneself
  3. [n] 《esp. 独り》 being single; being unmarried
  4. [adv] by oneself; alone
  5. [adv] 《with neg. sentence》 just; only; simply
  • danna 旦那 【だんな】
  1. [n] master (of a house, shop, etc.)
  2. [n] husband
  3. [n] 《used to address a male patron, customer, or person of high status》 sir; boss; master; governor
  4. [n] patron of a mistress, geisha, bar or nightclub hostess; sugar daddy
  5. [n] 《orig. meaning; usu. written as 檀那》 alms; almsgiving; almsgiver
  • san さん
  1. [suf] 《after a person’s name (or position, etc.)》 Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san
  2. [suf] 《usu. after a noun or sometimes na-adjective》 politeness marker
  • mo も
  1. [prt] too; also; in addition; as well; (not) either (in a negative sentence)
  2. [prt] 《as AもBも》 both A and B; A as well as B; neither A nor B (in a negative sentence)
  3. [prt] 《used for emphasis or to express absence of doubt regarding a quantity, etc.》 even; as much as; as many as; as far as; as long as; no less than; no fewer than
  4. [prt] 《often as 〜ても, 〜でも, 〜とも, etc.》 even if; even though; although; in spite of
  5. [adv] further; more; again; another; the other
  • kuru 来る 【くる】
  1. [vk,vi] to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive
  2. [vk,vi,aux-v] 《after the -te form of a verb》 to come back; to do … and come back
  3. [vk,vi,aux-v] 《after the -te form of a verb》 to come to be; to become; to get; to grow; to continue
  4. [vk,vi] to come from; to be caused by; to derive from
  5. [vi,vk] to come to (i.e. “when it comes to spinach …”)
  • n ん
  1. [int] yes; yeah; uh huh
  2. [int] huh?; what?
  3. [aux-v,suf] 《negative verb ending used in informal speech; abbr. of negative verb ending ぬ》 not
  4. [prt] 《abbr. of particle の; indicates possessive》 's; of; belonging to
  5. [prt] 《abbr. of particle に, used esp. when it precedes the verb なる》 at (place, time); in; on; during
  • janakatta じゃなかった

[ Conjugation: [v5r-i] NIL Negative Plain
ではある : to be (in contrast to something that is not the case) ]

[ Conjugation: [cop] NIL Negative Plain
だ : be; is ]

  • no の
  1. [prt] 《occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之》 indicates possessive
  2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
  3. [prt] substitutes for “ga” in subordinate phrases
  4. [prt] 《often ん》 (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
  5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
  6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
  • sore それ
  1. [pn] 《indicating an item or person near the listener, the action of the listener, or something on their mind》 that; it
  2. [pn] then; that point (in time); that time
  3. [pn] 《indicating a place near the listener》 there
  4. [pn] you
  • ga が
  1. [prt] indicates sentence subject (occasionally object)
  2. [prt] indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions)
  3. [conj] but; however; still; and
  4. [conj] 《after the volitional form of a verb》 regardless of; whether (or not)
  • uchi

<1>. うち

  1. [n,adv] inside; within
  2. [n,adv] while (e.g. one is young); during; within (e.g. a day); in the course of
  3. [n,adv] 《as 〜のうち》 among; amongst; (out) of; between
  4. [n] 《also 裡, 裏; as 〜のうちに after a noun representing a state or condition》 in (secret, chaos, poverty, etc.); amidst; with (e.g. success)
  5. [n] within oneself; one’s feelings; inner thoughts
  6. [n] we; our company; our organization
  7. [n] 《also 家》 one’s home; one’s family
  8. [n] my spouse; my husband; my wife
  9. [n] 《in a letter after the husband’s name》 signed on behalf of (husband’s name) by his wife
  10. [pn] 《primarily used by women and children》 I; me
  11. [n] imperial palace grounds
  12. [n] emperor

<2>. うち

1. [n] house
2. [n] one’s house; one’s home; one’s family; one’s household

  • no の
  1. [prt] 《occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之》 indicates possessive
  2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
  3. [prt] substitutes for “ga” in subordinate phrases
  4. [prt] 《often ん》 (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
  5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
  6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
  • aikata 相方 【あいかた】
  1. [n] partner (esp. in manzai); companion
  2. [n] partner for the night (e.g. at a brothel)
  • kinō 昨日 【きのう】
  1. [adv,n] yesterday
  • kara から
  1. [prt] from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity); since
  2. [prt] from (originator); by
  3. [prt] 《follows verbs, adjectives》 because; since
  4. [prt] out of (constituent, part)
  5. [prt] through (e.g. window, vestibule)
  6. [prt] 《following the te-form of a verb》 after; since
  7. [prt] expresses sympathy or warning
  • kaze 風邪 【かぜ】
  1. [n] (common) cold; influenza; flu; ague; inflammatory respiratory system illness (in general)
  • de で
  1. [prt] 《indicates location of action; にて is the formal literary form》 at; in
  2. [prt] 《indicates time of action》 at; when
  3. [prt] 《indicates means of action》 by; with
  4. [conj] and then; so
  5. [aux] 《indicates continuing action; alternative form of 〜て used for some verb types》 and; then
  6. [prt] 《at sentence-end; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.》 let me tell you; don’t you know

[ Conjugation: [cop] NIL Affirmative Plain
だ : be; is ]

  • nekondeteki 寝込んでてき 【ねこんでてき】 Compound word: 寝込んで + いて + き

– 寝込んで 【ねこんで】

[ Conjugation: [v5m] NIL Affirmative Plain
寝込む 【ねこむ】 : to fall fast asleep ]

– いて [suffix]: indicates continuing action (to be …ing)

[ Conjugation: [v1] NIL Affirmative Plain
居る 【いる】 : to be (of animate objects); to exist ]

– き [suffix]: indicates action that had been continuing up till now / came to be

[ Conjugation: [vk] NIL
来る 【くる】 : to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive ]

  • saa さあ
  1. [conj,int] come; come now; come along; go on; hurry up
  2. [conj,int] well; who knows; I don’t know…; uh; hmm
  3. [conj,int] 《said when surprised or happy》 well now; let’s see; there we go; all right
  4. [int,conj] about that; you see


  • 親しみやすく好感が持てる性質である。
  • 容易亲近,有好感的性格。

A: うちの娘も去年の秋に嫁に行ってしまい、寂しくなりました。
B: そうですか。いつも笑顔で挨拶してくれて、愛嬌がある娘さんだったから、向こうの家でもかわいがられてることでしょうね。


A: uchi no musume mo kyonen no aki ni yomeniitteshimai, sabishiku narimashita.
B: sō desu ka. itsumo egao de aisatsu shite kurete, aikyō ga aru musumesan datta kara, mukō no ie/ke/uchi demo kawaigarareteru koto deshō ne.

  • uchi

<1>. うち

  1. [n,adv] inside; within
  2. [n,adv] while (e.g. one is young); during; within (e.g. a day); in the course of
  3. [n,adv] 《as 〜のうち》 among; amongst; (out) of; between
  4. [n] 《also 裡, 裏; as 〜のうちに after a noun representing a state or condition》 in (secret, chaos, poverty, etc.); amidst; with (e.g. success)
  5. [n] within oneself; one’s feelings; inner thoughts
  6. [n] we; our company; our organization
  7. [n] 《also 家》 one’s home; one’s family
  8. [n] my spouse; my husband; my wife
  9. [n] 《in a letter after the husband’s name》 signed on behalf of (husband’s name) by his wife
  10. [pn] 《primarily used by women and children》 I; me
  11. [n] imperial palace grounds
  12. [n] emperor

<2>. うち

  1. [n] house
  2. [n] one’s house; one’s home; one’s family; one’s household
  • no の
  1. [prt] 《occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之》 indicates possessive
  2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
  3. [prt] substitutes for “ga” in subordinate phrases
  4. [prt] 《often ん》 (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
  5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
  6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
  • musume 娘 【むすめ】
  1. [n] daughter
  2. [n] girl (i.e. a young, unmarried woman)
  • mo も
  1. [prt] too; also; in addition; as well; (not) either (in a negative sentence)
  2. [prt] 《as AもBも》 both A and B; A as well as B; neither A nor B (in a negative sentence)
  3. [prt] 《used for emphasis or to express absence of doubt regarding a quantity, etc.》 even; as much as; as many as; as far as; as long as; no less than; no fewer than
  4. [prt] 《often as 〜ても, 〜でも, 〜とも, etc.》 even if; even though; although; in spite of
  5. [adv] further; more; again; another; the other
  • kyonen 去年 【きょねん】
  1. [adv,n] last year
  • no の
  1. [prt] 《occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之》 indicates possessive
  2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
  3. [prt] substitutes for “ga” in subordinate phrases
  4. [prt] 《often ん》 (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
  5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
  6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
  • aki 秋 【あき】
  1. [adv,n] autumn; fall
  • ni に
  1. [prt] at (place, time); in; on; during
  2. [prt] to (direction, state); toward; into
  3. [prt] for (purpose)
  4. [prt] because of (reason); for; with
  5. [prt] by; from
  6. [prt] as (i.e. in the role of)
  7. [prt] per; in; for; a (e.g. “once a month”)
  8. [prt] and; in addition to
  9. [prt] if; although
  • yomeniitteshimai 嫁に行ってしまい 【よめにいってしまい】 Compound word: 嫁に行って + しまい

– 嫁に行って 【よめにいって】

[ Conjugation: [v5k-s] NIL Affirmative Plain
嫁に行く 【よめにいく】 : to marry (of a woman); to become a bride; to marry into (a family) ]

– しまい [suffix]: indicates completion (to finish …)

[ Conjugation: [v5u] NIL
仕舞う 【しまう】 : to finish; to stop; to end; to put an end to; to bring to a close ]

  • sabishiku 寂しく 【さびしく】

[ Conjugation: [adj-i] NIL
寂しい 【さびしい】 : lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate ]

  • narimashita なりました

[ Conjugation: [v5r] NIL Affirmative Formal
成る 【なる】 : to become; to get; to grow; to turn; to reach; to attain ]

  • sō そう
  1. [aux,adj-na] 《after -masu stem or adj. stem》 appearing that; seeming that; looking like; having the appearance of
  • desu です
  1. [cop] be; is

[ Conjugation: [cop] NIL Affirmative Formal
だ : be; is ]

  • ka か
  1. [prt] 《at sentence end》 indicates a question
  2. [prt] 《after each alternative》 or; whether or not
  3. [prt] 《after an interrogative》 some- (e.g. something, someone)
  4. [prt] 《indicates doubt, uncertainty, etc.; sometimes after other particles》 hmm; huh
  5. [pref] 《emphatic prefix; usu. before an adjective》 very
  6. [suf] 《suffix forming adjectives or adverbs; after an indeclinable word》 -al; -ial; -ic; -ical; -ish; -y
  7. [adv] in that way
  • itsumo いつも
  1. [adv] always; all the time; at all times
  2. [adv] 《with neg. verb》 never
  3. [n,adj-no] usual; regular; habitual; customary
  • egao 笑顔 【えがお】
  1. [vs,n] smiling face; smile
  • de で
  1. [prt] 《indicates location of action; にて is the formal literary form》 at; in
  2. [prt] 《indicates time of action》 at; when
  3. [prt] 《indicates means of action》 by; with
  4. [conj] and then; so
  5. [aux] 《indicates continuing action; alternative form of 〜て used for some verb types》 and; then
  6. [prt] 《at sentence-end; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.》 let me tell you; don’t you know

[ Conjugation: [cop] NIL Affirmative Plain
だ : be; is ]

  • aisatsu shite kurete 挨拶してくれて 【あいさつ して くれて】 Compound word: 挨拶 + して + くれて

– 挨拶 【あいさつ】

  1. [n,vs,adj-no] 《polite set phrase used when meeting or parting from somebody》 greeting; greetings; salutation; salute; condolences; congratulations
  2. [n,vs,adj-no] speech (congratulatory or appreciative); address
  3. [n,vs,adj-no] reply; response
  4. [n,vs,adj-no] revenge; retaliation
  5. [exp] 《used sarcastically as a response to a rude remark; usu. in the form of ご挨拶》 a fine thing to say
  6. [exp] 《orig. meaning》 dialoging (with another Zen practitioner to ascertain their level of enlightenment)
  7. [n] relationship (between people); connection
  8. [n] intervention; mediation; mediator

– して [suffix]: makes a verb from a noun

[ Conjugation: [vs-i] NIL Affirmative Plain
為る 【する】 : to do; to carry out; to perform ]

– くれて [suffix]: (asking) to do something for one

[ Conjugation: [v1-s] NIL Affirmative Plain
呉れる 【くれる】 : to give; to let (one) have ]

  • aikyō 愛嬌 【あいきょう】
  1. [n] charm; attractiveness; amiability; winsomeness
  2. [n] courtesy; ingratiating behaviour
  3. [n] 《usu. as 御愛嬌》 entertainment; amusement; fun
  • ga が
  1. [prt] indicates sentence subject (occasionally object)
  2. [prt] indicates possessive (esp. in literary expressions)
  3. [conj] but; however; still; and
  4. [conj] 《after the volitional form of a verb》 regardless of; whether (or not)
  • aru

<1>. ある

  1. [v5r-i,vi] 《usu. of inanimate objects》 to be; to exist; to live
  2. [v5r-i,vi] to have
  3. [v5r-i,vi] to be located
  4. [v5r-i,vi] to be equipped with
  5. [vi,v5r-i] to happen; to come about

<2>. ある

  1. [adj-pn] a certain …; some …
  • musumesan 娘さん 【むすめさん】
  1. [n] daughter
  • datta だった
  1. [exp] 《past tense of plain copula》 was; were

[ Conjugation: [cop] NIL Affirmative Plain
だ : be; is ]

  • kara から
  1. [prt] from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity); since
  2. [prt] from (originator); by
  3. [prt] 《follows verbs, adjectives》 because; since
  4. [prt] out of (constituent, part)
  5. [prt] through (e.g. window, vestibule)
  6. [prt] 《following the te-form of a verb》 after; since
  7. [prt] expresses sympathy or warning
  • mukō 向こう 【むこう】
  1. [n] opposite side; other side; opposite direction
  2. [n] over there; that way; far away; beyond
  3. [n] the other party; the other person
  4. [n] future (starting now)

[ Conjugation: [v5k] NIL Affirmative Plain
向く 【むく】 : to turn toward; to look (up, down, etc.) ]

  • no の
  1. [prt] 《occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之》 indicates possessive
  2. [prt] nominalizes verbs and adjectives
  3. [prt] substitutes for “ga” in subordinate phrases
  4. [prt] 《often ん》 (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
  5. [prt] (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
  6. [prt] (at sentence-end, rising tone) indicates question
  • ie/ke/uchi

<1>. 家 【いえ】

  1. [n] house; residence; dwelling
  2. [n] family; household
  3. [n] lineage; family name

<2>. 家 【け】

  1. [suf] house (e.g. of Tokugawa); family

<3>. 家 【うち】

  1. [n] house
  2. [n] one’s house; one’s home; one’s family; one’s household
  • demo でも
  1. [conj] but; however; though; nevertheless; still; yet; even so; also; as well
  2. [prt] even
  3. [prt] however; no matter how; even if; even though
  4. [prt] … or something
  5. [prt] 《as 〜でも〜でも》 either … or …; neither … nor …
  6. [pref] 《before an occupation, etc.》 pseudo-; quack; in-name-only
  7. [pref] 《before an occupation, etc.》 for lack of anything better to do
  • kawaigarareteru

<1>. かわいがられてる Compound word: かわい + がられて + いる

– かわい

[ Conjugation: [adj-i] NIL
可愛い 【かわいい】 : cute; adorable; charming; lovely; pretty ]

– がられて [suffix]: to feel …/have a … impression of someone

[ Conjugation: [v1] NIL Affirmative Plain


[ Conjugation: [v5r] NIL Affirmative Plain
がる : to show signs of being; to feel; to think ] ]

  • いる [suffix]: indicates continuing action (to be …ing)

<2>. かわいがられてる Compound word: かわいがられて + いる

– かわいがられて

[ Conjugation: [v1] NIL Affirmative Plain


[ Conjugation: [v5r] NIL Affirmative Plain
可愛がる 【かわいがる】 : to be affectionate to; to treat tenderly; to dote on; to show one’s love (for); to cherish ] ]

– いる [suffix]: indicates continuing action (to be …ing)

  • koto こと
  1. [n] thing; matter
  2. [n] incident; occurrence; event; something serious; trouble; crisis
  3. [n] circumstances; situation; state of affairs
  4. [n] work; business; affair
  5. [n] after an inflectable word, creates a noun phrase indicating something the speaker does not feel close to
  6. [n-suf] nominalizing suffix
  7. [n-suf] pretending to …; playing make-believe …
  8. [n] 《as AことB (A = alias, B = real name)》 alias; also known as; otherwise known as; or
  9. [n] 《as 〜ことはない》 necessity; need
  10. [n] 《as 〜ことだ》 you should …; I advise that you …; it’s important to …
  • deshō でしょう
  1. [exp] 《conjectural form of polite copula です; でしょ is less polite》 it seems; I think; I guess; I wonder
  2. [exp] right?; don’t you agree?
    [ Conjugation: [cop] NIL Formal
    だ : be; is ]
  • ne ね
  1. [prt] 《at sentence end; used as a request for confirmation or agreement》 right?; isn’t it?; doesn’t it?; don’t you?; don’t you think?
  2. [int] hey; say; listen; look; come on
  3. [prt] 《at sentence end; used to express one’s thoughts or feelings》 you know; you see; I must say; I should think
  4. [prt] 《at sentence end; used to make an informal request》 will you?; please
  5. [prt] 《at the end of a non-final clause; used to draw the listener’s attention to something》 so, …; well, …; you see, …; you understand?
  6. [prt] 《at sentence end after the question marker か》 I’m not sure if …; I have my doubts about whether …


  • ① 味方であることを確認する合図の言葉。② 集団や仲間の主義・主張を表す簡単な言葉。
  • ① 确认对方是自己人的暗号。②表达集体或伙伴的主义、主张的简单词汇。

A: 政治家はみんな、脱原発、脱原発と合い言葉のように唱えてますね。
B: でも、本当のところはどうなんでしょうね。


A: seijika wa minna, datsugempatsu, datsugempatsu to ai kotoba noyōni tonaetemasu ne.
B: demo, hontōnotokoro wa dō na n deshō ne.

  • seijika 政治家 【せいじか】
  1. [n] politician; statesman
  • wa は
  1. [prt] 《pronounced わ in modern Japanese》 indicates sentence topic
  2. [prt] indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
  3. [prt] adds emphasis
  • minna みんな
  1. [n,pn,adv] everyone; everybody; all
  2. [adv,n] everything; all
  • datsugempatsu 脱原発 【だつげんぱつ】
  1. [n] abandoning nuclear power generation
  • datsugempatsu 脱原発 【だつげんぱつ】
  1. [n] abandoning nuclear power generation
  • to と
  1. [prt,conj] if; when
  2. [prt,conj] and
  3. [prt] with
  4. [prt] used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
  5. [prt] 《at sentence end》 indicates a question
  • ai 合い 【あい】

[ Conjugation: [v5u] NIL
合う 【あう】 : to come together; to merge; to unite; to meet ]

  • kotoba 言葉 【ことば】
  1. [n] language; dialect
  2. [n] word; phrase; expression; term
  3. [n] speech; (manner of) speaking; (use of) language
  4. [n] words; remark; statement; comment
  5. [n] learning to speak; language acquisition
  • noyōni のように
  1. [exp,adv] like; similar to
  2. [adv,exp] as with; in the same way
  • tonaetemasu 唱えてます 【となえてます】 Compound word: 唱えて + います

– 唱えて 【となえて】

[ Conjugation: [v1] NIL Affirmative Plain
唱える 【となえる】 : to recite; to chant ]

– います [suffix]: indicates continuing action (to be …ing)

[ Conjugation: [v1] NIL Affirmative Formal
居る 【いる】 : to be (of animate objects); to exist ]

  • ne ね
  1. [prt] 《at sentence end; used as a request for confirmation or agreement》 right?; isn’t it?; doesn’t it?; don’t you?; don’t you think?
  2. [int] hey; say; listen; look; come on
  3. [prt] 《at sentence end; used to express one’s thoughts or feelings》 you know; you see; I must say; I should think
  4. [prt] 《at sentence end; used to make an informal request》 will you?; please
  5. [prt] 《at the end of a non-final clause; used to draw the listener’s attention to something》 so, …; well, …; you see, …; you understand?
  6. [prt] 《at sentence end after the question marker か》 I’m not sure if …; I have my doubts about whether …
  • demo でも
  1. [conj] but; however; though; nevertheless; still; yet; even so; also; as well
  2. [prt] even
  3. [prt] however; no matter how; even if; even though
  4. [prt] … or something
  5. [prt] 《as 〜でも〜でも》 either … or …; neither … nor …
  6. [pref] 《before an occupation, etc.》 pseudo-; quack; in-name-only
  7. [pref] 《before an occupation, etc.》 for lack of anything better to do
  • hontōnotokoro 本当のところ 【ほんとうのところ】
  1. [exp,adv] in truth; in actuality; at heart
  2. [n,exp] the truth; the real story
  • wa は
  1. [prt] 《pronounced わ in modern Japanese》 indicates sentence topic
  2. [prt] indicates contrast with another option (stated or unstated)
  3. [prt] adds emphasis
  • dō どう
  1. [adv] how; in what way; how about
  • na な
  1. [prt] 《prohibitive; used with dictionary form verb》 don’t
  2. [prt] 《imperative (from なさい); used with -masu stem of verb》 do
  3. [int] 《used to get someone’s attention or press one’s point》 hey; listen; look; say
  4. [prt] 《when seeking confirmation, for emphasis, etc.; used at sentence end》 now, …; well, …; I tell you!; you know
  5. [prt] 《used to express admiration, emotionality, etc.; used at sentence end》 wow; ooh
  6. [prt] 《used as a request for confirmation or agreement; used at sentence end》 right?; isn’t it?; doesn’t it?; don’t you?; don’t you think?
  7. [prt] indicates な-adjective
  • n ん
  1. [int] yes; yeah; uh huh
  2. [int] huh?; what?
  3. [aux-v,suf] 《negative verb ending used in informal speech; abbr. of negative verb ending ぬ》 not
  4. [prt] 《abbr. of particle の; indicates possessive》 's; of; belonging to
  5. [prt] 《abbr. of particle に, used esp. when it precedes the verb なる》 at (place, time); in; on; during
  • deshō でしょう
  1. [exp] 《conjectural form of polite copula です; でしょ is less polite》 it seems; I think; I guess; I wonder
  2. [exp] right?; don’t you agree?
    [ Conjugation: [cop] NIL Formal
    だ : be; is ]
  • ne ね
  1. [prt] 《at sentence end; used as a request for confirmation or agreement》 right?; isn’t it?; doesn’t it?; don’t you?; don’t you think?
  2. [int] hey; say; listen; look; come on
  3. [prt] 《at sentence end; used to express one’s thoughts or feelings》 you know; you see; I must say; I should think
  4. [prt] 《at sentence end; used to make an informal request》 will you?; please
  5. [prt] 《at the end of a non-final clause; used to draw the listener’s attention to something》 so, …; well, …; you see, …; you understand?
  6. [prt] 《at sentence end after the question marker か》 I’m not sure if …; I have my doubts about whether …




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